How do I use the Loopback where filter correctly on REST-API - loopback

Hi there I seem to miss some information about Loopback where clause or syntax. My problem is, that I receive an empty array if I try to get a list of matching model instances, does no difference if in loopback api explorer or trhough http api request.
My "subject" model:
"user": "string",
"semester": "string",
"subject_name": "string",
"subject_relevance": 1,
"subject_details": 0,
"id": "string"
One Instance of Subjects:
"user": "59eef907cc199c1cf8f99296",
"semester": "59eef6f8ebf12e1a37ee898b",
"subject_name": "Mathematik",
"subject_relevance": "1",
"subject_details": "",
"id": "59eef96aebf12e1a37ee898f"
My Loopback API Explorer filter:
{"where" : {"semester" : "59eef6f8ebf12e1a37ee898b"}}
My http request:
The result I receive:
If I try to search for this:
{"where" : {"subject_name" : "Mathematik"}}
or in browser:
I reveive the instance correctly or as expected. So I went thrugh the documentation and I strugle to find some hints or solutions to my problem. Can someone help me out or suggest me something to get the right instance back? Do I miss something? Has it to do that these are ID-fields or what is it?
Thanks for any help in advance!!

There are 2 ways to get your records based on where clause
one is by using 'findOne' method
get request
Other one is using normal get request

I am using loopback 4 and I had faced the same issue.
Here is the issue in loopback git
Solution is the add this setting in your #model decorator
#model({settings: {"strict":false, "strictObjectIDCoercion": true}})


Http with Azure AD - Graph API - POST Method - Powerapps

I'm not able to send a POST or PATCH action thru the connector because I can't figure out how to compose the body correctly.
I try it that way:
But I get this error:
I try it without brakets, with more brakets, with single, double and without quotations but it seems nothing works.
Please can anyone tell me how to compose the body in the right way?
Look like the body is not a valid json. Properties givenName, surname, etc. should be wrapped by quotes.
"givenName": "Microsoft",
"surname": "Graph",
"emailAddresses": [
"address": "",
"name": "Microsoft Graph"
"businessPhones": [
"mobilePhone": "+9857665765"

POST request to JIRA REST API to create issue of type Minutes

my $create_issue_json = '{"fields": { "project": { "key": "ABC" }, "summary": "summary for version 1", "description": "Creating an issue via REST API", "issuetype": { "name": "Minutes" }}}';
$tx1 = $jira_ua->post($url2 => json => decode_json($create_issue_json));
my $res1 = $tx1->res->body;
I try to create a jira issue of type Minutes but POST expects some fields which are not available in the issue of type Minutes. The below is the response.
{"errorMessages":["Brands: Brands is required.","Detection: Detection is required."],"errors":{"versions":"Affects Version/s is required.","components":"Component/s is required."}}
I also tried to fetch the schema using createMeta api but don't find any useful info. The below is the response from createmeta.
"description":"A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.",
"description":"An issue type to document minutes of meetings, telecons and the like",
"description":"Used to split an existing issue of type \"Bug\"",
"name":"Sub Bug",
It looks like there Jira Admin has added these as manadatory fields for all the issuetypes which I came to know after speaking with him. He has now individual configuration for different issue types and am able to create minutes.

Ejabberd api endpoint private_set won't save the data

I'm trying to manipulate the private storage on ejabberd server, I send the POST with the json to the endpoint private_set. The answer of the call private_set it's 200 and the body 0, means all ok and then I call the other endpoint private_get to query the private storage, and when I do this last call the storage is not updated.
"user": "example",
"host": "localhost",
"element": "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:private'><storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'><conference autojoin='false' jid='test#conference.localhost' name='test'><nick>example</nick></storage></query>"
I don't know with older versions, but at least with ejabberd 19.02, the Query element must not be included in the argument. So, there's a mistake in the documentation of the command example argument. Also, you forgot to close the Conference element.
Try with this:
"user": "example",
"host": "localhost",
"element": "<storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'><conference autojoin='false' jid='test#conference.localhost' name='test'><nick>example</nick></conference></storage>"

SuiteCrm Rest API: JSON Body attributes throws error when calling POST or PUT

I'm using postman in order to call SuiteCRM REST API.
I tried to call this endpoint
PATCH http://{{suitecrm-url}}/Api/V8/module
and i've added this payload to the body (Content-Type: Application/Json):
"data": {
"type": "Accounts",
"id": "3a3ae651-d509-2508-7dc4-5be2e51cc96b",
"attributes": {
"name": "name with space"
When the request is executed SuiteCRM gives this response:
"errors": {
"status": 400,
"title": null,
"detail": "The option \"attributes\" with value array is invalid."
I found out that the problem was the whitespace in the value: when i tried to use the value "namewithspace", it worked.
Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance
I found out this issue on github that resolved my problem:
In short to make it work i had to modify the file in
and replace this line
const REGEX_FIELD_PATTERN = '/[^\w-,]/';
const REGEX_FIELD_PATTERN = '/[^\w-,\s\]/';
The person mentioned in github:
this is just for temporary fix and not upgrade safe

Magento 2 REST API Customer Custom Attribute

The Magento 2 REST API Documentation explains a way to set custom_attributes on a customer when updating or creating it.
Unfortunately I couldn't get this to work...
My POST and PUT JSON request data is :
"customer": {
"custom_attributes": [
"attribute_code": "firstname",
"value": "TEST"
"email": "",
"extension_attributes": [],
"firstname": "Someone",
"gender": null,
"lastname": "Else",
"middlename": null,
"taxvat": null,
"website_id": "1"
The Customer is created but the Firstname is not "TEST".
Is there anyone who had the same problem and fixed it? Please let me know how.
My best guess is that, since Firstname is an existing Out-Of-The-Box attribute - the OOTB attribute name-value mapping assignment will take precedence.
Could you try again, with a unique custom attribute name (i.e. something that doesn't clash with OOTB attribute names)
You will need to DEFINE a custom-customer-attribute before you can use the M2 API to perform operations on that custom-customer-attribute.
This StackExchange thread - - has additional information on how to go about setting up a custom-customer-attribute.