Unable to draw in processing language when I integrated it with Eclipse - eclipse

My setup method looks like below, I want to read one location file(City names with x and y co-ordinates) and then I am creating one hash-map of all cities so that I can draw(Will make points) them all on canvas
public void setup(){
PFont title = createFont("Georgia", 16);
text("This is a visualization of A* algorithm", 240, 20);
selectInput("Select a file for Locations:", "locFileSelected");
locFileSelected method(locFilePath is a global variable used):
public void locFileSelected(File locFile) {
locFilePath = locFile.toString();
Now control is transferred to readLocFileAndDraw (Each line in file has space separated 3 words, 1st is city name followed by x and y co-ordinates:
private void readLocFileAndDraw() {
try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(locFilePath))) {
for (String line : (Iterable<String>) lines::iterator){
// Last line in file is END, skip it
if(!line.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>();
String[] arr= line.split(" ");
// adding coordinates into the list
// adding the list into the map with key as city name
locationsMap.put(arr[0], list);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Draw cities on map
// Draw graph of all cities
int w=1, h=1;
Set<Entry<String, List<Double>>> locationKeyEntries = locationsMap.entrySet();
for(Entry<String, List<Double>> currEntry: locationKeyEntries) {
String currCity = currEntry.getKey();
List<Double> currLocationList = currEntry.getValue();
int x = currLocationList.get(0).intValue();
int y = currLocationList.get(1).intValue();
ellipse(x, y, w, h);
x = x-(8*currCity.length());
text(currCity, x,y);
I tried to debug it, control is going to ellipse method but nothing is getting drew. Any idea? As far as I understand, I am missing passing reference of PApplet but I don't know how to do it...

Like you've mentioned, you really need to debug your program. Verifying that you're calling the ellipse() function is a great first step, but now you should be asking yourself more questions:
What is the value of x, y, w, and h being passed into the ellipse() function?
What is the value of currEntry in the for loop? What is the value of line when you're reading it in?
What are the fill, stroke, and background colors when you're drawing?
Note that I'm not asking you to tell me the answer to these questions. I'm pointing out these questions because they're what you should be asking yourself when you debug your program.
If you still can't figure it out, I really recommend breaking your problem down into smaller pieces and approaching each of those steps one at a time. For example, can you just show a single circle at a hard-coded point? Then work your way up from there. Can you read a single point in from a file and draw that to the screen? Then read two points. Work your way forward in small incremental steps, and post a MCVE if you get stuck. Good luck.


iTextSharp get coordinates of [duplicate]

In my project, I want to find co-ordinates of image in pdf. I tried searching itext and pdfbox, but I was not succesful. Using these co-ordinates and extracted image, I want to verify whether the extracted image is same as image present in database, and co-ordinates of image are same as present in database.
When you say that you've tried with iText, I assume that you've used the ExtractImages example as the starting point for your code. This example uses the helper class MyImageRenderListener, which implements the RenderListener interface.
In that helper class the renderImage() method is implemented like this:
public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) {
try {
String filename;
FileOutputStream os;
PdfImageObject image = renderInfo.getImage();
if (image == null) return;
filename = String.format(path, renderInfo.getRef().getNumber(), image.getFileType());
os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
} catch (IOException e) {
It uses the ImageRenderInfo object to obtain a PdfImageObject instance and it creates an image file using that object.
If you inspect the ImageRenderInfo class, you'll discover that you can also ask for other info about the image. What you need, is the getImageCTM() method. This method returns a Matrix object. This matrix can be interpreted using ordinary high-school algebra. The values I31 and I32 give you the X and Y position. In most cases I11 and I22 will give you the width and the height (unless the image is rotated).
If the image is rotated, you'll have to consult your high-school schoolbooks, more specifically the ones discussing analytic geometry.

iTextSharp IExtRenderListener and boundingbox [duplicate]

I have a pdf which comprises of some data, followed by some whitespace. I don't know how large the data is, but I'd like to trim off the whitespace following the data
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(PDFLOCATION);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(700, 2000);
Document document = new Document(rect);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(SAVELCATION));
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
PdfImportedPage page;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
Image instance = Image.getInstance(page);
Is there a way to clip/trim the whitespace for each page in the new document?
This PDF contains vector graphics.
I'm usung iTextPDF, but can switch to any Java library (mavenized, Apache license preferred)
As no actual solution has been posted, here some pointers from the accompanying itext-questions mailing list thread:
As you want to merely trim pages, this is not a case of PdfWriter + getImportedPage usage but instead of PdfStamper usage. Your main code using a PdfStamper might look like this:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(resourceStream);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream("target/test-outputs/test-trimmed-stamper.pdf"));
// Go through all pages
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
Rectangle pageSize = reader.getPageSize(i);
Rectangle rect = getOutputPageSize(pageSize, reader, i);
PdfDictionary page = reader.getPageN(i);
page.put(PdfName.CROPBOX, new PdfArray(new float[]{rect.getLeft(), rect.getBottom(), rect.getRight(), rect.getTop()}));
As you see I also added another argument to your getOutputPageSize method to-be. It is the page number. The amount of white space to trim might differ on different pages after all.
If the source document did not contain vector graphics, you could simply use the iText parser package classes. There even already is a TextMarginFinder based on them. In this case the getOutputPageSize method (with the additional page parameter) could look like this:
private Rectangle getOutputPageSize(Rectangle pageSize, PdfReader reader, int page) throws IOException
PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);
TextMarginFinder finder = parser.processContent(page, new TextMarginFinder());
Rectangle result = new Rectangle(finder.getLlx(), finder.getLly(), finder.getUrx(), finder.getUry());
System.out.printf("Text/bitmap boundary: %f,%f to %f, %f\n", finder.getLlx(), finder.getLly(), finder.getUrx(), finder.getUry());
return result;
Using this method with your file test.pdf results in:
As you see the code trims according to text (and bitmap image) content on the page.
To find the bounding box respecting vector graphics, too, you essentially have to do the same but you have to extend the parser framework used here to inform its listeners (the TextMarginFinder essentially is a listener to drawing events sent from the parser framework) about vector graphics operations, too. This is non-trivial, especially if you don't know PDF syntax by heart yet.
If your PDFs to trim are not too generic but can be forced to include some text or bitmap graphics in relevant positions, though, you could use the sample code above (probably with minor changes) anyways.
E.g. if your PDFs always start with text on top and end with text at the bottom, you could change getOutputPageSize to create the result rectangle like this:
Rectangle result = new Rectangle(pageSize.getLeft(), finder.getLly(), pageSize.getRight(), finder.getUry());
This only trims top and bottom empty space:
Depending on your input data pool and requirements this might suffice.
Or you can use some other heuristics depending on your knowledge on the input data. If you know something about the positioning of text (e.g. the heading to always be centered and some other text to always start at the left), you can easily extend the TextMarginFinder to take advantage of this knowledge.
Recent (April 2015, iText 5.5.6-SNAPSHOT) improvements
The current development version, 5.5.6-SNAPSHOT, extends the parser package to also include vector graphics parsing. This allows for an extension of iText's original TextMarginFinder class implementing the new ExtRenderListener methods like this:
public void modifyPath(PathConstructionRenderInfo renderInfo)
List<Vector> points = new ArrayList<Vector>();
if (renderInfo.getOperation() == PathConstructionRenderInfo.RECT)
float x = renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(0);
float y = renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(1);
float w = renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(2);
float h = renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(3);
points.add(new Vector(x, y, 1));
points.add(new Vector(x+w, y, 1));
points.add(new Vector(x, y+h, 1));
points.add(new Vector(x+w, y+h, 1));
else if (renderInfo.getSegmentData() != null)
for (int i = 0; i < renderInfo.getSegmentData().size()-1; i+=2)
points.add(new Vector(renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(i), renderInfo.getSegmentData().get(i+1), 1));
for (Vector point: points)
point = point.cross(renderInfo.getCtm());
Rectangle2D.Float pointRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Float(point.get(Vector.I1), point.get(Vector.I2), 0, 0);
if (currentPathRectangle == null)
currentPathRectangle = pointRectangle;
public Path renderPath(PathPaintingRenderInfo renderInfo)
if (renderInfo.getOperation() != PathPaintingRenderInfo.NO_OP)
if (textRectangle == null)
textRectangle = currentPathRectangle;
currentPathRectangle = null;
return null;
public void clipPath(int rule)
(Full source: MarginFinder.java)
Using this class to trim the white space results in
which is pretty much what one would hope for.
Beware: The implementation above is far from optimal. It is not even correct as it includes all curve control points which is too much. Furthermore it ignores stuff like line width or wedge types. It actually merely is a proof-of-concept.
All test code is in TestTrimPdfPage.java.

Taking a screenshot of the simulation area

Hi does anyone know a good way to take a screenshot of a simulation, in such way that you can specify the resolution and get a higher quality image?
the only way i can think of is zooming in and stitch multiple image together, but it takes a long time...
I've managed to successfully export the whole area, the magic parameter is the: .setAnimationParameterEnabled(Panel.ANIM_BOUNDS_CLIPPING_XJAL, false)
it will force Anylogic to draw the whole area, and not just the visible area.
But it doesn't always work. I have to run the code, move around the area, zoom in/out and try again. At some point it gets really glitchy, probably because it starts to draw every thing, and then the code works. The problem is that i can't figure out exactly what to do to make it work...
java.awt.Component alPanel = getExperiment().getPresentation().getPanel();
getExperiment().getPresentation().getPanel().setAnimationParameterEnabled(Panel.ANIM_BOUNDS_CLIPPING_XJAL, false);
getExperiment().getPresentation().setPanelSize(5000, 5000);
java.awt.image.BufferedImage imageExperiment = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(
getExperiment().drawPresentation(getExperiment().getPresentation().getPanel(), imageExperiment.createGraphics(), false);
java.awt.Component component = getExperiment().getPresentation().getPanel();
// call the Component's paint method, using
// the Graphics object of the image.
component.paintAll( imageExperiment.getGraphics() ); // alternately use .printAll(..)
try {
// write the image as a PNG
new File("screenshotAnylogic.png"));
} catch(Exception e) {
Okay... so after a lot of experimentation, i found that the "magic parameter" wasn't as magic as i thought.
but this piece of code should be able to create a screenshot that extends the visible area:
public void capturePanel (ShapeGroup p, String fileName) {
Panel argPanel = p.getPresentable().getPresentation().getPanel();
BufferedImage capture = new BufferedImage(4000, 4000, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = capture.createGraphics();
g.setClip( -200, -200, 4000, 4000 );
p.draw( argPanel, g, null, true );
try {
ImageIO.write(capture, "png", new File(fileName));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Well, afaik there is no built in method in Anylogic for that.You could try to use Java to realize that though. It is possible to get the Panel that contains the simulation via getExperiment().getPresentation().getPanel() and you can create an image from that. This is explained here for example and the code would look like this:
public static BufferedImage getScreenShot(Component component)
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(
// call the Component's paint method, using
// the Graphics object of the image.
component.paint( image.getGraphics() ); // alternately use .printAll(..)
return image;
public static void saveComponentScreenshot(Component component)
try {
// write the image as a PNG
new File("screenshot.png"));
} catch(Exception e) {
Unfortunately this does not give you the bigger viewport you probably want to have. Maybe the method public final void drawPresentation(Panel panel, java.awt.Graphics2D g, boolean publicOnly) that is available from the Experiment object returned from getExperiment() could help you to draw the simulation on a custom Panel with the wanted dimensions. Pretty hacky but it's all that I can come up with ^^

remove graphics from inside a class as3

When I click a button in my game it draws shapes using the graphics in as3. simple shapes such as circles and rectangles.
I want to remove the graphics that have been drawn when something happens in one of my classes.
Basically when there is a hitTestObject (which works fine) I want all graphics on stage to be cleared.
if (gb2.hitTestObject(h1s2))
trace ("holed")
var mcSplash:MovieClip =parent.getChildByName("mcSplash") as MovieClip;
My attempt using parent.drawings.graphics.clear(); was unsuccessful, it gives me this error:
Line 481 1119: Access of possibly undefined property drawings through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
Anyone have any suggestions
this is how, on the min time line, the drawings occur.
var drawings:Shape = new Shape;
for (i=0; i<numRecs; i++)
recStartX = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#ptx);
recStartY = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#pty);
recWidth = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#w);
recHeight = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#h);
lineThick = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokethick);
lineColor = int(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokehex);
drawings.graphics.lineStyle(lineThick, lineColor);
Create an array and push in each shape/rect.
Then iterate through this and remove..
for(var iteration:int = 0; iteration < rectArray.length; iteration++)
or if you are calling this from a class, use
Hopefully this is helpful :)
What's drawings?! If you draw in mcSplash, you should use mcSplash.graphics.clear(). If you draw in a child called drawings, you should first get it as a child (after mcSplash get): var drawings = mcSplash.getChildByName('drawings); drawings.graphics.clear();. You could write checks to see what's going on: if (mcSlpash) { if (drawings) {, etc..

Flex: Move a datapoint from 1 location to another in a plotchart

I have a flex plotchart and I need an animation that would enable me to move datapoints from 1 location to another. The actual movement must also be shown.
I have tried move control but the call to play() does not work.
Any hints would also help greatly..
Thanks in advance
After much effort, I found that one way to move the point from 1 point to another is by making it move along the equation of the line and rendering the intermediate points on the graph after some delay...
I'll share the code...
Place the following line where you want to start the movement:
Constants.TOTAL_STEPS,1,oldLocation.x, oldLocation.y, singleDuration);
And this is the function definition:
private function showLabel(oldLoc:Object newLoc: Object, totalSteps: Number,
count:Number, currentX: Number, currentY: Number, singleDuration: Number): void{
tempArrColl = new ArrayCollection();
var tempObj: Object= new Object();
xDelta = 0.25;
yDelta = 0.25;
tempObj.x = currentX + (xDelta * count);
tempObj.y = currentY + (yDelta * count);
if ((tempObj.x >= newLoc.x) || (tempObj.y >= newLoc.y)){
tempObj.x = newLoc.x;
tempObj.y = newLoc.y;
tempArrColl = new ArrayCollection();
setTimeout(showLabel, singleDuration, oldLoc, newLoc,
totalSteps, count, tempObj.x, tempObj.y, singleDuration);
private function showPoint(loc: Object): void {
Here, tempArrColl will hold the intermediate point along the line equation. Put it as a dataProvider in a series on the graph and then once all the points are moved, remove it. plotGraphArrayColl is the dataProvider that would hold the newly moved points..
There may be better ways possible but it worked for me... Do tell if anyone finds something easier.. Thanks