Folding regions in visual studio code v1.17 not working - visual-studio-code

I am using visual studio code v1.17 and I am doing development in pure javascript for chrome extension development. Visual studio code v1.17 supports region folding facility for javascript and several other languages.
So, I created one class inside one .js file and write getter setter methods inside it. like
//#region EmailObj
get EmailObj() {
this._EmailObj = localStorage.getItem("CurrentEmail");
try {
this._EmailObj = JSON.parse(this._EmailObj);
catch(e) {
this._EmailObj = null;
return this._EmailObj;
set EmailObj(newValue) {
this._EmailObj = JSON.stringify(newValue);
localStorage.setItem("CurrentEmail", this._EmailObj)
remove_EmailObj() {
this._EmailObj = null;
//#endregion EmailObj
Now as per documentation stated at Plus (+) icon should be shown near #region and #endregion sections (so, I can show / hide particular region) but it is not showing there.
So, somebody help me that what I am missing here?

I updated VS code to 1.17.2 and its now working at my side.


Can You Minimize the Soft Keyboard on Android From Text Completed Event

I've seen various answers to this question for older versions but not sure how to translate to MAUI. The question being, is there a way that you can minimize the soft keyboard on a device from the Text Completed event of an Entry control?
I finally figured out how to do this. This solution is for Android only right now. It doesn't use a custom handler since I could not get the window token from PlatformView. Instead the code looks like this:
var imm = (Android.Views.InputMethods.InputMethodManager)MauiApplication.Current.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.InputMethodService);
if (imm != null)
//this stuff came from here:
var activity = Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform.CurrentActivity;
Android.OS.IBinder wToken = activity.CurrentFocus?.WindowToken;
imm.HideSoftInputFromWindow(wToken, 0);
So credit to the syncfusion folks that published their version, and this code above is modified from that to work in MAUI.
The code belongs in a custom handler. Based on Customize a control with a mapper.
In that Maui handler, handler.PlatformView is the Android control. Xamarin.Android properties/methods would be on that.
Something like:
using Microsoft.Maui.Platform;
namespace CustomizeHandlersDemo;
public partial class CustomizeEntryPage : ContentPage
public CustomizeEntryPage()
void ModifyEntry()
"MyCustomization", (handler, view) =>
#elif IOS
NOTE: That example modifies ALL Entries.
If you want to modify only SOME Entries, you instead define a subclass (e.g. public class MyEntry : Entry {}), and do this:
"MyEntryCustomizationOrWhatever", (handler, view) =>
if (view is MyEntry)
#elif IOS
For your specific situation, the line you were having trouble adapting to Maui contains btnSignIn.WindowToken.
Replace that with handler.PlatformView.WindowToken.

MAUI EntryHandler does not contain EntryMapper

The code below was working until around preview 11 of Maui. But with preview 13 I get a compiler error: 'EntryHandler' does not contain a definition for 'EntryMapper'.
A similar error is shown for PickerMapper.
The code has been copied from the official documentation.
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android;
using Application = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application;
namespace myapp;
public partial class App : Application
public App(AuthenticationService authenticationService, SyncService syncService)
// Remove underline from all pickers and entries in app
Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PickerHandler.PickerMapper.AppendToMapping("NoUnderline", (h, v) =>
h.NativeView.BackgroundTintList = Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList.ValueOf(Colors.Transparent.ToAndroid());
Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler.EntryMapper.AppendToMapping("NoUnderline", (h, v) =>
h.NativeView.BackgroundTintList = Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList.ValueOf(Colors.Transparent.ToAndroid());
MainPage = new AppShell(authenticationService, syncService);
Anyone who sees the solution?
I have been searching high and low, but the consensus seems to be that the code is correct.
I think all the EntryMapper and PickerMapper, basically all {Control}Mapper got renamed to just Mapper.
Additionally, I see you have references to NativeView whenever you upgrade to preview 14, those will be renamed to PlatformView so you will have to rename those accordingly as well.

Visual Studio Code Does Not Comment-out Empty Lines

Visual Studio Code Does Not Comment-out Empty Lines
I've searched everywhere for a solution to this issue but couldn't find anything, and it's been bugging me for months now.
Basically what happens is that VS Code ignores empty lines when you tell it to comment out multiple lines of code.
So for example, let's say I highlighted all the code below and told VS Code to comment it out:
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
static void SayHello() {
What I expected to get:
// package;
// public class MyApp {
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// SayHello();
// }
// static void SayHello() {
// System.out.println("Hello!");
// }
// }
What I got instead:
// package;
// public class MyApp {
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// SayHello();
// }
// static void SayHello() {
// System.out.println("Hello!");
// }
// }
I've only experienced this with Java and Golang so far, but I assume this happens for all other languages inside VS Code too.
The reason I want my comments to stay connected to each other is so I know which lines I commented out together in case I need to uncomment them back.
I am also aware of the Shift + Alt + A shortcut, but that typically uses Block Comments (which I don't like using), and I only want Line Comments.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Because I tried searching within VS Code and couldn't find anything either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
An option to have empty lines commented out is coming to v1.48. See and
New setting:
Editor > Comments: Ignore Empty Lines default is true (will ignore)
In Insiders' Build already v1.48.
A new VS Code setting has been added that resolves this issue:
"editor.comments.ignoreEmptyLines": false
Unfortunately, it is only tagged as "insiders-released" despite being included in Stable versions of VS Code.
Hopefully, this issue gets addressed in future versions.
Multi-line Editing seems to be the only alternative solution so far.
Press and hold the Alt key and press either Up or Down so your cursor expands to multiple lines. Then just add // manually.
It isn't very intuitive, but it works. Hopefully, the VS Code team will address this issue someday.
UPDATE: This feature has now been added to the VS Code backlog! (

Open DialectEditor programmatically outside of main editor area (E3/E4 hybrid)

what I want to do:
In my RCP an E3/E4 hybrid I have a project and library based on sirius tree. The User can drag an drop item from the library tree to the project tree. This works fine and was no great problem to build in. So now I want to make the UI more usable. It should looks like this layout:
what works:
After application startup I open my library presentation with the DialectUIManager.
final DialectEditor editor = (DialectEditor)
DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.openEditor(siriusSession, description, monitor);
Okay, this works. But it open it in the editor in the part market as org.eclipse.ui.editorss. This it not what I want
what does not work:
I want to show it in the "Library Part". I can move it manually with the mouse after open the editor, but how can i tell DialectUIManager to open it direct there. Or how can I programmatically it move there.
I do a lot of google research but i don't found a solution. The only thing I found was a hint Pierre-Charles David https:// www.
If you need is simply to show the editor outside of the main editor
area, this is possible since Eclipse 4.2 (e4 does not really treat the
main editor area as something special), so you can have your editor
"around" another editor in the middle of other views.
But at this step I stuck. I also ask it in the Sirius Forum but they say its a Eclipse E4 problem
Thanks for help, code snippets or links to correct part of manual.
I've found a solution. It's not very nice, but it works. I execute these code here after the editors have opened.
What the code does:
He is looking for the MPlaceholder which has the ID: org. eclipse. ui. editorss. There he descends until he is with the parts. These are in the Compatibly editor mode. Then he chooses the part we wants to move out of and Attach them to the MPartStack target.
public static void movePart(MApplication application,
EModelService modelService) {
MPart partToMove = null;
MUIElement muiElement =
modelService.find("org.eclipse.ui.editorss", application);
if (muiElement instanceof MPlaceholder) {
MPlaceholder placeholder = (MPlaceholder) muiElement;
MUIElement ref = placeholder.getRef();
if (ref instanceof MArea) {
MArea area = (MArea) ref;
List<MPartSashContainerElement> children = area.getChildren();
for (MPartSashContainerElement mPartSashContainerElement
: children) {
if (mPartSashContainerElement instanceof MPartStack) {
MPartStack partStack = (MPartStack) mPartSashContainerElement;
List<MStackElement> children2 = partStack.getChildren();
for (MStackElement mStackElement : children2) {
if (mStackElement instanceof MPart) {
MPart part = (MPart) mStackElement;
// Library is the Editor Name wiche I want to move
if (part.getLabel().equals("Library")) {
partToMove = part;
if (partToMove != null) {
moveElement(modelService, application, partToMove);
private static void moveElement(EModelService modelService,
MApplication application, MPart part) {
// target PartStack
MUIElement find = modelService.find("de.bsg.onesps.rcp.
partstack.library", application);
if (find instanceof MPartStack) {
MPartStack mPartStack = (MPartStack) find;

Making Ctrl-C copy from whichever SourceViewer has focus in Eclipse plug-in

I successfully extended the PyDev editor in Eclipse with a side-by-side display, but I can't copy the contents of the extra SourceViewer that I added. I can select some text in the display, but when I press Ctrl+C, it always copies the main PyDev editor's selected text.
I found an article on key bindings in Eclipse editors, but the code there seems incomplete and a bit out-of-date. How can I configure the copy command to copy from whichever SourceViewer has focus?
The reason I want to do this is that I've written a tool for live coding in Python, and it would be much easier for users to submit bug reports if they could just copy the display and paste it into the bug description.
David Green's article was a good start, but it took a bit of digging to make it all work. I published a full example project on GitHub, and I'll post a couple of snippets here.
The TextViewerSupport class wires up a new action handler for each command you want to delegate to the extra text viewer. If you have multiple text viewers, just instantiate a TextViewerSupport object for each of them. It wires up everything in its constructor.
public TextViewerSupport(TextViewer textViewer) {
this.textViewer = textViewer;
StyledText textWidget = textViewer.getTextWidget();
IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
handlerService = (IHandlerService) window
if (textViewer.getTextWidget().isFocusControl()) {
The activateContext() method has a list of all the commands you want to delegate, and registers a new handler for each one. This was one of the changes from David's article; his ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds has been deprecated and replaced with IWorkbenchCommandConstants.
protected void activateContext() {
if (handlerActivations.isEmpty()) {
// Add a single handler.
protected void activateHandler(int operation, String actionDefinitionId) {
StyledText textWidget = textViewer.getTextWidget();
IHandler actionHandler = createActionHandler(operation,
IHandlerActivation handlerActivation = handlerService.activateHandler(
actionDefinitionId, actionHandler,
new ActiveFocusControlExpression(textWidget));
// Create a handler that delegates to the text viewer.
private IHandler createActionHandler(final int operation,
String actionDefinitionId) {
Action action = new Action() {
public void run() {
if (textViewer.canDoOperation(operation)) {
return new ActionHandler(action);
The ActiveFocusControlExpression gives the new handler a high enough priority that it will replace the standard handler, and it's almost identical to David's version. However, to get it to compile, I had to add extra dependencies to my plug-in manifest: I imported packages org.eclipse.core.expressions and org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.