What can cause Akka's Scheduler to execute scheduled tasks before the scheduled time? - scala

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour when using Akka's scheduler. My code looks roughly like this:
val s = ActorSystem("scheduler")
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def doSomething(): Future[Unit] = {
val now = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
println(s"${now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)}:${now.get(Calendar.SECOND)}:${now.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)}" )
// Do many things that include an http request using "dispatch" and manipulation of the response and saving it in a file.
val futures: Seq[Future[Unit]] = for (i <- 1 to 500) yield {
println(s"$i : ${i*600}")
// AlphaVantage recommends 100 API calls per minute
akka.pattern.after(i * 600 milliseconds, s.scheduler) { doSomething() }
Future.sequence(futures).onComplete(_ => s.terminate())
When I execute my code, doSomething is initially called repeatedly with 600 milliseconds between successive calls, as expected. However, after a while, all remaining scheduled calls are suddenly executed simultaneously.
I suspect that something inside my doSomething might be interfering with the scheduling, but I don't know what. My doSomething just does an http request using dispatch and manipulates the result, and does not interact directly with akka or the scheduler in any way. So, my question is:
What can cause the Scheduler's schedule to fail and suddenly trigger the immediate execution of all remaining scheduled tasks?
(PS: I tried to simplify my doSomething to post a minimal non-working example here, but my simplifications resulted in working examples.)

Ok. I figured it out. As soon as one of the futures fail, the line
Future.sequence(futures).onComplete(_ => s.terminate())
will terminate the actor system, and all remaining scheduled tasks will be called.


Scala - differents between eventually timeout and Thread.sleep()

I have some async (ZIO) code, which I need to test. If I create a testing part using Thread.sleep() it works fine and I always get response:
for {
saved <- database.save(smth)
result <- eventually {
} yield result
But if I made same logic using timeout and interval from eventually then it never works correctly ( I got timeouts):
for {
saved <- database.save(smth)
result <- eventually(timeout(Span(20, Seconds)), interval(Span(20, Seconds))) {
} yield result
I do not understand why timeout and interval works different then Thread.sleep. It should be doing exactly same thing. Can someone explain it to me and tell how I should change this code to do not need to use Thread.sleep()?
Assuming database.search(...) returns ZIO[] object.
eventually{database.search(...)} most probably succeeds immediately after the first try.
It successfully created a task to query the database.
Then database is queried without any retry logic.
Regarding how to make it work:
val search: ZIO[Any, Throwable, String] = ???
val retried: ZIO[Any with Clock, Throwable, Option[String]] = search.retry(Schedule.spaced(Duration.fromMillis(1000))).timeout(Duration.fromMillis(20000))
Something like that should work. But I believe that more elegant solutions exist.
The other answer from #simpadjo addresses the "what" quite succinctly. I'll add some additional context as to why you might see this behavior.
for {
saved <- database.save(smth)
result <- eventually {
} yield result
There are three different technologies being mixed here which is causing some confusion.
First is ZIO which is an asynchronous programming library that uses it's own custom runtime and execution model to perform tasks. The second is eventually which comes from ScalaTest and is useful for checking asynchronous computations by effectively polling the state of a value. And thirdly, there is Thread.sleep which is a Java api that literally suspends the current thread and prevents task progression until the timer expires.
eventually uses a simple retry mechanism that differs based on whether you are using a normal value or a Future from the scala standard library. Basically it runs the code in the block and if it throws then it sleeps the current thread and then retries it based on some interval configuration, eventually timing out. Notably in this case the behavior is entirely synchronous, meaning that as long as the value in the {} doesn't throw an exception it won't keep retrying.
Thread.sleep is a heavy weight operation and in this case it is effectively blocking the function being passed to eventually from progressing for 20 seconds. Meaning that by the time the database.search is called the operation has likely completed.
The second variant is different, it executes the code in the eventually block immediately, if it throws an exception then it will attempt it again based on the interval/timeout logic that your provide. In this scenario the save may not have completed (or propagated if it is eventually consistent). Because you are returning a ZIO which is designed not to throw, and eventually doesn't understand ZIO it will simply return the search attempt with no retry logic.
The accepted answer:
val retried: ZIO[Any with Clock, Throwable, Option[String]] = search.retry(Schedule.spaced(Duration.fromMillis(1000))).timeout(Duration.fromMillis(20000))
works because the retry and timeout are using the built-in ZIO operators which do understand how to actually retry and timeout a ZIO. Meaning that if search fails the retry will handle it until it succeeds.

interrupt scala parallel collection

Is there any way to interrupt a parallel collection computation in Scala?
val r = new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
(1 to 3).par.foreach { _ => Thread.sleep(5000000) }
val t = new Thread(r)
Thread.sleep(300) // let them spin up
I'd expect t.interrupt to interrupt all threads spawned by par, but this is not happening, it keeps spinning inside ForkJoinTask.externalAwaitDone. Looks like that method clears the interrupted status and keeps waiting for the spawned threads to finish.
This is Scala 2.12
The thread that you t.start() is responsible just for starting parallel computations and to wait and gather the result.
It is not connected to threads that compute operations. Usually, it runs on default forkJoinPool that independent from the thread that submits computation tasks.
If you want to interrupt the computation, you can use custom execution back-end (like manually created forkJoinPool or a threadPool), and then shut it down. You can read about that here.
Or you can provide a callback from the computation.
But all those approaches are not so good for such a case.
If you producing a production solution or your case is complex and critical for the app, you probably should use something that has cancellation by design. Like Monix.Task or CancellableFuture.
Or at least use Future and cancel it with workarounds.

Do all futures need to be waited on to guarantee their execution?

We have a Scala Play webapp which does a number of database operations as part of a HTTP request, each of which is a Future. Usually we bubble up the Futures to an async controller action and let Play handle waiting for them.
But I've also noticed in a number of places we don't bubble up the Future or even wait for it to complete. I think this is bad because it means the HTTP request wont fail if the future fails, but does it actually even guarantee the future will be executed at all, since nothing is going to wait on the result of it? Will Play drop un-awaited futures after the HTTP request has been served, or leave them running in the background?
Play will not kill your Futures after sending the HTTP response.
Errors will not be reported if any of your Futures fail.
Long version
Your futures will not be killed when the HTTP response has been sent. You can try that out for yourself like this:
def futuresTest = Action.async { request =>
println(s"Entered futuresTest at ${LocalDateTime.now}")
val ignoredFuture = Future{
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i += 1
println(s"Leaving futuresTest at ${LocalDateTime.now}")
However you are right that the request will not fail if any of the futures fail. If this is a problem then you can compose the futures using a for comprehension or flatMaps. Here's an example of what you can do (I'm assuming that your Futures only perform side efects (Future[Unit])
To let your futures execute in paralell
val dbFut1 = dbCall1(...)
val dbFut2 = dbCall2(...)
val wsFut1 = wsCall1(...)
val fut = for(
_ <- dbFut1;
_ <- dbFut2;
_ <- wsFut1
) yield ()
fut.map(_ => Ok)
To have them execute in sequence
val fut = for(
_ <- dbCall1(...);
_ <- dbCall2(...);
_ <- wsCall2(...)
) yield ()
fut.map(_ => Ok)
does it actually even guarantee the future will be executed at all,
since nothing is going to wait on the result of it? Will Play drop
un-awaited futures after the HTTP request has been served, or leave
them running in the background?
This question actually runs much deeper than Play. You're generally asking "If I don't synchronously wait on a future, how can I guarantee it will actually complete without being GCed?". To answer that, we need to understand how the GC actually views threads. From the GC point of view, a thread is what we call a "root". Such a root is the starting point for the heap to traverse it's objects and see which ones are eligible for collection. Among roots are also static fields, for example, which are known to live throughout the life time of the application.
So, when you view it like that, and think of what a Future actually does, which is queue a function that runs on a dedicated thread from the pool of threads available via the underlying ExecutorService (which we refer to as ExecutionContext in Scala), you see that even though you're not waiting on the completion, the JVM runtime does guarantee that your Future will run to completion. As for the Future object wrapping the function, it holds a reference to that unfinished function body so the Future itself isn't collected.
When you think about it from that point of view, it's totally logical, since execution of a Future happens asynchronously, and we usually continue processing it in an asynchronous manner using continuations such as map, flatMap, onComplete, etc.

Idiomatically scheduling background work that dies with the main thread in Scala

I have a scala program that runs for a while and then terminates. I'd like to provide a library to this program that, behind the scenes, schedules an asynchronous task to run every N seconds. I'd also like the program to terminate when the main entrypoint's work is finished without needing to explicitly tell the background work to shut down (since it's inside a library).
As best I can tell the idiomatic way to do polling or scheduled work in Scala is with Akka's ActorSystem.scheduler.schedule, but using an ActorSystem makes the program hang after main waiting for the actors. I then tried and failed to add another actor that joins on the main thread, seemingly because "Anything that blocks a thread is not advised within Akka"
I could introduce a custom dispatcher; I could kludge something together with a polling isAlive check, or adding a similar check inside each worker; or I could give up on Akka and just use raw Threads.
This seems like a not-too-unusual thing to want to do, so I'd like to use idiomatic Scala if there's a clear best way.
I don't think there is an idiomatic Scala way.
The JVM program terminates when all non-daemon thread are finished. So you can schedule your task to run on a daemon thread.
So just use Java functionality:
import java.util.concurrent._
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Make a ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads.
val threadFactory = new ThreadFactory() {
def newThread(r: Runnable) = {
val t = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r)
// Create a scheduled pool using this thread factory
val pool = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory)
// Schedule some function to run every second after an initial delay of 0 seconds
// This assumes Scala 2.12. In 2.11 you'd have to create a `new Runnable` manually
// Note that scheduling will stop, if there is an exception thrown from the function
pool.scheduleAtFixedRate(() => println("run"), 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
You can also use guava to create a daemon thread factory with new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build().
If you use Akka scheduler you will be relying on highly tuned and optimized implementation that is well tested. Bringing up an actor system is a bit heavy weight though, I agree. Additionally you have to bring in a dependency on akka. If you are ok with that you can explicitly call system.shutdown from main when you are done, or wrap it in a function that will do it for you.
Alternatively, you could try something along these lines:
import scala.concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object Main extends App {
def repeatEvery[T](timeoutMillis: Int)(f: => T): Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
val never = p.future
def timeout = Future {
throw new TimeoutException
val failure = Future.firstCompletedOf(List(never, timeout))
failure.recoverWith { case _ => repeatEvery(timeoutMillis)(f) }
repeatEvery(1000) {
println("scheduled job called")
println("main started doing its work")
println("main finished")
scheduled job called
main started doing its work
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
scheduled job called
main finished
I don't like that it uses Thread.sleep, but that is done to avoid using any other 3rd party schedulers and Scala Future does not provide timeout options. So you'll be wasting one thread on that scheduling task, but that's what Akka scheduler seems to do anyway. The difference is that perhaps you want a single scheduler for the whole JVM not to waste too many threads. The code I provided albeit simpler will waste a thread per job.

How to compose two parallel Tasks to cancel one task if another one fails?

I would like to implement my asynchronous processing with
scalaz.concurrent.Task. I need a function (Task[A], Task[B]) => Task[(A, B)] to return a new task that works as follows:
run Task[A] and Task[B] in parallel and wait for the results;
if one of the tasks fails then cancel the second one and wait until it terminates;
return the results of both tasks.
How would you implement such a function ?
As I mention above, if you don't care about actually stopping the non-failed computation, you can use Nondeterminism. For example:
import scalaz._, scalaz.Scalaz._, scalaz.concurrent._
def pairFailSlow[A, B](a: Task[A], b: Task[B]): Task[(A, B)] = a.tuple(b)
def pairFailFast[A, B](a: Task[A], b: Task[B]): Task[(A, B)] =
Nondeterminism[Task].both(a, b)
val divByZero: Task[Int] = Task(1 / 0)
val waitALongTime: Task[String] = Task {
And then:
pairFailSlow(divByZero, waitALongTime).run // fails immediately
pairFailSlow(waitALongTime, divByZero).run // hangs while sleeping
pairFailFast(divByZero, waitALongTime).run // fails immediately
pairFailFast(waitALongTime, divByZero).run // fails immediately
In every case except the first the side effect in waitALongTime will happen. If you wanted to attempt to stop that computation, you'd need to use something like Task's runAsyncInterruptibly.
There is a weird conception among java developers that you should not cancel parallel tasks. They comminate Thread.stop() and mark it deprecated. Without Thread.stop() you could not really cancel future. All you could do is to send some signal to future, or modify some shared variable and make code inside future to check it periodically. So, all libraries that provides futures could suggest the only way to cancel future: do it cooperatively.
I'm facing the same problem now and is in the middle of writing my own library for futures that could be cancelled. There are some difficulties but they may be solved. You just could not call Thread.stop() in any arbitrary position. The thread may perform updating shared variables. Lock would be recalled normally, but update may be stopped half-way, e.g. updating only half of double value and so on. So I'm introducing some lock. If the thread is in guarded state, then it should be now killed by Thread.stop() but with sending specific message. The guarded state is considered always very fast to be waited for. All other time, in the middle of computation, thread may be safely stopped and replaced with new one.
So, the answer is that: you should not desire to cancel futures, otherwise you are heretic and no one in java community would lend you a willing hand. You should define your own executional context that could kill threads and you should write your own futures library to run upon this context