SetWindowsHookEx function in MAC os - macos-sierra

Am facing run-time error 53: filenot found kernel32 when i tested in MAC machine.
Am using SetWindowsHookEx function written in VB script for excel macros.
Since SetWindowsHookEx is a windows func, am facing this error. Is there any alternative to this function in MAC OS.
I have least ideas about MAC OS


Terminal in VSCODE on mac keeps displaying "pyenv shell 3.10.6 zsh: command not found: pyenv" but I'm programming in C

I am new to programming. I am using a Macbook Air m1. The program runs fine, and everything works fine, even python code. My issue is that, that I don't know why it's doing this.
I have no idea how to even begin to troubleshoot this issue.

Is it possible to compile a command line app written in Swift on macOS to run on Linux?

I'm new to Swift and am writing some simple command line apps. I'm using a Mac.
I know how to compile to a binary that will run on macOS but is it possible to take the same source code and compile the binary to run on Linux from a Mac? If so, any chance it could be compiled to Windows too?

Failing to force Python 2.7.4 to run in 32-bit mode on OS X 10.8.3

I have been trying to force Python 2.7.4 to run in 32-bit mode on OS X 10.8.3 by default. I can get Python to run in 32-bit mode by running python32. But when I try to configure Eclipse+PyDev to run Python, it ends up running in 64-bit mode.
I have also tried
defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
but neither seem to have any effect on my Python, and it still runs in 64-bit.
I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to permanently run Python 2.7 in 32-bit mode. Alternately, I am open to any solution that makes Eclipse/PyDev use the 32-bit Python.
My Python has been installed in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 and sys.executable returns /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ on my computer.
This made python go to 32-bit:
arch -i386 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/
import ctypes
print ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp)
output -> 4
but I had the same issue as you that couldn't setup a permanent solution with environment flags as before.

nsight eclipse for mac lion debug error

I am using nsight eclipse edition for mac to debug my cuda code. I was able to run cuda-gdb all fine from a terminal but was not able to use the debug function in Nsight. Whenever I started to debug, an error window pops up saying "Error in final launch sequence
Connection is shut down". My OS is Mac Lion (10.7.4).
I understand the big thing in Cuda 5.0 is the interactive debugging with eclipse but sadly I won't be able to use it unless I switch to Windows or Linux. If anybody has seen this or knows a workaround for this, please let me know and your help will be very much appreciated.
Thank you!
I'm afraid you've hit a known issue in CUDA 5.0 Toolkit. Due to some last-minute change, cuda-gdb (which is a shell script) is not entirely valid in Mac OS X. To remedy the problem:
Edit cuda-gdb shell script.
Make line #!/bin/sh the first line in this script.
Save the changes
We apologize for inconvenience. This (and many other) issues will be fixed in the upcoming CUDA 5.0 RC release.
I had this problem in linux recently.
Error in final launch sequence Connection is shut down which means nsight can not start debugger correctly.
first you have to make sure you can run cuda-gdb in terminal. just type cuda-gdb in terminal, if it says like cuda-gdb cannot find some lib in /usr/lib, just download or relink it. after you done this , rerun cuda-gdb in terminal, it should work fine. then you can use nsight debugging tool.

Compile standalone Windows .exe using MATLAB on a mac

I am currently using this code to compile a standalone .app file of a MATLAB GUI on my mac:
mcc -m eotvos.m -a ./*
This works perfectly and I have a fully-functional mac executable. Is there a way to create a windows executable on my mac? I know that code works within MATLAB on windows. Is there a way to create a .exe file on my mac?
As far as I am aware this is not possible. It is possible to cross compile between 32bit/64bit on the same OS but not between OS's. Though I cant find it explicitly in the docs at the moment. Will update if I do.