Is pointwise multiple linear regression possible in Matlab - matlab

I am attempting to run a pointwise multiple linear regression in Matlab, i.e., to obtain a regression coefficient for each point in my dataset.
I have three independent variables and one dependent variable. Each variable is a column vector with ~1.6 million records. Each data point represents a geographic location; my point in doing all this is to try and see the effects of the predictor variables on the response variable on a pixel-per-pixel basis.
I have already successfully run fitlm, regress, and mldivide; these functions get me the three regression coefficients for my data. However, I want to run a multiple regression through all my points independently, so that ultimately I will get three columns of regression coefficients of 1.6 million records each.
My data contains some NaN. These rows cannot be ignored; the final column vector must be the same size as the original vectors since the data point's location is related to real-world coordinates.
I've looked into the code for bsxfun but don't believe it can help me. I also tried using dot notation but that didn't work. My thinking now is to create a for loop and use mldivide one row at a time. However, when I tried using 'regress' on scalars (mocking one row of data), I got the error "X is rank deficient to within machine precision." I didn't get this error when I used mldivide.
Is doing a pointwise multiple linear regression even possible? It seems to me that my sample size is way too small. Any feedback on the feasibility of this, and whether a for loop is a good direction to pursue, would be greatly appreciated.


Multi-label clustering

I have a question regarding a task that I am trying to solve. The data that I have are characterisation data,
meaning that I have a label (PASS/FAIL) for every single datapoint.
So my data matrix, is of n rows and m columns and the target variables are again a matrix of
n rows and m columns composed of binary values (0s and 1s).
My task is to apply clustering and partition all these datapoints into two clusters, one being for PASS
datapoints and the other for FAIL datapoints. I wasn't able to find an algorithm that can solve
this type of 'multi-label' problem with clustering.
I tried to implement algorithms like k-means but while tuning the number of clusters to initialise
I get k=6 which doesn't really make sense. In the data, outliers are already dropped and they
are normalised as well.
I have a large amount of features on my data matrix (eg. >3000) and I tried to apply
dimensionality reduction methods like PCA to at least drop the features that are more
irrelevant than the rest. But I am not sure if this would be applicable in my case when
I have a binary matrix as target variables.
Is there a specific algorithm that can solve this type of problem and if so, what is the
necessary pre-processing I should be doing before applying it?

Linear regression returning bad fit with large x values

I'm looking to do a linear regression to determine the estimated date of depletion for a particular resource. I have a dataset containing a column of dates, and several columns of data, always decreasing. A linear regression using scikit learn's LinearRegression() function yields a bad fit.
I converted the date column to ordinal, which resulted in values ~700,000. Relative to the y axis of values between 0-200, this is rather large. I imagine that the regression function is starting at low values and working its way up, eventually giving up before it finds a good enough fit. If i could assign starting values to the parameters, large intercept and small slope, perhaps it would fix the problem. I don't know how to do this, and i am very curious as to other solutions.
Here is a link to some data-
And here is my current code
This code plots the linear model over the data, yielding stunning inaccuracy. I would share in this post, but i am not sure how to post an image from my desktop.
My original data is dates, and i convert to ordinal in code i have not shared here. If there is an easier way to do this that would be more accurate, i would appreciate a suggestion.

Simple Sequential feature selection in Matlab

I have a 40X3249 noisy dataset and 40X1 resultset. I want to perform simple sequential feature selection on it, in Matlab. Matlab example is complicated and I can't follow it. Even a few examples on SoF didn't help. I want to use decision tree as classifier to perform feature selection. Can someone please explain in simple terms.
Also is it a problem that my dataset has very low number of observations compared to the number of features?
I am following this example: Sequential feature selection Matlab and I am getting error like this:
The pooled covariance matrix of TRAINING must be positive definite.
I've explained the error message you're getting in answers to your previous questions.
In general, it is a problem that you have many more variables than samples. This will prevent you using some techniques, such as the discriminant analysis you were attempting, but it's a problem anyway. The fact is that if you have that high a ratio of variables to samples, it is very likely that some combination of variables would perfectly classify your dataset even if they were all random numbers. That's true if you build a single decision tree model, and even more true if you are using a feature selection method to explicitly search through combinations of variables.
I would suggest you try some sort of dimensionality reduction method. If all of your variables are continuous, you could try PCA as suggested by #user1207217. Alternatively you could use a latent variable method for model-building, such as PLS (plsregress in MATLAB).
If you're still intent on using sequential feature selection with a decision tree on this dataset, then you should be able to modify the example in the question you linked to, replacing the call to classify with one to classregtree.
This error comes from the use of the classify function in that question, which is performing LDA. This error occurs when the data is rank deficient (or in other words, some features are almost exactly correlated). In order to overcome this, you should project the data down to a lower dimensional subspace. Principal component analysis can do this for you. See here for more details on how to use pca function within statistics toolbox of Matlab.
[basis, scores, ~] = pca(X); % Find the basis functions and their weighting, X is row vectors
indices = find(scores > eps(2*max(scores))); % This is to find irrelevant components up to machine precision of the biggest component .. with a litte extra tolerance (2x)
new_basis = basis(:, indices); % This gets us the relevant components, which are stored in variable "basis" as column vectors
X_new = X*new_basis; % inner products between the new basis functions spanning some subspace of the original, and the original feature vectors
This should get you automatic projections down into a relevant subspace. Note that your features won't have the same meaning as before, because they will be weighted combinations of the old features.
Extra note: If you don't want to change your feature representation, then instead of classify, you need to use something which works with rank deficient data. You could roll your own version of penalised discriminant analysis (which is quite simple), use support vector machines, or other classification functions which don't break with correlated features as LDA does (by virtue of requiring matrix inversion of the covariance estimate).
EDIT: P.S I haven't tested this, because I have rolled my own version of PCA in Matlab.

Select data based on a distribution in matlab

I have a set of data in a vector. If I were to plot a histogram of the data I could see (by clever inspection) that the data is distributed as the sum of three distributions;
One normal distribution centered around x_1 with variance s_1;
One normal distribution centered around x_2 with variance s_2;
Once lognormal distribution.
My data is obviously a subset of the 'real' data.
What I would like to do is to take a random subset of my data away from my data ensuring that the resulting subset is a reasonable representative sample of the original data.
I would like to do this as easily as possible in matlab but am new to both statistics and matlab and am unsure where to start.
Thank you for any help :)
If you can identify each of the 3 distributions (in the sense that you can estimate their parameters), one approach could be to select a random subset of your data and then try to estimate the parameters for each distribution and see whether they are close enough (according to your own definition of "close") to the parameters of the original distributions. You should repeat this process several time and look at the average difference given a random subset size.

Process for comparing two datasets

I have two datasets at the time (in the form of vectors) and I plot them on the same axis to see how they relate with each other, and I specifically note and look for places where both graphs have a similar shape (i.e places where both have seemingly positive/negative gradient at approximately the same intervals). Example:
So far I have been working through the data graphically but realize that since the amount of the data is so large plotting each time I want to check how two sets correlate graphically it will take far too much time.
Are there any ideas, scripts or functions that might be useful in order to automize this process somewhat?
The first thing you have to think about is the nature of the criteria you want to apply to establish the similarity. There is a wide variety of ways to measure similarity and the more precisely you can describe what you want for "similar" to mean in your problem the easiest it will be to implement it regardless of the programming language.
Having said that, here is some of the thing you could look at :
correlation of the two datasets
difference of the derivative of the datasets (but I don't think it would be robust enough)
spectral analysis as mentionned by #thron of three
etc. ...
Knowing the origin of the datasets and their variability can also help a lot in formulating robust enough algorithms.
Sure. Call your two vectors A and B.
1) (Optional) Smooth your data either with a simple averaging filter (Matlab 'smooth'), or the 'filter' command. This will get rid of local changes in velocity ("gradient") that appear to be essentially noise (as in the ascending component of the red trace.
2) Differentiate both A and B. Now you are directly representing the velocity of each vector (Matlab 'diff').
3) Add the two differentiated vectors together (element-wise). Call this C.
4) Look for all points in C whose absolute value is above a certain threshold (you'll have to eyeball the data to get a good idea of what this should be). Points above this threshold indicate highly similar velocity.
5) Now look for where a high positive value in C is followed by a high negative value, or vice versa. In between these two points you will have similar curves in A and B.
Note: a) You could do the smoothing after step 3 rather than after step 1. b) Re 5), you could have a situation in which a 'hill' in your data is at the edge of the vector and so is 'cut in half', and the vectors descend to baseline before ascending in the next hill. Then 5) would misidentify the hill as coming between the initial descent and subsequent ascent. To avoid this, you could also require that the points in A and B in between the two points of velocity similarity have high absolute values.