How to work with Firebase Asynchronously? Database reading giving odd results - swift

I have written the following function to search through my Firebase database and I have also looked into using debug statements and tested with breakpoints to see this function is pulling the correct data and it is. But when I return the array at the end, the array is empty. As far as I understand this is due to the asynchronous nature of firebase. The function is getting to the end before the data is being added to the array. How do I fix this so it can work as intended, I want to return an array of items which I can then use for other functions.
static func SearchPostsByTags(tags: [String]) -> [Post]{
var result = [Post]()
let dbref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("posts")
dbref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snap in
let comps = snap.value as! [String : AnyObject]
for(_, value) in comps {
let rawTags = value["tags"] as? NSArray
let compTags = rawTags as? [String]
if compTags != nil {
for cTag in compTags! {
for tag in tags {
if (tag == cTag) {
let foundPost = Post()
foundPost.postID = value["postID"] as! String
foundPost.title = value["title"] as! String
return result

You are returning your array before the async call ends. You should fill your array inside the async call and call then another method, which provides the results.
static func SearchPostsByTags(tags: [String]) {
let dbref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("posts")
dbref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snap in
let comps = snap.value as! [String : AnyObject]
var result = [Post]()
for(_, value) in comps {
let rawTags = value["tags"] as? NSArray
let compTags = rawTags as? [String]
if compTags != nil {
for cTag in compTags! {
for tag in tags {
if (tag == cTag) {
let foundPost = Post()
foundPost.postID = value["postID"] as! String
foundPost.title = value["title"] as! String
// Call some func to deliver the finished result array
// You can also work with completion handlers - if you want to try have a look at callbacks / completion handler section of apples documentation


Retrieving multiple data in Firebase with Swift

Here is the database
I'm trying to append isDisable to an array
What i've come so far:
func retrieving(){
Database.database().reference().child("ServingHours/\(choosenDate)").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
if let eachDict = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary{
for each in eachDict{
}, withCancel: {(Err) in
with the result in console:
isDisable = false;
numberOfRegistration = 0;
isDisable = false;
numberOfRegistration = 0;
isDisable = false;
numberOfRegistration = 0;
isDisable = false;
numberOfRegistration = 0;
From this, I don't know what to do to get a specific value from each.value
You're retrieving your specific dates objects which have 2 items within them (isDisable and numberOfRegistration). When you retrieve them from Firebase, you're type casting them into NSDictionary using "as?".
Your values seem to be in String format, therefore, you can retrieve them from the NSDictionary using:
let isDisabled = eachDict["isDisable"] as? String
let numberOfRegistration = eachDict["numberOfRegistration"] as? String
You can also directly set your values in Firebase to be a Bool or Int and you can typecast your retrieved objects into Bool (isDisable) and Int (numberOfRegistration). But it looks like they are currently Strings, so your code would like this:
func retrieving(){
Database.database().reference().child("ServingHours/\(choosenDate)").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
if let eachDict = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary{
let isDisabled = eachDict["isDisable"] as? String
let numberOfRegistration = eachDict["numberOfRegistration"] as? String
}, withCancel: {(Err) in
Also, if you want to retrieve a value directly, then you don't need to use an NSDictionary. You can just directly cast that value you retrieve into whatever type of object you have. For example, say you want to retrieve your "isDisable" value directly:
func retrieving(){
Database.database().reference().child("ServingHours/\(choosenDate)").child("isDisable").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
if let isDisable = snapshot.value as? String{
print(isDisable) }
Check out the Firebase official documentation for Swift:
You need to cast to a dictionary once again (and don't use NSDictionary)
if let eachDict = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]{
for each in eachDict {
if let innerDict = each as? [String: AnyObject] {
//innerDict now contains isDisable and numberOfRegistration
if let isDisable = innerDict["isDisable"] as? String
if let numberOfRegistration = innerDict["numberOfRegistration"] as? String {

Can't add items to array

I'm having some trouble with an array. I created an array called 'coins'
var coins = [Coin]()
then appended objects to it within a function
func getCoinData() {
AF.request("", encoding: JSONEncoding.default).responseJSON { response in
if let json = response.result.value{
let responseDictionary = json as! [String : Any]
let data = responseDictionary["Data"] as! [Any]
for index in data {
let coin = index as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let coinInfo = coin["CoinInfo"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let displayInfo = coin["DISPLAY"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let usdDisplayInfo = displayInfo["USD"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let name = coinInfo["Name"]
let fullName = coinInfo["FullName"]
let imageUrl = coinInfo["ImageUrl"]
let price = usdDisplayInfo["PRICE"]
let marketCap = usdDisplayInfo["MKTCAP"]
let change24Hr = usdDisplayInfo["CHANGE24HOUR"]
let newCoin = Coin()
if let newCoinName = name, let newCoinFullName = fullName, let newCoinImageUrl = imageUrl, let newCoinPrice = price, let newCoinMarketCap = marketCap, let newCoinChange24hr = change24Hr {
let coinName = newCoinName
let coinFullName = newCoinFullName
let coinImageUrl = newCoinImageUrl
let coinPrice = newCoinPrice
let coinMarketCap = newCoinMarketCap
let coinChange24Hr = newCoinChange24hr = "\(coinName)"
newCoin.fullName = "\(coinFullName)"
newCoin.imageURL = "\(coinImageUrl)"
newCoin.price = "\(coinPrice)"
newCoin.marketCap = "\(coinMarketCap)"
newCoin.change24Hr = "\(coinChange24Hr)"
When i print 'self.coins.count' within the scope of the function i can see the count incrementing. Outside the function it's reading 0 items in the array.
Written for Swift 5
The problem is that you have a URL request which is Asynchronous. This means that the task is not waited for to complete.
In your problem, inside the function coins is printed after it has been assigned, after the URL request. However, when coins is printed outside the function, it is printed before it has been changed, as the URL request has not yet completed.
To solve this, you need to create a completion handler. A basic one is shown here:
// Our errors which could occur
enum SomeError: Error { case unknown }
// Function which is ASYNCHRONOUS
func someAsyncFunction(completion: #escaping (Result<Int, SomeError>) -> ()) {
// Temporary for this example
let success = true
let myNum = 3
// Return value if it is a success, otherwise return the error
if success {
} else {
// Call
someAsyncFunction { (result) in
print("Result: \(result)")
See a full guide on completion handlers using Result in Swift 5 at

Firebase one of two observers not working

I have two observers, the second observer is dependent on the first observers value. I can't seem to get the first observer to work, I am not getting any errors on Xcode. The first function has to check the Users profile for information and then use that information to search for different information in the database. Here is my code:
func loadposts() {
ref = Database.database().reference()
let trace = Performance.startTrace(name: "test trace")
let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
ref.child("Users").child(userID!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let one1 = value?["Coupon Book"] as? String ?? ""
print("one1: \(one1)")
self.bogus.set(one1, forKey: "bogus")
}) { (error) in
delay(0.1) {
print("bogus: \(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))")
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus")!).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
if let dict = Snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let captiontext = dict["company name"] as! String
let offerx = dict["offer count"] as! String
let logocomp = dict["logo"] as! String
let actchild = dict["childx"] as! String
let post = Post(captiontext: captiontext, PhotUrlString: actchild, offertext: offerx, actualphoto: logocomp)
Any help is appreciated.
self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))" is nil because observeSingleEvent is an async method, so to get the required results you need to call the second observer inside the first observer or you can use the completion handler
You can use the completionHandler like this:
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
func firstObserverMethod(completionCallback: #escaping () -> Void) {
ref.child("Users").child(uid).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
if let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let one1 = value["Coupon Book"] as? String
print("one1: \(one1)")
self.bogus.set(one1, forKey: "bogus")
}) { (error) in
Now using the above method:
firstObserverMethod {
print("bogus: \(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))")
guard let bogusString = self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus") else {
print("bogus is not set properly")
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(bogusString).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
if let dict = Snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let captiontext = dict["company name"] ?? ""
let offerx = dict["offer count"] ?? ""
let logocomp = dict["logo"] ?? ""
let actchild = dict["childx"] ?? ""
let post = Post(captiontext: captiontext, PhotUrlString: actchild, offertext: offerx, actualphoto: logocomp)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Note: You should use optional binding to get the values from optional
Since you are using the result of the 1st observer in the reference of your 2nd observer, it's a very bad idea to add the 2nd observer right below the first observer. And adding a delay won't be a viable solution : these two calls are asynchronous, which means that the reason why you are not getting might very likely be because the 2nd observer is triggered even before the 1st has returned any data.
The solution here, would be using a completion handler, or you could just incorporate your 2nd observer inside the completion block of the 1st, to be make sure that the proper order (1st observer -> 2nd observer) will always be respected.
It would look somehow like this:
func loadposts() {
// ...
// 1st Observer here
ref.child("Users").child(userID!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get your value here
guard let one1 = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "Coupon Book").value as? String else { return }
// 2nd Observer here. Now you can use one1 safely:
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(one1).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
// ...
Now, a couple of things that you could also improve in your code, while not directly related to the question:
I would suggest you to make use of guard statements instead force-unwrapping, which may end up in crashing your app at some point.
For example, you could check whether your current user exist or not like so:
guard let currentUserID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
// Now you can use safely currentUserID
Also, when you try to get the data out of the snapshot, it's not a good idea either, to use force-casting. You would better write it in this way:
yourRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot] {
guard let text = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "text").value as? String, let somethingElse = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "otherValue").value as? NSNumber else {
// And so on, depending of course on what you have in your database.

Retrieving data from Firebase does not work

I have this code below in order to retrieve a list of restaurants and their data. However, it's not storing the data, and every time I try to return the array it returns nil. But if I print it, prints the data. Any suggestions?
func getRestaurants()-> Array<Restaurant>{
var baruri = [Restaurant]()
dataBaseRef.child("AthensRestaurants/Restaurants").observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
if let snapshot = snapshot.children.allObjects as? [FIRDataSnapshot] {
for snap in snapshot {
if let restaurantData = snap.value as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
let restaurant = Restaurant(restaurantData: restaurantData)
return baruri
The firebase observe is an asynchronous callback function, so it will run after it is finished. In other words, your return baruri will always runs before the value got back. You can use completion handler to get the value you want.
var restaurants = [Restaurant]()
func getRestaurants(completion: #escaping (Array<Restaurant>) -> Void){
var baruri = [Restaurant]()
dataBaseRef.child("AthensRestaurants/Restaurants").observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
if let snapshot = snapshot.children.allObjects as? [FIRDataSnapshot] {
for snap in snapshot {
if let restaurantData = snap.value as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
let restaurant = Restaurant(restaurantData: restaurantData)
// Call this function with call back
getRestaurants { restaurants in
self.restaurants = restaurants

Cannot convert value of type 'String?!' to expected argument type 'Notifications'

I am trying to check the id of a record before I put it into the array, using xcode swift
here is the code. But, i get the following error
Notifications.swift:50:46: Cannot convert value of type 'String?!' to expected argument type 'Notifications'
on this line
*if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)*
Please can some one help to explain this error
import CoreData
struct Notifications{
var NotifyID = [NSManagedObject]()
let MessageDesc: String
let Messageid: String
init(MessageDesc: String, Messageid:String) {
self.MessageDesc = MessageDesc
self.Messageid = Messageid
// self.MessageDate = MessageDate
static func MessagesWithJSON(results: NSArray) -> [Notifications] {
// Create an empty array of Albums to append to from this list
var Notification = [Notifications]()
// Store the results in our table data array
if results.count>0 {
for result in results {
//get fields from json
let Messageid = result["MessageID"] as! String
let MessageDesc = result["MessageDesc"] as? String
let newMessages = Notifications(MessageDesc: MessageDesc!, Messageid:Messageid)
//check with id's from core data
if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)
return Notification
//check id
func readRecordCoreData(Jsonid: String) -> Bool {
var idStaus = false
let appDelegate =
UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let managedContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "ItemLog")
do {
let resultsCD = try! managedContext.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)
if (resultsCD.count > 0) {
for i in 0 ..< resultsCD.count {
let match = resultsCD[i] as! NSManagedObject
let id = match.valueForKey("notificationID") as! String
if (Jsonid as String! == id)
idStaus = true
idStaus = false
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not fetch \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return idStaus
One of your methods is static and the other one is not :
func readRecordCoreData(Jsonid: String) -> Bool
static func MessagesWithJSON(results: NSArray) -> [Notifications]
Depending on what you want to accomplish you could declare both static, none, or replace
//check with id's from core data
if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)
//check with id's from core data
if (Notifications.readRecordCoreData(Messageid)==false)
Not sure if the code will work past compilation however as there are many readability issues