g8 does not understand docker cli syntax - scala

I have a customized g8 scala template which contains a .travis.yml that can be used by projects created though this template. In my .travis.yml, I have docker login -u="$username" -p="$password" because I need to publish images to remote registry. However, when I try to create a boilerplate project by doing g8 file://template.g8, I always get this error .travis.yml, 31:42: '" -p="' came as a complete surprise to me.
I would really appreciate any help.

I figured this out. Need to escape all the $s.


Jenkins JobDSL - Found multiple extensions which provide method kubectlBuildWrapper with arguments []

I'm new to Jenkins and Groovy Scripts, but I came to the community in order to get help, because I couldn't find anything valuable so far on the web...
We have a set of JobDSL groovy script which i'm trying to learning, but I'm not an developer, so... I'm stucked!
This is the Error message, which Jenkins returns me:
Found multiple extensions which provide method kubectlBuildWrapper
with arguments
I don't have a clue where start fixing this.
We have 2 installations of jenkins. One of them is running in a VM (normal deploy) and the second one, it is running on Kubernetes.
On the first installation, this pipeline runs pretty fine, but the second it gives me the error that i've mentioned above.
So, if anyone could help, I will be very thankful.
Thank you!

Tagging AMI on AWS Regions

I am trying to tag an AWS AMI that is given to me by another team. The AMI is showing under "Private Images". I cant seem to tag it with terraform even though the whole environment is built on terraform. Have you encountered issue like this? Any tool will help, I was also looking into packer however, packer does not seem to tag the image that it does not create.
I tried python script and bash script, but they are becoming difficult to manage when you have 6 tags.
For example in python, I have to
Key = "environment"
Value = "dev"
So this becomes difficult. Any suggestion would be appreciated
You can only tag using Terraform while resource creation or modification. you can write Python code to do this.
I can help you if needed.
please share the requirements in details with screenshot.

Error creating template PredictionIO

I've created a lot of templates before as by now I was creating the Recommendation following the suggested steps.
$ pio template get PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-recommendation Foo
Getting this error:
[ERROR] [Template$] Either PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation is not a valid GitHub repository, or it does not have any tag. Aborting.
How I fix this and why is this happening?
My Prediction version 0.9.5. Using Ubuntu
It seems that happens when you have made a pio deploy of another template before pio template get, so you have to shutdown the eventserver default port 7070 as:
$ lsof -wni tcp:7070
$ kill -9 PID
This solved the problem.
I had this issue but this google group post had my solution. Basically pio template get is cloning a repository under the covers, so it can have git-related issues.
Check to see if you can access https://api.github.com/ from your web browser. If not, check the google group post.
Also there is no need to do pio template get, just clone it from github. The Universal Recommender is kept up-to-date in its home repo here: https://github.com/actionml/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation/tree/v0.3.0
Notice v0.3.0 is nearing release but is not in the template gallery yet.

NQunit.NUnit getting started guide

does anybody know of a good tutorial for getting started with NQUnit.NUnit.
I've installed it to my test project via nuget and am unsure what the blank.js and async.js files are all about, should I rename these to match my files under test or do I just add my asyncronous and syncronous tests to the respective files.
Find the answer in the following link:
NQUnit: JavaScript testing within .NET / CI

Could not find generator active_scaffold_setup

Following this tutorial for setting up ActiveScaffold with Rails3:
and, when I run the following command:
rails g active_scaffold_setup prototype
I get:
Could not find generator active_scaffold_setup.
Why is that? And, what should I do?
I got the command run after cloning the plugin from git and manuallly
moving it to vendor/plugins in the Rails application folder.
Thanks all.