RxJava Async Nature - rx-java2

I am learning RxJava. Its all about async.
Here is the code
public void a(){
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
int i = 100000;
p().map(x -> x*x).subscribe(x -> System.out.println(x));
p().map(x -> x*x).subscribe(x -> System.out.println(x));
long et = System.currentTimeMillis();
long d = et - st;
public Observable<Integer> p(){
return Observable.create(subsrciber -> {
for(int i1= 0;i1<10000000;i1++){
Random r = new Random();
int g = r.nextInt(100);
if(i1 == g){
What is async in this?
I mean how is the Observable async?
This code seems completely synchronous. I want to make it async. How should I do it?
I mean which part of code runs asynchronous?

Ankit, Observables are by default to synchronous and executes all its subscribers in order. For your example if you want to see Asynchronous behavior you can try adding a delay to one of the observable like this
p().delay(3,TimeUnit.SECONDS).map(x -> x*x).subscribe(x -> System.out.println(x));
This will make this Observable to execute its subscriber every 3 sec while the other execute without delay


how to set a limited time to my console application

I was thinking how to set a limited period on my console application.
For instance, I want to give just 10 seconds to users to choose or do something when they just come in.
If time exceeds 10 seconds, then the user should get a warning.
Here is my code. I tried to first convert it to string and then to int, but something is wrong...
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace exercise
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Timer t = new Timer(TimerCallback, null, 0, 2000);
// Wait for the user to hit <Enter>
private static void TimerCallback(Object o)
bool loop = true; // Console.WriteLine("{0:h:mm:ss.fff}.\n", DateTime.Now); ----> Creating timer
string b = DateTime.Now.ToString();
// Display the date/time when this method got called.
Console.WriteLine("In TimerCallback: " + b);
int c = Convert.ToInt32(b);
// Force a garbage collection to occur for this demo.
if (c == 10000)
Console.WriteLine(" your time is runnig out , hurry up brow");
You can use DateTime.ParseExact("2009-05-08 14:40:52,531", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff"
to pass a string to datetime, but you will parse the datetime, not the amounts of time passed.
You can store the number of calls in a static field and check the 10 seconds that way.
class Program
private static int timerCounter = 1;
static void Main(string[] args)
Timer t = new Timer(TimerCallback, null, 0, 2000);
// Wait for the user to hit <Enter>
private static void TimerCallback(Object o)
bool loop = true; // Console.WriteLine("{0:h:mm:ss.fff}.\n", DateTime.Now); ----> Creating timer
string b = DateTime.Now.ToString();
// Display the date/time when this method got called.
Console.WriteLine("In TimerCallback: " + b);
// timer callback is every 2 seconds, so every 5th call is 10 sec
if (timerCounter % 5 == 0)
timerCounter = 1;
Console.WriteLine(" your time is runnig out , hurry up brow");

compose with vertx for sequential code

I have two operations step_1() and step_2() and want to execute step_2() AFTER step_1().
With normal java this would be:
With vertx I have to use vertx-compose(). Am I right?
According to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vertx/FuvlPLpoGOA, I dont need Futures for sequential code.
"If you want to do each request sequencially you dont need futures."
So how can I do that without using futures?
I dont know, if this matters: My Vertx from which this code is executed is a "Worker"-Verticle.
public void start(Future<Void> fut) throws IOException {
Future<Void> step_1 = Future.future();
step_1.compose(res -> {
// If the future succeeded
Future<Void> step_2 = step_1();
step_2.compose(res2 -> {
}, Future.future().setHandler(handler -> {
// If the future failed
//I dont need that
}, Future.future().setHandler(handler -> {
// If the future failed
public void step_1(){
public void step_2(){
Is this the right and shortest (!) way?
Below is an example of chaining of Future, I have made the example very trivial nonetheless it showcases the concept.
public class Chaining {
private Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
public void futures_chaining(TestContext context) throws Exception {
Async async = context.async();
.compose((outcome) -> {
return secondOperation();
.compose(outcome -> {
For stopping unit test we are returning this future
for production use-case this would be Future.succeededFuture
or Future.failedFuture depending on your method outcomes
return Future.future(handle -> async.complete());
private Future<String> firstOperation() {
Future<String> future = Future.future();
vertx.setTimer(1000, delay -> future.complete("First Operation Complete"));
return future;
private Future<String> secondOperation() {
Future<String> future = Future.future();
vertx.setTimer(1000, delay -> future.complete("Second Operation Complete"));
return future;
"If you want to do each request sequencially you dont need futures."
No, it's not. In asynchronous frameworks like Vert.x, input/output operations are non-blocking. It means, that if you call few asynchronous operations, they'll start working simultaneously. And if you want to do few requests sequentially, then you should use futures or callbacks to execute new request only after previous one finished successfully.
Check this code with futures, newer version with RxJava 2 and article about project.
public Future<Optional<Todo>> getCertain(String todoID) {
Future<Optional<Todo>> result = Future.future();
redis.hget(Constants.REDIS_TODO_KEY, todoID, res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
res.result() == null ? null : new Todo(res.result())));
} else
return result;
public Future<Todo> update(String todoId, Todo newTodo) {
return this.getCertain(todoId).compose(old -> {
if (old.isPresent()) {
Todo fnTodo = old.get().merge(newTodo);
return this.insert(fnTodo)
.map(r -> r ? fnTodo : null);
} else {
return Future.succeededFuture();
RxJava exists specifically to compose async events: http://vertx.io/docs/vertx-rx/java/
Assuming both step_1() and step_1() aren't designed to return results (i.e. they effectively return void) then you could change them to return Observable or Single and chain them together similar to this:
step_1().doOnSuccess(this::step_2()).subscribe(/* control resumes here */);
RxJava (or rather, reactive programming in general) takes a little bit to wrap your head around it, but I would strongly recommend using it if you're planning to chain together async operations.
Pass step_2 as argument to step_1
public void start(Future<Void> fut) throws IOException {
private void step_1(Runnable function){
someAsynccall("some-arg", response -> {
private void step_2(){
// do something

How do I block the current thread until OnComplete has finished executing without the use of traditional threading primitives?

How do I block the current thread until the OnComplete handler of my observer has finished, without the use of threading primitives?
Here is my code. I want that the Console.WriteLine("Press... statement should be executed only after the OnComplete handler, namely ResetCount has finished executing.
class Program
private static long totalItemCount = 0;
private static long listCount = 0;
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine($"Starting Main on Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}\n");
var o = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
o.Subscribe(Print, onCompleted: ResetCount);
// How I make sure this line appears only after the OnComplete has fired?
// Do I have to use traditional threading primitives such as wait handles?
// Or just cause the main thread to sleep long enough? That doesn't seem right.
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit...");
private static void ResetCount()
if (listCount > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"{totalItemCount} items processed in {listCount} lists.");
Console.WriteLine($"{totalItemCount} items processed.");
Interlocked.Exchange(ref totalItemCount, 0);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref listCount, 0);
static void Print<T>(T value)
var threadType = Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground ? "Background" : "Foreground";
if (value is IList)
var list = value as IList;
Console.WriteLine($"{list.Count} items in list #{Interlocked.Increment(ref listCount)}:");
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.ToString()}, ({threadType} #{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}), Item #{Interlocked.Increment(ref totalItemCount)}");
Console.WriteLine($"{value.ToString()}, ({threadType} #{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}), Item #{Interlocked.Increment(ref totalItemCount)}");
On Rx we have specific schedulers to handle threading, synchronization and related.
You can read more about that here:
But basically what you're looking for is changing this line:
.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), Scheduler.CurrentThread);
They're several ways to test/validate a Rx query. Keep in mind that wouldn't be the answer for all the problems.

Breaking for or loop GWT callback response

I want to break the for loop in GWT callback's execute method response.
For Example,
for (int idx = 0; idx < recordList.getLength(); idx++) { //Starting ABC FOR LOOP
new DSCallback() {
public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {
if(response.getAttribute("UnSuccess") != null && !response.getAttribute("UnSuccess").equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
break; //I want to break ABC FOR LOOP here.
Can anybody help me in this?
When you call an asynchronous method, you dont know how long it will take. In your examples all of these calls will be sent in almost the same instant, but the response would come in any time in the future, so the order is not guaranteed.
Of-course you cannot break a loop inside your callback, but you can handle the loop inside your callback calling the async method from it each time one call finishes.
This example should work in your case, and all callbacks would be executed sequentially.
DSCallback myCallBack = new DSCallback() {
int idx = 0;
int length = recordList.getLength();
public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {
if (++idx < length
&& (response.getAttribute("UnSuccess") == null
|| !response.getAttribute("UnSuccess").equalsIgnoreCase(""))) {
ABCDMI.addData(recordList.get(idx), this);
ABCDMI.addData(recordList.get(0), myCallBack);

How can I create an Rx observable which stops publishing events when the last observer unsubscribes?

I'll create an observable (through a variety of means) and return it to interested parties, but when they're done listening, I'd like to tear down the observable so it doesn't continue consuming resources. Another way to think of it as creating topics in a pub sub system. When no one is subscribed to a topic any more, you don't want to hold the topic and its filtering around anymore.
Rx already has an operator to suit your needs - well two actually - Publish & RefCount.
Here's how to use them:
IObservable xs = ...
var rxs = xs.Publish().RefCount();
var sub1 = rxs.Subscribe(x => { });
var sub2 = rxs.Subscribe(x => { });
//The underlying subscription to `xs` is now disposed of.
If I have understood your question you want to create the observable such that when all subscribers have disposed their subscription i.e there is no more subscriber, then you want to execute a clean up function which will stop the observable from production further values.
If this is what you want then you can do something like below:
//Wrap a disposable
public class WrapDisposable : IDisposable
IDisposable disp;
Action act;
public WrapDisposable(IDisposable _disp, Action _act)
disp = _disp;
act = _act;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
//Observable that we want to clean up after all subs are done
public static IObservable<long> GenerateObs(out Action cleanup)
cleanup = () =>
Console.WriteLine("All subscribers are done. Do clean up");
return Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
//Wrap the observable
public static IObservable<T> WrapToClean<T>(IObservable<T> obs, Action onAllDone)
int count = 0;
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<T>(ob =>
var disp = obs.Subscribe(ob);
Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
return new WrapDisposable(disp,() =>
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref count) == 0)
//Usage example:
Action cleanup;
var obs = GenerateObs(out cleanup);
var newObs = WrapToClean(obs, cleanup);