how to convert integer field to date in iReport? - jasper-reports

I have a report designed in iReport with an integer field and it is displaying like:
End date
but I need to show this field in date format like:
The 20171022 value at DB means the 22 October of 2017 date
Is there any way to do this?

You can use below expression to achieve your desired result.
$F{column_name}.toString().substring(6,8) + "/" + $F{column_name}.toString().substring(4,6) + "/" + $F{column_name}.toString().substring(0,4)
You can handle the same inside your query. You just have to convert above expression as per your selected database.


Why is my formula returning a number instead of a date?

When trying to add days to a date in another column the value returns as a number, not a date.
I have tried to set the column format as the date for both columns B and C. I also tried using the DATEVALUE() function, but I don't think I used it properly.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(B:B)=1,"Second Notification",IF(LEN(B:B), B:B+1,)))
I want the value in column C to return as a date.
use this with TEXT formula:
={"Second Notification";
ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(B2:B), TEXT(B2:B+1, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"), ))}

MySQL query show the result out of range

I have the following mysqli query in my search.php file with ajax.
SELECT demand2.* FROM demand2
WHERE ddate >= '$dto' AND ddate >= '$dfrom' AND !(mach='--' OR mach='-' OR mach='' OR mach='----' OR mach='-----' OR mach='---');
field ddate is datatype of varchar2
as I entered Date From 01-01-2019 and Date To 30-01-2019, it shows the result with previous date like 29-12-2019.
So I can't find the solution to get result within specified range. Please Help.
Just as rypskar said, your type of field should be date.
If you don't want to change the datatype of the fiels, then you have to convert the string to date with STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y'). But this is not recommended, as it will cause performance degradation on larger tables.
So your query would be like that (not tested!):
SELECT demand2.* FROM demand2
WHERE STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y') >= STR_TO_DATE('$dto', '%d-%m-%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE(ddate, '%d-%m-%Y') >= STR_TO_DATE('$dfrom', '%d-%m-%Y') AND !(mach='--' OR mach='-' OR mach='' OR mach='----' OR mach='-----' OR mach='---');
If you want to keep the varchar type of field and not make any runtime conversions, then you have to change the format to Y-m-d, so the comparison with character set will work the same as a date comparison.
Right now, you are getting the result of 29-12-2019 because 29 is between 1 and 30.

How to convert date field to this format 2018 / 01

I have one date field in my table as char "01jan2017",
I want to convert the date field to this format "2018 / 01" and there should be space between forward slash.
If what you're looking for is just for display then here is a character conversion
data r;
date = '01jan2017'd;
date1 = compbl(put(year(date),best.)|| " / "||put(month(date),z2.));
There are three key steps you need to do:
catx(' / ',year(input(date_char,date9.)),put(month(input(date_char,date9.)),z2.));
Convert the date to date9. format in order to extract the year and month,
Use the z2. format for the month to get the leading Zero,
Use Catx() to concatinate the year , month & ' / '.
Full Code:
data want;
dateYYMM=catx(' / ',year(input(date_char,date9.)),put(month(input(date_char,date9.)),z2.));
date_char=01jan2017 dateYYMM=2017 / 01

Crystal Reports add a database field to string date

I have a field {OperationHeader.ReceiptDate} in my report which saves the date of the document in a string (e. g. "07.04.2014") . I need to create a formula which adds to this field another database field {OperationDetails.GoodsPriceOut10} containing a number.
Split the string into array with day, month and year strings with Split function
get the date using the array cells with Date function
use DateAdd function to add dates
StringVar array datestr := Split({OperationHeader.ReceiptDate}, ".");
DateAdd("d", {OperationDetails.GoodsPriceOut10}, Date(ToNumber(datestr[3]), ToNumber(datestr[2]), ToNumber(datestr[1])));

How to write expression to convert yyyymm to mm-yyyy in ssrs?

I have a table with a YearMonth column (201302) in it.
I created YearMonth a parameter.
Now I would like to write an expression in SSRS so that every time the report runs the date and month would look like this Feb-2013.
Could you please suggest me why following expression did not work.
+ "-" +
Try This:
=Format(DateValue(MonthName(Right(Parameters!NLR_YearMonth.Value, 2))
+ "," +
Left(Parameters!NLR_YearMonth.Value,4)), "Y")
The expression goes as follows:
Cutting the string to get the month.
Converting the mount to MountName
Creating a comma seperator between the month and the year
Cutting the string to get the year
Converting the returns string to Date object using the DateValue function
Formatting the Date to fits your needs
The results should be:
February, 2013