Monad transformer flatMap working - scala

I´ve been playing monad transformer, and I just create one Future[Option]. But after read some blogs there´s something that is not explained and I don't understand.
Here in the implementation of my map and flatMap, in the flatMap once that I get the value of my option, and I apply the function over the value, I have to invoke over the function f(a) the .Value_passed_in_the_case_class(in this case future)
case class FutOpt[A](future: Future[Option[A]]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): FutOpt[B] = {
FutOpt( => => f(value)))
.recoverWith {
case e: Exception =>
def flatMap[B](f: A => FutOpt[B]): FutOpt[B] =
FutOpt(future.flatMap(option => option match {
case Some(a) => f(a).future --> WHAT THIS .future IS DOING?
case None => Future.successful(None)
What is happening there?, and how works?.

What is happening there?
flatMap expects you to return it a FutOpt[B]:
def flatMap[B](f: A => FutOpt[B]): FutOpt[B]
The signature of your case class requires you to pass in a Future[Option[A]]:
case class FutOpt[A](future: Future[Option[A]])
This line of code:
FutOpt(future.flatMap(option => option match {
case Some(a) => f(a).future
Is constructing a new instance of FutOpt[B], and it needs a value of type Future[Option[B]] in order to be able to construct itself properly. f(a) returns a FutOpt[B], not a Future[Option[B]], and that is why it needs to access .future, which is of type Future[Option[B]].


Implementing recursive, stack safe function using State Monad

I want to implement a function representing a while loop using the State monad from cats.
I did it like this:
def whileLoopState[S](cond: S => Boolean)(block: S => S): State[S, Unit] = State { state =>
if (cond(state)) {
val nextState = block(state)
} else {
(state, ())
The problem with this implementation is that it's not stack safe
because the recursive call is not in tail position, so the following
results in stack overflow error:
whileLoopState[Int](s => s > 0) { s =>
s - 1
Cats has tailRecM method implemented for every instance of Monad trait
that allows to make monadic recursive functions stack safe:
type WhileLoopState[A] = State[Unit, A]
def whileLoopStateTailRec[S](cond: S => Boolean)(block: S => S)(initialState: S): WhileLoopState[S] = Monad[WhileLoopState]
.tailRecM(initialState) { newState =>
State { _ =>
if (cond(newState)) {
val nextState = block(newState)
((), Left(nextState))
} else {
((), Right(newState))
Now this works:
whileLoopStateTailRec[Int](s => s > 0) { s =>
s - 1
} (10000).run().value
but the implementation of whileLoopStateTailRec seems too convoluted
for a simple case like this and therefore raises my suspicion that I'm not doing things correctly.
Is there a way to simplify it?
Is it possible to use State[A, Unit] instead of State[Unit, A] so that the state is kept in the proper slot?
Is it possible to make recursive function using State monad stack safe without using tailRecM?
You can either just take advantage that flatMap on State is stack safe like this:
def whileLoopState[S](cond: S => Boolean)(block: S => S): State[S, Unit] =
State.get[S].flatMap { s =>
if (cond(s)) State.set(block(s)) >> whileLoopState(cond)(block)
else State.pure(())
Or, even better, just reuse existing syntax:
def whileLoopState[S](cond: S => Boolean)(block: S => S): State[S, Unit] =
You can see the code running here.

Type mismatch in Scala with IDEA and FP

I am a rookie in Scala Programming, is there anyone can explain this, why the IDEA show these errors but works well?
case class FlatMap[A, B](sub: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]) extends IO[B]
def run[A](io: IO[A]): A = io match {
case Pure(a) => a
case Suspend(r) => r()
case FlatMap(sub, k) => sub match {
case Pure(a) => run(k(a `Type mismatch, Required Nothing, Found Any`))
case Suspend(r) => run(k(r() `same as above`))
case FlatMap(y, g) => run(y flatMap (a => g(a `same as above`) flatMap k `Required Any => IO[NotInferredB], Found: Nothing => IO[A]`))
And I want to know more about the Functional programming and the Monad in Scala,
is there any good resources? Thanks a lot!

scala syntax explanation involving higher order functions, type parameter and return type

I am having problems understanding the Scala syntax, please advice. I have two snippets of code.
abstract class Try[T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => Try[U]): Try[U] = this match {
case Success(x) => try f(x) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex) }
case fail: Failure => fail
My understanding:
flatMap received as parameter a function f. In turn this function f
receives type parameter T and returns Try of type parameter U.
flatMap ultimately return Try of type parameter U.
Q1 - Is my understanding correct?
Q2 - what is the relation between the return type from f (namely Try[U]) and the return type of flat map Try[U]? Does it have to be the same?
def flatMap[U](f: T => Try[U]): Try[U]
Or can I somehow have something like
def flatMap[U](f: T => Option[U]): Try[U]
In the last snippet of code, I guess that, after I use the function f inside my flatMap, I would need to make the connection between the output of f (namely Option[U]) and the final output demanded by flatMap (I mean Try[U])
This code is taken from a scala course. here is the full code (some people asked about it). I just want to understand the syntax.
abstract class Try[T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => Try[U]): Try[U] = this match {
case Success(x) => try f(x) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex) }
case fail: Failure => fail
def map[U](f: T => U): Try[U] = this match {
case Success(x) => Try(f(x))
case fail: Failure => fail
Q1 - Is my understanding correct?
It's hard to comment based on your sample code which has method implementation in an abstract class while no concrete classes are defined. Lets consider the following toy version of Try extracted from the Scala API with the flatMap implementation in its concrete classes:
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
sealed abstract class MyTry[+T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => MyTry[U]): MyTry[U]
object MyTry {
def apply[T](r: => T): MyTry[T] =
try MySuccess(r) catch { case NonFatal(e) => MyFailure(e) }
final case class MyFailure[+T](exception: Throwable) extends MyTry[T] {
override def flatMap[U](f: T => MyTry[U]): MyTry[U] =
final case class MySuccess[+T](value: T) extends MyTry[T] {
override def flatMap[U](f: T => MyTry[U]): MyTry[U] =
try f(value) catch { case NonFatal(e) => MyFailure(e) }
Testing it out with the following function f: T => MyTry[U] where T = String and U = Int, I hope it helps answer your question:
val f: String => MyTry[Int] = s => s match {
case "bad" => MyFailure(new Exception("oops"))
case s => MySuccess(s.length)
// res1: MyTry[Int] = MySuccess(5)
// res2: MyTry[Int] = MyFailure(java.lang.Exception: oops)
Q2 - what is the relation between the return type from f (namely Try[U])
and the return type of flat map Try[U]? Does it have to be the same?
In Scala, flatMap is a common method defined in many of Scala containers/collections such as Option[T], List[T], Try[T], Future[T], with a standard signature:
class Container[T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => Container[U]): Container[U]
If you want to have a special map that takes a T => Container1[U] function and returns a Container2[U], it'd probably best not to name it flatMap.
Q1 Largely correct, but just to clarify, all of this happens at compile time - T is not known at runtime (see here)
Q2 Of course you can create a method with signature
...[U](f: T => Option[U]): Try[U]
and you're free to call that method flatMap, but it won't be a standard flatMap:
trait T[A] {
flatMap[B](f: A => T[B]): T[B]
There are mathematical reasons for the form of flatMap (which also have implications in Scala's implementation of for expressions). To avoid confusion ...
Rather than altering flatMap's signature, wrap your T => Option[U] with an Option[U] => Try[U] to create a T => Try[U] before passing it to flatMap.

scala lifting function having with a collection as argument

I have a class which accepts a function f: Option[Seq[Option[A]]] => Option[A]]
case class Function[A](operator: Option[Seq[Option[A]]] => Option[A], name: String, arity: Int)
What i would like is for the user of this class to be able to not have to worry about the Option framework. So the user would pass a function g: Seq[A] => A and under the hood i would lift that function. The lifting part is what i'm not being able to do.
This is what i have (using optionInstance.lift of scalaz) :
object Function {
def apply[A](operator: Seq[A] => A) = new Function(optionInstance.lift(operator),"a", 1)
However this does not compile since the lift operator is returning Option[Seq[A]] instead of Option[Seq[Option[A]]]. How can this be done?
Here's an example of how to convert between your two prototypes :
def f[A]: Seq[A] => A = ???
def g[A]: Option[Seq[Option[A]]] => Option[A] = {
case None => None
case Some(seq) if seq.exists(_.isEmpty) => None
case Some(seq) => Some(f(seq.flatten))
You can use this to transform your operator
If you would like to return Option[Seq[Option[A]]] you have to first transform your Seq[A] into a Seq[Option[A]] before doing the lift

Optional function parameter with generic return type

How would you implement class that parses some input via regex and transforms founded string to some other type? My approach is:
class ARegex[T](regex:Regex, reform:Option[String => T]){
def findFirst(input:String):Option[T] = {
(regex.findFirstIn(input), reform) match{
case (None, _) => None
case (Some(s), None) => Some(s) // this won't compile because of type mismatch
case (Some(s), Some(fun)) => Some(fun(s))
class BRegex[T](regex:Regex, reform:Option[String => T]) {
def findFirst(input:String) = { //returns Option[Any] - erasure
(regex.findFirstIn(input), reform) match{
case (None, _) => None
case (Some(s), None) => Some(s)
case (Some(s), Some(fun)) => Some(fun(s))
We can solve this problem by eliminating the Option part of the reform's type, and using a different mechanism to indicate that we don't want to change the match in any way. This mechanism is to use identity as a default parameter or pass identity when you don't want the type to change.
class ARegex[T](regex:Regex, reform:String => T = identity[String](_)){
def findFirst(input:String):Option[T] = {
regex.findFirstIn(input) match{
case None => None
case Some(s) => Some(reform(s))
new ARegex("something".r).findFirst("something else") //returns Option[String]
new ARegex("3".r, {x=>x.toInt}).findFirst("number 3") //returns Option[Int]
Well, the problem is the type mismatch, because you are returning either a String or a T, which, of course, are unified at Any. You can't say you are going to return Option[T] and then return Option[String].
Other than that, a simplified version of that code is this:
class ARegex[T](regex: Regex, reform: Option[String => T]) {
def findFirst(input: String): Option[Any] =
regex findFirstIn input map { s => reform map (_(s)) getOrElse s }
You could return an Option[Either[String, T]], though. The code would look like this:
class ARegex[T](regex: Regex, reform: Option[String => T]) {
def findFirst(input: String): Option[Either[String, T]] =
regex findFirstIn input map { s => reform map (_(s)) toRight s }
Why is reform Option[String => T] instead of just String => T? If you don't pass in a mechanism for creating an instance of your desired type, there's no mechanism for the runtime system to actually create the appropriate object. If you really need to pass in an Option[String => T] then your second case should simply return None.
Also, flatMap is your friend, and will give you the correct behavior (i.e. if reform is None, the method returns None.
class RegexExtractor[T](regex: Regex, reform: Option[String => T]) {
def findFirst(input: String): Option[T] = reform.flatMap(f => regex.findFirstIn(input).map(f))