How to convert .pgm file to .mat file in Matlab? - matlab

I have to convert 'Yale' dataset whose format is .pgm to .mat file, I searched about this issue but couldn't find anything.
I appreciate any help.

Images can be saved in .mat format by using the save() function offered by MATLAB.
Let us suppose the name of your image is xyz.pgm that has to be saved as xyz.mat. Following steps should do so :
im = imread('xyz.pgm')
You can look into save() function to learn more about it.
Instead if you just want to convert it into other image formats, you should look up imwrite().


How to open .cs file using Matlab?

I am working on compressing an image using compressive sensing.
I downloaded the code. I ran the demo_firstTry.m, demo_GAPTV.m and demo_read_CSfile_and_Reconstruct.m functions, they worked well.
The problem is that I need the compressed vector, it is saved as .cs file in the path written on the function,
I don't know how to open this file to get the compressed image vector ?
You can use MATLAB's inbuilt function cv.imread as below:
img = cv.imread(filename)
img = cv.imread(filename, 'OptionName',optionValue, ...)
This should solve the query.

Creating Feature vector in .mat file for training dataset

I wanted to create a feature vector for training dataset and wanted to store all feature as rows in the.mat file. The .mat file must be in the form Feature Vector. I am able to extract Feature of 1 image and store it in excel file or .mat file but not able to extract all image feature and store it in .mat file. Can anyone knows this?
Its something like appending the same variables in the same .mat file. I have tried
Where 'feature' is an array
feature = [mydata, stats{k}];
I have a folder which contains images who's feature I wanted to extract and store as training dataset. Any help will be appreciated.
the code was rectified.
stats = graycoprops(GLCM_values{'contrast','homogeneity','Correlation','Energy'});
stats was a structure so converted into the array using
and was able to save the features

how to convert .mat file into bitmap in Matlab

I am trying to convert a .mat file into a bitmap image in Matlab but I cannot seem to find a way to do it. This is my current code:
human_seg = load(human_img);
where the human_img is a .mat file. I need to then convert the human_seg into a bmp but when I try it I recieve the error
Conversion to logical from struct is not possible.
Try this instead

Importing binary LabVIEW files with header information into MATLAB?

I have large .bin files (10GB 60GB) that I want to import to MATLAB; each binary file represents the output of two sensors, thus there are too columns of data. Here is a more manageable sized example of my data.
You will notice that there is a .txt version of the data; I need to upload the .bin files directly to MATLAB, I can't use the .txt version because it takes hours to convert with larger files.
The problem I have is that the .bin file has header information that I can't seem to interpret properly, and thus I cannot extract the data in MATLAB every time I try I seem to get gibberish values.
This is all the information I have about the binary header:
Loading Labview Binary Data into Matlab
LabVIEW Data Logger: Binary Header File Format
Any help/advice would be much appreciated I have been trying to solve this problem for days now.
P.S. Someone has already written a function to solve this problem but it does not seem to work with my binary data (could be something to do with the dimensions/size of my data):
Below is the code that I am using to import my data, I believe that that d1 and d2 are the dimensions of my binary data. D2 is probably incorrect for the example file in the dropbox because it has been truncated.
The problem I have is that the code extracts my data and I know it is correct because I can check it with the .txt file (also in the drop box) however there are seaming random bad values between the good data points. These bad values result from the following strings following strings: "NI_ChannelName", "Sensor A", "Sensor B", "NI_UnitDescription", and "Volts" scatted throughout the binary file.
clear all
fname = 'RTL5_57.bin';
fid = fopen(fname,'r','ieee-be');
d1 = fread(fid,4);
d2 = fread(fid,4);
I suppose you will need to change the data-format. See Matlab help.
1) Write a binary file in matlab and read into labview. 2) Write a binary file in labview and read into matlab.
You must know (3) things about the binary data in the file before you can read the data:
1) what binary format (precision) was used to store the data
2) the exact number of values in the file to read.
3) Endianness
There is no row or column in binary files. Think of a long row/or a long column that needs to be mapped to a 2D array.
Resources on data in binary format.

Matlab how to open file in excel put into array and convert numbers to units of measurement

I have an excel file to open matlab and put into an array of cells - then take the numbers in the cells and convert a few measurements. how do i do this
I'd suggest looking into the two functions xlsread and xlswrite These both handle input (from an .xls or .xlsx) file to matlab and output from matlab to an excel file, respectively. If you're looking to do something different than that, please elaborate a bit more than what you've posted.