Yammer REST API > Retain authentication details - rest

I have created a Yammer app wherein the user is able to make posts and obtain messages using an open graph feed. The user is asked to authorize the Yammer app the first time he/she logs in, in order to obtain an access token. My question is, is it possible that the user does not have to login every time he/she uses the app, in order to obtain this token?
Currently, the container where the feed is supposed to show, shows a "Login to Yammer" button. Only after the login, is the feed visible.
Is there a way to automatically login the user in the background without using impersonation? (If an encrypted version of the username and password is stored in the system.)
Thank you!

You can't log in the user without either the user interacting to authorize the app, or the authorization being performed through impersonation. You can use the setAuthToken() method from the JavaScript SDK for Yammer to inject an existing token, even if you are doing the full impersonation laid out in the linked article.


Upload photos to facebook app page using server-side script

I have a server-side script, that should upload photo-albums to my facebook app page. How can script obtain page access token?
I know it's possible on client-side, when user logs in into facebook, and then asks for page access token using me/accounts query. But server-side script can not authorize as a user. So how this can be done?
UPDATE: I actually found how the same goal - uploading albums to app page from server-side script - can be achieved in another way, by manually creating never expired page token. It's described in here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43570120/4050723
But still I wonder, if this can be done programmaticaly, from script.
There is no way to generate a User Token server side, it always needs user interaction. And you do need a User Token to get a Page Token.
You can create an Extended Page Token with an Extended User Token though, as you have found out already.
More information:

Facebook with dotnetopenauth

I have created an App on facebook and I am using this app to authorize an user via dotnetopenauth.
Here I would pass APPID and APPSECRET and get the token which would be used to call Facebook Graph to get facebook user details.
If I'm doing this for the first time, user would be asked to enter username/passowrd on the Facebook website and then the session is created in the browser and it will redirect to my website as a Facebook user. This means that if I open a new tab in the current window and open facebook, user will see his/her page directly without asking for username/password. - this is obvious and understandable.
// code
request = WebRequest.Create("https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(strAccessToken));
response = request.GetResponse();
My query is:
After the scenario above, if user logs out from Facebook website OR I close the browser window, the facebook session is lost. However, I still have the access token (string in the above code) that I got while authenticating.
So, As of this moment I am not storing any user information from Facebook (not even cookies or anything else). I am just requesting user to authorize my application as a Facebook user. When user does that, I get the access token which I can use it to make calls to Graph and REST APIs. This access token usually remains same, so I really dont need to pass the applicaition id and secret to get the token next time onwards. Actually I can request the graph APIs and REST APIs with the stored token and request user details. I have tested this and works fine.
What I am looking for is, if user opens www.facebook.com, user should see his/her personal facebook page which obviosuly is possible only if I have a session in the current browser. Hence, my question was: how do I use my access token OR what call should I make with my access token so that I can set the browser session for the facebook user? Is it possible technically?
No. Your access token is used by your web server to call facebook. It's impossible (and undesirable) for this to impact the user's browser in a way that would set a facebook.com cookie so that the user would be implicitly logged into Facebook by your use of the access token.

Facebook API - Authentication similar to Hootsuite

I need to implement a system to retrieve information from a user of facebook independently of the user being logged into facebook.
I have user access token in my database but every time the user needs to login on facebook.
My question is how the authentication of Hootsuite (hootsuite.com) works because there it is not necessary.Just logging in the Hootsuite is possible to recover all data from facebook.
What you are talking about (If I understand you correctly) is a breech of privacy in the eyes of Facebook. A user has to be interacting with an application in order for it to retrieve information about the user.
Facebook's API access works by means of an access_token that is specific to the user and the application that requested it. access_token's have a limited time frame that they are valid, after that the application would have to request a new one or request an extension on that token. In either case, the user would have to be interacting with the application, and therefore logged into Facebook, when such a request is made.
I'm unfamiliar with the website you referred to but it is not in the scope of this site to reverse engineer some one else's application.

Graph API save login information

I am using the Graph API for Facebook on my iPhone application. The problem is, I don't want the user to have to re enter their email address each time they want to login to integrate Facebook with my app. Is there a way to save and auto fill the login information using the Graph API?
Using the Graph API, there is no need for you to store the credentials, more than that, you should NOT store the credentials. As explained in the API dedicated help page the authentication process is handled by a secure token.
Meaning that if the user is already authenticated on Facebook using another application, it might be ( based on authentication process used ) already authenticated within your app.
You might check the token validity by using the isSessionValid method from the Facebook class.
Have a look to the iOS Facebook SSO link, it explains everything you need.

Facebook API OAuth security

I want to allow users connect to my website using their facebook account.
First, the user authorizes my application and then I get an access token. Problem is, that I'm supposed on the first time to register the user, and the next time to auto login him based on his facebook email.
How do I create a SECURE way to auto login the user?
I'm using pure javascript, but I can't find any way to create a secure mechanism.
Facebook should handle all that for you - when they come back to your website, they can click the 'login' button(javascript SDK) and facebook should pass you back an access token.
I may, however, have misunderstood the question.