How to run BPMN2 in Eclipse? - eclipse

I have installed BPMN2 Modeler in Eclipse, but when I try to run it, nothing happens (it stays on java interface). I go to project - general project. From here, it stays on java interface, instead on modeling interface.
How to run BPMN2 in Eclipse?

You cannot run a bpmn process in eclipse. You need to generate a deployable artifact and deploy it in a BPMN engine. Follow [1] on how it can be done using WSO2's eclipse based tooling - Developer studio and deploy in the enterprise integrator bps profile.
[1] -


How to run/debug java web service project in eclipse

I have a Java Web Service project which was just handed over to me by a colleague who just resigned (no one is assisting me in my new company). Im new to Java (J2EE) and my background is .Net + frontend + azure so I am pretty much very confused with setting up and running the java project. Also, Since my background is .Net Im referencing everything with how things work in Visual Studio from running a project, setting up a project to setting up and debugging a WCF project which I realized now is very different from eclipse + java.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me how I can run this project which is supposedly a java web service (as I was told)?
First I have a project that is like this:
Im assuming that the project boxed as blue is the webservice (and the rest are just libraries)? Is this correct? if so how do I run and debug the project using eclipse
Second when I click on debug as -> debug on server this is all I see:
Another colleague told me to install JBOSS (I haven't installed a server in eclipse) because that is what they used. Is there good documentation (step-by-step guide) on how to install JBOSS to run in eclipse. Im assuming that JBOSS + eclipse is like IIS express + Visual studio. Are there also other alternatives to JBOSS + eclipse like perhaps tomcat + ecplise that I can configure.
I really really find it hard to setup the java web service project in eclipse I have little to no prior experience with java j2ee programming especially with web services so any clarifications with my questions would be much appreciated. To sum up:
How would I really know that the project is a java webservice?
If so, how do I run the project and host the project using debugging in eclipse with tomcat or jboss?
I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction of figuring out the source code
From here we can only guide you, you will have to go through some tutorials to understand how java projects work.
Your project is a webservice project according to your web.xml file because its having context params for rest.
the context param sets a front url to your webservice which in this case is gametime.
Check these tutorials and you will understand how it works
Create simple examples given in the above tutorial and then you can execute your's program
Jboss is a application server which we use to run our app.
You can install jboss in eclipse or you can use it externally also.
To install eclipse and jboss you can follow the link
The other option is to download eclipse and jboss seperately
and use them.
Go to jbosshome/bin
If you download both of them seperately
then in that case for jboss
Invoke the or add-user.bat script. ...
Choose to add a Management user. ...
Choose the realm for the user. ...
Enter the desired username and password. ...
Choose whether the user represents a remote JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 server instance. ...
Enter additional users. ...
Create users non-interactively.
After this go to eclipse and follow steps of below link to add jboss to eclipse
A Java web application among other things has a predefined directory structure including folders named WEB-INF, WEB-CONTENT etc.
On how to deploy a web application to Tomcat via Eclipse you can follow the steps in this tutorial.

What is the difference between Eclipse with Spring IDE plugin and Spring Tool Suite alone?

What's the difference between these
Eclipse with the Spring IDE plugin
Spring Tool Suite (STS) alone
I ask because STS says it's built on top of Eclipse, and I wonder what differences it has over simply using a plugin that adds similar functionality to "vanilla" Eclipse.
It's true, STS is built on top of Eclipse. The difference is only related to another products support from the STS installation, like Roo, Pivotal tc Server, Cloud Foundry and getting started guides, but you could also include this features in your Eclipse installation.
So STS gives a complete solution around Spring features and simplifies the developer environment install, that's the key difference.
As Martin Lippert explains in the forums:
"So you can end-up having the same features in STS and your existing
Eclipse installation after installing the STS features into it."
You could find more details on the Spring forums.
Details on features: STS features and Spring IDE plugin features.
Spring Tool suite has ready to go features specially designed to spring supported projects and cloud environment. And Eclipse is more generic where we've to add the plugins and extensions for our platform setup.
There is already an article about this in DZone Spring IDE and the Spring Tool Suite - Using Spring in Eclipse.
While the Spring IDE project provides a set of plugins for the Eclipse
IDE, the Spring Tool Suite comes as a ready-to-use distribution of the
latest Eclipse releases with the Spring IDE components pre-installed.
This includes the tc Server integration for Eclipse (another IDE
extension that is provided by Pivotal as an open-source project) and
various other additions to Eclipse that turn the pure Eclipse IDE into
a ready-to-use, best-of-breed environment for enterprise Spring
application development.

Installing Spring ToolSuite in Eclipse

I am starting to develop WebApp using Spring Framework. For that I know I have to use Spring Tool Suite. I went to the Eclipse site for downloads but I am having trouble knowing wich of the four types of downloads suggested in the page below should I choose, sicnce none of them seem to have Spring in its features ?
Any help ?
Just for your consideration I wrote the following tutorials about STS
Installing Spring Tool Suite
Configuring Apache Maven
Getting Started: IDE & Projects
Configuring The Java Working Set
Structuring The Workspace
Complete and more detailed tutorials, available here: Spring Tutorial
Spring Tool Suite is a different download. It can be found here: .
Unless you are using Java EE which btw stands for Enterprise Edition,
I'd recommend just going with
Eclipse Luna -> Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
In addition to the full distribution downloads on (they are ready-to-use Eclipse distributions with pre-installed Spring tooling) you can also use an Eclipse installation and go to the Eclipse Marketplace to install the Spring tooling into your Eclipse instance.

Why don't I see a transform activity in my eclipse helios bpel process manager

I am using eciipse helios. I want to create a bpel transform like in this tutorial. But I don't see a transform activity in the "Actions" section or the "Control 2" section of my palette. What's up?
The tutorial you linked is from Oracle and the IDE they provide is JDeveloper. Eclipse is not JDeveloper, so you don't have the same palettes. You will have to download JDeveloper, if you want to replicate the tutorial.
I assume (from the link) that you want to write an XSL transformation. You can also do this with Eclipse. The Web Tools Platform which is included in the Java EE version of Eclipse, comes with support for writing XSL transformations.
This is because the BPEL 2.0 specification does not define such an activity. It is a proprietary extension defined by Oracle, thus it is only available in Oracle products. The open source Eclipse BPEL projects aims at providing support for the BPEL standard only.

slight url mismatch while publishing java 6 maven webapp to tomcat from netbeans

Honestly I've started this small maven webapp using eclipse 3.6 (STS) and i found it so complicated that i had to switch to netbeans.I really wanted to use eclipse but these are reality on the ground.So at the end of everything I'll like to have an eclipse version of the same project. thanks
I set up the maven webapp using the embedded archetype, and use cargo plugin to take care of the deployment.basically there is only hello world index.jsp in the project.after picking pom configuration here and there my pom finally is like this .
while it started publishing after i restart the IDE, it's publishing to http://localhost:8080/ but for me I'm expecting it at http://localhost:8080/mvnTestWebap
so here are my questions
Question 1 : How can i correct that?
Question 2 : I believe my pom is tied to netbeans too much, how can i achieve the publishing to tomcat result but having a portable pom?Can anyone suggest a rewrite that can run on eclipse?
Question 3 : what correspond to netbeans "run" in eclipse?
probably by some deployment descriptor editing.
don't really understand the point. by default netbeans uses it's own embedded IDE way of deployment. That's not creating a pom tied to netbeans in any way. You can use that in eclipse or IDE or command line to build the project. The deployment part of the web app is specific to the server being used and the IDE being used.
You can also tell netbeans to execute your cargo plugin on executing the Run/Debug/Profile action (bypassing the netbeans default behaviour)
run basically performs a redeploy of the app on the server of choice. There has to be an equivalent on eclipse.