repeated measures anova in MATLAB - matlab

I have MATLAB 2017b. I see that matlab has recently included a function ranova for repeated measures anova, but whenever I want to use it, the following message is returned:
>> ranova(Accuracies)
Undefined function or variable 'ranova'.
Is there a specific toolbox I would need, or what is the problem?
This ones are the ones I have:
MATLAB Version 9.3 (R2017b)
Simulink Version 9.0 (R2017b)
Bioinformatics Toolbox Version 4.9 (R2017b)
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction Version 0.8
Optimization Toolbox Version 8.0 (R2017b)
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 11.2 (R2017b)


From which matlab version, the logninv included to the statistics toolbox

Concerning R2014, R2015, R2016 matlab versions, do I have to purchase statistcs toolbox to use logninv function?
( Concerning R2017a, yes )

function evalclusters from Statistics toolbox not found in matlab

I would like to use the function evalclusters from the statistics toolbox in matlab, but matlab is unable to find the function when I call it.
help evalclusters
returns 'evalclusters not found.'
The statistics toolbox is installed [license('test','statistics_toolbox') returns '1'].
evalclusters was added with Matlab 2013b and extended with 2014a, it is not available in Matlab 2013a.
In case upgrading Matlab is not an option, current Octave Statistics package includes it as well. (Open-Source alternative to Matlab which basically uses the same syntax)

How from script in Matlab 2011a call function from Matlab 2013b?

I have a bunch of scipts and MEX-files that developed for MAtlab 2011a version. They doesn't work on 2013b version. But Matlab 2013b has a function with desired functionality... So how can I run scipts in Matlab 2011a, but with call one function from 2013b version?
I have error
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
What() is:
Device -1: deviceMatrix(): no CUDA-capable device is detected
what looks like unsolvable for me because I cannot rewrite MEX-file.
There is CUDA-device which is detected fine by 2011a version.
I'm asking a particular question. I cannot rewrite MEX-file because I do not want to dive into it - it is not my code and I don't know CUDA and that way that I'm asking for looks like much simpler for me at least at this step of my work. Later if function will fits for me I will think about going to Matlab 2013b version.
Yes, CUDA is aviable on Matlab 2013b.

How to use lassoglm in matlab

I have this issue while using the lassoglm function in matlab. My matlab says that the statistics toolbox is installed. However, I couldn't see lassoglm function available in my matlab
Your Matlab version isn't recent enough.
It isn't there on my R2010a version. The documentation on the website is for 2012b.

Model-based Calibration Toolbox in Matlab 2011a 64

I am using Matlab 2011a, 64bit and looking for Model-based Calibration toolbox but I couldn't find.
In the last version (2009) I just typed in the command line: "mbcmodel" and I got the toolbox. But in this version, I couldn't do it.
You may not have the product installed with your new version. Type ver at the MATLAB command line to see which products you have installed. If you don't see Model Based Calibration Toolbox, that would be the issue.