Oracle SQL Developer diamon icon in model - oracle-sqldeveloper

I have created model in Oracle SQL Developer, in bottom there are 2 icons
1 is key (which is primary key) , 2nd is diamond ? what diamond showing ?

The diamond items show you the INDEXES on that table.
The red asterisk character to the left of the column name indicates the column has a NOT NULL constraint.
If we pull up the table in the database, we can see the indexes list and the model diagram side by side to verify.
In Oracle, a PRIMARY_KEY constraint automatically creates an INDEX of the same name, UNLESS you already have an INDEX and you tell the PRIMARY_KEY constraint to just re-use your existing INDEX.

The diamond is showing that it is a NOT NULL field.


View primary key in DBeaver

Is there a quick way to view the primary key of a table in DBeaver? Like e.g. in the Eclipse data source explorer, where primary key rows are marked with "PK" and a special symbol.
For a given table, right click on the table name(in Database Navigator) -> select View Diagram.
This will open a window like this containing a single ER Diagram for the table -
In this diagram, the primary keys can be seen marked as bold under the table name, in the second partition.
To have a look at the primary keys of all the tables, in the Database Navigator, go to your database and then right click on public -> select View diagram. This will open the ER diagram for the whole database and the connections between the tables. Here, under each table name, the bold columns are the primary keys.
Note: A primary key can be a single key as well as a combination of multiple keys.
As per this github post, some database types (at least MySQL and PostgreSQL) show a small lightbulb to the left of the column name. This is visible in the Properties, Data and ER Diagram tabs.
Example with PostgreSQL:

DBeaver does not keep primary keys on import/export

I'm using DBeaver to migrate data from Postgres to Derby. When I use the wizard in DBeaver to go directly from one table to another, the primary key in Derby is being generated instead of inserted. This causes issues on foreign keys for subsequent tables.
If I generate the SQL, the primary key is part of the SQL statement and is properly inserted. However there are too many rows to handle in this way.
Is there a way to have DBeaver insert the primary key instead of letting it be generated when importing / exporting directly to database tables?
Schema of target table
Schema of source table
CREATE TABLE public.three_phase_motor (
id int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('three_phase_motor_id_seq'::regclass),
"version" int4 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT three_phase_motor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
I found a trick working with version 6.0.5; do these steps:
double click a table name
then select Data tab
then click the gray table corner (the one on top of row order numbers) in order to select all rows
then right click the same gray table corner
then select Generate SQL -> INSERT menu
a window with the INSERT instructions including id (primary key) will popup.
PS: when selecting a subset of rows the same menu would work for only those too
When you go to export, check the Include generated column option, and the primary key (auto-incremented) will be included in the export.
See this for more details:
Personally I think this needs to be more clear, and why they excluded it in the first place was not good data integrity.
As of now DBeaver version [22.0.5] you have to select Include generated columns as true, as shown in the following screenshot that will export the primary/generated columns.

Postgres ENUM data type or CHECK CONSTRAINT?

I have been migrating a MySQL db to Pg (9.1), and have been emulating MySQL ENUM data types by creating a new data type in Pg, and then using that as the column definition. My question -- could I, and would it be better to, use a CHECK CONSTRAINT instead? The MySQL ENUM types are implemented to enforce specific values entries in the rows. Could that be done with a CHECK CONSTRAINT? and, if yes, would it be better (or worse)?
Based on the comments and answers here, and some rudimentary research, I have the following summary to offer for comments from the Postgres-erati. Will really appreciate your input.
There are three ways to restrict entries in a Postgres database table column. Consider a table to store "colors" where you want only 'red', 'green', or 'blue' to be valid entries.
Enumerated data type
CREATE TYPE valid_colors AS ENUM ('red', 'green', 'blue');
Advantages are that the type can be defined once and then reused in as many tables as needed. A standard query can list all the values for an ENUM type, and can be used to make application form widgets.
SELECT n.nspname AS enum_schema,
t.typname AS enum_name,
e.enumlabel AS enum_value
FROM pg_type t JOIN
pg_enum e ON t.oid = e.enumtypid JOIN
pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
WHERE t.typname = 'valid_colors'
enum_schema | enum_name | enum_value
public | valid_colors | red
public | valid_colors | green
public | valid_colors | blue
Disadvantages are, the ENUM type is stored in system catalogs, so a query as above is required to view its definition. These values are not apparent when viewing the table definition. And, since an ENUM type is actually a data type separate from the built in NUMERIC and TEXT data types, the regular numeric and string operators and functions don't work on it. So, one can't do a query like
Check constraints
colors TEXT CHECK (colors IN ('red', 'green', 'blue'))
Two advantage are that, one, "what you see is what you get," that is, the valid values for the column are recorded right in the table definition, and two, all native string or numeric operators work.
Foreign keys
CREATE TABLE valid_colors (
color TEXT
INSERT INTO valid_colors (color) VALUES
color_id INTEGER REFERENCES valid_colors (id)
Essentially the same as creating an ENUM type, except, the native numeric or string operators work, and one doesn't have to query system catalogs to discover the valid values. A join is required to link the color_id to the desired text value.
As other answers point out, check constraints have flexibility issues, but setting a foreign key on an integer id requires joining during lookups. Why not just use the allowed values as natural keys in the reference table?
To adapt the schema from punkish's answer:
CREATE TABLE valid_colors (
INSERT INTO valid_colors (color) VALUES
color TEXT REFERENCES valid_colors (color) ON UPDATE CASCADE
Values are stored inline as in the check constraint case, so there are no joins, but new valid value options can be easily added and existing values instances can be updated via ON UPDATE CASCADE (e.g. if it's decided "red" should actually be "Red", update valid_colors accordingly and the change propagates automatically).
One of the big disadvantages of Foreign keys vs Check constraints is that any reporting or UI displays will have to perform a join to resolve the id to the text.
In a small system this is not a big deal but if you are working on a HR or similar system with very many small lookup tables then this can be a very big deal with lots of joins taking place just to get the text.
My recommendation would be that if the values are few and rarely changing, then use a constraint on a text field otherwise use a lookup table against an integer id field.
PostgreSQL has enum types, works as it should. I don't know if an enum is "better" than a constraint, they just both work.
From my point of view, given a same set of values
Enum is a better solution if you will use it on multiple column
If you want to limit the values of only one column in your application, a check constraint is a better solution.
Of course, there is a whole lot of other parameters which could creep in your decision process (typically, the fact that builtin operators are not available), but I think these two are the most prevalent ones.
I'm hoping somebody will chime in with a good answer from the PostgreSQL database side as to why one might be preferable to the other.
From a software developer point of view, I have a slight preference for using check constraints, since PostgreSQL enum's require a cast in your SQL to do an update/insert, such as:
INSERT INTO table1 (colA, colB) VALUES('foo', 'bar'::myenum)
where "myenum" is the enum type you specified in PostgreSQL.
This certainly makes the SQL non-portable (which may not be a big deal for most people), but also is just yet another thing you have to deal with while developing applications, so I prefer having VARCHARs (or other typical primitives) with check constraints.
As a side note, I've noticed that MySQL enums do not require this type of cast, so this is something particular to PostgreSQL in my experience.

Conditional PostgreSQL foreign key

Is it possible in PostgreSQL to conditionally add a foreign key?
Something like:ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (some_id) REFERENCES other_table WHERE some_id NOT IN (0,-1) AND some_id IS NOT NULL;
Specifically, my reference table has all positive integers (1+) but the table I need to add the foreign key to can contain zero (0), null and negative one (-1) instead, all meaning something different.
I am fully aware that this is poor table design, but it was a clever trick built 10+ years ago when the features and resources we have available at this point did not exist. This system is running hundreds of retail stores so going back and changing the method at this point could take months which we don't have.
I can not use a trigger, this MUST be done with a foreign key.
The short answer is no, Postgres does not have conditional foreign keys. Some options you might consider are:
Just not have a FK constraint. Move this logic into the data access layer and live without the referential integrity.
Allow NULL in the column, which is perfectly valid even with a FK constraint. Then, use another column to store whatever the meaning of 0 and -1 is.
Add a dummy row in the referenced table for 0 and -1. Even if it just had bogus data, it would satisfy the FK constraint.
Hope this helps!
You can add another "shadow" column to table1 which holds the cleaned values (i.e. everything but 0 and -1). Use this column for the referential integrity checks. This shadow column is updated/filled by a simple trigger on table1 which writes all values but 0 and -1 into the shadow column. Both 0 and -1 could be mapped to null.
Then you have reference integrity and your unchanged original column. The downside: You have also a little trigger and some redundant data. But alas, this is the fate of a legacy schema!
Your requirement is equivalent to this check constraint:
create table t (a float check (a >= -1 and a = floor(a) or a is null));
You can implement this with a check constraint and a foreign key.
CREATE TABLE table1 (some_id INT, some_id_fkey INT REFERENCES other_table(other_id), CHECK (some_id IN (0,-1) OR some_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM some_id_fkey));
(not tested)
Here's another possibility. Use PG Inheritance to enforce a partition of the table into has +1 in the flag column and otherwise. (Usual rules/triggers for maintaining this.) Then have the FK relationship between only the Has_PLUS_ONE child table and the referenced table.

How do I create a drop down list?

I'm new to PostgreSQL.
I was wondering, how do I make a column a drop down list.
So i've got a table called Student. There's a column in there called "student_type", which means whether the student is a part time student, full time student or is sandwich course student.
So I want to make "student_type" a drop down list with 3 choices: "part time" student, "full time" and "sandwich".
How do I do this?
(I'm using pgAdmin to create the databse, by the way.)
A drop-down is a client side thing and should be dealt with accordingly. But as far as a relational database is involved there should exist a student_type relation with the id and type columns which you would query like this:
select, st.type
from student_type st
inner join student s on s.type_id =
group by, st.type
order by st.type
The inner join is to make sure you don't show an option that does not exist in the student table and would therefore produce an empty result if chosen. In the client side the id should be the option value and the type the option text.
If there is no student_type relation as a consequence of bad db design or if you are only allowed to query a denormalized view, you can still use the student relation:
select distinct student_type
from student
order by student_type
In this case the student_type will be both the option value and the option text.
I think You use MS Access before. It is not possible to create such a drop-down list using pgAdmin, but it is possible to limit acceptable values in field "student_type" in a few different ways. Still, this will not be a drop-down or Combobox filed.
You can use a table with a dictionary and then use a foreign key,
You can use the constraint to check the inserted value
You can use a domain (the field is in the type of Your domain, and the domain is based on
proper constraint)
You can use trigger (before insert or update)
To put this a different way, Postgres is a database, not a user-interface
library. It doesn't have dropdown lists, text boxes, labels and all that. It is not directly usable by a human that way.
What PG can do is provide a stable source for data used by such widgets. Each widget library has its own rules for how to bind (that is, connect) to a data source. Some let you directly connect the visual component, in this case, the dropdown widget, to a database, or better, a database cursor.
With Postgres, you can create a cursor, which is an in-memory window into the result of a SELECT query of some kind, that your widget or favorite programming language binds to. In your example, the cursor or widget binding would be to the result of a "SELECT student_type FROM student_type" query.
As an aside, the values for "student_type" should not be stored only in
"student". You should have a normalized table structure, which here would give you a "student_type" table that holds the three choices, one per row. (There
are other ways to do this.) The values you specified would be the primary key column. (Alternatively, you'd have those values in a UNIQUE column with a
surrogate key as the primary key, but that's probably overkilling for a simple
lookup table.) The "student.student_type" column would then be a foreign key
into the "student_type.student_type" column.