Combine valid values of Seq[ValidatedNel] - scala

I have the following scenario:
case class MyString(str: String)
val val1: ValidatedNel[String, MyString] = MyString("valid1").validNel
val val2: ValidatedNel[String, MyString] = MyString("valid2").validNel
val val3: ValidatedNel[String, MyString] = "invalid".invalidNel
val vals = Seq(val1, val2, val3)
//vals: Seq[[[String],MyString]] = List(Valid(MyString(valid)), Invalid(NonEmptyList(invalid)))
At the end I'd like to be able to do a match on the result and get any and all errors or all the valid values as a sequence.
My question is: How to convert Seq[Validated[NonEmptyList[String],MyString]] into Validated[NonEmptyList[String],Seq[MyString]]]
So, my first pass was to implement Semigroup for Seq[MyString]:
implicit val myStringsAdditionSemigroup: Semigroup[Seq[MyString]] = new Semigroup[Seq[MyString]] {
def combine(x: Seq[MyString], y: Seq[MyString]): Seq[MyString] = x ++ y
... which works:
Seq(val1, val2).map( |+| _)
//res0:[[String],Seq[MyString]] = Valid(List(MyString(valid1), MyString(valid2)))
but I need to prepare my data by wrapping all valid values in Seq... which feels strange. So, maybe there's a better way of doing that?

If you use anything other than Seq, like Vector or List, you can sequence it.
sequence basically turns a type constructor inside out. Meaning turning a F[G[A]] into an G[F[A]]. For that to work, the F needs to be a Traverse and the G needs to be an Applicative. Luckily, Validated is an Applicative and List or Vector are instances of Traverse.
So in the end your code should look something like this:
import cats.implicits._
val validatedList: Validated[NonEmptyList[String],List[MyString]]] =
Note: if this doesn't compile for you, you might need to enable partial-unification.
The easiest way to enable partial-unification, is to add the sbt-partial-unification plugin.
If you're on Scala 2.11.9 or newer, you can also simply add the compiler flag:
scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification"
We from the cats team strongly encourage you to have this flag on at all times when using cats, as it makes everything just a lot easier.


How to make it a monad?

I am trying to validate a list of strings sequentially and define the validation result type like that:
import cats._,, cats.implicits._
case class ValidationError(msg: String)
type ValidationResult[A] = Either[NonEmptyList[ValidationError], A]
type ListValidationResult[A] = ValidationResult[List[A]] // not a monad :(
I would like to make ListValidationResult a monad. Should I implement flatMap and pure manually or there is an easier way ?
I suggest you to take a totally different approach leveraging cats Validated:
import{ invalidNel, valid }
val stringList: List[String] = ???
def evaluateString(s: String): ValidatedNel[ValidationError, String] =
if (???) valid(s) else invalidNel(ValidationError(s"invalid $s"))
val validationResult: ListValidationResult[String] =
It can be adapted for a generic type T, as per your example.
val stringList: List[String] = ??? is the list of strings you want to validate;
ValidatedNel[A,B] is just a type alias for Validated[NonEmptyList[A],B];
evaluateString should be your evaluation function, it is currently just an unimplemented stub if;
sequenceU you may want to read cats documentation about it: sequenceU;
toEither does exactly what you think it does, it converts a Validated[A,B] to an Either[A,B].
As #Michael pointed out, you could also use traverseU instead of map and sequenceU
val validationResult: ListValidationResult[String] =

Cats Seq[Xor[A,B]] => Xor[A, Seq[B]]

I have a sequence of Errors or Views (Seq[Xor[Error,View]])
I want to map this to an Xor of the first error (if any) or a Sequence of Views
(Xor[Error, Seq[View]]) or possibly simply (Xor[Seq[Error],Seq[View])
How can I do this?
You can use sequenceU provided by the bitraverse syntax, similar to as you would do with scalaz. It doesn't seem like the proper type classes exist for Seq though, but you can use List.
import cats._, data._, implicits._, syntax.bitraverse._
case class Error(msg: String)
case class View(content: String)
val errors: List[Xor[Error, View]] = List(
Xor.Right(View("abc")), Xor.Left(Error("error!")),
val successes: List[Xor[Error, View]] = List(
scala> errors.sequenceU
res1:[Error,List[View]] = Left(Error(error!))
scala> successes.sequenceU
res2:[Error,List[View]] = Right(List(View(abc), View(xyz)))
In the most recent version of Cats Xor is removed and now the standard Scala Either data type is used.
Michael Zajac showed correctly that you can use sequence or sequenceU (which is actually defined on Traverse not Bitraverse) to get an Either[Error, List[View]].
import cats.implicits._
val xs: List[Either[Error, View]] = ???
val errorOrViews: Either[Error, List[View]] = xs.sequenceU
You might want to look at traverse (which is like a map and a sequence), which you can use most of the time instead of sequence.
If you want all failing errors, you cannot use Either, but you can use Validated (or ValidatedNel, which is just a type alias for Validated[NonEmptyList[A], B].
import{NonEmptyList, ValidatedNel}
val errorsOrViews: ValidatedNel[Error, List[View]] = xs.traverseU(_.toValidatedNel)
val errorsOrViews2: Either[NonEmptyList[Error], List[View]] = errorsOrViews.toEither
You could also get the errors and the views by using MonadCombine.separate :
val errorsAndViews: (List[Error], List[View]) = xs.separate
You can find more examples and information on Either and Validated on the Cats website.

Best way to handle Error on basic Array

val myArray = Array("1", "2")
val error = myArray(5)//throws an ArrayOutOfBoundsException
myArray has no fixed size, which explains why a call like performed on the above second line might happen.
First, I never really understood the reasons to use error handling for expected errors. Am I wrong to consider this practice as bad, resulting from poor coding skills or an inclination towards laziness?
What would be the best way to handle the above case?
What I am leaning towards: basic implementation (condition) to prevent accessing the data like depicted;
use Option;
use Try or Either;
use a try-catch block.
1 Avoid addressing elements through index
Scala offers a rich set of collection operations that are applied to Arrays through ArrayOps implicit conversions. This lets us use combinators like map, flatMap, take, drop, .... on arrays instead of addressing elements by index.
2 Prevent access out of range
An example I've seen often when parsing CSV-like data (in Spark):
case class Record(id:String, name: String, address:String)
val RecordSize = 3
val csvData = // some comma separated data
val records = => line.split(","))
.collect{case arr if (arr.size == RecordSize) =>
Record(arr(0), arr(1), arr(2))}
3 Use checks that fit in the current context
If we are using monadic constructs to compose access to some resource, use a fitting way of lift errors to the application flow:
e.g. Imagine we are retrieving user preferences from some repository and we want the first one:
def getUserById(id:ID):Option[User]
def getPreferences(user:User) : Option[Array[Preferences]]
val topPreference = for {
user <- userById(id)
preferences <- getPreferences(user)
topPreference <- preferences.lift(0)
} yield topPreference
(or even better, applying advice #1):
val topPreference = for {
user <- userById(id)
preferences <- getPreferences(user)
topPreference <- preferences.headOption
} yield topPreference
def getUserById(id:ID): Try[User]
def getPreferences(user:User) : Try[Array[Preferences]]
val topPreference = for {
user <- userById(id)
preferences <- getPreferences(user)
topPreference <- Try(preferences(0))
} yield topPreference
As general guidance: Use the principle of least power.
If possible, use error-free combinators: = array.drop(4).take(1)
If all that matters is having an element or not, use Option
If we need to preserve the reason why we could not find an element, use Try.
Let the types and context of the program guide you.
If indexing myArray can be expected to error on occasion, then it sounds like Option would be the way to go.
myArray.lift(1) // Option[String] = Some(2)
myArray.lift(5) // Option[String] = None
You could use Try() but why bother if you already know what the error is and you're not interested in catching or reporting it?
Use arr.lift (available in standard library) which returns Option instead of throwing exception.
if not use safely
Try to access the element safely to avoid accidentally throwing exceptions in middle of the code.
implicit class ArrUtils[T](arr: Array[T]) {
import scala.util.Try
def safely(index: Int): Option[T] = Try(arr(index)).toOption
scala> val arr = Array(1, 2, 3)
arr: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)
scala> implicit class ArrUtils[T](arr: Array[T]) {
import scala.util.Try
def safely(index: Int): Option[T] = Try(arr(index)).toOption
defined class ArrUtils
scala> arr.safely(4)
res5: Option[Int] = None
scala> arr.safely(1)
res6: Option[Int] = Some(2)

What is the best way to create and pass around dictionaries containing multiple types in scala?

By dictionary I mean a lightweight map from names to values that can be used as the return value of a method.
Options that I'm aware of include making case classes, creating anon objects, and making maps from Strings -> Any.
Case classes require mental overhead to create (names), but are strongly typed.
Anon objects don't seem that well documented and it's unclear to me how to use them as arguments since there is no named type.
Maps from String -> Any require casting for retrieval.
Is there anything better?
Ideally these could be built from json and transformed back into it when appropriate.
I don't need static typing (though it would be nice, I can see how it would be impossible) - but I do want to avoid explicit casting.
Here's the fundamental problem with what you want:
def get(key: String): Option[T] = ...
val r = map.get("key")
The type of r will be defined from the return type of get -- so, what should that type be? From where could it be defined? If you make it a type parameter, then it's relatively easy:
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
val map: MMap[String, (Manifest[_], Any) = MMap.empty
def get[T : Manifest](key: String): Option[T] = map.get(key).filter(_._1 <:< manifest[T]).map(_._2.asInstanceOf[T])
def put[T : Manifest](key: String, obj: T) = map(key) = manifest[T] -> obj
scala> put("abc", 2)
scala> put("def", true)
scala> get[Boolean]("abc")
res2: Option[Boolean] = None
scala> get[Int]("abc")
res3: Option[Int] = Some(2)
The problem, of course, is that you have to tell the compiler what type you expect to be stored on the map under that key. Unfortunately, there is simply no way around that: the compiler cannot know what type will be stored under that key at compile time.
Any solution you take you'll end up with this same problem: somehow or other, you'll have to tell the compiler what type should be returned.
Now, this shouldn't be a burden in a Scala program. Take that r above... you'll then use that r for something, right? That something you are using it for will have methods appropriate to some type, and since you know what the methods are, then you must also know what the type of r must be.
If this isn't the case, then there's something fundamentally wrong with the code -- or, perhaps, you haven't progressed from wanting the map to knowing what you'll do with it.
So you want to parse json and turn it into objects that resemble the javascript objets described in the json input? If you want static typing, case classes are pretty much your only option and there are already libraries handling this, for example lift-json.
Another option is to use Scala 2.9's experimental support for dynamic typing. That will give you elegant syntax at the expense of type safety.
You can use approach I've seen in the casbah library, when you explicitly pass a type parameter into the get method and cast the actual value inside the get method. Here is a quick example:
case class MultiTypeDictionary(m: Map[String, Any]) {
def getAs[T <: Any](k: String)(implicit mf: Manifest[T]): T =
cast(m.get(k).getOrElse {throw new IllegalArgumentException})(mf)
private def cast[T <: Any : Manifest](a: Any): T =
implicit def map2multiTypeDictionary(m: Map[String, Any]) =
val dict: MultiTypeDictionary = Map("1" -> 1, "2" -> 2.0, "3" -> "3")
val a: Int = dict.getAs("1")
val b: Int = dict.getAs("2") //ClassCastException
val b: Int = dict.getAs("4") //IllegalArgumetExcepton
You should note that there is no real compile-time checks, so you have to deal with all exceptions drawbacks.
UPD Working MultiTypeDictionary class
If you have only a limited number of types which can occur as values, you can use some kind of union type (a.k.a. disjoint type), having e.g. a Map[Foo, Bar | Baz | Buz | Blargh]. If you have only two possibilities, you can use Either[A,B], giving you a Map[Foo, Either[Bar, Baz]]. For three types you might cheat and use Map[Foo, Either[Bar, Either[Baz,Buz]]], but this syntax obviously doesn't scale well. If you have more types you can use things like...

Scala collection of elements accessible by name

I have some Scala code roughly analogous to this:
object Foo {
val thingA = ...
val thingB = ...
val thingC = ...
val thingD = ...
val thingE = ...
val thingsOfAKind = List(thingA, thingC, thingE)
val thingsOfADifferentKind = List(thingB, thingD)
val allThings = thingsOfAKind ::: thingsOfADifferentKind
Is there some nicer way of declaring a bunch of things and being able to access them both individually by name and collectively?
The issue I have with the code above is that the real version has almost 30 different things, and there's no way to actually ensure that each new thing I add is also added to an appropriate list (or that allThings doesn't end up with duplicates, although that's relatively easy to fix).
The various things are able to be treated in aggregate by almost all of the code base, but there are a few places and a couple of things where the individual identity matters.
I thought about just using a Map, but then the compiler looses the ability to check that the individual things being looked up actually exist (and I have to either wrap code to handle a failed lookup around every attempt, or ignore the problem and effectively risk null pointer exceptions).
I could make the kind each thing belongs to an observable property of the things, then I would at least have a single list of all things and could get lists of each of the kinds with filter, but the core issue remains that I would ideally like to be able to declare that a thing exists, has a name (identifier), and is part of a collection.
What I effectively want is something like a compile-time Map. Is there a good way of achieving something like this in Scala?
How about this type of pattern?
class Things[A] {
var all: List[A] = Nil
def ->: (x: A): A = { all = x :: all; x }
object Test {
val things1 = new Things[String]
val things2 = new Things[String]
val thingA = "A" ->: things1
val thingB = "B" ->: things2
val thingC = "C" ->: things1
val thingD = ("D" ->: things1) ->: things2
You could also add a little sugar, making Things automatically convertible to List,
object Things {
implicit def thingsToList[A](things: Things[A]): List[A] = things.all
I can't think of a way to do this without the var that has equally nice syntax.