Understanding NotUsed and Done - scala

I am having a hard time understanding the purpose and significance of NotUsed and Done in Akka Streams.
Let us see the following 2 simple examples:
Using NotUsed :
implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-streams")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val myStream: RunnableGraph[NotUsed] =
.map(s => s.toUpperCase())
val runResult:NotUsed = myStream.run()
Using Done
implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-streams")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val myStream: RunnableGraph[Future[Done]] =
.map(s => s.toUpperCase())
val runResult: Future[Done] = myStream.run()
When I run these examples, I get the same output in both cases:
So what exactly are NotUsed and Done? What are the differences and when should I prefer one above the other ?

First of all, the choice you are making is between NotUsed and Future[Done] (not just Done).
Now, you are essentially deciding the materialized value of your graph, by using the different combinators (to and toMat with Keep.right).
The materialized value is a way to interact with your stream while it's running. This choice does not affect the data processed by your stream, and for this reason you see the same output in both cases. The same element (the string "stackoverflow") goes through both streams.
The choice depends on what your main program is supposed to do after running the stream:
in case you are not interested in interacting with it, NotUsed is the right choice. It is just a dummy object, and it conveys the information that no interaction with the stream is allowed nor needed
in case you need to listen for the completion of the stream to perform some other action, you need to expose the Future[Done]. This way you can attach a callback to it using (e.g.) onComplete or map.


Akka Streams, break tuple item apart?

Using the superPool from akka-http, I have a stream that passes down a tuple. I would like to pipeline it to the Alpakka Google Pub/Sub connector. At the end of the HTTP processing, I encode everything for the pub/sub connector and end up with
(PublishRequest, Long) // long is a timestamp
but the interface of the connector is
Flow[PublishRequest, Seq[String], NotUsed]
One first approach is to kill one part:
.map{ case(publishRequest, timestamp) => publishRequest }
Is there an elegant way to create this pipeline while keeping the Long information?
EDIT: added my not-so-elegant solution in the answers. More answers welcome.
I don't see anything inelegant about your solution using GraphDSL.create(), which I think has an advantage of visualizing the stream structure via the diagrammatic ~> clauses. I do see problem in your code. For example, I don't think publisher should be defined by add-ing a flow to the builder.
Below is a skeletal version (briefly tested) of what I believe publishAndRecombine should look like:
val publishFlow: Flow[PublishRequest, Seq[String], NotUsed] = ???
val publishAndRecombine = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[(PublishRequest, Long)](2))
val zipper = b.add(Zip[Seq[String], Long])
val publisher = Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)].
map{ case (pr, _) => pr }.
val timestamp = Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)].
map{ case (_, ts) => ts }
bcast.out(0) ~> publisher ~> zipper.in0
bcast.out(1) ~> timestamp ~> zipper.in1
FlowShape(bcast.in, zipper.out)
There is now a much nicer solution for this which will be released in Akka 2.6.19 (see https://github.com/akka/akka/pull/31123).
In order to use the aformentioned unsafeViaData you would first have to represent (PublishRequest, Long) using FlowWithContext/SourceWithContext. FlowWithContext/SourceWithContext is an abstraction that was specifically designed to solve this problem (see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/stream-context.html). The problem being you have a stream with the data part that is typically what you want to operate on (in your case the ByteString) and then you have the context (aka metadata) part which you typically just pass along unmodified (in your case the Long).
So in the end you would have something like this
val myFlow: FlowWithContext[PublishRequest, Long, PublishRequest, Long, NotUsed] =
FlowWithContext.fromTuples(originalFlowAsTuple) // Original flow that has `(PublishRequest, Long)` as an output
In contrast to Akka Streams, break tuple item apart?, not only is this solution involve much less boilerplate since its part of akka but it also retains the materialized value rather than losing it and always ending up with a NotUsed.
For the people wondering why the method unsafeViaData has unsafe in the name, its because the Flow that you pass into this method cannot add,drop or reorder any of the elements in the stream (doing so would mean that the context no longer properly corresponds to the data part of the stream). Ideally we would use Scala's type system to catch such errors at compile time but doing so would require a lot of changes to akka-stream especially if the changes need to remain backwards compatibility (which when dealing with akka we do). More details are in the PR mentioned earlier.
My not-so-elegant solution is using a custom flows that recombine things:
val publishAndRecombine = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
val bc = b.add(Broadcast[(PublishRequest, Long)](2))
val publisher = b.add(Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)]
.map { case (pr, _) => pr }
val zipper = b.add(Zip[Seq[String], Long]).
bc.out(0) ~> publisher ~> zipper.in0
bc.out(1).map { case (pr, long) => long } ~> zipper.in1
FlowShape(bc.in, zipper.out)

How to convert an Akka Source to a scala.stream

I already have a Source[T], but I need to pass it to a function that requires a Stream[T].
I could .run the source and materialize everything to a list and then do a .toStream on the result but that removes the lazy/stream aspect that I want to keep.
Is this the only way to accomplish this or am I missing something?
After reading Vladimir's comment, I believe I'm approaching my issue in the wrong way. Here's a simple example of what I have and what I want to create:
// Given a start index, returns a list from startIndex to startIndex+10. Stops at 50.
def getMoreData(startIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[Int]] = {
println(s"f running with $startIndex")
val result: List[Int] = (startIndex until Math.min(startIndex + 10, 50)).toList
So getMoreData just emulates a service which returns data by the page to me.
My first goal it to create the following function:
def getStream(startIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Stream[Future[List[Int]]]
where the next Future[List[Int]] element in the stream depends on the previous one, taking the last index read from the previous Future's value in the stream. Eg with a startIndex of 0:
getStream(0)(0) would return Future[List[0 until 10]]
getStream(0)(1) would return Future[List[10 until 20]]
... etc
Once I have that function, I then want to create a 2nd function to further map it down to a simple Stream[Int]. Eg:
def getFlattenedStream(stream: Stream[Future[List[Int]]]): Stream[Int]
Streams are beginning to feel like the wrong tool for the job and I should just write a simple loop instead. I liked the idea of streams because the consumer can map/modify/consume the stream as they see fit without the producer needing to know about it.
Scala Streams are a fine way of accomplishing your task within getStream; here is a basic way to construct what you're looking for:
def getStream(startIndex : Int)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Stream[Future[List[Int]]] =
.from(startIndex, 10)
Where things get tricky is with your getFlattenedStream function. It is possible to eliminate the Future wrapper around your List[Int] values, but it will require an Await.result function call which is usually a mistake.
More often than not it is best to operate on the Futures and allow asynchronous operations to happen on their own. If you analyze your ultimate requirement/goal it is usually not necessary to wait on a Future.
But, iff you absolutely must drop the Future then here is the code that can accomplish it:
val awaitDuration = 10 Seconds
def getFlattenedStream(stream: Stream[Future[List[Int]]]): Stream[Int] =
.map(f => Await.result(f, awaitDuration))

Akka stream - List to mapAsync of individual elements

My stream has a Flow whose outputs are List[Any] objects. I want to have a mapAsync followed by some other stages each of which processed an individual element instead of the list. How can I do that?
Effectively I want to connect the output of
Flow[Any].map { msg =>
to be consumed by -
Flow[Any].mapAsyncUnordered(4) { listElement =>
actorRef ? listElement
How do I do this?
I think the combinator you are looking for is mapConcat. This combinator will take an input argument and return something that is an Iterable. A simple example would be as follows:
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val mater = ActorMaterializer()
val source = Source(List(List(1,2,3), List(4,5,6)))
val sink = Sink.foreach[Int](println)
val graph =
Here, my Source is spitting out List elements, and my Sink accepts the underlying type of what's in those Lists. I can't connect them directly together as the types are different. But if I apply mapConcat between them, they can be connected as that combinator will flatten those List elements out, sending their individual elements (Int) downstream. Because the input element to mapConcat is already an Iterable, then you only need to use the identify function in the body of mapConcat to make things work.

Using getOrElseUpdate of TrieMap in Scala

I am using the getOrElseUpdate method of scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap (from 2.11.6)
// simplified for clarity
val trie = new TrieMap[Int, Future[String]]
def foo(): String = ... // a very long process
val fut: Future[String] = trie.getOrElseUpdate(id, Future(foo()))
As I understand, if I invoke the getOrElseUpdate in multiple threads without any synchronization the foo is invoked just once.
Is it correct ?
The current implementation is that it will be invoked zero or one times. It may be invoked without the result being inserted, however. (This is standard behavior for CAS-based maps as opposed to ones that use synchronized.)

Memory consumption of a parallel Scala Stream

I have written a Scala (2.9.1-1) application that needs to process several million rows from a database query. I am converting the ResultSet to a Stream using the technique shown in the answer to one of my previous questions:
class Record(...)
val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(...)
new Iterator[Record] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next = new Record(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getInt(2), ...)
}.toStream.foreach { record => ... }
and this has worked very well.
Since the body of the foreach closure is very CPU intensive, and as a testament to the practicality of functional programming, if I add a .par before the foreach, the closures get run in parallel with no other effort, except to make sure that the body of the closure is thread safe (it is written in a functional style with no mutable data except printing to a thread-safe log).
However, I am worried about memory consumption. Is the .par causing the entire result set to load in RAM, or does the parallel operation load only as many rows as it has active threads? I've allocated 4G to the JVM (64-bit with -Xmx4g) but in the future I will be running it on even more rows and worry that I'll eventually get an out-of-memory.
Is there a better pattern for doing this kind of parallel processing in a functional manner? I've been showing this application to my co-workers as an example of the value of functional programming and multi-core machines.
If you look at the scaladoc of Stream, you will notice that the definition class of par is the Parallelizable trait... and, if you look at the source code of this trait, you will notice that it takes each element from the original collection and put them into a combiner, thus, you will load each row into a ParSeq:
def par: ParRepr = {
val cb = parCombiner
for (x <- seq) cb += x
/** The default `par` implementation uses the combiner provided by this method
* to create a new parallel collection.
* #return a combiner for the parallel collection of type `ParRepr`
protected[this] def parCombiner: Combiner[A, ParRepr]
A possible solution is to explicitly parallelize your computation, thanks to actors for example. You can take a look at this example from the akka documentation for example, that might be helpful in your context.
The new akka stream library is the fix you're looking for:
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Source, Sink}
def iterFromQuery() : Iterator[Record] = {
val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(...)
new Iterator[Record] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next = new Record(...)
def cpuIntensiveFunction(record : Record) = {
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val execContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
val poolSize = 10 //number of Records in memory at once
val stream =
stream onComplete {_ => actorSystem.shutdown()}