Implementing aws apigateway - rest

I am trying to test an implementation of aws apigateway on an existing webapplication's REST endpoint on aws. This endpoint is for bulk updates using POST/PATCH methods
Looking into the vast and lengthy documentation on AWS site, it talk about IAM roles for authentication.
Any high-level tips on implementing API gateways will be appreciated, to get started.

Choosing IAM Role in Authorization and also Choosing Other Authorizers (Lambda or Cognito) are also optional.
Do simple Steps and you are ready.
Create an API.
Goto Resources>>Actions>>create Method (POST/PATCH).
Integration Type Choose HTTP and enter your endpoint Url
Resources >> Action >> Deploy API
It will deploy apigateway application and provide you Endpoint url to use.
Choosing Models, API Keys, Client Certificates, Custom Domain, Authorizers and VPC setup all are optional.
Its simple and easy.


Using managed identities for HTTP linked service

I am working on creating a flow where I get JSON data from a rest api authenticating with the managed identity of my ADF instance and copy the data to a Kusto cluster. To do this, I am following the instructions here:
However, when I go to create a linked service I do not see any way to authenticate against the API using my managed identity: http linked service auth options
I was expecting something like the options given in the Web task in ADF, where I am allowed to selected managed identities:web task auth options
HTTP connector supports only Anonymous, Basic, Digest, Windows, and ClientCertificate as authentication types. To use Managed Identity authentication type, you can use Rest linked service.
Search for REST in the available list of linked service and select REST connector.
You can select Managed Identity as auth type.
Reference: MS doc on Data Fcatory - REST connector.

serverless framework: configuring a pre-existing lambda authenticator for HTTP API Gateway routes in serverless.yml

I would like to add a preexisting lambda authenticator to the routes of a preexisting http api gateway using the serverless framework. I have followed the docs, whereby I have specified the authorizer details under provider.httpApi (lines 15 to 18), and I have referenced the authorizer on the route(s) below (line 27 & 28). Though I get the error message:
Cannot setup authorizers for externally configured HTTP API
What am I doing wrong here? It must be for a HTTP API gateway and not a REST API gateway as thats what the current infra is configured as. Thanks
It looks like you're using an externally configured HTTP API (I'm guessing from the id being set). In such a situation, you cannot configure authorizers in this manner, you can only do so when you're provisioning HTTP API as a part of your serverless service. What you can do there, is to setup a shared authorizer in a more manual way as described in docs here:
I came across this post when researching how to use API gateway authorizers and serverless framework. I was terraforming the API gateway therefore needed to terraform the authorizer as well. When created, I stashed the authorizer ID in a parameter store entry. This is a 6 character alphanumeric value such as tw9qgj. I then referenced the parameter as follows:
authorizerId: ${ssm:api_gateway_authoriser}
Then added the following block to each API e.g.
- httpApi:
path: /protected
method: get
id: ${self:custom.authorizerId}

Public path for API Gateway configured to use Cognito Authorizer

I have a Lambda being exposed to the world through API Gateway. The default authorizer is configured as a Cognito user pool and everything works fine.
I need to be able to expose just one of the endpoints without requiring the client to provide an authorization.
I'm using AWS SAM for defining the API and I couldn't find a way to specify an exception for the default authorizer.
How could this be done?
As it turns out it is in fact possible to disable the authorizer for one of the endpoints.
Simply set:
Authorizer: NONE
More information here:

Metaflow: "Missing authentication token" when accessing the metadata/metaflow service URL in the browser

I’m currently experimenting on Metaflow. I followed the documentation and was able to deploy an aws setup with the given cloud formation template.
My question is why is that I’m always getting a:
message: "Missing Authentication Token"
when I access METAFLOW_SERVICE_URL in the browser, even if I made sure that the APIBasicAuth was set to false during the creation of cloudformation?
Shouldn’t this setting make the metadata/metaflow service accessible without the authentication/api key?
How can I resolve this? Or is this expected? That is, I cannot really view the metadata/metaflow service url via browser?
Thanks in advance
This was resolved under this github issue.
You still need to set the x-api-key header if you are trying to access the service url via the browser. To get the api-key you can go to the aws console
Api Gateway -> Api Keys -> show api key
Alternatively you can use the metaflow client in the sagemaker notebook which should be automatically setup for you via the template.
Also worth mentioning that there are two sets of endpoints: The one provided by the api gateway (which you seem to be hitting) and the one provided by the service itself. The api gateway forwards the requests the the service endpoints but needs the x-api-key to be set in the header. You can probably try hitting the service endpoints directly since you disabled auth.

How to use Swift REST API with Bluemix Object Store?

I want to write a Java program running externally to Bluemix that interacts with the instance of the Bluemix Object Store I have provisioned.
The program will use the Swift REST APIs to interact with the service.
The documentation for how to use the REST API is mainly missing in the service documentation and the OpenStack documentation is not helpful with specifics on how to reach the Bluemix service.
Can someone tell me what headers to set and what URL to use to authenticate with the service, and then what headers to set and what URL to use to further interact with the service ? Where do I find this information for my instance of the service ? It doesn't seem to all be available in the service credentials that are displayed.
Also, do I need to do basic authentication every time a REST call is made, or is there a way to get a token ? Where is that explained ?
The Bluemix Object Storage uses the OpenStack Identity (Keystone) v3 API for authentication. For complete documentation on the REST API, see:
Since your application will be developed in Java, I'd suggest you use the openstack4j SDK. For example of using openstack4j with Bluemix object storage service, see: