I have created an Redshift endpoint in AWS DMS service.
When I run the test connection I get the following error message:
Error Details: [errType=CALL_SERVER_ERROR, status=0, errMessage=Failed executing command on Replication Server, errDetails=]
Both the DMS replication instance and Redshift cluster are at the same region and in the same VPC.
I'm trying to create a subscription.
It works well when I create it on a PostgreSQL instance or cluster (to PostgreSQL).
But when I try to do logical replication from PostgreSQL to AWS Aurora PostgreSQL I see the following error:
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: could not connect to server: No route to host
Is the server running on host "my-db.dfsfdsfsdfd.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Some notes:
I updated the parameter group to enable replication: rds.logical_replication (from 0 to 1)
The RDS policy has enough permissions.
Both DBs are in the same VPC, same subnets and share the security group
I can connect to both DBs, and as I said, subscription works if instead of using Aurora I use PostgreSQL
Any idea why this could be happening?
I want to start existing and ongoing replication from source MongoDB to destination RDS Postgres.
All the security network is done and successful.
RDS VPC and DMS VPC are connected using VPC peering, target endpoint test connection status is successful
DMS VPC IP is whitelisted in another AWS account MongoDB server, source endpoint test connection status is successful
In the Endpoint schemas section both database schemas are visible.
Created a DMS migration task to start the migration of one document of MongoDB to Postgres Database.
Premigration assessments were successful.
Empty scheme with the MongoDB schema name got created in PostgresDB.
The table awsdms_apply_execution is also empty in Postgres DB.
But the task shows running with error and error, and cloud watch logs also show no error.
I am getting the following error while running terraform plan command:
Error: aws_rds_cluster.my_rds_cluster: expected enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports.0 to be one of [audit error general slowquery], got postgresql
I am using terraform-aws-provider version 2.24. I am trying to use cloudwatch with RDS Aurora PostgreSQL.
aws rds modify-db-cluster \
--db-cluster-identifier my-db-cluster \
--cloudwatch-logs-export-configuration '{"EnableLogTypes":["postgresql", "upgrade"]}'
I have one AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance, is there any way we can schedule a job that will call any PostgreSQL method as we do in SQL server to call procedure/method from job?
I'm trying to migrate data from MongoDB cloud to Redshift, I was planning to use AWS DMS for this migration. However I am having problems setting up MongoDB cloud as a source Endpoint.
I get the following error:
Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Failed to create new client connection Failed to connect to database., Application-Detailed-Message: Error verifying connection: 'No suitable servers found (serverSelectionTryOnce set): [Failed to resolve 'development-izqpz.mongodb.net'] [connection refused calling ismaster on '27017:27017']' Failed to connect to database.
I was following this tutorial https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Source.MongoDB.html from aws, but I think I am not setting up the server correctly
Create a peering connection of your mongodb and add it to your aws vpc.