Is there a way to throttle data received by a Kafka consumer? - apache-kafka

I was reading through docs and found a property but it doesn't seem to be the config that I need.
Basically, I need something like a to tell the consumer to poll for records every n second.
In conjunction with max.poll.records, I can ensure that my services are processing the right amount of load.

It doesn't work this way.
You need to invoke Consumer.poll(...) periodically (in a loop), to get new records if any have appeared.
If you do record processing and receving (poll) in the same thread, then if the processing takes too long, your consumer will be thrown out of consumer group and another one will get the partitions.
An alternative is to use kafka-streams if you do not want to do that. Starting stream applications on different instances with the same application id will provide some kind of load balancing.


Reconsume Kafka Message that failed during processing due to DB error

I am new to Kafka and would like to seek advice on what is the best practice to handle such scenario.
I have a spring boot application that has a consumer method that is listening for messages via the #KafkaListner annotation. Once an incoming message has occurred, the consumer method will process the message, which simply performs database updates to different tables via JdbcTemplate.
If the updates to the tables are successful, I will manually commit the message by calling the acknowledge() method. If the database update fails, instead of calling the acknowledge() method, I will call the nack() method with a given duration (E.g. 10 seconds) such that the message will reappear again to be consumed.
Things to note
I am not concerned with the ordering of the messages. Whatever event comes I just have to consume and process it, that's all.
I am only given a topic (no retryable topic and no dead letter topic)
Here is the problem
If I do the above method, my consumer becomes inconsistent. Let's say if I call the nack() method with a duration of 1min, meaning to say after 1 min, the same message will reappear.
Within this 1 min, there could "x" number of incoming messages to be consumed and processed. The observation made was none of these messages are getting consumed and processed.
What I want to know
Hence, I hope someone will advise me what I am doing wrongly and what is the best practice / way to handle such scenarios.
Records are always received in order; there is no way to defer the current record until later, but continue to process other records after this one when consuming from a single topic.
Kafka topics are a linear log and not a queue.
You would need to send it to another topic; the #RetryableTopic (non-blocking retrties) feature is specifically designed for this use case.
You could also increase the container concurrency so at least you could continue to process records from other partitions.

Delayed packet consumptions in kafka

is it possible to pick the packets by consumers after defined time in the packet by kafka consumer or how can we achieve this in kafka?
Found related question, but it didn't help. As I see: Kafka is based on sequential reads from file system and can be used only to read topics straightforward keeping message ordering. Am I right?
same is possible with rabbitMQ.
If I understand the question, you would need to consume the data, deserialize it and inspect the time field. Then append to some priority queue data structure and start a background timer thread to check if events from this queue should further be processed, and not block the Kafka consumer.
The only downside to this approach is that you then need to worry about processing and committing "shorter time" events that are read by the consumer while waiting for previously consumed "longer time". Otherwise, a restart of your client will drop all events from an in memory queue and start consuming after the last committed record.
You might be able to workaround this using a persistent "outbox pattern" database table, or otherwise tracking offsets and processed records manually, and seeking past any duplicates

Instruct Kafka Consumer App To Start Reading From Offset

If I have an application AppA that contains a Kafka consumer class, is it possible to instruct this consumer's behaviour pragmatically? For example, I may want to tell AppA over a rest API (or even via another topic) to wake up and begin consuming and processing messages from TopicB at offset or timestamp X and to stop at offset or timestamp Y. I may tell it to read the same sections of a topic repeatedly to perform different analysis of the data and I might want the consumer to sit idle when it's not performing an instruction.
Is it possible to control a consumer in this fashion? Essentially, I'm interested to know if I can read sections of topics on demand to produce processing/reports on its contents.. kind of in a similar to way to querying a relational DB via an admin console I guess.
Thanks in advance!
The Kafka consumer is able to consume topics at arbitrary positions.
You can use the seek() method to start consuming from a specific offset. You can also use the offsetsForTimes() method to find the offsets for a specific timestamp.
You can combine these two methods to consume specific sections of topics on demand.

If I use Kafka as simple message. Does it really worth

=== Assume everything from consumer point of view ===
I was reading couple of Kafka articles and I saw that the number of partitions is coupled to number of micro-service instances.... Ex: If I say 1topic 1partition for my serviceA.. Producer pushes message to topicT1, partitionP1, and from consumerSide(ServiceA1) I can read from t1,p1. If I spin new pod(ServiceA2) to have highThroughput then second instance will never receive any message because Kafka/ZooKeeper assigns id to each Consumer and partition1 is already taken by serviceA1. So serviceA2++ stays idle... To avoid such a hassle Kafka recommends to add more partition, so that number of consumers can be increased/decreased based on need.
I was also able to test through commandLine and service2 never consumed any message. If I shut service1 then service2 was able to pick new message... So if I spin more pod then FailSafe/Availability increases but throughput is same always...
Is my assumption is correct. Am I missing anything. Now I feel like any standard messaging will have the same problem...How to extend message-oriented systems itself.
Every topic has a partition, by default it comes with only one partition if you don't define the partition count value. In your case, you have a consumer group that consists of two consumers. Every consumer read the log from the partition. In your case, first consumer read the log from the first partition(we have the only partition), and for second consumer there will be no partition to the consumer the data so it become idle. Once first consumer gets down then only the second consumer starts reading the data from the first partition from the last committed offset.
Please check below blogs and videos. It explains the topic, consumer, and consumer group in kafka.
I hope this will give you idea about the consumer and consumer group.
A broad solution to this is to decouple consumption of a message (i.e. receiving a message from Kafka and perhaps deserializing it and validating that it conforms to the schema) and processing it (interpreting the message). If the consumption is simple enough, being limited to no more instances consuming than there are partitions need not constrain.
One way to accomplish this is to have a Kafka consumption service which sends an HTTP request (perhaps through a load balancer or whatever) to a processing service which has arbitrarily many members.
Note that depending on what you're using Kafka for, there may be a requirement that certain messages always be in the same partition as one another in order to ensure that they get handled in a deterministic order (since ordering across partitions is not guaranteed). A typical example of this would be if the messages are change events for a particular record. If you're accomplishing this via some hash of the message key (or a portion of the key if using a custom partitioner), then simply changing the number of partitions might not be viable (you would need to introduce some sort of migration or have the producers know which records have to be routed to the old partitions and only route to the new partitions if the record has never been seen before).
We just started replacing messaging with Kafka.
In a traditional MQ there will be a cluster and 1orMQ will be there inside.
So the MQ cluster/co-ordinator service will deliver the message to clients.
Now there can be 10 services/clients which can consume message from single MQ.
So if there are 10 messages in MQ then each service/consumer/client can read/process 1 message
Now this case is not possible in Kafka which I understood now as per design
To achieve similar functionality in Kafka I have add equal or more number of partition as client/consumer/pods.

Kafka - Synchronized Consumer Groups

i am trying to make my head regarding Kafka consumers and I'd like to know if the following use case can be solved using Kafka.
My use case is basically this one:
I have a stream that I'd like to be consumed in sync by several consumers. In other words, I have a first consumer that starts to consume the stream, then another consumer arrives later. I'd like this second consumer to start to consume the stream at the offset where is currently the first consumer.
I know that I need to have the consumers in two different groups. But it is not clear for me :
on how or if it is possible to coordinate the groups offset
if I would expect a latency for such coordination task
You do not need two different groups, all consumers can check one topic. Or as many as they like, for that matter.
Messages typically are identified by their arrival date, so all the clients need to tell the producer "my last visit was at 10:00, give me all new messages". So all each client needs to keep track of is when which individual topic was checked last.
this is kind of "of scope" at this point. Of course there will be latency, but it depends on the environment, like "how many consumers", "how many topics", "message format" etc.
so can your usecase be solved using kafka
In short: yes. "Can one consumer continue where another has left", the consumers could exchange the latest index between each other, of course that would require some internal synchronization. Kafka itself does not care about consumers, so it will not keep track itself about the latest index. You need to do the work. Another possibility would be to actually consume the messages (like, delete them from queue once consumed), so each time another consumer hits the queue it is guaranteed to receive the messages another consumer left off. Of course that would depend on your usecase, can you actually delete your messages from the queue.
This is not a problematic treated by kafka directly (consumer group is to distribute partitions among members, not to attribute the same offset), but you can do somehting for this. You could simply create an other topic, where consumer1 would post either offset or copy of the message read (so you would need bth consumer and producer for this), and your other synchronized consumer would react against this - of course there ould be some latency for this.
What is your use case behind this? Why can't you consume at different offset? Couldn't you rather having one consumer, which would then dispatch the message read to to different processes, so that they are indeed synchronized? (with no latency)
What do you mean by synchronized: should consumer2 (and 3 and more) only consume the same message than consumer1 (ie can't consume faster, what I assume in both previous solution) While this is possible, it would really be better to know the reason behind this, maybe there is a better way for you to process data