Delete item list ionic slide 3 - ionic-framework

I run ionic 3 app on browser, when I slide, and click on delete it redirect on the itemDetails instead to reload the same list without the item deleted
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemDetails($event, item)" (ionSwipe)="delete(item)">
<button ion-button expandable (click)="removeItem(">Delete</button>

Try to put the (click)="itemDetails($event, item)" into the ion-item
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items" (ionSwipe)="delete(item)">
<ion-item (click)="itemDetails($event, item)">
<button ion-button expandable (click)="removeItem(">Delete</button>
See working plunkr:

You done very well my friend but you need to do like this
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items; let i=index;" (click)="itemDetails($event, item)">
<button ion-button expandable (click)="removeItem(i)">Delete</button>
and in .ts file you need to write this
public removeItem(index:number){
let id=yourarraylist[index].id
//remove logic
i think this would be helpful to you

I added this code to the removeItem function :
this.navCtrl.push(HelloIonicPage, {
item: item
So it seems to redirect to the main list but it is not the best way i think because reload the page is very slow

You can work with observables and use the aync pipe.
I am on my smartphone and cant provide examples but there should be enough out there.
Or you could try it with ngzone after deleting to Trigger an ui refresh.

The problem is the list of items is not getting the updated list. You have get the updated list after deleting it.
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemDetails($event, item)" (ionSwipe)="delete(item)">
<button ion-button expandable (click)="removeItem(">Delete</button>
removeItem(item) {
`your code`
loadItems(); #get the updated list


ion-item-options not displaying

I am developing an app using Ionic 3. I have an ion-item-sliding wrapped within an ion-list. I need to show the options when the list item is swiped. I got the color working but the text is not displaying at all. I don't have any css applied to the button at all.
<ion-list text-wrap>
<ion-item *ngIf="classes?.length === 0">No Data</ion-item>
<ion-item-group *ngFor="let classObj of classes">
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let class of classObj?.classes">
<ion-item *ngFor="let class of classObj?.classes">
<ion-item-options side="right">
<button ion-button color="secondary">
I have no idea what went wrong. This happened to both Android and iOS
Its ok I have found the solution. I mistakenly *ngFor both ion-item-sliding and ion-item hence the slider breaks. I removed *ngFor in the ion-item and everything is works fine now
I think you have to provide small cancel button next to your ion-select, which appears only when the user has already selected something:
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="option">
<ion-option value="f">Female</ion-option>
<ion-option value="m">Male</ion-option>
<div *ngIf="option=='m' || option=='f'">
<ion-label> {{option}} </ion-label>
<ion-button (click)='removeSelection()'>
<ion-icon name='close'></ion-icon>

How to make the ion-item selectable In Ionic

I am working in Ionic app and I have used the ion-item in my app and I want select one item before moving to the next page but I am not able to select the item.
This is my shipping.html:
<ion-list *ngFor="let itm of shippingdetails">
<ion-checkbox slot="end"></ion-checkbox>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="create"></ion-icon>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
In this, I am showing the items in the loop. It is showing the data but the problem is that I am not able to select the item. I have also used the checkbox but when using the checkbox, it is not showing the p and h2 tags in the view.
This is result in the html, when using the checkbox it is not showing the p and h2 tag. When I am not using the checkbox, it is showing the p and h2 tag.
Any help is much appreciated.
Just Try This: It Works!
<ion-list *ngFor="let itm of shippingdetails">
<ion-checkbox slot="end" [disabled]="isCheckboxDisabled" (ionChange)="selectCP(itm)"></ion-checkbox>
<!-- <ion-radio slot="start"></ion-radio> -->
<!-- <ion-toggle slot="start"></ion-toggle> -->
<p>{{itm.state}}, {{}}</p>
<p>Pincode: {{itm.pincode}}</p>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="create"></ion-icon>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
In this, It will show the checkbox for all the items and the text also.

How to restrict user to select only one item from the item list in Ionic

I am working In Ionic App and I have shown the item list in which I have the checkbox for the item selection. User can select only one item but the problem is that, In my item list user is able to select all items.
This is my shopping.html:
<ion-list *ngFor="let itm of shippingdetails">
<ion-checkbox slot="end" [disabled]="isCheckboxDisabled" (ionChange)="selectCP(itm)"></ion-checkbox>
<!-- <ion-radio slot="start"></ion-radio> -->
<!-- <ion-toggle slot="start"></ion-toggle> -->
<p>{{itm.state}}, {{}}</p>
<p>Pincode: {{itm.pincode}}</p>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="create"></ion-icon>
<button ion-button outline item-end>
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
In this, I am showing the check-boxes with the items where user can select the item.
This is my shopping.ts:
I am not able to make the logic for that. In my html, user can select all the items. Any help is much appreciated.
You may use ion-radio instead.
<ion-item *ngFor="let itm of shippingdetails">
<ion-radio value="{{}}"></ion-radio>

Nested element inside ion-item not showing

I'm new in Ionic and I want to create list in which in each ion-item there will be checbox and when user checks it then select will appear in new line but still within ion-item. I've tried to use ion-item inside ion-item but then select wasn't showing. I've read that there is some issue with nested ion-items so I replaced first ion-item with ng-container but after that all layout looks terrible. What should I do?
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of filters">
<ion-label> {{}}</ion-label>
<ion-checkbox item-right [(ngModel)]="filter.checked" (ionChange)="onCheckboxChange($event, filter)"></ion-checkbox>
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="option">
<ion-option *ngFor="let option of" [value]="option">{{}}</ion-option>
I figured it out - in ion-list I put ion-card-content with ngFor as a wrapper for ion-items. Works and looks good!
<ion-card-content *ngFor="let filter of filters" class="card-wrapper">
<ion-item class="checkbox-item">
<ion-label> {{}}</ion-label>
<ion-checkbox item-right [(ngModel)]="filter.checked"></ion-checkbox>
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="option">
<ion-option *ngFor="let option of" [value]="option">{{}}</ion-option>

Ionic2 ion-item-sliding not working with *ngFor dynamic list

ionic-angular version is 2.0.0-rc.2
if I remove *ngFor, using a static list instead, it works fine. The following is the code snippet.
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items">
<ion-item-options side="right">
<button ion-button color="primary">
<ion-icon name="mail"></ion-icon> Email
I notice problem with ion-item-sliding, when slide, it not keep slided item, so not allows to click ion-item-options button
The above code is tested and finally has run successfully with dynamic data from outside.
The problem is that when item is calling just add the little code. async pipe after the loop.
The Final code will be....
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items | async">
<ion-item-options side="right">
<button ion-button color="primary">
<ion-icon name="mail"></ion-icon> Email
Hopefully, Above code will work fine.