Mongodb server version not upgraded in mac - mongodb

I updated MongoDB to 3.4.10 using HomeBrew
brew update
brew upgrade mongodb
When I check db.version() it says 3.0.6.
But When I run 'mongo' command it says Shell version - 3.4.10 and server version - 3.0.6. Server and Shell version do not match. I want to use aggregate commands that is not supported in version 3.0.6.
So any one knows the answer reply here. Thank you :)


Can't start Mongodb shell on MacOS Mojave 10.14.2

Installed MongoDB Community Edition version 3.6 (because my work project requires that version). I am for some reason unable to run the MongoDB shell, so when trying to run mongo or mongod from the terminal I just get -bash: mongod: command not found. When checking which Brew services are running with brew services list, mongodb-community#3.6 is listed. The application I'm working on also utilises MongoDB succesfully. My main issue is that I can't access the MongoDB shell.
The solution to my problem was that I was supposed to install the shell separately with brew. This was not the case with previous MongoDB versions and it is not mentioned in the official MongoDB documentation.

Mongodb Version mismatch Issue 3.6 to 4.0 upgrade

I have installed the latest version of MongoDB i.e 4.0.10. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.
When i run mongod --version in putty command line i get version 4.0.10
But When i run query in Studio3T db.version(); i get version 3.6.3
I ran dpkg -l | grep mongo and got following output.
Please help me in identifying what i am doing wrong here.
Looks like you have two MongoDBs installed, judging from 3.6.3-0ubuntu1 installed by apt, and 4.0.10 versions there.
The page Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu stated:
The mongodb package provided by Ubuntu is not maintained by MongoDB Inc. and conflicts with the mongodb-org package. To check if Ubuntu’s mongodb package is installed on the system, run sudo apt list --installed | grep mongodb. You can use sudo apt remove mongodb and sudo apt purge mongodb to remove and purge the mongodb package before attempting this procedure.
The older 3.6.3 appears to be still running in port 27017, thus that was the one connected to by Studio3T.
To ensure a clean installation, it's better to do a clean install by:
Follow the instructions in Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition
Remove 3.6.3 using apt as per the instruction above
Reinstall using the procedure in Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu.
It's probably not required to uninstall/reinstall everything again, but you don't want to have conflicting leftover files that will create problems down the road.
If you need the data in the old 3.6.3, please do mongodump before uninstalling it. You can subsequently restore it later.

db.version() showing old version of mongodb even after installing the latest version on mac

In mongo shell, db.version() returns 3.0.5
brew update
it says "Already up-to-date".
brew upgrade mongodb
it says "Error: mongodb 3.6.4 already installed"
I have referred to this question and followed the steps given in the answer as well, but it didn't work for me.
How do I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
You have forgotten to restart the mongodb

After installing mongoDB 3.4, mongod still runs old version of mongodb

I just installed mongoDB v3.4 on my mac using homebrew however when I run mongod from terminal it still run the old v2.6 mongoDB. What do I need to do to fix this?
I had to run
brew link --overwrite mongodb

MongoDB: Upgrade 2.4.10 to 2.6

I have a mongodb standalone instance in my ubuntu. According to official docs I replace mongod binary then I restarted mongodb using sudo service mongodb restart command, and restarted mongod binary also. Then when I check version using mongo --version. It's still 2.4.10. But when I check mongod version it's 2.6.1. Is it okay? I installed mongodb in my local machine using this guide. If it correct then I will upgrade my production server.
It sounds like you have upgraded your mongod server to 2.6.1 but still have an older version of the mongo shell in your path.
Technically that isn't a major issue for most usage as the older 2.4 shell can still connect and run common commands.
However, there are 2.6-specific shell helpers & features you'll be missing out on such as Bulk() operations and user management commands with user-defined roles.
If you have an open mongo shell, you can check the versions of both the mongo client and the mongod server you are connected to.
Ideally the major versions should match, eg:
> version() // Version of the `mongo` shell
> db.version() // Version of the `mongod` server this shell has connected to
The upgrade guide you have followed is assuming you are not using the packaged versions of MongoDB -- the guidance here could definitely be improved.
A better (and typical) approach for Ubuntu is to install MongoDB using the standard packages: Install MongoDB on Ubuntu. This would allow you to get software updates via the normal apt-get update process.
Yes. It's okay. The 2.6.1 version is a small update with bugfixes after version 2.6. But it's still the same major version.