Yahoo data feed url not working [duplicate] - yahoo-api

This question already has answers here:
Has Yahoo suddenly today terminated its finance download API?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Has Yahoo stopped data feed service?
I was getting data using this link below until wednesday. Then stopped...
Someone pointed out that URL has changed to this one below, but this doesn't work either...

It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service is being discontinued. For all future markets and equities data research, please refer to
It seems that Yahoo unfortunately discontinued the service.


Firebase hosting rewrite rules based on language of browser [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Implementing localized 404 page with Firebase hosting
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a Firebase hosted website that contains an index_fr.html and index_nl.html.
How can I create a rewrite rules that uses the user agent language to serve the correct index_nl or index_fr page (without using Firebase functions)?
Update August 12th, 2020: Firebase Hosting now supports i18n internationalization.
Firebase Hosting rewrites are based on the requested path only. There is not support for such conditional rewrites in the Firebase Hosting configuration.
You might want to file a feature request for it.

Yahoo Finance Webservice API is down? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Has Yahoo finance web service disappeared? API changed? Down temporarily?
(10 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've been using the Yahoo Finance Webservice for a few months now to fetch stock data in JSON format using the following URL:
**It has been working perfectly.**However, as of today this is simply hitting a 404 error and I can't seem to find a possible work around. I understand Yahoo has made some changes to Yahoo finance and their other APIs. Does anyone have a potential solution?
It happen to me too since yesterday, fix it by using YQL API.

How to use QA Service of IBM watson with REST API

I have just started to learn IBM Watson services. I need to use Question and answer API of bluemix in java using REST API. But I couldn't find any service like Question and answer. Please can anybody tell me is the name is changed or where can I find the documentation for this service. I have tried with existing answers in SO. But those links which are in answers are not working removed.
The QA service has been discontinued since the end of last year.
Instead what has happened is that the components that made up QA have been broken down into their own services.
NL Classifier
Retrieve and Rank
Document Conversion
The reason for this change is that not all types of applications required all these services. Also it allows you to pull in other services to act on data, for example Sentiment Analysis of a question can impact the answer/action given. Which wasn't part of QA.
More details here:

How old data can I get from Google Analytics?

Is there any limits on "start date" param, if I make request to Google Analytics?
e.g. Can I get 5 years old data?
Yes, you can. It works fine from 2005 for me.

Tutorial about web service

Can anyone give me good tutorial about web service?
i find below tutorial with example but doesn't work
for example if i want to show weather in my app should i get data from specific web site or i can get data from yahoo or other site about weather
I answered a similar question on SO and wrote a blog post about consuming Web APIs. Please let me know if this doesn't help you:
How to Consume JSON or XML Web APIs on the iPhone
The original SO question I answered
Cheers and best of luck,