conversion of word file into tex file - ms-word

I need to convert my manuscript which is in word .doc format with math type equations into latex file. The problem is that majority of convertors do not handle with math type equations. How can I deal with that. Thanks a lot.

Have you tried to convert the equations first -- while they're still in Word? MathType will do that. If it's a long document, we recommend working on small sections of it, rather than the entire document at once (5-10 pages at a time). Use the Convert Equations command on the MathType tab in Word (or the MathType menu in Word 2011 for Mac). Choose the "LaTeX 2.09" or "AMS-LaTeX" translator and click Convert. Then use whatever other conversion tool you're using to convert the document into LaTeX.


Matlab - text analytic toolbox

I want to develop information retrieval system for Amharic language corpus but matlab don't read and display Ethiopic-Unicode characters neither in command line nor in editor window.
I think this is due to the lack of appropriate fonts. For example, if I have a pdf of Ethiopic-Unicode pdf file, the following MATLAB codes can read it,
filename = 'Amharic_sample.pdf';
str = extractFileText(filename);
but characters are garbled in MATLAB windows and are shown as white rectangles. After I installed Ethiopia Jiret from here, and change MATLAB's Desktop text font to Ethiopia Jiret in MATLAB Preferences, MATLAB shows these characters correctly.

Convert PowerPoint to Word with MathyType equations

I have a large collection of PowerPoint files that contain floating text boxes and MathType equations that I need to convert to a Word document for editing and publication. Using any of PowerPoints built in conversions losses most of the floating textboxes and all of the MathType equations.
Is there any automated way to achieve this conversion to Word with everything intact, and not transformed into images?
The only decent solution I have come across is saving the PowerPoint as an .rtf outline but that loses all equations and floating boxes.
I'm using PowerPoint 2010 and Windows 7. Though any operating system with a solution I can use.
Short answer -- no, not "out of the box".
Longer answer is that it may be possible with a little work. You don't specify what OS you're using, nor what version of PPT. On this page is a VBA script that is supposed to work on PPT 2010. I tried it in PPT 2010 with 2 different presentations, both of which had MathType equations and one of which also had a diagram. In both cases, it converted only slides that were text-only. Slides with any non-text items (diagram and equations) did not convert. If you're a VBA guru, you may be able to look at the VBA and tweak it so that it will work.

Exporting lots of .doc files with mathtype equations and vector drawings to html with embedded latex and svg

I need to convert thousands of .doc files to HTML. These documents contain MathType equations, Word Drawings (vector drawings), and the drawings many times contain more equation objects themselves.
Through Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word I have managed to save .docs to filtered HTML and "unfiltered" HTML (this last mode has the advantage of generating several .wmz files). Sadly, the MathType SDK fails to convert every single equation in the wmz files that are generated in the process (the wmf examples that come with the SDK are converted to LaTeX just fine..). Summing up:
I need to know which wmf files are MathType equations and which are word drawings;
I need to be able to convert the wmf files that are MathType equations to LaTeX.
I need some PRETTY good wmf to svg converters to convert the drawings, because it is quite often that the results are not to our liking;
I need to have access to the mathtype equations contained in the word drawings.
All of this has to be automated, since there are thousands of files.
Anyone with some experience on this?
WMZ is gzipped WMF, so if the conversion of WMF to LaTeX works, then try unGzipping the WMZ file to WMF and then converting it to LaTeX.

Matlab: Write text to PDF

I'd like to create a PDF out of my matlab m-function. The PDF should contain some text information which I want to style a bit and one image (which is previously generated as figure). Is there any way? The only thing I found is publish to publish source-code. The only alternative I could think off was to programm the texts into the figure window and than export the whole figure to pdf. Perhaps there's a better way to do it?
I would recommend generating your figure with Matlab, outputting it to eps, then converting the figure to pdf using epstopdf. Then embed your figure in a latex document and generate a pdf with pdflatex.
I know this sounds like an incredibly roundabout way of doing it, but
This is the way I've come to do it after years of experience and it always gives me the best results
Every one of my colleagues does it this way for the same reason
The results will be completely reproducible
You're using Matlab to do what it's good at (making scientific figures) and latex to do what it's good at (formatting documents)
The Matlab code to make the eps of the figure would be like this (supposing your figure is figure 1):
print -depsc2 -f1 -loose my_fig.eps
You could pretty easily write a latex template that uses my_fig.pdf and then run everything from your Matlab using bangouts:
!epstopdf my_fig
!pdflatex mydoc.tex
If you're on Windows, you can connect to Word using 'actxserver', insert and style any text you like into a blank document, copy and paste MATLAB figures into the document, and then save it to PDF. You can do all of that from within MATLAB. The first time you do this it's a pain, as you need to learn quite a bit about the Word Object Model; but once you've done it a couple of times it's very simple and quick, and you can achieve very professional results. You can combine this with using the 'export_fig' that others have mentioned.

How do I embed EPS into a PDF with PDF::API2?

Obviously, I want to avoid raster images as intermediate step.
I've never tried this, but I think you'd have to first convert the EPS file to a PDF (using Ghostscript or something), and then use importPageIntoForm or importpage (depending on exactly what you're trying to do). You need a PostScript interpreter to handle EPS, because PostScript is a complete programming language, and PDF isn't.