Dataframe to RDD[Row] replacing space with nulls - scala

I am converting a Spark dataframe to RDD[Row] so I can map it to final schema to write into Hive Orc table. I want to convert any space in the input to actual null so the hive table can store actual null instead of a empty string.
Input DataFrame (a single column with pipe delimited values):
My code:
map { x: Row => x.get(0).asInstanceOf[String].split("\\|", -1)}.
map { x => Row (nullConverter(x(0)),nullConverter(x(1)),nullConverter(x(2)).... nullConverter(x(200)))}
def nullConverter(input: String): String = {
if (input.trim.length > 0) input.trim
else null
Is there any clean way of doing it rather than calling the nullConverter function 200 times.

Update based on single column:
Going with your approach, I will do something like: Row) => {
val values = row.get(0).asInstanceOf[String].split("\\|").map(nullConverter)
Make your nullConverter or any other logic a udf:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val nullConverter = udf((input: String) => {
if (input.trim.length > 0) input.trim
else null
Now, use the udf on your df and apply to all columns:
val convertedDf = => nullConverter(col(c)).alias(c)):_*)
Now, you can do your RDD logic.

This would be easier to do using the DataFrame API before converting to an RDD. First, split the data:
val df = Seq(("1|2|3||5|6|7|8||")).toDF("col0") // Example dataframe
val df2 = df.withColumn("col0", split($"col0", "\\|")) // Split on "|"
Then find out the length of the array:
val numCols = df2.first.getAs[Seq[String]](0).length
Now, for each element in the array, use the nullConverter UDF and then assign it to it's own column.
val nullConverter = udf((input: String) => {
if (input.trim.length > 0) input.trim
else null
val df3 = until numCols).map(i => nullConverter($"col0".getItem(i)).as("col" + i)): _*)
The result using the example dataframe:
| 1| 2| 3|null| 5| 6| 7| 8|null|null|
Now convert it to an RDD or continue using the data as a DataFrame depending on your needs.

There is no point in converting dataframe to rdd
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
df = sc.parallelize([
(1, "foo bar"), (2, "foobar "), (3, " ")
]).toDF(["k", "v"])"*"), " ", "NULL"))


How to run udf on every column in a dataframe?

I have a UDF:
val TrimText = (s: AnyRef) => {
//does logic returns string
And a dataframe:
var df ="sep", ",").option("header", "true").csv(root_path + "/" + file)
I would like to perform TrimText on every value in every column in the dataframe.
However, the problem is, I have a dynamic number of columns. I know I can get the list of columns by df.columns. But I am unsure on how this will help me with my issue. How can I solve this problem?
TLDR Issue - Performing a UDF on every column in a dataframe, when the dataframe has an unknown number of columns
Attempting to use:
df.columns.foldLeft( df )( (accDF, c) =>
accDF.withColumn(c, TrimText(col(c)))
Throws this error:
error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
accDF.withColumn(c, TrimText(col(c)))
TrimText is suppose to return a string and expects the input to be a value in a column. So it is going to be standardizing every value in every row of the entire dataframe.
You can use foldLeft to traverse the column list to iteratively apply withColumn to the DataFrame using your UDF:
df.columns.foldLeft( df )( (accDF, c) =>
accDF.withColumn(c, TrimText(col(c)))
>> I would like to perform TrimText on every value in every column in the dataframe.
>> I have a dynamic number of columns.
when sql function is available for trimming why UDF, could see below code fit's for you ?
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
spark.udf.register("TrimText", (x:String) => ..... )
val df2 = sc.parallelize(List(
(26, true, 60000.00),
(32, false, 35000.00)
)).toDF("age", "education", "income")
val cols2 = df2.columns.toSet
val query = "select " + buildcolumnlst(cols2) + " from table1 "
val dfresult = spark.sql(query)
def buildcolumnlst(myCols: Set[String]) = { => "TrimText(" + x + ")" + " as " + x).mkString(",")
select trim(age) as age,trim(education) as education,trim(income) as income from table1
|age|education| income|
| 26| true|60000.0|
| 32| false|35000.0|
val a = sc.parallelize(Seq(("1 "," 2"),(" 3","4"))).toDF()
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def TrimText(s: Column): Column = {
//does logic returns string
} => TrimText(col(c))):_*).show

Replace all occurrences of a String in all columns in a dataframe in scala

I have a dataframe with 20 Columns and in these columns there is a value XX which i want to replace with Empty String. How do i achieve that in scala. The withColumn function is for a single column, But i want to pass all 20 columns and replace values that have XX in the entire frame with Empty String , Can some one suggest a way.
You can gather all the stringType columns in a list and use foldLeft to apply your removeXX UDF to each of the columns as follows:
val df = Seq(
(1, "aaXX", "bb"),
(2, "ccXX", "XXdd"),
(3, "ee", "fXXf")
).toDF("id", "desc1", "desc2")
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val stringColumns = df.schema.fields.collect{
case StructField(name, StringType, _, _) => name
val removeXX = udf( (s: String) =>
if (s == null) null else s.replaceAll("XX", "")
val dfResult = stringColumns.foldLeft( df )( (acc, c) =>
acc.withColumn( c, removeXX(df(c)) )
| id|desc1|desc2|
| 1| aa| bb|
| 2| cc| dd|
| 3| ee| ff|
def clearValueContains(dataFrame: DataFrame,token :String,columnsToBeUpdated : List[String])={
(dataset ,columnName) =>
dataset.withColumn(columnName, when(col(columnName).contains(token), "").otherwise(col(columnName)))
You can use this function .. where you can put token as "XX" . Also the columnsToBeUpdated is the list of columns in which you need to search for the particular column.
dataset.withColumn(columnName, when(col(columnName) === token, "").otherwise(col(columnName)))
you can use the above code to replace on exact match.
We can do like this as well in scala.
//Getting all columns
val columns: Seq[String] = df.columns
//Using DataFrameNaFunctions to achieve this.
val changedDF =, Map("XX"-> ""))
Hope this helps.

How to set ignoreNulls flag for first function in agg with map of columns and aggregate functions?

I have around 20-25 list of columns from conf file and have to aggregate first Notnull value. I tried the function to pass the column list and agg expr from reading the conf file.
I was able to get first function but couldn't find how to specify first with ignoreNull value as true.
The code that I tried is
def groupAndAggregate(df: DataFrame, cols: List[String] , aggregateFun: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
df.groupBy(cols.head, cols.tail: _*).agg(aggregateFun)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(0, null, "1"),
(1, "2", "2"),
(0, "3", "3"),
(0, "4", "4"),
(1, "5", "5"),
(1, "6", "6"),
(1, "7", "7")
)).toDF("grp", "col1", "col2")
groupAndAggregate(df, List("grp"), Map("col1"-> "first", "col2"-> "COUNT") ).show()
| 1| 2| 4|
| 0| | 3|
I need to get 3 as a result in place of null.
I am using Spark 2.1.0 and Scala 2.11
Edit 1:
If I use the following function
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{first,count}
df.groupBy("grp").agg(first(df("col1"), ignoreNulls = true), count("col2")).show()
I get my desired result. Can we pass the ignoreNulls true for first function in Map?
I have been able to achieve this by creating a list of Columns and passing it to agg function of groupBy. The earlier approach had an issue where i was not able to name the columns as the agg function was not returning me the order of columns in the output DF, i have renamed the columns in the list itself.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def groupAndAggregate(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val list: ListBuffer[Column] = new ListBuffer[Column]()
try {
val columnFound = getAggColumns(df) // function to return a Map[String, String]
val agg_func = columnFound.entrySet().toList.
foreach(field =>
list += first(df(columnFound.getOrDefault(field.getKey, "")),ignoreNulls = true).as(field.getKey)
list += sum(df("col1")).as("watch_time")
list += count("*").as("frequency")
val groupColumns = getGroupColumns(df) // function to return a List[String]
val output = df.groupBy(groupColumns.head, groupColumns.tail: _*).agg(
list.head, list.tail: _*
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
I think you should use na operator and drop all the nulls before you do aggregation.
na: DataFrameNaFunctions Returns a DataFrameNaFunctions for working with missing data.
drop(cols: Array[String]): DataFrame Returns a new DataFrame that drops rows containing any null or NaN values in the specified columns.
The code would then look as follows:"col1").groupBy(...).agg(first("col1"))
That will impact count so you'd have to do count separately.

DataFrame: Append column name to rows data

I'm looking a way to append column names to data frame row's data .
Number of columns could be different from time to time
I've Spark 1.4.1
I've a dataframe :
Edit: : all data is String type only
|key| value|
|foo| bar|
|bar| one, two|
I'd like to get :
|key | value|
|key_foo| value_bar|
|key_bar| value_one, value_two|
I tried
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val concatColNamesWithElems = udf { seq: Seq[Row] => { case Row(y: String) => (col +"_"+y)}}
Save DataFrame as Table (Ex: dfTable), So that you write SQL on it.
Create UDF and Register: I'd assume your value column type is String
sqlContext.udf.register("prefix", (columnVal: String, prefix: String) =>
columnVal.split(",").map(x => prefix + "_" + x.trim).mkString(", ")
Use UDF in Query
//prepare columns which have UDF and all column names with AS
//Ex: prefix(key, "key") AS key // you can this representation
val columns = => s"""prefix($col, "$col") AS $col """).mkString(",")
println(columns) //for testing how columns framed
val resultDf = sqlContext.sql("SELECT " + columns + " FROM dfTable")

apache spark groupBy pivot function

I am new to spark and using spark 1.6.1. I am using the pivot function to create a new column based on a integer value. Say I have a csv file like this:
I am loading the csv file like this:
var df"com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").load("data/sample.csv")
I want to aggregate the winds colmnn filtering those winds greater than 55 so that I get an output file like this:
year, majorwinds
I am using the code below:
val df2=df.groupBy("major").pivot("winds").agg(>55)->"count")
But I get this error
error: expected but integer literal found
What is the correct syntax here? Thanks in advance
In your case, if you just want output like:
|1990| 2|
|1991| 1|
It's not necessary to use pivot.
You could reach this by using filter, groupBy and count:
df.filter($"winds" >= 55)
.withColumnRenamed("count", "majorwinds")
use this generic funtion to do pivot
def transpose(sqlCxt: SQLContext, df: DataFrame, compositeId: Vector[String], pair: (String, String), distinctCols: Array[Any]): DataFrame = {
val rdd = { row => (compositeId.collect { case id => row.getAs(id).asInstanceOf[Any] }, scala.collection.mutable.Map(row.getAs(pair._1).asInstanceOf[Any] -> row.getAs(pair._2).asInstanceOf[Any])) }
val pairRdd = rdd.reduceByKey(_ ++ _)
val rowRdd = => dynamicRow(r, distinctCols))
sqlCxt.createDataFrame(rowRdd, getSchema(compositeId ++ distinctCols))