Using ReadTheDocs to host Sphinx Docs created with Jupyter - jupyter

I continue to have failed builds with ReadTheDocs using a github repository with Jupyter notebooks rendered using sphinx and the readthedocs theme. I am able to render these locally, however when I try with RTD, I get the following fail message:
I tried placing the file in the repository but things still fail. Link to RTD is here:
Github repo is here:

RTD needs to install nbsphinx. To tell RTD to install packages, you must:
From RTD FAQ, My project isn’t building with autodoc:
enable the virtualenv feature in the Admin page of your project, which will install your project into a virtualenv, and allow you to specify a requirements.txt file for your project.
Create requirements.txt in your repo and add nbsphinx to its contents. See
After you commit and push item 2 to your repo, then RTD should install nbsphinx and be able to build your docs successfully, or at least proceed to the next failure if there is one.


Github not uploading any files from my Django app

I followed all the steps on and none of them worked. I tried every manual there is. I'm on a mac so I have Homebrew and Git installed, followed the steps there and all it did was create an empty repository but not even one file uploaded. Why is this happening?
You can see my repository here

Where to place custom packages that are being developed in github?

I want to get started developing my own packages. I am also adding version control via Github. I mainly develop on my Mac and a Windows laptop, but there is potential for me to develop on other machines down the line. My IDE of choice is PyCharm. I need to figure out where to place my packages both on Github and on my local machines so that my packages are always in sync regardless of where I am developing. Help??
First, let's clarify that git is the version control system, and Github is a platform for hosting git repositories (there are many other platforms aside from Github). You use git commands to manage your codes, and Github is where you store a copy of your codes.
By adding version control and putting a copy on Github, you've already taken the first step in managing your codes on different machines. All you need to do is to make sure the codes on Github is always the latest updated or maintained version.
Here's a sample workflow:
On machine 1 (Mac), clone a copy of the Github repo
Develop on machine 1
When you are satisfied with your changes, push your codes from machine 1 to Github
On machine 2 (Windows), clone a copy of the Github repo
Develop on machine 2
When you are satisfied with your changes, push your codes from machine 2 to Github
On machine 1, do a fetch to check for updates to the code
If there are updates, pull those changes to machine 1
Again, when done making changes, push them from machine 1 to Github
On machine 2 again, fetch and pull changes
Repeat this fetch-pull-push- cycle for all machines
Basically, you'll need to make sure that on wherever machine you are, when you are done, you should always push those changes to the remote (Github). So that other machines, can fetch and pull those changes and continue where you left off.
UPDATE (based on comment):
Once you've got the workflow for your package source codes, next is to package them like any other regular Python package and install them to your site-packages (either directly for your system or preferably in a virtual environment).
I recommend taking a look at the Python docs on Packaging Python Projects which uses setuptools to make your package compatible with pip.
Here's a sample workflow:
git clone <> # or git pull if you already cloned it before
cd mypackage
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e . or pip install --user -e .
That last step will install your package to your site-packages folder, like any other pip-compatible package (assuming you've setup your file properly). If you are using virtual environments, you'll have to activate the virtual env first, then install your package there.
If you are not going to do any modification on the source code, and you just want to install the package on a specific machine, then you can also specify the Github URL to pip:
$ pip install -e git+https://git.repo/some_pkg.git#egg=SomeProject # from git
Lastly, if you are planning to upload this package to PyPi, check out the docs on Uploading the distribution archives. This just adds an extra step to your workflow of uploading your package to PyPi and then doing pip install from there next time.

Jekyll can't find layout

I am using git page to make a github website. I am using academicpages/ I forked this repo to my gitpage repo, and edited the pages in the /_pages folder. But when I build the site with jekyll, I get the following:
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
Build Warning: Layout 'single' requested in pages/ does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'archive' requested in pages/ does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'archive' requested in pages/ does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'archive' requested in pages/software does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'archive' requested in pages/ does not exist.
I am not following this because, in the git repo I made I have the layouts in the _layouts folder. archive.html and single.html are all in there.
Then what could be causing the problem?
One question though would be, should I have all these files in the git website folder on my hard drive? Since I forked the theme repo, the files are all on my git repo, and I don't have the layout files on my hard drive.
From the documentation within
To run locally (not on GitHub Pages, to serve on your own computer)
Clone the repository and made updates as detailed above
Make sure you have ruby-dev, bundler, and nodejs installed: sudo apt install ruby-dev ruby-bundler nodejs
Run bundle clean to clean up the directory (no need to run --force)
Run bundle install to install ruby dependencies. If you get errors, delete Gemfile.lock and try again.
Run bundle exec jekyll liveserve to generate the HTML and serve it from localhost:4000 the local server will automatically rebuild and refresh the pages on change.
So, yes, basically you clone the repo to have all files on your harddisk, then dependencies are installed and finally you start your site locally using jekyll serve or jekyll serve -i.

Can a specific file from a specific github repo tree be installed with pip?

I need to install from a specific tree in keras, ideally without updating the other keras files. This shows how to install a specific repo branch, but how can the same be done for this single file in a tree?
No. pip installs Python packages. You need a different tool to download just one file. For a remote git repository git archive is a good tool. For a remote web interface use curl or wget.

Problems with my Cydia repo

I am hosting a personal repo for my friends. I am using the cyman script to generate and maintain the repo. I have my repo hosted at The problem is that on the iphone when you go into the repo you cannot see the packages and the packages cannot be found. However they are still "listed". You're welcome to install the repo to look.
Make sure your repo has the file called packages.gz
You can create it using the command
dpkg-scanpackages -m . /dev/null >Packages
Your 'Packages' file is invalid. Name, Author, Depiction, Icon - these fields has indentation at the beginning of a line. Remove it and Cydia will see your packages.