angular-cli caches bitbucket pipeline - deployment

I work with angular 4 and angular-cli. I'm trying to cache node_modules in bitbucket's pipelines.
I tried this
nodemodules: ~/node_modules
or, this
nodemodules: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules
but they did not work, any idea?

According to the docs, it’s simply:
- step:
- node
In other words: simply use “node”. This works for myself in my Bb Pipelines.


Can I use one AzureDevOps pipeline to run other pipelines?

I would like to have a master pipeline capable of running the pipelines of our system's individual components. I'd also like to be able to run any of those components' pipelines individually. Additionally, some of the component pipelines are configured using yaml, while others are using the classic approach. (I'm not sure if that figures into any possible solutions to this problem.) Those that are configured using yaml typically contain multiple jobs, and I'd need all of the jobs to run in those cases.
Using approach #2 recommended here, I tried the following:
- job: build_and_deploy
displayName: Build and Deploy
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1
name: some-pool
- checkout: self
- template: component_one_pipeline.yml
- template: component_two_pipeline.yml
I receive an error for the following "unexpected values": trigger, resources, name, variables, and jobs. I'm guessing these aren't allowed in any yaml file referenced in the template step of another pipeline yaml file. As I mentioned above, though, I need these values in their files because we need to run the pipelines individually.
If possible, could someone point me in the direction of how to get this done?
EDIT: I have also tried the approach given here. I was thinking I'd have a master pipeline that essentially did nothing except serve as a trigger for all of the child pipelines that are supposed to run sequentially. Essentially, the child pipelines should subscribe to the master pipeline and run when it's done. I ended up with the following 2 files:
# master-pipeline.yml
trigger: none
name: some agent pool
- script: echo Running MASTER PIPELINE
displayName: 'Run master pipeline'
trigger: none
#- testing-branch (tried these combinations trying to pick up master run)
#- main
name: some agent pool
- pipeline: testing_master_pipeline
source: TestingMasterPipeline
trigger: true
- script: echo Running CHILD PIPELINE 1
displayName: 'Run Child Pipeline 1'
Unfortunately, it's not working. I don't get any exceptions, but the child pipeline isn't running when I manually run the master pipeline. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
The way that those approaches you linked work, and Azure DevOps build triggering works in general, is that a build completion can trigger another build, and you have to have the trigger in build to be triggered. So:
Yaml templates can't have things like triggers, so they won't really help you here (though you can of course split any of the individual pipelines to templates). Triggers are in the main yaml pipeline fail, which references the template-files. So you can't have a individual component pipelines as templates.
Yaml pipelines can be chained with the resources-declaration mentioned in the first link. The way this works is that the resource declaration is in the pipeline to be triggered, and you configure the conditions (like branch filters: to the pipeline to be triggered. For example, in your component pipeline you declare the master pipeline as resource, and set the conditions when the component pipeline will be triggered, like when the master pipeline is run against /release/* -branch. Or just set the trigger to true in order to trigger the component pipeline from any succesful run of the master pipeline. The component pipeline can still have its own pipeline triggers at the start of the pipeline declaration.
The classic build definitions can also be chained via edit build definition -> triggers -> build completion (see, for example, here: This works the same way as with yaml pipelines; you configure the conditions for this the classic pipeline to trigger, so add the master pipeline as trigger to the component pipelines. Again, you can also set pipeline triggers for the component pipeline.
The limitation here is, that a classic pipeline can be triggered by an yaml pipeline, but not vice versa. A similar limitation in the yaml resources-declaration; they can't be triggered by a classic pipeline. If you need such triggering, or otherwise find the "native" triggers not to be enough, you can of course shoot an Azure DevOps API call in either type of pipeline to trigger any pipeline. See:, or just search for the azure devops rest api and associated blog posts that trigger the api with powershell, the rest api -task or by some other means.
As it turns out, I needed to set the pipelines' default branch to the one I was testing on for things to work correctly. The code in my original post works fine.
If you run into this problem and you're using a testing branch to test your pipelines, check out the information here on how to configure your pipeline to listen for triggers on your branch. Apparently a pipeline only listens for them on its default branch. Note: The example in the link uses the "classic" approach to pipeline configuration as an example, but you can reach the same page from a yaml configuration's edit screen by clicking the 3 dots on the right and selecting "Triggers."
Hope this helps someone.

Azure DevOps - Pipelines checkout

I am trying to solve a problem where I can't find the right documentation for the problem that I have.
At the moment, in my project, I am using Azure DevOps pipelines to build and deploy a simples code in a function. What I am trying to approach is to have multiple stages doing something concrete.
Example of the pipeline
Stage 1 - Validation of code (checktsyle, guidelines,...)
Stage 2 - Tests
Job1 : Unit tests
Job2 : Integration tests
Stage 3 - Deployment on the cloud
Stage 4 - Function tests against the deployment done on stage 3.
As you may know, when you do different stages, the pipelines run into different slaves, which means that will apply the git checkout in all of them. What I am trying to make is to avoid this checkouts and only make one single checkout on the first stage and use the checkout of the first stage for the rest (the code is the same..)
Do you have any clue what I am missing here? I know that I can do this process in a single stage with all steps/jobs inside but I want to split this in different stages to make sure that each stage has it own responsability.
Thanks in advance for your time.
It depends on where your agents run, if the agents are self-hosted, you can of course use a common location and avoid checking out the self repo. With hosted agents, I don't think you can do this using the stage concept in azure pipelines, stages have specific semantics which do not map to your desired outcome AFAIK. There are other ways to split the responsibilities without insisting on using azure pipeline stages. It depends on what you want to achieve with this splitting of responsibilities;
If you simply want to logically partition the pipeline there are alternatives e.g. templates which will allow you to separate the partitions into files which can be maintained separately, if that would satisfy your requirement for separation of responsibilities. They can even be separated into different repositories like in the example below, of course they can also reside in the same repository.
An example I use for caching and restoring dependencies for C++ projects using a common repository.
- checkout: DevOpsScripts
- template: up-restore.yml#DevOpsScripts
CachePath: $(updepsCache)
CacheKeyPrefix: 'updeps | "$(Agent.OS)"'
DependenciesManifest: $(updepsPrefix)$(osSuffix).json
As stated in order to accomplish that you should have a custom agent on which you can have a folder to store the code for example C:\code. Then you can checkout the repository on this code path and disable checkout on the next stages.
You can disable checkout on the job inside your stage.
- job: DeployCode
displayName: Deploy code
- checkout: none
- script: echo deploying code
displayName: deploy code
In order to checkout on a specific directory on your self hosted agent you should:
- checkout: self
clean: true
path: C:\code

Offline git clone Drone CI using proxy as Nexus

I am running :
drone-server on top of kubernetes
and drone-kubernetes-runner to dynamically provisioning runner as pods.
After investigation, i found the Pod YAML of each runner defines the 1st step "git clone" using the image drone/git.
I am running the pipeline in offline environment. I have to specify instead of drone/git to avoid fetching from the public registry.
I search everywhere, but no way.
Even image_pull_secrets is valuable for explicit steps that i can define.
It's NOT valuable for implicit steps like the "clone" step
You could disable the automatic cloning and add an explicit step, specifying your own image with the nexus mirror origin.
For example:
kind: pipeline
disable: true
- name: clone

How to write CI/CD pipeline to run integration testing of java micro services on Google kubernetes cluster?

I have 8-9 private clusterIP spring based microservices in a GKE cluster. All of the microservices are having integration tests bundled with them. I am using bitbucket and using maven as build tool.
All of the microservices are talking to each other via rest call with url: http://:8080/rest/api/fetch
Requirement: I have testing enviroment ready with all the docker images up on GKE Test cluster. I want that as soon as I merge the code to master for service-A, pipeline should deploy image to tes-env and run integration test cases. If test cases passes, it should deploy to QA-environment, otherwise rollback the image of service-A back to previous one.
Issue: On every code merge to master, I am able to run JUNIT test cases of service-A, build its docker image, push it on GCR and deploy it on test-env cluster. But how can I trigger integration test cases after the deployment and rollback to previously deployed image back if integration test cases fails? Is there any way?
You can create different steps for each part:
- step:
- step:
- step:
- First set of JUNIT test
- step:
- Run Integration Tests (Here you can add if you fail to do rollback)
- Upload to QA
There are many ways you can do it. From the above information its not clear which build tool you are using.
Lets say if you are using bamboo you can create a task for the same and include it in the SDLC process. Mostly the task can have bamboo script or ansible script.
You could also create a separate shell script to run the integration test suite after deployment.
You should probably check what Tekton is offering.
The Tekton Pipelines project provides k8s-style resources for declaring CI/CD-style pipelines.
If you use Gitlab CICD you can break the stages as follows:
- compile
- build
- test
- push
- review
- deploy
where you should compile the code in the first stage, then build the docker images from it in the next and then pull images and run them to do all your tests (including the integration tests)
here is the mockup of how it will look like:
stage: compile
- echo 'Compiling Application'
# - bash my compile script
# Compile artifacts can be used in the build stage.
- out/dist/dir
expire_in: 1 week
stage: build
- docker build . -t "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion" ## Dockerfile should make use of out/dist/dir
- docker push "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion"
stage: test
- docker run -it ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion bash
stage: test
- docker run -d ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion
- ./
## You will only push the latest image if the build will pass all the tests.
stage: push
- docker pull ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion
- docker tag ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:testversion -t ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:latest
- docker push ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:latest
## An app will be deployed on staging if it has passed all the tests.
## The concept of CICD is generally that you should do all the automated tests before even deploying on staging. Staging can be used for User Acceptance and Quality Assurance Tests etc.
stage: review
name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
on_stop: stop_review
- branches
- kubectl apply -f deployments.yml
## The Deployment on production environment will be manual and only when there is a version tag committed.
stage: deploy
name: prod
- tags
- kubectl apply -f deployments.yml
- manual
I hope the above snippet will help you. If you want to learn more about deploying microservices using gitlab cicd on GKE read this

Concourse: how to pass job's output to a different job

It's not clear for me from the documentation if it's even possible to pass one job's output to the another job (not from task to task, but from job to job).
I don't know if conceptually I'm doing the right thing, maybe it should be modeled differently in Concourse, but what I'm trying to achieve is having pipeline for Java project split into several granular jobs, which can be executed in parallel, and triggered independently if I need to re-run some job.
How I see the pipeline:
First job:
pulls the code from github repo
builds the project with maven
deploys artifacts to the maven repository (mvn deploy)
updates SNAPSHOT versions of the Maven project submodules
copies artifacts (jar files) to the output directory (output of the task)
Second job:
picks up jar's from the output
builds docker containers for all of them (in parallel)
Pipeline goes on
I was unable to pass the output from job 1 to job 2.
Also, I am curious if any changes I introduce to the original git repo resource will be present in the next job (from job 1 to job 2).
So the questions are:
What is a proper way to pass build state from job to job (I know, jobs might get scheduled on different nodes, and definitely in different containers)?
Is it necessary to store the state in a resource (say, S3/git)?
Is the Concourse stateless by design (in this context)?
Where's the best place to get more info? I've tried the manual, it's just not that detailed.
What I've found so far:
outputs are not passed from job to job
Any changes to the resource (put to the github repo) are fetched in the next job, but changes in working copy are not
Minimal example (it fails if commented lines are uncommented with error: missing inputs: gist-upd, gist-out):
- name: gist
type: git
uri: ""
branch: master
private_key: {{private_git_key}}
- name: update
- get: gist
trigger: true
- task: update-gist
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: concourse/bosh-cli}
- name: gist
- name: gist-upd
- name: gist-out
path: sh
- -exc
- |
git config --global ""
git config --global "Concourse"
git clone gist gist-upd
cd gist-upd
echo `date` > test
git commit -am "upd"
cd ../gist
echo "foo" > test
cd ../gist-out
echo "out" > test
- put: gist
params: {repository: gist-upd}
- name: fetch-updated
- get: gist
passed: [update]
trigger: true
- task: check-gist
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: alpine}
- name: gist
#- name: gist-upd
#- name: gist-out
path: sh
- -exc
- |
ls -l gist
cat gist/test
#ls -l gist-upd
#cat gist-upd/test
#ls -l gist-out
#cat gist-out/test
To answer your questions one by one.
All build state needs to be passed from job to job in the form of a resource which must be stored on some sort of external store.
It is necessary to store on some sort of external store. Each resource type handles this upload and download itself, so for your specific case I would check out this maven custom resource type, which seems to do what you want it to.
Yes, this statelessness is the defining trait behind concourse. The only stateful element in concourse is a resource, which must be strictly versioned and stored on an external data store. When you combine the containerization of tasks with the external store of resources, you get the guaranteed reproducibility that concourse provides. Each version of a resource is going to be backed up on some sort of data store, and so even if the data center that your ci runs on is to completely fall down, you can still have strict reproducibility of each of your ci builds.
In order to get more info I would recommend doing a tutorial of some kind to get your hands dirty and build a pipeline yourself. Stark and wayne have a tutorial that could be useful. In order to help understand resources there is also a resources tutorial, which might be helpful for you specifically.
Also, to get to your specific error, the reason that you are seeing missing inputs is because concourse will look for directories (made by resource gets) named each of those inputs. So you would need to get resource instances named gist-upd and gist-out prior to to starting the task.