Search for a Column in all the schema - db2

Is there any query which can list out all the tables from all the schemas in which specified field is present in DB2 database?
I tried searching for the solutions but I am not able to find any.

Try with the below Query.
select TBNAME
from sysibm.syscolumns
where NAME = '<column name>'


postgresql combine data from different schema tables if that schema exists

Need to create a view based on these conditions:
There are several schemas and tables in the db
We will create a union from tables from certain schemas
If the schema don't exist we should skip that schema from our union
It is given that if schema exists the associated table definitely exists, no need to check that.
Query should not give error if any of the schema is not created.
At the time of running query any schema could be missing that is not known until query is run.
So far creating the view using unions is simple enough but I'm not able to figure out what is the best way to include that condition check for schema existence, I'm sorry if this is trivial or duplicate question, any advice or reference could be helpful.
In postgresql we can use if schema exists:
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = 'name';

create (or copy) table schema using postgres_fdw or dblink

I have many tables in different databases and want to bring them to a database.
It seems like I have to create foreign table in the database (where I want to merge them all) with schemas of all the tables.
I am sure, there is a way to automate this (by the way, I am going to use psql command) but I do not know where to start.
what I have found so far is I can use
select * from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'public' and table_name = 'mytable'
I added more detail explanation.
I wanted to copy tables from another database
the tables have same column names and data type
using postgres_fdw, I needed to set up a field name and data type for each tables (the table names are also same)
then, I want to union the tables have same name all to have one single table.
for that, I am going to add prefix on table
for instance, mytable in db1, mytable in db2, mytable in db3 as in
db1_mytable, db2_mytable, db3_mytable in my local database.
Thanks to Albe's comment, I managed it and now I need to figure out doing 4th step using psql command.

How to check a column exists in a table in Intersystems Cache SQL?

I've noticed that while I can use %dictionary.compiledclass to get a table with schema names and table names, which allow querying for their existence, I cannot do the same for columns. I have yet to find the command that allows verifying whether a column exists or not, or retrieving numerous column names using LIKE "prefix%".
Is there even such a thing? Or an alternative?
You can use %Dictionary.CompiledProperty table and SqlFieldName column of that table.
For example to find out tables that have column 'ColumnName' you can use this query:
select parent->SqlTableName
from %dictionary.compiledproperty
where SqlFieldName='ColumnName'
Execute this Query :
select * from %dictionary.compiledproperty Where parent='TableName' and SqlFieldName='ColumnName'
Check Row Count value ,0 not exist

How to include schema inf while using dblink in PostgreSQL?

I am trying to use dblink in PostgreSQL to run query on different databases. The following works if the table "user" is under the public schema:
select * from dblink(
'hostaddr= port=5434 dbname=dbname user=username password=password',
'select id from user')
as t1(
id bigint
However, I need to run the query on some other defined schemas. Does anyone know how to add the schema information in the above query? I can't figure it out from the PostgreSQL docs.
When you write SQL query like
PostgreSQL will resolve table name like user into fully qualified name like schema.tablename using schema search path, which by default is set to "$user",public.
In other words, user will resolve into public.user unless you tweaked server configuration.
However, you can specify schema explicitly in your statement, like this:
SELECT id FROM otherschema.user

SELECT using schema name

I have an issue with psql. I am trying to select the records from a table but psql acts like the table doesnt exist. I have tried finding it and found that it resides in the 'public' schema. I have tried selecting from this table like so:
highways=# SELECT * FROM public.CLUSTER_128000M;
This does not work stating the following:
ERROR: relation 'public.CLUSTER_128000M' does not exist
I know that it definetly exists and that it is definetly in the 'public' schema so how can I perform a select statement on it?
This was caused by useing FME to create my tables. As a result FME used " marks on the table names making them case sensitive. To reverse this see the comments below.
This issue was caused by the third party software FME using quotes around the names of the tables at time of creation. The solution to make the tables useable again was to use the following command: