Maven exec plugin not running - eclipse

I am trying to executing a powershell script that writes to a file during a maven build.
I am invoking the build with mvn clean install through Eclipse IDE.
This is the plugin in my pom.xml:
The powershell script is a hidden file so that's why I have a . in front of the file name.
However, the plugin is not executing and I am following the instructions in the official documentation.

You are running mvn clean install which will go through various build phases, but your exec plugin execution is not attached to any phase. You'll have to either:
Attach your execution to a phase by adding the <phase> element to your execution, for example to attach it to the pre-integration-test phase:
Or call specifically the exec goal using mvn exec:exec command.
If you are not familiar with the Maven lifecycle and various phases of a build, read the Introduction to the Build Lifecycle guide, or specifically the Plugins part to learn more about plugins executions and phases attachment.


Skip Maven Flex PMD

We are looking for an option in flex-pmd-maven-plugin to skip the pmd execution temporarily using a command-line option. The maven pmd plugin has a -Dpmd.skip=true option.
I am looking for a similar kind of thing for flex-pmd-maven-plugin too.
I had a look at the source code for the plugin and there seems to be no option to do that.
Any ideas or a work around on this is welcome..
I found a workaround to skipping the Flex PMD without having to actually remove the plugin.
The flex-pmd plugin runs in the verify maven phase. I got the phase in the plugin parameterized as and passed a command line argument -Dpmd.phase as either deploy or package.
An then I then ran the command
mvn clean install -Dpmd.phase=deploy
Since maven runs only until install phase and the pmd phase is changed to deploy, the Flex PMD is skipped.. :)
When I want to run the Flex PMD, I just change the hudson build to run the following
mvn clean install -Dpmd.phase=package
Here the code snippet
I have also the following default property in the pom so that pmd will run by default for developers who run the normal mvn clean install

Maven auto-clean on package

I'm having some troubles trying to auto-clean each time i run mvn package.
I've added in the POM :
But i'm getting the following error from M2Eclipse :
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (execution: auto-clean, phase: initialize)
I've tried other phases like "validate" or "generate-resources" but i'm always getting the same error.
It's not a Maven problem, it's m2eclipse. I haven't used it in a long time, but apparently when you add some plugin executions, you have to add additional configuration to m2eclipse. There's a lengthy description of this error on the Eclipse wiki.

Trouble debugging Maven integration test in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Indigo on Win XP, with Maven 3.0.3. I have created a Selenium 2 test that I wish to debug in Eclipse. It is set up to run in the Maven integration test phase. I'm using the Maven Cargo plugin with Tomcat as the container. Here's the relevant section from my pom.xml ...
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase -->
Problem is, when I right click on my integration test in Eclipse, select "Debug As" and then choose my Debug Configuration (which is just the maven goal "clean install -Dtest=TableIntegrationTest"), the execution runs without hitting the breakpoint I set ( How can I do step-through debugging on a JUnit/Selenium integration test in Eclipse?
Maven's integration tests by default run in a forked JVM. Therefore, eclipse is unable to attach to the forked JVM and see the breakpoints.
You can force the integration-test to run in the same JVM with the -DforkMode=never option.
More here:
Edit: Updated link

Maven Javadoc - Unable to generate Javadoc

I have the following dependency and build in my pom file. I'm able to manually create the javadoc with a Maven command. I can also succesfully perform a build. The output doesn't mention javadoc at all. I've also tried leaving out the output directory paths. POM File
Dependency section:
and then the build section:
The Maven Javadoc plugin doesn't run by default and needs to be bound to one of the default Maven lifecycle phases.
Here's how I would write the plugin's configuration:
Notice how I added an extra phase element to the execution. This will bind it to the "site" goal so that javadocs are generated when you run mvn site. Check Introduction to the Build Lifecycle if you want one of the default Java build phases.
Also note that I ditched the version parameter; by default, it should use your POM's version anyway.

How to setup bundle development environment (Eclipse Equinox Maven)

I'am trying to setup eclipse environment to develop bundles (With maven-bundle-plugin-bnd)
and run & debug that bundles equinox from eclipse
I created sample bundles with org.apache.felix maven-bundle-plugin and can install and start that bundles from eclipse equinox,
but every time i need to run "install file:C:\path\bundle1.jar","install file:C:\path\bundle2.jar" which causes pain. i searched for run configuration but it only intalls and starts (plugin) projects in workspace not maven projects.
What i have done is create maven project and add dependencies(bundle1,bundle2 etc..) and added maven-dependency-plugin to copy all depended bundles in one folder (another problem is equinox use "_" delimeter to determine version of bundles but maven uses "-" as delimeter) if i do not strip version in standalone equinox application i need to give version of bundle in config.ini file but i dont want that, is this proper way to solve this problem?
To sum up , i have bundles in folder, which is created with org.apache.felix maven-bundle-plugin , how can i run and debug them from eclipse?
I wouldn't say this is a "proper" solution, but it may work for you.
The antrun plugin can be used to modify the dependencies to replace the final hyphen with an underscore, so the dependency plugin doesn't need to strip the version.
My regex is rusty, but from a little testing the following configuration appears to apply the required name change to the files in the bundleDependency directory.
<!-- move within same directory is preferred method for a rename-->
<move todir="${bundleDirectory}">
<fileset dir="${bundleDirectory}"/>
<mapper type="regexp" from="([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)(-)([0-9\.]+.jar)"
I wrote a tool called auto-builder ( It introspects PDE-based projects and generates Ant build files; it supports transitive closure over dependencies and all that jazz.
I posted a write-up: I wrote it because the Maven tools I played with, when integrated with PDE, didn’t “just work.” Basically, I wanted to do coding in PDE and have a Hudson-based CI without any fuss in between.
Generating Ant files is nice because it gives you all the benefits of a declarative build tool, but it leaves you with a procedural description of what it is doing.
I am looking for more PDE-based projects to test it on. There are a couple RFC-0112 Bundle repositories around, and I have some code for downloading dependencies. If anyone is interested, then I could integrate dependencies download with auto-builder.