Chocolatey: Make an install script - powershell

In order to make install scripts and understanding existing ones, I would like to know what happens behind the scenes of the typical:
choco install notepadplusplus
I found the following here:
Chocolatey uses Nuget.Core to retrieve the package from the source.
Choco determines if it self-contained or has automation scripts - PowerShell scripts (*.ps1 files), and soon to be open to Scriptcs files in the 0.9.10.x timeframe (I know, right?!).
Choco takes a registry snapshot for later comparison.
If there are automation scripts, choco will run those. They can contain whatever you need to do, if they are PowerShell you have the full power of Posh (PowerShell), but you should try to ensure they are compatible with Posh v2+.
Choco compares the snapshot and determines uninstaller information and saves that to a .registry file.
Choco snapshots the folder based on all files that are currently in the package directory.
Choco looks for executable files in the package folder and generates shims into the $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin folder so those items are available on the path. Those could have been embedded into the package or brought down from somewhere (internet, ftp, file folder share, etc) and placed there.
That given,
How can I get the .nupkg package URL? In general it seems like this:
Which is the .nupkg package download directory?
Where is the content of the .nupkg package extracted by default? This is important since chocolateyInstall.ps1 sometime uses Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition.
"Scriptcs files in the 0.9.10.x timeframe" is rather cryptic. Can you give some references?
Is Posh v2+ simply short for Powershell or is a specific technology?
There are several executable files in $env:ChocolateyInstall\lib without a link in $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin. For example, the mpv.exe of the mpv player is not linked.

Yes, that download URL seems correct. The download directory is always into the Chocolatey installation folder, then lib\packageName, and this is where contents are extracted to.
Right now, installation scripts are only written in PowerShell. This comment is referring to the ability to write in installation scripts in C#, using the ScriptCS run time. Currently, this isn't yet supported.
Yes, this is just a short way of referring to PowerShell.
In the case of the mpv package, you will notice that there is an mpv.exe.ignore file. The presence of this file in the package prevents a shim being created.


Call a chocolatey package in powershell based on its package name

I recently set up a new machine and installed/enabled chocolatey. As far as I can remember I was able to call a package via powershell based on the package name. For instance, if I wanted to install mongodb, I used to type choco install mongodb - and was able to call the mongo client by simply typing mongo in the powershell console. Is there a way to see if something is bound to a specific shim ? or is there an option to enable it?
I don't think there is a way to match packages with shims, but you can check the executable a shim points to, along with general information about it and what would happen if you run the shim:
shimname.exe --shimgen-noop
I tried crafting a command to check all the shims in the $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin directory, but there's no guarantee that executables there are going to be a shim. I tried filtering out the known Chocolatey executables as well, but some packages (like putty) drop their real executables right in the bin folder, and won't respond to the shim parameters like you'd expect.
Looking at the Install-BinFile cmdlet, it doesn't look like Chocolatey provides a way to track shims at all as it doesn't even do this itself. I think it uses the same logic to track automatically generated shims at package uninstall time, but any shims explicitly created with Install-BinFile also need to have Uninstall-BinFile called in the associated chocolateyUninstall.ps1 script or the shim won't be removed at package uninstall time.
Short of crawling the $env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\packageName directory for potential automatic shim names, or the chocolateyInstall.ps1/chocolateyUninstall.ps1 scripts for explicit shims, you're not going to be able to match a shim to a package.

PowerShell Module Deployment Duplication

I am using Azure DevOps to deploy PowerShell modules to a server. This release task deploys the modules to the directory C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\. I am able to use the modules once they are deployed to this folder successfully.
If I modify one of the modules and re-release it the file in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ gets updated, however the old version of the module is still used when running from a batch file using pwsh.
I discovered that the module file also exists in the following paths:
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules\
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\Modules\
When deploying the new version using Azure DevOps the old version in the above two directories are not updated. Manually updating the module in those locations fixes the problem.
Why is the module file being copied into those two additional paths?
Should those copies be overwritten when a new version of the module is deployed?
What is the correct way of deploying a module in this scenario?
Powershell uses different paths to load modules. Use $env:PSModulePath -split ";" to know which are the paths being used.
The difference between each path is user scope and usage scope (e.g. made for custom modules or windows official modules).
Now, by default, PS looks for the latest version of each module across all the paths. So maybe the old version is being run because at the time you re-deploy. You are not updating the module version in the Module Manifest, so if PS see they are the "same" version it gets the last one loaded on the PSModulePath.
Take a look at this awesome post for more details: Everything you wanted to know about PowerShell's Module Path
Now to your questions.
Why is the module file being copied into those two additional paths?
This could be a server configuration or the script that you are using to deploy.
Should those copies be overwritten when a new version of the module is deployed?
Not necessarily, if the versions are maintained correctly. On the post shared says how to check the versions of each module.

Getting Install path of a package just installed by chocolatey in powershell

After I install a package in powershell by using
"choco install $package" where package is taken from a config file and would look like "WinRar" so I would be doing choco install WinRar, how do i get the exact path this package was just installed to?
For example when I am installing PhantomJS using this, it gets installed to C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\PhantomJS\tools\phantomjs-2.1.1-windows and I as the developer know that, but since I need to add this to the env path, depending on which version the install command installs, the path will be different. I need to get the exact path so i can set the environmental variable to right place.
PhantomJS is just one example, but a lot of packages get installed into directories where their version is apart of the path and getting the path from the powershell install scripts would really be helpful.
Is there anything like this available for the package manager? I assume figuring out where the package just got installed to should be possible because I see it displayed on my terminal window, just don't know how to access it in powershell.
Currently there is not a way, but there is a thought to maybe provide back a list of package results with that information (along with more). That is still in a feature request so look for it to be developed in the coming months.
You could parse the Chocolatey output to determine where Chocolatey saw things get installed and we are working to make that detection even better.

Choosing destination when installing a chocolatey packages with Puppet

I have created a chocolatey package that is going to get deployed with Puppet to my test server. The package is basically just a bunch of static resources (CSS/JS) zipped together:
Install-ChocolateyZipPackage 'WebResources' '\\teamcity\' "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
What would be the best way, using chocolatey, to extract these files to my website folder? It's just at the moment putting everything in the default c:/chocolatey/lib folder.
I've been thinking of 2 ways:
Include a script file that copies the files.
changing the chocolatey env variable to point to my site.
None of them feels right. Any other suggestions?
You are telling the package to install the files to your wherever the script file is running from. This "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)" is the destination. If you want to have that change, you should probably put an environment variable on the machine you are targeting and then have it use that if available and default back to this...

Why do so many programs have both a setup.exe and a setup.msi?

I have always wondered about this. So many application setups have a zip file that you unzip, and in it are a bunch of files, among other things an exe and an msi. What is the difference? They are often even about the same size. I am never really sure which one to execute, sometimes I do the exe and sometimes the msi, and it usually works with either one. But does one of them do anything that the other doesn't do? And if not, isn't it kind of a waste having two files that does the same thing? Especially when thinking about download size, etc...
Not sure if this should be here or on ServerFault, or maybe neither, but I figured since developers usually are the ones creating setup files, then developers might know why this is like it is =)
In the case where you have both exe and the msi the exe is just a loader for the msi. If you have an installation supporting multiple languages then the exe applies a language transform (mst) on the msi before installing.
You can consider the exe as a wrapper around the msi. The msi file may or may not be given separately. The reason why people give the msi file too is to facilitate a group policy installation (in a Windows Active Directory infrastructure) as you can only push down installations of msi files and not exes.
The setup.exe is a wrapper for the MSI, but it is not only a wrapper.
The setup.exe can rely on a setup.ini to define parameters
The setup.exe checks for the Windows Installer (a MSI cannot be installed otherwise)
The setup.exe can check for frameworks, like the .NET framework. The developer can pick one of those defined in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages (for Visual Studio 2008). If it is lacking, it will try to download it from
The setup.exe can be reconfigured with msistuff.exe
The actual installation is done in the MSI. As Prashast said, the exe is just a wrapper, but the reason for having the exe, is that an exe is allways possible to run. If the user do not have MS Installer installed on the computer, or his version of MS Installer is older than the version required by your installation, then the MSI file is not possible to run.
The exe provides automatic installation of MS Installer (including some question to the user if he/she wants to do this) before running the MSI file. In most cases, the install packages needed for Microsoft Installer is included inside the setup.exe, or sometimes it is just the prerequisites check with a link to download the installation from Microsoft.
In very basic words,
you can deliver just the .msi file and it will install. but .exe will not work without the .msi