Slow Consumers on Kafka - apache-kafka

I use Kafka to maintain a Python service which should be working on parallel to handle the slow API requests for each message efficiently.
I used multiprocessing module on Python and kafka-python for the consumers.
ZooKeeper and Kafka 2.11 runs on the same Ubuntu server with mostly defult configurations.
The topic is auto-created with another kafka-python producer and set to have 10 partitions in order to use up to 10 consumers at the same time.
When I check, I see that the queue is really long, so the producer sends so many requests:
$ bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic usrReq --time -1
However; although working 10 cores in parallel, consumers take very long time (117 seconds on a sample log below) to get the next message from the queue.
thread 7, consumer: 117.485 sec
api1:0.412 sec
api2:0.752 sec
db_insert:0.132 sec
This is how each Process creates its own consumer, fetches messages and runs the analysis on the code:
consumer = KafkaConsumer(group_id='my-group',
value_deserializer=lambda m: json.loads(m.decode('ascii'))
while True:
msg = next(consumer).value['id']
Where could be the problem in this setup?


Kafka topic partition has missing offsets

I have a Flink streaming application which is consuming data from a Kafka topic which has 3 partitions. Even though, the application is continuously running and working without any obvious errors, I see a lag in the consumer group for the flink app on all 3 partitions.
./ --bootstrap-server $URL --all-groups --describe
group-1 topic-test 0 9566 9568 2 - - -
group-1 topic-test 1 9672 9673 1 - - -
group-1 topic-test 2 9508 9509 1 - - -
If I send new records, they get processed but the lag still exists. I tried to view the last few records for partition 0 and this is what I got (ommiting the message part) -
./ --topic topic-test --bootstrap-server $URL --property print.offset=true --partition 0 --offset 9560
The log-end-offset value is at 9568 and the current offset is at 9566. Why are these offsets not available in the console consumer and why does this lag exist?
There were a few instances where I noticed missing offsets. Example -
Why did the offset jump from 2345 to 2347 (skipping 2346)? Does this have something to do with how the producer is writing to the topic?
You can describe your topic for any sort of configuration added while it was created. If the log compaction is enabled through log.cleanup.policy=compact, then the behaviour will be different in the runtime. You can see these lags, due to log compactions lags value setting or missing offsets may be due messages produced with a key but null value.
Configuring The Log Cleaner
The log cleaner is enabled by default. This will start the pool of cleaner threads. To enable log cleaning on a particular topic, add the log-specific property log.cleanup.policy=compact.
The log.cleanup.policy property is a broker configuration setting defined in the broker's file; it affects all of the topics in the cluster that do not have a configuration override in place. The log cleaner can be configured to retain a minimum amount of the uncompacted "head" of the log. This is enabled by setting the compaction time lag
This can be used to prevent messages newer than a minimum message age from being subject to compaction. If not set, all log segments are eligible for compaction except for the last segment, i.e. the one currently being written to. The active segment will not be compacted even if all of its messages are older than the minimum compaction time lag.
The log cleaner can be configured to ensure a maximum delay after which the uncompacted "head" of the log becomes eligible for log compaction
The lag is calculated based on the latest offset committed by the Kafka consumer (lag=latest offset-latest offset committed). In general, Flink commits Kafka offsets when it performs a checkpoint, so there is always some lag if check it using the consumer groups commands.
That doesn't mean that Flink hasn't consumed and processed all the messages in the topic/partition, it just means that it has still not committed them.

How does a consumer know it is no longer listed in the Kafka cluster?

We have this issue that when Kafka brokers must be taken offline, no consumer service has any idea about that and keeps running.
We tried listing consumers in the new Kafka instance, and saw no existing consumer listed there. All consumers listed are those newly created.
We had to manually terminate all existing consumer services which is not convenient every time we hit this issue.
Question - How does a consumer know it is no longer listed in the Kafka cluster so it should terminate itself?
P.S. We use Spring Kafka.
1 -- To Check Clusters & Replica status ?
Check Kafka cluster all broker status
$ localhost:9001 ls /brokers/ids
Check Kafka cluster Specific broker status
$ localhost:9001 get /brokers/ids/<id>
specific to replica_unavailability check
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type replica_unavailability
For first broker check
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type --broker-id 3 replica_unavailability --first-broker-only
Any partitions replicas not available
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type replica_unavailability
Checking offline partitions
$ kafka-check --cluster-type=sample_type offline
2 -- Code sample to send/auto-shutdown
2 custom options to do handle the shutdown using a kill-message,
do it gracefully by sending a kill-message before taking down
brokers or topics.
Option 1: Consider an in-band message/signal - i.e. send a “kill” message pertaining to topics/brokers consumer is listening to as it follows the offset order on the topic-partition
Option 2: make the consumer listen to 2 topics for e.g. “topic” and “topic_kill”
The difference between the 2 options above, is that the first version is comes in the the order it was sent, consider that there maybe blocking messages maybe waiting, depending on your implementation, to be consumed before that “kill message”.
While, the second version allows kill-signal to arrive independently without being blocked out of band, this is a nicer & reusable architectural pattern, with a clear separation between data topic and signaling.
Code Sample a) producer sending the kill-message & b) consumer to recieve and handle the shutdown
// Producer -- modify and adapt as needed
import json
from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['<my port number>'],
key_serializer=lambda m: m.encode('utf8'),
value_serializer=lambda m: json.dumps(m).encode('utf8'))
def send_kill(topic: str, partitions: [int]):
for p in partitions:
producer.send(topic, key='kill', partition=p)
// Consumer to accept a kill-message -- please modify and adapt as needed
import json
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from kafka.structs import OffsetAndMetadata, TopicPartition
consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=['<my port number>'],
key_deserializer=lambda m: m.decode('utf8'),
value_deserializer=lambda m: json.loads(m.decode('utf8')),
for msg in consumer:
tp = TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition)
offsets = {tp: OffsetAndMetadata(msg.offset, None)}
if msg.key == "kill":
# do your work...

Kafka streams throwing InvalidProducerException frequently

I have a kafka streams application with 4 instances, each runing on a separate ec2 instance with 16 threads. Total threads = 16 * 4. The input topic has only 32 partitions. I understand that some of the threads will remain idle.
I am continously seeing this exception
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidProducerEpochException: Producer attempted to produce with an old epoch.
01:57:23.971 [kafka-producer-network-thread | bids_kafka_streams_beta_007-fd78c6fa-62bc-437d-add0-c31f5b7c1901-StreamThread-12-1_6-producer] ERROR org.apach
e.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordCollectorImpl - stream-thread [bids_kafka_streams_beta_007-fd78c6fa-62bc-437d-add0-c31f5b7c1901-StreamThread-12] t
ask [1_6] Error encountered sending record to topic kafka_streams_bids_output for task 1_6 due to:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidProducerEpochException: Producer attempted to produce with an old epoch.
Written offsets would not be recorded and no more records would be sent since the producer is fenced, indicating the task may be migrated out
The only settings I have change in the streams config are the producer configs to reduce CPU usage on brokers
Records are windowed by 2 mins
Is it due to rebalancing? Why so frequent?

Kafka Consumer left consumer group

I've faced some problem using Kafka. Any help is much appreciated!
I have zookeeper and kafka cluster 3 nodes each in docker swarm. Kafka broker configuration you can see below.
KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS: "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio=50 -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=80"
KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS: "-Xmx768m -Xms768m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96m"
My case:
20x Producers producing messages to kafka topic constantly
1x Consumer reads and log messages
Kill kafka node (docker container stop) so now cluster has 2 nodes of Kafka broker (3rd will start and join cluster automatically)
And Consumer not consuming messages anymore because it left consumer group due to rebalancing
Does exist any mechanism to tell consumer to join group after rebalancing?
INFO 1 --- [ | loggingGroup] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=kafka-consumer-0, groupId=loggingGroup] Attempt to heartbeat failed since group is rebalancing
WARN 1 --- [ | loggingGroup] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=kafka-consumer-0, groupId=loggingGroup] This member will leave the group because consumer poll timeout has expired. This means the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time processing messages. You can address this either by increasing or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
#Rostyslav Whenever we make a call by consumer to read a message, it does 2 major calls.
Poll is basically fetching records from kafka topic and commit tells kafka to save it as a read message , so that it's not read again. While polling few parameters play major role:
FYI: variable names are per python api.
Hence, whenever we try to read message from Consumer, it makes a poll call every max_poll_interval_ms and the same call is made only after the records fetched (as defined in max_poll_records) are processed. So, whenever, max_poll_records are not processed in max_poll_inetrval_ms, we get the error.
In order to overcome this issue, we need to alter one of the two variable. Altering max_poll_interval_ms ccan be hectic as sometime it may take longer time to process certain records, sometime lesser records. I always advice to play with max_poll_records as a fix to the issue. This works for me.

How can we run multiple kafka consumers through command line?

I am testing kafka performance through the shell script they already provided in the kafka package. I have created a topic with 10 partitions and pumping data as shown below:
./bin/ --topic test-topic --num-records 9000000 --record-size 300 --throughput 250000 --producer-props bootstrap.servers= acks=1 batch.size=5000
Now I want to consume the data which I am pumping as shown above from multiple consumers not just from single consumer. So I started using This is what I was doing:
./bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test-topic --group test1
Is there any way by which we can run multiple kafka consumers in a single consumer group through command line and each of those consumers working on different partitions using I am working with Kafka version
I saw this so post but it doesn't say where to configure how many consumers we want to run and what partition they will work on?
This is the error I saw:
./bin/ --zookeeper --messages 50 --topic test-topic --threads 1
[2017-01-11 22:34:09,785] WARN [ConsumerFetcherThread-perf-consumer-14195_kafka-cluster-3098529006-zeidk-1484174043509-46a51434-2-0], Error in fetch kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread$FetchRequest#54fb48b6 (kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.<init>(
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.liftedTree1$1(SimpleConsumer.scala:99)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.kafka$consumer$SimpleConsumer$$sendRequest(SimpleConsumer.scala:83)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply$mcV$sp(SimpleConsumer.scala:132)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(SimpleConsumer.scala:132)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(SimpleConsumer.scala:132)
at kafka.metrics.KafkaTimer.time(KafkaTimer.scala:33)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply$mcV$sp(SimpleConsumer.scala:131)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply(SimpleConsumer.scala:131)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply(SimpleConsumer.scala:131)
at kafka.metrics.KafkaTimer.time(KafkaTimer.scala:33)
at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.fetch(SimpleConsumer.scala:130)
at kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread.fetch(ConsumerFetcherThread.scala:109)
at kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread.fetch(ConsumerFetcherThread.scala:29)
at kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread.processFetchRequest(AbstractFetcherThread.scala:118)
at kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread.doWork(AbstractFetcherThread.scala:103)
Just run the same command (i.e., ./bin/ multiple times in different consoles.
About partition assignment: Kafka will so this automatically for you. If you use consumer groups.
If you want to do manual partition assignment, you cannot use consumer groups. For this, you cannot use but need to write your own.
Read JavaDoc here: