call wget() from rexx - how to get RC? - rexx

I need to call "wget" or "curl" from rexx.
And I need to get return code,
as I can do it I call the routine from Bash and use "$?".
How is it done ?
I am using Guindous and
C:\>rexx -v
Open Object Rexx Version 4.1.3
Build date: Jul 4 2013
Addressing Mode: 64
Is it "RC" ?

Yes, the RC special variable is where you get a process' exit status from, assuming you've run it as a host command (e.g. via ADDRESS, either explicitly or implicitly). If you really are calling a function via CALL, the function's return value is in RESULT.


exec power shell script having corrective action every time

Getting the corrective action for exec while using Powershell to ADD usersand groups to local admin group. Please note I am not a scripting guy, not sure what wrong I am doing.
Notice: /
By default, an Exec resource is applied on every run. That is mediated, where desired, by the resource's unless, onlyif, and / or creates parameters, as described in that resource type's documentation.
The creates parameter is probably not appropriate for this particular case, so choose one of unless or onlyif. Each one is expected to specify a command for Puppet to run, whose success or failure (as judged by its exit status) determines whether the Exec should be applied. These two parameters differ primarily in how they interpret the exit status:
unless interprets exit status 0 (success) as indicating that the Exec's main command should not be run
onlyif interprets exit statuses other than 0 (success) as indicating that the Exec's main command should not be run
I cannot advise you about the specific command to use here, but the general form of the resource declaration would be:
exec { 'Add-LocalGroupMember Administrators built-in':
command => '... PowerShell command to do the work ...',
unless => '... PowerShell command that exits with status 0 if the work is already done ...',
provider => 'powershell',
(That assumes that the puppetlabs-powershell module is installed, which I take to be the case for you based on details presented in the question.)
I see your comment on the question claiming that you tried this approach without success, but this is the answer. If your attempts to implement this were unsuccessful then you'll need to look more deeply into what went wrong with those. You haven't presented any of those details, and I'm anyway not fluent in PowerShell, but my first guess would be that the exit status of your unless or onlyif script was computed wrongly.
Additionally, you probably should set the Exec's refresh property to a command that succeeds without doing anything. I'm not sure what the would be on Windows, but on most other systems that Puppet supports, /bin/true would be idiomatic. (That's not correct for Windows; I give it only as an example of the kind of thing I mean.) This will prevent running the main command twice in the same Puppet run in the event that the Exec receives an event.

How do I run Jmeter test from command line with -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP and command line parameter?

I need to run a distributed test with some of the command line parameter and also I need to pass My server IP with -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP, since I am running it from the command line I need nee to give as
jmeter -n -t C:\\Jmxfile.jmx -r Gsomeproperty=value in command line.
I am confused of passing even the command line parameter and also hostname? can somebody help me in sending both at a time.
Check the documentation:
Java system properties and JMeter properties can be overridden directly on the command line (instead of modifying To do so, use the following options:
defines a java system property value.
defines a local JMeter property.
defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.
defines a file containing JMeter properties to be sent to all remote servers.
So, you can send both at a time through the command line.

Assigning commands to Procedure variable type in ATEasy environment

I am coding in the ATEasy environment which is BASIC programming.
Assume I have a variable of Procedure type, named pFunc.
And also I have DRV that has the command: MYDRV EXECUTE MYCMD(iCnt,dResult).
The function that I want to use "sits" in another driver and it is not public.
So I only have access to the COMMAND that calls this function.
How do I assign the command to the Procedure variable?
I tried doing this:
But it does not compile. It thinks I want to call the MYCMD commands and asks for parameters.
I got an answer from ATEasy support forum in Marvin Test Solution site:
Apparently it is an issue that was fixed in ATEasy 8.
So this:
actually works in ATEasy 8 and above

redirecting echo with undefined variable

I'm running a script in solaris 11 with different results depending of the shell used.
The script has an echo redirecting to a file given by an environment value:
ps. EXEC is just the message the script show, it's not using exec command.
If I execute the script without the variable FILE defined (using /usr/bin/ksh):
./[10]: : cannot open
and the script continue the execution.
The flags for ksh are:
echo $-
But if I change to /usr/xpg4/bin/sh, the script show me the echo in stdout and there is no error shown.
The flags for xpg4 sh are:
echo $-
I tried to change the flags with set +- (I can't remove El flags, but BG are removed ok), but can't get the same behavior.
Is there anything I can do to get the same result using ksh without cannot open error?
/usr/bin/ksh --version
version sh (AT&T Research) 93u 2011-02-08
I'll want the script keep going, showing the message in stdout, instead of showing the error just like it does now.
Like shellter said in the comments, the good thing to do is to check if the FILE variable is defined before doing anything. This is a script migration from an HPUX to a SOLARIS environment, and client think they must have the same result as before (we unset FILE variable before execution to test it).
You are likely running Solaris 11, not Solaris 64.
Should you want to have your scripts to work under Solaris 11 without having to search everywhere the bogus redirections, you can simply replace all shebangs (first line) by #!/usr/xpg4/bin/sh.
The final solution we are going to take is to install the ksh88 package and use it like default shell (/usr/sunos/bin/ksh). This shell have the same behavior the client had before, and we can let the scripts with no modifications.
The ksh used in solaris 11 is the 93 (
Thanks #jlliagre and #shellter for your help.

extend runtime limit for a USUSP job

when I doing a calculation halfway, I just found the runtime limit 50:00 may not be sufficient. So I use $bstop 1234 to stop the job 1234 and try to modify the old runtime -W 50:00 to -W 100:00
Can you suggest a command to do so?
I tried
$ bmod -W 100:00 1234
Please request for a minimum of 32 cores!
For more information, please contact XXX#XXX.
Request aborted by esub. Job not modified.
$ bmod [-W 100:00| -Wn ] 1234
-bash: -Wn]: command not found
100:00[8217]: Illegal job ID.
. Job not modified.
according to
[-W [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model] | -Wn]
I don't quite understand the syntax, -Wn does it mean Wall time new
Many thanks for your help!
The first command fails because LSF calls a the mandatory esub defined by your administrator to do some preprocessing on the command line, and this is returning an error. Here's the relevant quote from the page you linked:
Like bsub, bmod calls the master esub (mesub), which invokes any
mandatory esub executables configured by an LSF administrator, and any
executable named esub (without .application) if it exists in
You're going to have to come up with a bmod command line that passes the esub checks, but that might cause other problems because some parameters (like -n I believe) can't be changed at runtime by default so bmod will reject the request if you specify it.
The -Wn option is used to remove the run limit from the job entirely rather than change it to a different value.