Call powershell script with multiple args from command line - powershell

My final goal is to have a .bat file that calls a powershell script.
This works OK in powershell (but can't be used in a batch file):
PS build-directory> .\ps1file.ps1 -ScriptArgs '-arg1="val1"', '-arg2="val2"'
But this one (batch file friendly) fails:
PS build-directory> powershell -File ps1file.ps1 -ScriptArgs '-arg1="val1"', '-arg2="val2"'
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'arg2=val2'.
But it works fine if there is only one param -arg1="val1"

You're having problems because ScriptArgs isn't a valid parameter for using with powershell command line (documentation link).
You just pass the arguments like this:
powershell -File ps1file.ps1 -arg1 "val1" -arg2 "val2"


Call program from powershell.exe command and manipulate parameters

I'm trying to call an EXE file program that accepts command line parameters from PowerShell. One of the parameters I'm required to send is based on the string length of the parameters.
For example,
app.exe /param1:"SampleParam" /paramLen:"SampleParam".length
When I run the above, or for example:
notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
Notepad opens with the value 11 as expected.
I would like to achieve the same result when calling PowerShell from cmd / task scheduler.
For example,
powershell notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
But when I do that I get "SampleParam".length literally instead of the "SampleParam".length calculated value.
The expected result was:
running notepad.exe 11
Use the -Command parameter for powershell.exe:
powershell -Command "notepad.exe 'SampleParam'.length"
Be careful with the "'s since they can be picked up by the Windows command processor. This will also work:
powershell -Command notepad.exe 'SampleParam'.length
But this will not:
powershell -Command notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
I'd suggest using variables to store your string, etc.
$Arg1 = 'SampleParam'
## This will try to open a file named 11.txt
powershell notepad.exe $Arg1.Length
In your specific example:
app.exe /param1:$Arg1 /paramLen:$Arg1.Length
Utilizing splatting:
## Array literal for splatting
$AppArgs = #(
app.exe #AppArgs

Need to call powershell script from batch file

I have a batch file which is in a folder called script. The script folder also contains folder called powershell which has a script called IE-Settings.ps1.
I want to execute the powershell script from the batch file and I am unable to give powershell script path in the command. What I tried is
call %windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File "& '%~dp0IESettings\IE-Settings.ps1'"
But it doesn't recognize the path
call is for running other batch files in a way that they return to the current batch file after they terminate, and per your question the subdirectory name is powershell, not IESettings. Also, when using the parameter -File you just specify the path to the file.
powershell.exe -File "%~dp0powershell\IE-Settings.ps1"
The call operator (&) is used when running PowerShell code via the -Command parameter, e.g.:
powershell.exe -Command "& { Write-Host 'foo' }"

Setting up a batch script to run powershell with arguments

I have a PowerShell script that takes an argument/command and executes well in PowerShell. I am looking at setting up a batch script to run following commands as is to mimic PowerShell
(-config is a function that's defined within script)
C\temp\power_t1.ps1 -config d:\temp\dirlist.txt
I wrote a batch script something like
POWERSHELL.EXE -file "C\temp\power_t1.ps1 -config d:\temp\dirlist.txt"
but this doesn't seem to be working.
Any suggestions?
The script file and the arguments for the script file are separate arguments for powershell.exe. If you look at powershell.exe /?, under -File, you see:
File must be the last parameter in the command, because all characters typed after the File parameter name are interpreted as the script file path followed by the script parameters.
POWERSHELL.EXE -File "C\temp\power_t1.ps1" -config d:\temp\dirlist.txt
Basically, treat everything after the -File parameter more or less as though you were writing it in PowerShell with the call operator (&).

How can the argument to a batch file be intrun passed onto a powershell script?

i am trying to call a powershell script through bat file such as below;
Bat file name is Script .bat and its current cuntents are below;
Powershell -sta -Windowstyle Hidden Script.Ps1
I am passing an argument to the bat file how can i pass it on to the powershell script in the bat file?
Please do let me know if any questions or confirmations needed.
In your shell script (batch file), you can write:
powershell -file script.ps1 %1
%1 will be replaced with the shell script's first command-line argument, which will be passed as the first argument to script.ps1.

Calling powershell function with parameter from .cmd or .bat file

I have written a powershell script which is a complete function taking parameters (e.g. function name (param) { } ) and below this is a call to the function, with the parameter.
I want to be able to call this function in its .ps1 file, passing in the parameter. How would I be able to package a call to the function via a .bat or .cmd file? I am using Powershell v2.0.
You should use so called "dot-sourcing" of the script and the command with more than one statement: dot-sourcing of the script + call of the function with parameters.
The test script Test-Function.ps1:
function Test-Me($param1, $param2)
"1:$param1, 2:$param2"
The calling .bat file:
powershell ". .\Test-Function.ps1; Test-Me -Param1 'Hello world' -Param2 12345"
powershell ". .\Test-Function.ps1; Test-Me -Param1 \"Hello world\" -Param2 12345"
Notes: this is not a requirement but I would recommend enclosing the entire command text with double quotation marks escaping, if needed, inner quotation marks using CMD escape rules.
I believe all you have to do is name the parameters in the call to the script like the following:
powershell.exe Path\ScripName -Param1 Value1 -Param2 Value2
Param1 and Param2 are actual parameter names in the function signature.
To call a PowerShell function from cmd or batch with arguments you need to use the -Commmand Parameter or its alias -C.
Romans answer will work with PowerShell 5.1 for example but will fail for PowerShell 7.1.
Quote from an issue I left on GitHub on why the same command didn't work is:
So as to support Unix shebang lines, pwsh's CLI now defaults to the -File parameter (which expects only a script-file path), whereas powershell.exe default to -Command / -c.
To make your commands work with pwsh, you must use -Command / -C explicitly.
So if you have a PowerShell file test.ps1 with:
function Get-Test() {
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The test string.')]
Write-Host $stringTest
And the batch file will then be:
rem Both commands are now working in both v5.1 and v7.1.
rem v7.1
"...pathto\pwsh.exe" -NoExit -Command ". '"...pathto\test.ps1"'; Get-Test ""help me"""
rem v5.1
powershell.exe -NoExit -Command ". '"...pathto\test.ps1"'; Get-Test ""help me"""
The quotes around ...pathto\test.ps1 are a must if your .ps1 contains spaces.
The same goes for ...pathto\pwsh.exe
Here's the Github issue I posted in full: