increase gap between bars in multi category groups - ssrs-2008

current imageI want to increase gap between bars in my SSRS bar chart after every group is finished (e.g. after every month). I have 2 category groups month and level. in each month there are 3 levels and I want to increase gap after 3 columns.
can you please help me?increase gap

There does not appear to be a way to increase the gap. However, there are two 'solutions'.
1. Go to the Chart Series Properties -> General -> Custom Attributes, and reduce the point width, perhaps from 0.8 to 0.6. Have a little play until you find something you like.
2. SSRS: Custom bar width between multi-level categories Try something like this. Add a dummy group to your dataset that has no value and turn the labels off.
I would go for number 1 as it is much simpler.


Tableau - How to make bar chart with bars of different widths

Tableau Public, SQL, Excel. I have an up and down bar chart of about 30 customerIDs and how much they spent. ~3 big spenders, ~5 medium spenders, many small spenders. I want to make one bar chart with the three big spenders having fat bars, the 5 next spenders having medium thickness bars, the rest having very skinny bars. All on the same chart from the same excel sheet of data. Any way to do this? Tableau Public/SQL/Excel. Extra credit: any ways to make the bars different colors or maybe shaded in some way? Thank you so much in advance anon tech guru!!!! You're the best!!!
Example of what I mean:
not sure what to do!
Place your total $ on Size marks.
Or if you want to have them to be the same for each group, make a calculated field based on the cutoff desired and place that on size.

How to make a stacked bar chart where the total measure is always fixed at 100%?

I am attempting to create a 100% stacked bar chart in Tableau where the total stacked measure is always equal to 100% on the axis in order to make a productivity dashboard. I want all filter options to look like the first picture attached below where the total stretches and stops at 100%. However, some cases break this rule, such as going over 100% or when the "All" option is selected and stretches it 700%.
I tried fixing the axis max at 100% and it works perfectly for all the individual employees but since the "All" selection goes up to 700%, it just shows it all the way full at 100%. Is there anyway to make my total measure, in this case "Goal", always set to 100% no matter what the number is? This is my current formula for my total measure of "Goal" {Fixed [Contractor], Date: SUM([Goal])} / {Fixed [Contractor], [Date]: SUM([Goal])}
Thank you for any help!
Employee 1 with normal productivity where the axis is staying at 100%.
Employee 2 going over 100% where the axis then stretches past 100%.
All employees added up where it stretches the axis to over 700%.
This is most likely a problem with the "Compute Using" attributes for the table calculation. Since table calculations are secondary calculations on top of your existing measures you have the flexibility for how they are calculated.
Here is how to adjust this. Click on your measure and select "Edit Table Calculation..."
To get the same result as you I will want the table calculation to calculate on "Table (across)" which will look at the dimension (in my picture, Category) instead of by Category AND Month. The little numbers in brackets and the yellow highlights are especially helpful in showing you how the calculations are being interpreted.
See the default "Table (down)" and the desired "Table (across)" calculations in the screenshot below. You will likely want the same but it might depend on your exact Viz setup.

How do I display the total percentage and count together as a stacked bar chart without formatting all data to percentage values?

I asked this question (and this question) recently, and even though both have solutions, I am left with a new dilemma because each solution only works on an independent level (i.e. one solution won't work if the other solution is in place).
The problem is this: In Tableau, I discovered that by opting to display the data as a percentage of the total row value Analysis > Percentage of > Row, it resulted in the count value also being displayed as a number between 0 and 1 (i.e. percentage format, because of the aforementioned percentage-only setting).
Is there a way to achieve a 100.00% stacked bar which shows both percentage AND count, and which also isn't formatted to display all data as a percentage of the row total?
The screenshot shows what happens when both solutions are in place. Original screenshots are available within the body of each of the previous questions.
Note: I feel that the right way to go about it might be to normalise my data (bringing all values to a scale between 0 and 1), but being new to Tableau, I am not sure how this is achieved. If this is correct, I would appreciate a walkthrough.
Right click on the second SUM({Number of Records]) pill on the Label shelf, and clear the table calc. Edit your label if needed

Create a grouped bar chart with multiple measures by color

I'd like to create a grouped bar chart with multiple measures by color. I have the following measures:
I have a total of 2 web sites that I am collecting data from, so I'd like to have a different color for each measure and the columns to be side-by-side. Also, I'd like for them to be separated by site as well.
I see the stacked bar columns, but that's not the way I want to visualize this. Anybody have any ideas?
As far as I Understood, you have 4 measures, 1 dimension(Websites) with 2 websites names. Now, you need to show side by side bar, each column has two websites i.e., 4 columns with 2 sub columns each.
Drag Measure Names and Websites to columns shelf and Measure Values to row shelf.
Now, from Show Me shelf select side-by-side bars
If you get 2 columns with 4 sub columns, swap positions of Measure Names and Websites.
If you didn't get different colors for different measures, drag Measure Names to Color in Marks.
hope this is what you are looking for.
Just like Y.Prithvi said, you would use measure names and measure values.
(disregard the fields in the filters card, I filtered my data to match what you were trying to accomplish)
See example:

Gantt over time with summed bar

I'm having trouble creating the following chart in Tableau.
I have data that looks like this:
name date count
a 11/10/2012 2
a 12/10/2012 3
a 13/10/2012 2
b 12/10/2012 6
b 13/10/2012 2
b 14/10/2012 3
c 14/10/2012 2
c 15/10/2012 2
And I want to create a bar chart that has the sum of the count on the y axis and time on the x axis. The width of the bar should be the length of the time, like a Gantt chart. Each name has its own bar. Here is an image that shows what I am after.
The bars should overlap if the times overlap.
I have tried various things in Tableau but haven't really got close.
Is this kind of chart possible in Tableau? If not in 7, will it be in 8? I have heard it makes it possible to create some more complex chart types.
A workbook with data can be found at
Thanks for your help,
The trick with Gantt charts in Tableau is to put a calculation on the size shelf that calculates the duration of each bar in units of days. See the example screenshot at Tableau example
You also need a continuous date field on the columns shelf to get a horizontal time axis.
In this example, I also did a few more optional things, such as, turned off aggegation under the analysis menu to get a mark per data row, rather than aggegating them, added a discrete date to the rows shelf to make each bar go on a different line (as long as each bar starts on a different date) and hid the column for that start date.