Disable annotation processing Maven Java EE Eclipse - eclipse

We have a number of war projects in eclipse. When they are imported as maven projects, the annotation processing are automatically enabled.
Tried disabling the annotation processing by adding <proc>none</proc> to the maven-compiler-plugin. It doesn't help.
If preferences -> Maven -> Enable Java EE configuration is disabled, the annotation processing is NOT enabled (but then the modules can't be deployed). As soon as that option is checked, the maven update starts and the annotation processing is re-enabled.
All the modules affected are identified as J2EEModuleVirtualComponent show the same maven debug information:
YYY is a J2EEModuleVirtualComponent
Underlying resources for the root folder are :
Is there a way to enable the Java EE configuration while disabling the annotation processing?

It turned out the annotations were being enabled by two plugins from the GWT eclipse plugin. To disable them I had to do the following:
Make a security copy of C:\Users\.p2\pool\artifacts.xml and remove the following entries (the versions might change depending on your GWT plugin). Depending on your installation the .p2 folder might be in the eclipse instead.
<artifact classifier='osgi.bundle' id='com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui' version='1.2.300.v20171018_0400'>
<properties size='1'>
<property name='download.size' value='161017'/>
<artifact classifier='osgi.bundle' id='com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui' version='1.2.0.v20150617_2241'>
<properties size='1'>
<property name='download.size' value='158451'/>
Same for the entries in all the versions of C:\Users\.p2\pool\features\com.ibm.ws.st.jee.tools.feature: Backup the feature.xml and remove the "com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui" and "com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui" entries.
Restart your eclipse and verify in help->about eclipse->Installation details-> Plug-ins that "com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui" and "com.ibm.etools.javaee.cdi.ext.ui" are no longer listed.
If you want to clean your work space, remove all the imported maven projects (not the parent ones) and execute the attached script from the root of the work space. This will delete all the generated files, and leave the projects as if they had been just imported from the repository. After that you can re-import the existing maven projects, and verify that no apt_generated folders are created or added to the paths, and annotation processing are disabled in all the the projects.
To verify automatically that no annotation processing has been enable, search your work space for "org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs" files and ".apt_generated" folders. There should be none.


Drools Eclipse Plugin ignores source level

I have installed the Drools Eclipse Plugin org.drools.eclipse 7.36.0.Final into my Eclipse 2020_03 running with a Oracle JDK 1.8.0_92. I have downloaded und unzipped drools-distribution-7.36.0.Final and added the binaries/ directory as Drools > Installed Drools Runtimes in the Eclipse Preferences.
As soon as I use any Java 1.5+ features (generics, foreach loops, closures, ...) I get error markers in the Rule Editor saying that there are syntax errors and those features require source level 1.5 (1.8 for closures).
My .drl files and the project itself seem to be fine, because I can compile and run via maven without errors. So it's not a blocking issue, but it's annoying that I cannot seem to get syntax checks for .drl files working properly in my IDE.
I have searched the internet and tried out all kinds of things:
I have set the JDT source levels in my project and workspace to 1.8
I have checked Installed JREs in the properties and only the one JDK 1.8.0_92 is listed
I have created a kmodule.xml file in /src/main/resources/META-INF/ with this content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kmodule xmlns="http://jboss.org/kie/6.0.0/kmodule">
<property key="drools.dialect.java.compiler.lnglevel" value="1.8" />
<property key="drools.dialect.java.compiler" value="ECLIPSE" />
<property key="drools.compiler.lnglevel" value="1.8" />
<kbase name="rules">
<ksession name="codegen-rules"/>
I have created a kie.properties.conf file in /src/main/resources/META-INF/ with this content:
I have added the properties in the VM args section of my eclipse.ini file:
But all of these do not seem to have any effect and it keeps giving me the same error markers.
How can I tell the Rule Editor that I want to enable Java 1.8 source level when syntax checking my .drl files?
I have run into this issue as well using the latest eclipse release and the latest drools release.
Using Eclipse 2019-03 and the Jboss Tools Integration Stack here does work. So either something broke in later eclipse releases or in the later drools versions. The integration stack uses 7.21.0.Final
I have not dug into what exactly broke but even if I did I don't know who I would report it to :(

Force unpacking with maven-dependency-plugin

Im am using Maven 3.2.1 with Eclipse Kepler. I have a dynamic web project which has a dependency to another component which includes some JSPs. I now want the JSPs from the dependency to become part of the web root of the dynamic web project. I chose to accomplish this by using unpack goal of the maven-dependency-plugin.
I added a plugin definition to unpack the JARs into /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources. Unfortunatley Eclipse from time to time cleans this folder and teh JSPs are gone. In order to unpack them again I have to delete the target/dependency-maven-plugin-markersfolder. Otherwise the plugin will not unpack the files again.
Is it possible to force the unpacking and ignore the plugin markers?
Is there a better way to get web resources from a dependency into my Dynamic Web Project?
Yes there's a better way, but it's not compatible with Tomcat's "serve module without publishing" feature (or Weblogic's equivalent thing)
Remove your maven-dependency-plugin configuration and add your dependency as a war overlay instead. If your dependency is a war, it'll be automatically recognized as an overlay (http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/overlays.html). If it's a zip or a jar, you need to add a specific configuration to your maven-war-plugin definition. Something along :
<!-- /!\ must also be added as a project dependency-->
Before deployment, resources will be unzipped under target/m2e-wtp/overlays/bar-version.jar/ and then deployed onto your application server

disable eclipse warning "Projects must be referenced by an EAR or a WAR to use classpath publish/export dependencies..."?

I have a library that is used in several different eclipse projects (that I keep in different workspaces), some of which are Java EE projects (i.e. dynamic Web projects) and some which are plain Java projects. It is therefore present in multiple workspaces (that reference a shared subversion repository to keep the copies in sync).
In order to get the library's dependencies exported correctly for the Web projects, I've added the jar files it references to the project's deployment assembly tab with a path of "../" (using the Java Build Path Entries option in the deployment assembly tab). This works wonderfully for the Web projects, but when I open the project in a workspace that doesn't have a Web project, I get the following warning:
Projects must be referenced by an EAR or a WAR to use classpath publish/export dependencies whose runtime path (../) maps into the parent component.
Is there a way of disabling this warning, as the publish/export dependencies are basically irrelevant when I'm working with a plain Java project anyway?
I was able to eliminate that warning by following the instruction at https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/172866/.
In the .classpath file, replace:
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="../"/>
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/>

What's the "right" way to (temporarily) exclude sources from a maven build, and is there an easy way to do it from Eclipse?

I'm new to maven, and I don't have a whole lot of experience with Eclipse either.
To exclude java files from building in Eclipse, I right click the files and choose Build Path -> Exclude. This works great for the "on-save" compilation in Eclipse, but it does not propagate to the maven project, so when I build my project with mvn install, it tries to compile the excluded sources.
I've done a few searches and the results point me to the compiler plugin and the <excludes> functionality, but editing maven project files in order to temporarily exclude a file from the build seems a bit awkward.
What's the "right" way to (temporarily) exclude sources from a maven build, and is there an easy way to do it from Eclipse, via the m2eclipse plugin or otherwise?
You could use the <excludes> parameter in Maven Compiler plugin to temporarily exclude files from compilation.
If you are using M2Eclipse plugin and run Maven->Update Project Configuration, the excluded files in the pom should automagically get excluded from eclipse compilation as well.
if you choose maven as project management, then you really have to do it the "maven way".
Eclipse builds the project based on the classpath specified in project properties and it doesn't relate to classpath of maven compiler plugin. "mvn compile" is driven only by configuration of compiler plugin.
Usually these "temporary" changes are dealt with by JVM parameters appended to the maven goal (maven plugin/Mojo goal that you are running from cmd), that you create (custom one) and save in "Run as" > "Run configurations". I use commandline (shell) rather than m2eclipse for maven. changing parameters is quicker for me.
To find out what parameters you can use, you can either specify the particular Mojo (maven plugin) in you maven dependencies (just temporarily) and look at its sources right in eclipse, you can see parameters that can be specified via "-D" JVM parameters. Or you can check the documentation.
In compiler plugin there is a parameter private Set<String> excludes = new HashSet<String>(); but unfortunately collection parameters cannot be specified as JVM parameters... So the only option left is configure the plugin declaration in pom.xml.
Then there are also profiles, but they are not useful for this case.
To summarize it, your requirement is rather rare, excluding a java class from compilation is not a usual requirement.
I hope it helps

Get source jar files attached to Eclipse for Maven-managed dependencies

I am using Maven (and the Maven Eclipse Integration) to manage the dependencies for my Java projects in Eclipse. The automatic download feature for JAR files from the Maven repositories is a real time saver. Unfortunately, it does not include API documentation and source code.
How can I set up Maven to automatically also get the source and javadoc attachments and register them properly with Eclipse?
I am sure m2eclipse Maven plugin for Eclipse - the other way around - can do that. You can configure it to download both the source files and javadoc automatically for you.
This is achieved by going into Window > Preferences > Maven and checking the "Download Artifact Sources" and "Download Artifact JavaDoc" options.
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadJavadocs=true
or you can add both flags, as Spencer K points out.
Additionally, the =true portion is not required, so you can use
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources -DdownloadJavadocs
The other answers on this work, but if you want to avoid having to remember command line arguments, you can also just add to the downloadSources and downloadJavadocs config to the maven-eclipse-plugin section of your pom.xml:
... other stuff ...
I prefer not to put source/Javadoc download settings into the project pom.xml file as I feel these are user preferences, not project properties. Instead, I place them in a profile in my settings.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
Right click on project -> maven -> download sources
If the source jars are in the local repository and you are using Eclipses maven support the sources are getting automatically attached. You can run mvn dependency:sources to download all source jars for a given project. Not sure how to do the same with the documentation though.
If you are using meclipse do
window --> maven --> Download Artifact Sources (select check)
(If you still get attach source window, then click on attach file button and close the attach source window. The next time you try to see the source it will open the correct source)
There is also a similiar question that answers this and includes example pom settings.
I tried windows->pref..->Maven But it was not working out. Hence I created a new class path with command mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true and refreshed the workspace once. voila.. Sources were attached.
Source jar's entry is available in class path. Hence new build solved the problem...
in my version of Eclipse helios with m2Eclipse there is no
window --> maven --> Download Artifact Sources (select check)
Under window is only "new window", "new editor" "open perspective" etc.
If you right click on your project, then chose maven--> download sources
Nothing happens. no sources get downloaded, no pom files get updated, no window pops up asking which sources.
Doing mvn xxx outside of eclipse is dangerous - some commands dont work with m2ecilpse - I did that once and lost the entire project, had to reinstall eclipse and start from scratch.
Im still looking for a way to get ecilpse and maven to find and use the source of external jars like servlet-api.
Changing pom for maven-eclipse-plugin to include source/javadoc just apply for new dependencies being added to pom. If we need to apply for existing dependencies, we must run mvn dependency:sources. I checked this.
Checking download source/javadoc in Eclipse-Maven preference, sometimes is not enough. In the event maven failed to download them for some reason (a network blackout?), maven creates some *.lastUpdated files, then will never download again. My empirical solution was to delete the artifact directory from .m2/repository, and restart the eclipse workspace with download source/javadoc checked and update projects at startup checked as well.
After the workspace has been restarted, maybe some projects can be marked in error, while eclipse progress is downloading, then any error will be cleared.
Maybe this procedure is not so "scientific", but for me did succeded.
I've added the pom configuration to the maven-eclipse plugin to download source and javadocs, but I figure/hope that will happen for new dependencies, not existing ones.
For existing dependencies, I browsed in package explorer down to the "Maven Dependencies" and right-clicked on commons-lang-2.5.jar, selected Maven | Download Sources and... nothing appeared to happen (no progress bar or indication that it was doing anything). It did, however, download as I'm able to jump to source in commons-lang now.
overthink suggested using the setup in the pom:
... other stuff ...
First i thought this still won't attach the javadoc and sources (as i tried unsuccessfully with that -DdownloadSources option before).
But surprise - the .classpath file IS getting its sources and javadoc attached when using the POM variant!
For Indigo (and probably Helios) the checkboxes mentioned above are located here:
Window -> Preferences -> Maven
I had a similar problem, and the solution that worked best for me was to include the source in the same jar as the compiled code (so a given directory in the jar would include both Foo.java and Foo.class). Eclipse automatically associates the source with the compiled code, and automatically provides the JavaDoc from the source. Obviously, that's only helpful if you control the artifact.
After Setting the Properties either at Project Level or User Properties level,
Please do a Maven -> Update Project (Force Update). It downloads the sources
A Small addition to the answer, if your project is not a maven project still you can get the source code of the jars, by using this plugin provided in eclipse
Java Source Attacher