Kafka - Consume until empty - apache-kafka

I have a use-case where it is paramount to not continue until all consumer records in a KafkaConsumer have been fetched. In this use-case there will be nothing going into the pipeline. What is the proper way to assure that there absolutely positively is nothing at all left to fetch?

Kafka is designed to handle infinite streams of data, so the "consume all" means only that nobody sends any data for some period of time (1 minute), 1 hour, etc. - it's up to you.
You can use something like (pseudocode):
int emptyCount = 0;
while (true) {
records = Consumer.poll(500);
if (records.empty()) {
if (emptyCount >= 100) {
emptyCount = 0;
...process records...
you can tune timeout in poll & number of empty cycles to reach necessary wait period.

If you are using kafka-console-consumer, you can specify timeout-ms argument to define how long it will wait until it is considered to be no more message coming.
--timeout-ms <Integer: timeout_ms> If specified, exit if no message is
available for consumption for the
specified interval.


Kafka Streams - GroupBy - Late Event - persistentWindowStore - WindowBy with Grace Period and Suppress

My purpose to calculate success and fail message from source to destination per second and sum their results in daily bases.
I had two options to do that ;
stream events then group them time#source#destination
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier streamStore = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore("store-name");
sourceStream.selectKey((k, v) -> v.getDataTime() + KEY_SEPERATOR + SRC + KEY_SEPERATOR + DEST ).groupByKey().aggregate(
DO SOME Aggregation,
Materialized.<String, AggregationObject>as(streamStore)
After trying this approach above we noticed that state store is getting increase because of number of unique keys are increasing and if i am correct, because of state topics are only "compact" they are never expires.
NumberOfUniqueKeys = 86.400 seconds in a day X SOURCE X DESTINATION
Then we thought that if we do not put a time field in a KEY block, we can reduce state store size. We tried windowing operation as second approach.
using windowing operation with persistentWindowStore, CustomTimeStampExtractor, WindowBy, Suppress
WindowBytesStoreSupplier streamStore = Stores.persistentWindowStore("store-name", Duration.ofHours(6), Duration.ofSeconds(1), false);
sourceStream.selectKey((k, v) -> SRC + KEY_SEPERATOR + DEST)
.groupByKey() .windowedBy(TimeWindows.of(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).grace(Duration.ofSeconds(5)))
DO SOME Aggregation
}, Materialized.<String, AggregationObject>as(streamStore)
After trying that second approach, we reduced state store size but now we had problem with late arrive events. Then we added grace period with 5 seconds with suppress operation and in addition using grace period and suppress operation did not guarantee to handle all late arrived events, another side effect of suppress operation is a latency because it emits result of aggregation after window grace period.
using windowing operation caused a getting WARNING message like
"WARN 1 --- [-StreamThread-2] o.a.k.s.state.internals.WindowKeySchema : Warning: window end time was truncated to Long.MAX"
I checked the reason from source code and I found from here
* Safely construct a time window of the given size,
* taking care of bounding endMs to Long.MAX_VALUE if necessary
static TimeWindow timeWindowForSize(final long startMs,
final long windowSize) {
long endMs = startMs + windowSize;
if (endMs < 0) {
LOG.warn("Warning: window end time was truncated to Long.MAX");
endMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
return new TimeWindow(startMs, endMs);
BUT actually it does not make any sense to me that how endMs can be lower than 0...
Questions ?
What if we go through with approach 1, how can we reduce state store size ? In approach 1, It was guaranteed that all event will be processed and there will be no missing event because of latency.
What if we go through with approach 2, how should i tune my logic and catch late arrival data and reduce latency ?
Why do i get Warning message in approach 2 although all time fields are positive in my model ?
What can be other options that you can suggest other then these two approaches ?
I need some expert help :)
According to mail kafka mail group about warning message
WARNING message like "WARN 1 --- [-StreamThread-2] o.a.k.s.state.internals.WindowKeySchema : Warning: window end time was truncated to Long.MAX"
It was written to me :
You can get this message "o.a.k.s.state.internals.WindowKeySchema :
Warning: window end time was truncated to Long.MAX"" when your
TimeWindowDeserializer is created without a windowSize. There are two
constructors for a TimeWindowDeserializer, are you using the one with
It calls WindowKeySchema with a Long.MAX_VALUE

In Rx (or RxJava/RxScala), how to make an auto-resetting stateful latch map/filter for measuring in-stream elapsed time to touch a barrier?

Apologies if the question is poorly phrased, I'll do my best.
If I have a sequence of values with times as an Observable[(U,T)] where U is a value and T is a time-like type (or anything difference-able I suppose), how could I write an operator which is an auto-reset one-touch barrier, which is silent when abs(u_n - u_reset) < barrier, but spits out t_n - t_reset if the barrier is touched, at which point it also resets u_reset = u_n.
That is to say, the first value this operator receives becomes the baseline, and it emits nothing. Henceforth it monitors the values of the stream, and as soon as one of them is beyond the baseline value (above or below), it emits the elapsed time (measured by the timestamps of the events), and resets the baseline. These times then will be processed to form a high-frequency estimate of the volatility.
For reference, I am trying to write a volatility estimator outlined in http://www.amazon.com/Volatility-Trading-CD-ROM-Wiley/dp/0470181990 , where rather than measuring the standard deviation (deviations at regular homogeneous times), you repeatedly measure the time taken to breach a barrier for some fixed barrier amount.
Specifically, could this be written using existing operators? I'm a bit stuck on how the state would be reset, though maybe I need to make two nested operators, one which is one-shot and another which keeps creating that one-shot... I know it could be done by writing one by hand, but then I need to write my own publisher etc etc.
I don't fully understand the algorithm and your variables in the example, but you can use flatMap with some heap-state and return empty() or just() as needed:
int[] var1 = { 0 };
source.flatMap(v -> {
var1[0] += v;
if ((var1[0] & 1) == 0) {
return Observable.just(v);
return Observable.empty();
If you need a per-sequence state because of multiple consumers, you can defer the whole thing:
Observable.defer(() -> {
int[] var1 = { 0 };
return source.flatMap(v -> {
var1[0] += v;
if ((var1[0] & 1) == 0) {
return Observable.just(v);
return Observable.empty();

pseudocode about registers and clients

I have projects that requires to simulate a market with 3 registers. Every second an amount of clients come to the registers and we assume that each clients takes 4 seconds to the register before he leaves. Now lets suppose that we get an input of all the customers and their arriving time: e.x: 0001122334455 which means that 3 customers enter at second 0, 2 at second 1 etc. What i need to find is the total time which need to serve all the customers now matter how many they are and also to find the average waiting time at the store.
Can someone come up with a pseudocode for this problem?
if(fifo[tail].isEmpty()) fifo[tail].put(A[i] +4);
temp= fifo[tail].peek();
if(tail == a-1){
}else tail++;
for(int q =0; q<a; q++){
temp = fifo[q].peek();
where A is the array which contains all the customers as numbers as required from the input, and fifo is the array of the registers with the get , put and peek(get the tail but not remove it) methods. I have no clue though how to find the total time an the average waiting time

Rx debouncing inputs

I need to debounce an input-stream.
At the first occurrence of state 1 I need to wait for 5 Seconds and verify if the laste state was also 1.
Only than I have a stable signal.
(time) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
(state) 0-0-0-0-0-1-0-1-0-1
(result) -> 1
Here is an example of a non-stable signal.
(time) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
(state) 0-0-0-0-0-1-0-1-0-0
(result) -> 0
I tried using a buffer, but a buffer has fixed starting point and I need to wait for 5 seconds starting with my first event.
Taking your requirements literally
At the first occurrence of state 1 I need to wait for 5 Seconds and
verify if the laste state was also 1. Only than I have a stable
I can come up with a few ways to solve this problem.
To clarify my assumptions, you just want to push the last value produced 5 seconds after the first occurrence of a 1. This will result in a single value sequence producing either a 0 or a 1 (ie. regardless of any further values produced past 5 seconds from the source sequence)
Here I recreate you sequence with some jiggery-pokery.
var source = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero,TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
.Select(i=>{if(i==5 || i==7 || i==9){return 1;}else{return 0;}}); //Should produce 1;
//.Select(i=>{if(i==5 || i==7 ){return 1;}else{return 0;}}); //Should produce 0;
All of the options below look to share the sequence. To share a sequence safely in Rx we Publish() and connect it. I use automatic connecting via the RefCount() operator.
var sharedSource = source.Publish().RefCount();
1) In this solution we take the first value of 1, and then buffer the selected the values of the sequence in to buffer sizes of 5 seconds. We only take the first of these buffers. Once we get this buffer, we get the last value and push that. If the buffer is empty, I assume we push a one as the last value was the '1' that started the buffer from running.
return buffer.Last();
return 1;
2) In this solution I take the approach to only start listening once we get a valid value (1) and then take all values until a timer triggers the termination. From here we take the last value produced.
var fromFirstValid = sharedSource.SkipWhile(state=>state==0);
3) In this solution I use the window operator to create a single window that opens when the first value of '1' happens and then closes when 5 seconds elapses. Again we just take the last value
So lots of different ways to skin-a-cat.
It sounds (at a glance) like you want Throttle, not Buffer, although some more information on your use cases would help pin that down - at any rate, here's how you might Throttle your stream:
void Main()
var subject = new Subject<int>();
var source = subject.Publish().RefCount();
var query = source
// Start counting on a 1, wait 5 seconds, and take the last value
.Throttle(x => Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
// This sequence should produce a one
// This sequence should produce a zero

How instruction interleaving is done?

Example of Race condition as given in operating System Concepts is
count++ could be implemented as
register = count
register = register1 + 1
count = register1
count-- could be implemented as
register2 = count
register2 = register2 - 1
count = register
consider this execution interleaving
s0: producer execute register = count
s1: producer execute register1 = register1 + 1
s2: consumer execute register2 = count
s3: consumer execute register2 = register2 - 1
s4: producer execute count = register1
s5: consumer execute count = register2
How the interleaving of instructions is decided? is it random or some algorithm is used for it? and, who decideds it?
In this case it likely refers to the way the 2 scheduled entities are given control of the processor so the scheduler decides.
You can think of it as being random. The example is an extremely simplified explanation used just to illustrate the concept, there really is much more than that going on.
Have a look at this answer: Usage of registers by the compiler in multithreaded program