Conditionally construct schema depending on database version in PostgreSQL - postgresql

Assume the following table and custom range type:
create table booking (
identifier integer not null primary key,
room uuid not null,
start_time time without time zone not null,
end_time time without time zone not null
create type timerange as range (subtype = time);
In PostgreSQL v10, you can do:
alter table booking add constraint overlapping_times
exclude using gist
room with =,
timerange(start_time, end_time) with &&
In PostgreSQL v9.5/v9.6, you have to manually cast the uuid column as gist_btree does not support uuid:
alter table booking add constraint overlapping_times
exclude using gist
(room::text) with =,
timerange(start_time, end_time) with &&
I would like to support v9.5, v9.6 and v10 for my customers. Is there a way to conditionally add the above constraint in the same .sql file, depending on the version of the current database?

You can use dynamic sql
For example:
l_version text;
select setting into l_version from pg_settings where name = 'server_version';
alter table booking add constraint overlapping_times
exclude using gist
%s with =,
timerange(start_time, end_time) with &&
case when (l_version like '9.5.%' or l_version like '9.6.%') then '(room::text)' else 'room' end
language plpgsql;

Here is a proof of concept:
get_version ()
psql -t -h ${THE_HOST} -U postgres postgres <<OMG | awk -e '{ print $2; }'
select version();
# ############################################################################
# main
# - Connect to database to retrieve version
# - use the retrieved version to create a symlink "versioned" to
# one of our subdirs
# - call an sql script that includes this symlink/some.sql
# symlinking to a non-existing directory will cause a dead link
# (, and the script to fail.)
# ergo: there should be a subdir "verX.Y.Z" for every supported version X.Y.Z
# ############################################################################
#echo "version=${pg_version}"
rm versioned
ln -fs "ver${pg_version}" versioned
if [ -f versioned/alter.sql ]; then
echo created link versioned to "ver${pg_version}"
echo "version ${pg_version} not supported today..."
echo "Failed!"
exit 1
psql -t -h ${THE_HOST} -U postgres postgres <<LETS_GO
\i common/create.sql
\i versioned/alter.sql
\echo done!


PostgreSQL pg_dump/COPY

I have a requirement to dump the contents of a definable selection of tables as CSV's for an initial load of systems that are not able to connect with PostgreSQL for various reasons.
I have written a script to do this which runs through a list of tables using psql with the -c flag to run psql's \COPY command to dump the corresponding table to a file like this:
COPY table_name TO table_name.csv WITH (FORMAT 'csv', HEADER, QUOTE '\"', DELIMITER '|');
It works fine. But I am sure you have already spotted the problem: as the process takes ~57 minutes for ~60 odd tables, the likelyhood of consistency is quite close to absolute zero.
I had a think about it and suspected I could make a few lightweight changes to pg_dump to do what I want, i.e., create multiple csv's from pg_dump whilst having a hope of integrity between the tables - and being able to specify parallel dumps too.
I have added a few flags to allow me to apply a file postfix (the date), set the format options and pass in a path for the relevant output file.
However my modified pg_dump was failing when writing to a file, like:
COPY table_name (pkey_id, field1, field2 ... fieldn) TO table_name.csv WITH (FORMAT 'csv', HEADER, QUOTE '"', DELIMITER '|')
Note: Within pg_dump, the column list is expanded
So I cast around for further information and found these COPY Tips.
It looks like writing to a file is a no-no over the network; however I am on the same machine (for now). I felt writing to /tmp would be OK as it is writable by anyone.
So I tried cheating with:
seingramp#seluonkeydb01:~$ ./tp_dump -a -t table_name -D /tmp/ -k "FORMAT 'csv', HEADER, QUOTE '\"', DELIMITER '|'" -K "_$DATE_POSTFIX"
tp_dump: warning: there are circular foreign-key constraints on this table:
tp_dump: table_name
tp_dump: You might not be able to restore the dump without using --disable-triggers or temporarily dropping the constraints.
tp_dump: Consider using a full dump instead of a --data-only dump to avoid this problem.
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 12.3
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 14devel
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
-- Data for Name: material_master; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: mm; Owner: postgres
COPY table_name (pkey_id, field1, field2 ... fieldn) FROM stdin;
tp_dump: error: query failed:
tp_dump: error: query was: COPY table_name (pkey_id, field1, field2 ... fieldn) TO PROGRAM 'gzip > /tmp/table_name_20200814.csv.gz' WITH (FORMAT 'csv', HEADER, QUOTE '"', DELIMITER '|')
I have neutered the data as it is customer specific.
I didn't find pg_dump's error message very helpful, do you have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
The changes really are quite small (excuse the code!) starting ~line 1900, ignoring the flags added around getopt().
* Use COPY (SELECT ...) TO when dumping a foreign table's data, and when
* a filter condition was specified. For other cases a simple COPY
* suffices.
if (tdinfo->filtercond || tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
/* Note: this syntax is only supported in 8.2 and up */
appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "COPY (SELECT ");
/* klugery to get rid of parens in column list */
if (strlen(column_list) > 2)
appendPQExpBufferStr(q, column_list + 1);
q->data[q->len - 1] = ' ';
appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "* ");
if ( copy_from_spec )
if ( copy_from_postfix )
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "FROM %s %s) TO PROGRAM 'gzip > %s%s%s.csv.gz' WITH (%s)",
tdinfo->filtercond ? tdinfo->filtercond : "",
copy_from_dest ? copy_from_dest : "",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "FROM %s %s) TO PROGRAM 'gzip > %s%s.csv.gz' WITH (%s)",
tdinfo->filtercond ? tdinfo->filtercond : "",
copy_from_dest ? copy_from_dest : "",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "FROM %s %s) TO stdout;",
tdinfo->filtercond ? tdinfo->filtercond : "");
if ( copy_from_spec )
if ( copy_from_postfix )
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "COPY %s %s TO PROGRAM 'gzip > %s%s%s.csv.gz' WITH (%s)",
copy_from_dest ? copy_from_dest : "",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "COPY %s %s TO PROGRAM 'gzip > %s%s.csv.gz' WITH (%s)",
copy_from_dest ? copy_from_dest : "",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "COPY %s %s TO stdout;",
I tried a couple of other cheats too, like specifying a directory owned by postgres. I know it's a quick hack but I hope you can help, and thanks for looking.
This is a use case for pg_restore -f.
-- Create custom format dump file
pg_dump -d some_db -U some_user -Fc -f dump.out
-- Move that file to where you need it
-- Dump data only from named table to a file from the dump file.
pg_restore -a -t table_1 -f table_1_data.sql dump.out
The pg_dump will create a consistent snapshot of the tables, so you have the database in a 'frozen' state in dump.out. Then you can use pg_restore to 'thaw out' those parts you need on your schedule. By using -a you will get the COPY you want.

How do I use the Class::DBI->sequence() method to fill 'id' field automatically in perl?

I'm following the example Class::DBI.
I create the cd table like that in my MariaDB database:
artist INTEGER, # references 'artist'
title VARCHAR(255),
year CHAR(4)
The primary key cdid is not set to auto-incremental. I want to use a sequence in MariaDB. So, I configured the sequence:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT NEXTVAL(cd_seq);
| NEXTVAL(cd_seq) |
| 100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
And set-up the Music::CD class to use it:
Music::CD->columns(Primary => qw/cdid/);
Music::CD->columns(Others => qw/artist title year/);
After that, I try this inserts:
my $cd = Music::CD->insert({
cdid => 4,
artist => 2,
title => 'October',
year => 1980,
my $cd = Music::CD->insert({
artist => 2,
title => 'October',
year => 1980,
The "normal insert" succeed, but the "sequence insert" give me this error:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''cd_seq')' at line
1 [for Statement "SELECT NEXTVAL ('cd_seq')
"] at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/DBIx/ line 52.
I think the quotation marks ('') are provoking the error, because when I put the command "SELECT NEXTVAL (cd_seq)" (without quotations) in mysql client it works (see above). I proved all combinations (', ", `, no quotation), but still...
Any idea?
My versions: perl 5.30.3, 10.5.4-MariaDB
The documentation for sequence() says this:
If you are using a database with AUTO_INCREMENT (e.g. MySQL) then you do not need this, and any call to insert() without a primary key specified will fill this in automagically.
MariaDB is based on MySQL. Therefore you do not need the call to sequence(). Use the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword in your table definition instead.

pg_dump excluded functions

I created a pg_dump with the following command -
pg_dump -U postgres -d db -n public \
--exclude-table-data 'exclude_table_*' \
--exclude-table-data 'another_set_of_tables_to_exclude*' > dump.sql
This excluded the tables I needed it to exclude, but it didn't dump any functions that were in the public schema. Why did it not dump the functions and how do I get it to dump them?
This is the definition of a materialized view -
SELECT (split_part((, '-'::text, 1))::bigint AS
split_part((, '-'::text, 2) AS business,
(split_part((, '-'::text, 3))::bigint AS organization,
split_part((, '-'::text, 4) AS county,,
FROM crosstab('SELECT attending_practitioner || ''-'' || business || ''-'' || organization || ''-'' || county AS id, period, COALESCE(admits, 0)
FROM calc ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC'::text, 'SELECT year || ''q'' || quarter FROM calc_trend ORDER BY 1 DESC limit 9'::text) ct(id character varying(32), "qtr-0" integer, "qtr-1" integer, "qtr-2" integer, "qtr-3" integer, "qtr-4" integer, "qtr-5" integer, "qtr-6" integer, "qtr-7" integer, "qtr-8" integer);
It should dump functions (and all other objects) in the public schema.
The functions that are not dumped are those that are part of an extension, like the crosstab in your case. Such objects are not dumped individually, they are included in the CREATE EXTENSION.
Unfortunately extensions are not dumped with a schema dump (they belong to the database).
You should create the extensions manually on the destination database before restoring the dump:

ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone

I have a PostgreSQL query as below which is running fine . I am calling it from a shell script as below
Result=$(psql -U username -d database -t -c
$'SELECT round(sum(, 2) AS "ROUND(sum(, 2)"
FROM invoice i
WHERE i.create_datetime = '2019-03-01 00:00:00-06'
AND i.is_review = '1' AND i.user_id != 60;')
now I want the value which I have hard coded as i.create_datetime = '2019-03-01 00:00:00-06' to replace it with a variable date value.
I have tried two ways
way 1:
Result=$(psql -U username -d database -t -c
$'WITH var(reviewMonth) as (values(\'$reviewMonth\'))
SELECT round(sum(,2) AS "ROUND(sum(,2)"
FROM var,invoice i
WHERE i.create_datetime = var.reviewMonth::timestamp
AND i.is_review = \'1\' AND i.user_id != 60;')
way 2:
Result=$(psql -U username -d database -t -c
$'SELECT round(sum(,2) AS "ROUND(sum(,2)"
FROM invoice i
WHERE i.create_datetime = \'$reviewMonth\'
AND i.is_review = \'1\' AND i.user_id != 60;')
But both way it's throwing error
way 1 throwing error as :
ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp with time zone = text
way 2 throwing error as :
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "$reviewMonth"
Please suggest what should be my approach.
You should try using the psql variables. Here's an example:
# Put the query in a file, with the variable TSTAMP:
> echo "SELECT :'TSTAMP'::timestamp with time zone;" > query.sql
> export TSTAMP='2019-03-01 00:00:00-06'
> RESULT=$(psql -U postgres -t --variable=TSTAMP="$TSTAMP" -f query.sql )
> echo $RESULT
2019-03-01 06:00:00+00
Note how we format the string literal substitution in the query: :'TSTAMP'
You could also do the substitution yourself. Here's an example using a heredoc:
> export TSTAMP='2019-03-01 00:00:01-06'
> RESULT=$(psql -U postgres -t << EOF
SELECT '$TSTAMP'::timestamp with time zone;
> echo $RESULT
2019-03-01 06:00:01+00
In this case, we aren't using psql's variable substitution, so we have to quote the variable like '$TSTAMP' . Using a heredoc makes the quoting much simpler than using -c because you aren't trying to quote the whole command.
EDIT: more examples because it appears this wasn't clear enough. TSTAMP does not have to be hard coded, it's just a bash variable than can be set like any other bash variable.
> TSTAMP=$(date -d 'now' +'%Y-%m-01 00:00:00')
> RESULT=$(psql -U postgres -t << EOF
SELECT '$TSTAMP'::timestamp with time zone;
> echo $RESULT
2019-06-01 00:00:00+00
However, if you're really just looking for the start of the month, there's no need for shell variables at all
> RESULT=$(psql -U postgres -t << EOF
SELECT date_trunc('month', now());
> echo $RESULT
2019-06-01 00:00:00+00

PostgreSQL, perl and dojo special character issue (æ,ø and å)

I have a webpage made in perl and dojo using a PostgreSQL database. I have to search for availale people in the database and since im from Denmark the letters æ,ø and å has to be available in the search. I thought this was standard when using UTF8 and when I normally program in php over mysql I didn't think it would be that hard.
I have done properly every trick I know to convert this search_word to the right encoding so i can search in the postgre sql database for correct names with æ,ø and å... but it still fails.
i have my perl code making the fetch but this fetch returns 0 rows and when i insert the same command in the psql terminal i get 46 rows returned (copy from "tail -f log terminal" the STDERR statement and inserts it into another terminal connected to the database through the psql command)... the perl code is:
sub dbSearchPersons {
my $search_word = escapeSql($_[0]);
$search_word = Encode::decode_utf8($search_word);
$statement = "SELECT id,name,initials,email FROM person WHERE name ilike '\%".$search_word."\%' OR email ilike '\%".$search_word."\%' OR initials ilike '\%".$search_word."\%' ORDER BY name ASC";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
$num_rows = $sth->execute();
print STDERR "Statement: " . $statement;
if($num_rows > 0){
$persons = $dbh->selectall_hashref($statement,'id');
webdie($DBI::errstr) if($DBI::errstr);
and as you can see i write the SQL statement to STDERR and which outputs the following:
[Fri Apr 27 11:24:26 2012] [error] [client] Statement: SELECT id,name,initials,email FROM person WHERE name ilike '%Jørgen%' OR email ilike '%Jørgen%' OR initials ilike '%Jørgen%' ORDER BY name ASC, referer:
The sql I correctly written (as i can see it through the terminal output above) and if I copy and paste the statement from the terminal and inserts it directly into the psql terminal, i get 46 rows returned as I should... But the perl still wont return any rows.
I don't get it? When formatting a string to display "ø" and not "ø" (as perl translates the UTF8 encoding to, from "J%C3%B8rgen" which gets send through, should I not be able to use it in a SQL statement? Is it because the psql database can have a certain encoding i have to take that into account somehow? Or could it be some completely different?
Hope someone can help me. I have been struggling with this problem for two days now and since the things looks like they should, but don't work I get a little sad :/
Thor Astrup Pedersen
You probably forgot to pg_enable_utf8. The database interface will return then Perl character data to you.
$ createdb -e -E UTF-8 -l en_US.UTF-8 -T template0 so10349280
$ echo 'create table person (id int, name varchar, initials varchar, email varchar)'|psql so10349280
$ echo "insert into person (id, name) values (1, 'Jørgensen')"|psql so10349280
$ echo 'select * from person'|psql so10349280
id | name | initials | email
1 | Jørgensen | |
$ perl -Mutf8 -Mstrictures -MDBI -MDevel::Peek -E'
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
"DBI:Pg:dbname=so10349280", $ENV{LOGNAME}, "", { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1, pg_enable_utf8 => 1}
my $r = $dbh->selectall_hashref("select * from person where name = ?", "id", undef, "Jørgensen");
Dump $r->{1}{name};
SV = PV(0x836e20) at 0xa58dc8
PV = 0xa5a000 "J\303\270rgensen"\0 [UTF8 "J\x{f8}rgensen"]
CUR = 10
LEN = 16
You don't say quite clear, I think you eventually intend to send out the character data as JSON for use with Dojo. You need to encode them into UTF-8 octets; the various JSON libaries take care of that automatically for you, no need to invoke Encode functions manually.