Paypal IPN custom confirmation mail - email

I am building a site with an online shop, which is hand-made by code. The payment is done via a Paypal button. I want to know if there is any way to make that the buyer recieves a custom designed confirmation mail including a receipt of the order. I've been investigating about Paypal IPN feature, but I get a bit lost when it comes to PHP, so I was wondering if there's any available script to make this that can be easily modified.
Maybe if is there any other way to do this (eg. using some online software, or any other Paypal function) I would be interested in knowing too.
Thanks in advice!

Unfortunately, merchant could not modify or customize the email template which sent from PayPal to merchant or buyers.
The email is fixed template.
So if you want to sent key code to your buyers with email automatically, you need to add this functions on your system end, which needs
programming development.  To set up this functions you have to use our IPN service.
IPN(Instant Payment Notification)  is a PayPal feature that sends messages about payments
(and other transactional events) directly from PayPal to your website(s)' back-end systems. 
While a payment occurred on your PayPal account, PayPal will sent IPN message to your IPN script at the same time.
After receiving the IPN , your system can refer the IPN message to do the subsequent processing- update payment status or send email etc.
But the follow-up actions need to be integrated by your system(Including send email system).
This process is complex, but it is the only way to achieve your marketing goal.
Following and the IPN integration guide. Please kindly refer them.


PayPal Express Checkout Email Notifications

I have setup the PayPal express API buttons but it seems when i make a payment all goes through successfully however, from the seller side i am not receiving any emails telling me i have received a payment or such. I looked at the email notifications on the developer site there is nothing being sent out.
Am i doing something incorrectly or does the express checkout not send emails.
My integration is similar to this
Ensure the sandbox Business account receiving the payment has a confirmed email in the sandbox environment.
Log into it at
Send the confirmation from there, if necessary
Read and proceed with the confirmation, via

PayPal IPN Adding your own data onto IPN message

I have integrated PayPal into my website and have the IPN system working successfully. The problem I have now is that unless the PayPal email is the same as the one they used to register on my site, I have no idea who the person is.
I would like to add on my own data to the IPN message such as AccountID=10 or AccountName="SomeName" so that I can identify who the person is for my own user base since it is selling of virtual goods and privileges and not shipping to some address. Can this be done?
You certainly can send many parameters such as invoice parameter with your Paypal IPN request and get it returned with IPN response.
Full parameters list is available here:
You could also make this a non-issue by setting it up so your customers use their PayPal login credentials to log into your site. Have a look at the following documentation:

Paypal Payments - What to store from them?

I was wondering, if you have coded a website which uses paypal payments as a payment method (the kind of payments where you get redirected to their site for payment, not web payment pro).
What kind of details can I store? Is it just their paypal email address that can get supplied to me or do other details regarding their paypal account also get sent to me via their API which can be stored on my site?
As already mentioned, you get the details of the transaction, so email address, name, delivery address and the contents of the shopping cart.
You can send custom parameters from your form though, such as phone number.
Paypal, by default doesn't ask users to provide a phone number and therefore usually doesn't send you one. However, it's often useful for retailers to have a customers phone number.
If your shopping cart is populated by your website and then customers are asked to complete a brief, name, phone number, email form before submitting to Paypals site you can send these extra form fields to Paypal and have them come back to your server for storage/checking.
However... I found it very erratic! There seemed to be a problem with my account when I did this and the PP technical team couldn't explain why it was only sometimes working! I gave up in the end and found a Payment gateway with credit card and Paypal integration, now all my payments come through the same channel and callback methods regardless of type. I use now.
Mostly only the details pertaining to the transaction can be retrieved in the usual procedure, as it appears even when you see the transaction details in your paypal account when you receive payments. However, it would be helpful for you if you can provide more information on what you wish to look for.

Getting custom data from Paypal

I am creating a simple online paypal commerce and I have some doubts
on how sending data to seller and buyer when order payment is done. The
scenario looks like this:
Each product (legal documents) has a different form because in order to
deliver the product buyer need to specify different information for each
item. Studying Paypal documentation I have learnt that I can add hidden
fields and send them with transaction when I click the Buy Button or Add
To Cart.
When the payment is done:
buyer will receive the confirmation of payment (ok sent by paypal)
seller will receive all necessary information to fill the documents
for each product in one email.
I have noticed using sandbox that buyyer can add note for seller with payment
but unfortunatlly the textarea allow only a limitated text.
Please let me know if I understand correctly. When the payment is done Paypal
send back all data (IPN) to paypal script (including all information sent via
using the form). In that case I should be able to check if the transaction was
completed and if so doing the parser of the reply and send data via email using
PHP to seller. Is it correct?
Does anyone can show me a simple example?
Thanks a lot.
When transaction is complete (subscription,one time web form payment,express checkout or something else ) , Paypal sends authorization query to your IPN script (link to which is defined in your Paypal profile)
The IPN values are described here
or here

Triggering an action after Paypal Buy-Now purchase is complete

I've got a web application with a form where users can sign up for a seminar. The process is currently as follows:
Register for seminar
Registration success page with Paypal Buy-Now button to make payment
Paypal payment
Registration completion page
At present, emails are sent to the admin and the user at step 2 after registering confirming their registration. This needs to be changed so that the emails are actually sent in step 4, after payment has been made.
The application is built in ASP.NET, and all of the code to send emails, etc is all done. I'm curious as to what is the best way to trigger a process on the main website using the users details after they have completed the Paypal payment process.
From what I can see, there are the following options:
Store the data in the session. When the user returns to the registration completion page, retrieve the information and send the emails. My concern with this is that I've worked on a project in the past implementing this and it never worked very well, with the session getting lost.
Store the data in the database. Have the Paypal redirect include the transaction details in the querystring to the return page, which can retrieve the registration details using the email address and send the emails. However, this may not work if the email address used on Paypal is different from the one used to register (which is quite likely in this scenario).
Post all the details to Paypal, so that they are included in the transaction. Downsides: Won't send confirmation email to the user, only the admin (and assuming that the Paypal email address is the same as the email to which payment notifications should be sent). Also not sure if this can be used with hosted buttons.
I'm sure this is a common problem, and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Use paypal instant payment notification
When the order is placed on your site, put it into a db table, with whatever you need to record. I then have an OrderId (from the db table) that I pass to paypal as an 'invoice' field, this gets passed back via ipn with a payment status etc.