Provided og:image url encountered an unknown error - facebook

Yesterday I attempted to share a web page on Facebook, specifically, however this did not preview correctly on Facebook. When I attempted to scrape this with the Facebook Open Graph Debugger I saw an error I've not encountered previously.
Provided og:image url, encountered an unknown error.
There was no additional information elaborating about what was going on. The response from the web page was HTTP 200.
I could at the same successfully access the image url directly, but attempts to re-scrape the page with the Facebook Open Graph Debugger resulted in the same error message.
What could possibly be causing this? 30-40 minutes after this attempt everything worked perfectly. I've not been able to reproduce the issue thus far, nor has Azure blob storage logs told me anything.

I've encountered this same error and I checked the docs.
According to the documentation it recommends:
Optimize images to generate great previews
Image Sizes
Use images that are at least 1080 pixels in width for best display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 pixels in width to display image link ads. We recommend using 1:1 images in your ad >creatives for better performance with image link ads.
Since adding an image which has the minimum width of 1080px width this resolved my problem.

I also had this problem recently and I fixed it by uploading a smaller file (about 1024px wide, 72dpi ~ 100kb), it worked. I had to open the Facebook debugger and ask it re-scape the page.

It solved by
<meta property="og:url" content="FULL_PAGE_URL" />
<meta property="og:image" content="FULL_IMAGE_PATH" />


Facebook's debugger shows a preview image, yet on Facebook it doesn't pull in that same preview image?

Facebook will randomly take posts I have shared on a company page and make the preview image blank/white. It is maddening.
Here's what I do to replicate:
Copy URL that I want to share
Go to Facebook's debug and check URL to confirm a preview image shows
Go to Facebook and share the URL in a post
Preview image is blank/white
Example URL:
Open graph code in on that URL
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:image:secure" content="" />
Video of me replicating this:
If the open graph code is there, it's secure, what else could be causing Facebook to occasionally flake out and make some of the preview images white/blank? Here's a strange kicker too... sometimes I can edit/refresh the preview image within Facebook, and the preview image will show again... but in a few days it goes back to white/blank.
Unfortunately, it is well-known problem on Facebook that has not been fixed for years and there is no canonical answer to your question.
The main problem is URIs using HTTP works just fine and URIs using HTTPS do not. So first of all, you should try to change your og:image:secure property to og:image:secure_url, because due to documentation there is no og:image:secure property.
If it does not help, you can explore this thread and you gonna try different options unless, of course, you have tried it yet.
Please pay attention to such methods:
Try to add og:image:url (yes, it is similar to og:image but sometimes it can help).
Try to remove og:image:secure_url property (yes, it is looking strange, but it is Facebook, and it also might work).
Try to add other og properties such as og:image:type, og:image:width, og:image:height

Facebook og: image appears blank

I currently having a problem with FB OG image on Feed status of
On profile status. This works fine. It appears that the bug is only happening on HOME(news feed page) status
The site is built in wordPress. Normally I don't stuck on og image on my previous works on WordPress.
On fb object debugger, the site has the correct og image and seems no problem at all.
I suspect its because im using secure server? (https://) Also same thing happens if I try, (http).
I investigated this issue and found another similar thread on stackoverflow thread. The thread says that this has been an issue with https. However, the has a thumbnail when posted the link on FB status.
Is this issue has something to do with the server settings?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Ran into the same problem myself. You're trying to share from a secure site using Yoast's Wordpress SEO plugin. Unfortunately, it doesn't properly handle the meta tags for secure images. Yoast includes:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://image-url-here" />
Facebook doesn't like that, but there's an easy fix, by adding:
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="https://image-url-here" />
I wrote up a blog post on how to hook into the plugin's wpseo_opengraph_image hook to handle this automatically.
Hope it helps.
https/http should be no problem, i suspect that the image is just too broad. Always use the correct aspect ratio and size:
Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images.
Try to keep your images as close to 1.91:1 aspect ratio as possible to display the full image in News Feed without any cropping.
Please bear in mind that the facebook scraper works asynchronously and will need some time (during my tests around 10 minutes) to be able to display an image after seeing it for the first time.
For more information, here's a more thorough answer on a similar problem.
In my case, converting a PNG graphic with transparency to no transparency fixed the error.
Facebook API debug error image

Facebook Share Dialog does not display thumbnails one first load

I'm using the Facebook share dialog to share a specific url. The shared link contains an image which should be part of the sharing later on. The strange thing about this is that it works totally fine on mobile browsers. But desktop browser do not load the image at the first attempt. A simple reload of the sharing window fixes the missing image. Once this image shows up for at least one time it continues working in other browsers without additional reloads..
So my question is: Does anybody knows why the first call of this url does not show images?
Link for opening the sharing dialog
Here is the output of the Facebook Debugger, which is free of errors and shows the image as well.
Facebook debugger output
Seems to work with the Feed Dialog without any issues. But this is another way of sharing which I would like to prevent since it requires an App ID.
I have run into this issue as well and it turns out that Facebook has an undocumented "feature", likely implemented for optimization. It does not load your image during the first share.
The bug description can be found here:
In short, the solution is one of two possibilities.
The easiest is to include og:image:width and og:image:height as part of your ogtags describing the pixel width and height of the image. Strangely, this will (by design apparently) convince Facebook to scrape the site immediately, including image.
<meta property="og:image" content=""/ >
<meta property="og:image:width" content="450"/>
<meta property="og:image:height" content="298"/>
The second potential solution is to trigger a scrape manually via API. I have not tested this, but theoretically it is possible. See the relevant Stackoverflow discussion on this topic.
Facebook displays a cached image. It does so the first time the share is submitted or when Facebook crawler finds og:image tag on your page.
According to Facebook docs at
"Some of our Social Plugins render an image when someone is interacting with them. The image is based on the og:image on the page, or other images on the page if the og:image isn't set. Before the social plugin can render an image Facebook's crawler has to see the image at least once. For sites where pages change frequently (e.g. ecommerce) the first person who clicks on these plugins won't see a rendered image."
I found another way to force the facebook crawler to check the page before you click the share button: just include an hidden iFrame with the sharer facebook link.
<iframe src="" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"></iframe>
I finally I think I found the issue. The images I want to share are delivered by a PHP script instead of a plain file. It seems to be related to the way PHP delivers the images:
echo readfile($image_thumb_file);
$fp = fopen($image_thumb_file, "rb");
After doing this change my images finally appear in the Facebook debugger.
You also can check og:image:width and og:image:height properties.
This works for me.

Facebook sharer not displaying proper image

I am using facebook graph for sharing image.
please check my following page.
i have given 1 link for Share on facebook.
I have set meta tags for the same also:
But i am not getting proper image while the dialog opens.
When i am debugging it on following url:
I am getting following message sometime.:
"Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
og:image should be larger Provided og:image is not big enough. Please use an image that's at least 200x200 px. Image '' will be used instead."
Sometimes it works fine..Why so..?? I am facing this issue on many times.
Why this kind of random behaviour ??? Sometimes it takes proper image sometimes it gives error???
Please check my attached filed..
Net time when i checked i got without any error.
I resolved this problem by adding all my meta tags on the root (index.php) as well.
Facebook need to see it on your home page if you want it to get the right image on a specific page.

Featured image from post not showing although Fb Debugger is OK

I´m finishing my site in WP and everything seems ok but I can´t get the featured image from my posts to show when sharing the link in FB.
I tryed the debugger, it sees the image ok and returnes a 200 response code.
Debugger test result here
The image size is 300x227 so I understand there is no problem regarding size or proportion.
The Meta included about the image is'/>
Does anyone has a clue about this? Thanks a lot.
I have experienced very wobbly Facebook behavior recently, ie the last few days. Putting page through the Facebook debugger (with og image correctly specified), it says that a particular image is less than 200 x 200 when it is considerably more than this.
Several pages that used to give thumbnails very happily no longer do. Yet one with a really big image (for the sake of Pinterest) with the image reduced in size on the page, is fine.
One thing that DOES upset Facebook - the image has to be hosted on precisely the same domain as the page. I found that when I used a shortened version of my domain name (which forwards to the full one), that prevented thumbnails appearing. Suspect that even a subdomain for one, and not the other, might upset things.
Same problem here...when you try to share it on your browser trough the mobile website, it shows the image.. Try to share a link and replace to and you see it works, so must be a problem in the desktop Facebook website
Wordpress has changed its requirements for showing images on facebook timeline or on a facebook page. Even I experimented a lot of things and finally found out a solution. Here is how to do it,
Download WPSSO plugin from
Install the plugin
Then navigate into the plugin settings and find the "Images" tab
Set "Open graph Dimensions" as 600 x 315
Now use images above the size of 600 x 315 in your posts
Cick save settings and now try debugging the post with your facebook debugger tool.
I am sure this will solve your problem. If problems persist do post them we will try to reslve it.
Note - This tutorial was taken from this link Facebook image problem resolution