How to set metadata in sys_file_metadata for file id in TYPO3 6.2 - typo3

I try to update the medatadata informations (EXIF) for images in a folder. Via the StorageRepository I can read the metadata from file system. I now want to put the recieved information into the TYPO3 database. I think I found the corresponding mysql table called sys_file_metadata where the informations are stored for each file id.
My question now is, if there are any functions or methods to put the recieved metadata into the database or do I have to put it in via a mysql query?

Just use the datahandler for this.
And indeed it's stored in sys_file_metadata


How to cache firestore documents in flutter?

I want to store documents that I download from firestore. Each document has a unique id so I was thinking of a way I can store that document in json format or in database table (so I can access its fields) and if that id is not present in the memory than just simply download it from firestore and save it. I also want these documents to be deleted if they are not used/called for a long time. I found this cache manager but was unable to understand how to use it.
you can download the content by using any of the flutter downloadmanager and keep the path of the downloaded content in sqllite and load the data from local storage rather than url if the data is already saved.
Following pseudo-code may help you:
//show from local;
} else {
// show from remote
you can manually check whether the resources are being used or not by keeping a timestam of it and update the timestamp only when it is shown. and you can run a service which looks for the unused resources and delete it from storage and the databse too.

Retrieve product_template images stored in database odoo 13

I have nodejs server and connected to postgres using pg module. the data binary field in the ir_attachment table is empty. The images might be stored in the windows directory. i can only retrieve the file name and the checksum. how to put things together and generate a url. I am using odoo version 13. please help
I tried to use the odoo url example: but the image does not preview.
Example of permitting public users in the security file. At first I placed base.group_public above base.group_user. But it didn't work.

Querying Raven Db

I have an instance of Raven Db at localhost:8081. I made sure to change raven's config file to allow anonymous access. I created a database named AT. Inside AT I have a collection named Admins. Inside of Admins I have two documents. I'm trying to retrieve some data via Rest using RestClient. I try to hit the db using:
http://localhost:8081/docs/admins/7cb95e9a (last bit is the id of the document I want).
With both I receive a 404. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Can someone point me in the right direction?
The URL has the following format:
Collection is a virtual thing. get a document only by its ID, there no nothing on collection here. The document ID can be anything you set, but if you let RavenDB to generate it, it will probably be admins/1.

Where does Tridion store Metadata values?

When we define custom metadata for the components, it is my understanding that this user-given metadata is stored in SQL server. And it is not visible in the component xml. Can anyone explain how exactly a metadata linked to a component will actually get stored?
A Component definition in Tridion has two types of fields: Content fields and Metadata fields. Both field types are stored in the Content Manager database (either SQL Server or Oracle). And both field types are retrieved whenever you read the Component back from Tridion through any of its APIs (TOM, TOM.NET or Core Service).
Only the Content fields are shown in the Source tab of a Component edit window, but the Metadata fields are visible on the Metadata tab of that same window.
If you want to have a single view of the XML of both Metadata and Content fields (as well as many other properties of you Component in Tridion), consider installing the PowerTools or the Item XML extension.
I think you may be confusing things a bit.
The Metadata is always stored as part of the component - under tcm:Metadata. When you publish this component, then the metadata fields will also be available for querying on the Content Delivery Data Store.
Whether these fields get displayed as part of the component presentation depends on your templates. There's nothing stopping you from including these values in the output of your template (typical use case for SEO, for instance).
In summary:
In the CM, the Metadata is stored together with the Component
In the CD, the Metadata is stored as part of the "CUSTOM_META"
associated with this component.
Just a note,
There is another metadata that is not stored as metadata fields, which is the system metadata, such as Last Modified Date or the user that last modified the component. That's metadata in the CMS. Also there is system metadata in the front-end (broker or file system metadata) that gets published when you publish a given component, such as Last Published Date.
You can leverage/use the system metadata in your templates as well.

how to match server database in our local database table in iphone

hi friend
can any one tell me that i have web server there i have create the database for store some value for registration form the value was save in webserver this is working good
but now that data coming in json format and now i have fetch json value and save in to the local database which is same as the webserverdata base both the side ssame table and same colume name is there how can i do this
and how to writ the query for this sitution help me
Various JSON parsers exist for objective c. You'll have to pass the data to a library or to javascript in a webview to extract it. Here is a google library:
If you need help with saving the data, I say with no snideness whatsoever that you should read the manual: