Permit a member to add more members to the team - azure-devops

I am an admin to a lot many projects. I have permissions to add members to any particular Project. But if I would like to promote a member as a Project Admin, I would like him to have permissions to add new members to the project.
I have added this person as a member of Project Administrator. Though he can now see the + symbol to add a member in Dashboard, it says he doesn't have permissions to add a member. What am I missing?

Seems you are talking about the team member dashboard to add member to the default team.
First double confirm you have promoted the member as a Project Admin
correctly, you could refer this question:
Manage user project permissions
Check the user is adding to VSTS for the first time or not. If it's,
need add account users for VSTS first. For this, the member will
need VSTS project collection administrator or account owner
permissions. However he is just a project admin, this maybe why he doesn't have permission.
Besides you could also add/manager members of other team, choose the gear cog
and Security from the menu. Then find the team on the left pane
of the security page and select it. In the right pane, choose the
Members view (next to Permissions), and then you will see a green plus symbol and the Add... button.
More details please refer this tutorial--Add team project members in VSTS


Azure DevOps group rule to add everyone as readers

I would like to allow all members of the organization in Azure DevOps to view all projects (become Readers).
I tried to set up a group rule on the organization settings page.
Group: "Project Collection Valid Users"
Access level: Stakeholder
Projects: Selected them all, and picked Readers for each one.
After that I clicked on Add.
Now, when I try to view the rule I just made with "Manage rule", the project settings have been cleared.
If I select the projects again, and pick Readers, then save, the same thing happens.
Why do the settings disappear?
Also, if I do "Re-evaluate Rules", it runs for a bit. But none of the existing users regardless of their Access level have gotten Reader access to any project.
However, using "Manage user" -> Group rules, the group rule is listed.
So the group rule is applied but the project settings are not working for some reason? How do I fix this?
I chose a different group from AD instead of "Project Collection Valid Users" and now it seems to work as expected.
Using "Project Collection Valid Users" in this context seems to bring some bugs or unexpected behaviour.

Azure DevOps Shared Query permission not inheriting from Project Administrator Group

I am in the project administrator group, since we have a requirement to set the shared query to read-only to Contributors, I toggled the permission for Contributors to Deny except for "Read"
When I try to create new shared query, it says:
TF401256: You do not have Write permission for query Shared Queries.
I clicked on the three dots and bring up the "Permission for Shared Queries" menu, searched my name and a few other people in the Project Administrator Group or Project Collection Administrator Group, it shows all "Deny" permission except for the "Read" for all of us.
When I hover over, it says our permission is being inherited through the {project}\Contributors, but we are in the Administrator group.
Why is that and How can I fix it? I cannot even overwrite the permission. It is stuck at being inherited from the Contributor group.
enter image description here
It seems you are in a different group(project administrator group and Contributors), check this doc:
In the Azure DevOps, for most groups and almost all permissions, Deny overrides Allow. If a user belongs to two groups, and one of them has a specific permission set to Deny, that user is not able to perform tasks that require that permission even if they belong to a group that has that permission set to Allow.
This is why you get the error message. You could open project settings->Permissions->Search the permission group {project}\Contributors->click the tab Members and remove your account. Then you could create new shared query
Open project settings->Teams->select the team->click the tab Settings->add Administrator, then we could move our account.
link to MS forum for this issue (or similar posted by other people):
It just doesn't sound right to me that in order to have admin permission you cannot be in any team. That maybe workable for a test account but for an organization this workaround or restriction could mess things up a lot.

Consequences of adding a user to a project but not to an organisation

I am trying to understand the complete purpose of organisations in ADO. What I have understood is that an organisation groups projects, defines resources, extensions, billing, etc. that is related to the organization.
I am struggling with the user part of an organization. I can add users to an org giving them an access level. But I can also add users directly to a project without adding them to an organization at all.
What is then the consequence of this? Is then access level by default stakeholder for those users?
Thank you
You can add people to projects instead of to your organization. Users
are automatically assigned Basic features if your organization has
seats available, or Stakeholder features if not.
For this please refer to the Note of this document.
When you add members to projects and you don't have billing set up, Basic access is automatically assigned, until you run out of seats available. When you add members to projects and you do have billing set up, Basic access is assigned only if your default access level is set to Basic. Otherwise, project members are assigned Stakeholder permissions.
You can refer to Add members to projects or teams for details.
If you add an user to a project that user will be added to the organisation as well. At least when the said user first logs in. The user will get the access level you define as default.

How do I make someone an administrator in VSO?

I need to set someone as having full administrative rights to do anything in VSO. Where/how do I set this?
After you add a user to your VSTS, you also need to add it to project collection administrators group, after that he can add users to VSTS too.
Go to admin page (
Select Project Collection Administrators
Click Members tab
Click Add button to add user to Project Collection Administrators group

GitHub: how do I make a user an admin of an organization?

I need to transfer a repository from a user account to an organization the user is a member of. Per GitHUb's docs, I need to make the user account an admin of the organization first.
GitHub's docs describe the different levels of access to an organization, but I can't find out how to actually change a user's level of access to an organisation.
How can I make the organization member an admin?
Access levels in GitHub are configured per Team inside the Organization.
Log into GitHub.
Switch your account context to the organization using the dropdown near the top-left of the screen:
Click on "View organization":
Click the Teams tab in the top navigation bar:
Decide whether you want to change the permissions of an existing team (and all of its members) or to create a new team for a single user.
If you are modifying an existing Team,
click on the Team name,
then click the gear icon at the top right,
then change the Team's access to Admin and
click Update.
If you are creating a new Team,
click the New Team button,
give the Team an appropriate name,
set its access to Admin and
click Create Team.
Team memberships have somewhat limited permissions scopes to individually named repositories.
If you want to set someone as an admin for the entire organization:
Navigate to the Organization > People
Identify the member you want to update and click on the settings cog
Set role to Owner
Update 2022: GitHub entitlements can help you define an IAM (Identity and Access Management) complete with audits.
2017: Note that since June 2017, you can apply an Admin access right to a sub-team (instead of one giant unique team as before)
See "Nested teams add depth to your team structure":
Child teams inherit their parent's access permissions, so repository permissions and #mentioning among nested teams work from top to bottom.
If your team structure is Employees > Engineering > Application Engineering > Identity, granting Engineering write access to a repository means Application Engineering and Identity also get that access.
So that is another way to assign a user admin right: make him/her part of a sub-sub team called "admins" within an organization.
Official GitHub Documentation: Nested Teams.