AWS EB deployment pipeline script is the same for Codeschip Basic vs Pro? - codeship

Just wondering if AWS EB deployment pipelines use the same script in Codeship Basic / Pro subscriptions?

The ElasticBeanstalk deployment script for Codeship Basic is very similar to the script available at
There are a couple differences, because of the way it is directly integrated into Codeship Basic itself. Same for the Basic/Pro versions, they are very similar, but not completely identical.


How to connect to saucelabs via Azure devops?

I need to test a connection to sauce labs from Azure devops but struggling to find the correct syntax for this?
This article talks about Sauce Labs w/ Azure DevOps.
You will face issues setting and reading environment variables. Assuming that you are using C#, this topic is covered there as well.
A NodeJs and a Java example is there as well.
One thing I will say confidently is that you definitely want to use a YML file to make Azure Devops connect to Sauce.
Another gotcha is the fact that the Sauce plugin doesn't actually work and you can't use it to see videos. Hence, don't use it. Just configure the YML file as described in the linked resources.

Test server for release pipeline in Azure DevOps

Forgive me for asking a stupid question. I am from IT Infrastructure background & have been asked to create CI/CD pipelines based on my recent learnings on DevOps.
We have couple of applications whose source code is currently in TFS 2013 & those apps are written in ASP.NET C# language. Now, requirement is to migrate the source code from TFS to Azure Repos (Azure DevOps services) & further create a CI/CD pipeline.
Now for demo purposes, customer is asking us to do the deployment (i.e. Release pipeline) on a test server which is a plain windows 2012 OS without any SQL & IIS for both of these applications. Is that possible & how could we achieve the results to confirm release pipeline is funcioning properly?
In my opinion, it wont work as there is no application infra/configuration done for those applications on that plain test server. I guess we actually need a ready dev/stage environment which is replica of production to do the testing of release pipeline for those applications. Am I correct?
Just need expert advise for confirmation so I communicate the same to customer.
Azure DevOps Pipelines use an agent to perform the deployments. You can run the agent entirely in the cloud when deploying to Azure resources. You can also install an agent locally. Follow this link and scroll down to read about self-hosted agents. This is how you can deploy to your test instance from the pipeline.
Now, what you deploy there may require additional software be installed. You say it's an application in C#. Cool. Now, what's it do? Is it a windows program? Then just having the server there, with an agent installed, is all you need. Is it a web program? Then, yeah, it's going to need an IIS (or whatever) instance available somewhere to deploy to. Is it a database program? Then, yeah, it's going to need a database instance to deploy to. There's nothing magical about having a VM or a machine somewhere. All the same rules have to apply. There has to be an OS, drives, memory, and yes, supporting services depending on the needs of the application.
However, using a local machine instead of a hosted one, that works fine. Just follow the instructions in the link above.

How to Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipeline for PowerBuilder 2017 R3 project, is it even possible?

Recently migrated PB126 apps to PB2017 and changed source control to Azure DevOps Git.
Now, I'd like to integrate Azure DevOps CI/CD Build Pipeline to the app dev life-cycle.
I know it's feasible to configure jenkins CI server so it builds PB2017 projects.
Continuous Integration with PowerBuilder 2017, Bonobo Git and Jenkins
My problem here's I can't get it to work on a local Docker container and make it accessible to the outside world (Internet) so Azure DevOps can trigger its build action. Supposedly, it's a Docker for Windows thing which Docker handles differently from the Linux-based Docker.
Azure DevOps Pipeline
As per this link, Azure Pipelines is the CI/CD solution for any language, any platform, any cloud, it says any language, which makes me believe it's feasible to build PB2017 projects using Azure DevOps Pipelines.
The fact is that I'm totally new to CI/CD in terms of implementing it myself. I've experienced it in many projects where I wasn't responsible to implement it. Now I am. I've been on it since a few days now, and I do want it to work.
Any help appreciated.
The Appeon offical user forum:

Automate the building process of Unity with jenkins and azure

I am setting a Jenkins for automate the building process of a unity project. I have set up the Jenkins and the pipeline with github. So now when I do a commit I can build a project automatically.
Also I have create a Windows VM with unity inside. I have test this VM and I now that it can build a unity project. But I haven't understand how to connect the jenkins with the azure. What is the element that I am looking for?
Also If I have understood correctly I have 2 architectural choices now.
I can set jenkins to build to the vm that I have already created or have the jenkins tell to azure every time to create a new instance.
So my questions if the above is true what should I choose? Can azure spin up fast the windows vm this out wait to set up unity from the start?
I now that are a lot of questions but I am lost. Hope someone give me some guidance.
As Josh Gust points out, there is a Jenkins Azure Agents plugin!
Read below:
Your question, in addition to being very broad, doesn't specifically define the requirement for your deployment operation to take place within an all-Jenkins context, and it's tagged with #azure-devops so I hope you can find This Tutorial helpful. Azure VMs and Azure DevOps play well together.
I assume it's possible (not being a Jenkins operator myself) to "register" the Azure VM you have as a node in your Jenkins setup and declare a deployment stage(s) agent to run on that node to perform the deployment operations. Again, I'm a Jenkins noobie so all you Jenkins pros, correct me if needed.

Ansible vs Jenkins

Our team needs an automated deployment tool and I have concentrated on two major options: Ansible and Jenkins.
Could you please consult me about pros and cons of each and also, if you know a better deployment tool, please recommend them and state why.
Some information about our structure: Debian OS (some programmers use Windows 8 and Debian on VM). Our version/code management tools are SVN and GitHub (hopefully soon, only GitHub). Main programming language is PHP.
Ansible and Jenkins actually perfectly supplement each other.
You should start with writing Ansible playbook for provisioning and deployment. When it's ready and you tested it from your local machine you can setup Jenkins job to use that playbook. Jenkins can use different triggers like GitHub commit webhook or cron-like scheduler.
In this setup you rely mostly on Ansible and you use Jenkins as a tool to run Ansible playbook when needed. Seems like a perfect separation of concerns.