How to use COGROUP for large datasets - scala

I have two rdd's namely val tab_a: RDD[(String, String)] and val tab_b: RDD[(String, String)] I'm using cogroup for those datasets like:
val tab_c = tab_a.cogroup(tab_b).collect.toArray
val updated = { x =>
I'm using tab_c cogrouped values for map function and it works fine for small datasets but in case of huge datasets it throws Out Of Memory exception.
I have tried converting the final value to RDD but no luck same error
val newcos = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(tab_c)
1.How to use Cogroup for large datasets ?
2.Can we persist the cogrouped value ?
val source_primary_key = => (rec.split(",")(0), rec))
val destination_primary_key = => (rec.split(",")(0), rec))
val cos = source_primary_key.cogroup(destination_primary_key).repartition(10).collect()
var srcmis: Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
var destmis: Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
var extrainsrc: Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
var extraindest: Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
var srcs: String = Seq("")(0)
var destt: String = Seq("")(0)
val updated = { x =>
val key = x._1
val value = x._2
srcs = value._1.mkString(",")
destt = value._2.mkString(",")
if (srcs.equalsIgnoreCase(destt) == false && destt != "") {
srcmis :+= srcs
destmis :+= destt
if (srcs == "") {
extraindest :+= destt.mkString("")
if (destt == "") {
extrainsrc :+= srcs.mkString("")
Code Updated:
val tab_c = tab_a.cogroup(tab_b).filter(x => x._2._1 =!= x => x._2._2)
// tab_c = {1,Compactbuffer(1,john,US),Compactbuffer(1,john,UK)}
ERROR LiveListenerBus: SparkListenerBus has already stopped! Dropping event SparkListenerTaskEnd(4,3,ResultTask,FetchFailed(null,0,-1,27,org.apache.spark.shuffle.MetadataFetchFailedException: Missing an output location for shuffle 0
at org.apache.spark.MapOutputTracker$$anonfun$org$apache$spark$MapOutputTracker$$convertMapStatuses$2.apply(MapOutputTracker.scala:697)
at org.apache.spark.MapOutputTracker$$anonfun$org$apache$spark$MapOutputTracker$$convertMapStatuses$2.apply(MapOutputTracker.scala:693)
ERROR YarnScheduler: Lost executor 8 on datanode1: Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 1.0 GB of 1020 MB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead.
Thank you

When you use collect() you are basically telling spark to move all the resulting data back to the master node, which can easily produce a bottleneck. You are no longer using Spark at that point, just a plain array in a single machine.
To trigger computation just use something that requires the data at every node, that's why executors live on top of a distributed file system. For instance saveAsTextFile().
Here are some basic examples.
Remember, the entire objective here (that is, if you have big data) is to move the code to your data and compute there, not to bring all the data to the computation.

TL;DR Don't collect.
To run this code safely, without additional assumptions (on average requirements for worker nodes might be significantly smaller), every node (driver and each executor) would require memory significantly exceeding total memory requirements for all data.
If you were to run it outside Spark you would need only one node. Therefore Spark provides no benefits here.
However if you skip collect.toArray and make some assumptions about data distribution you might run it just fine.


Spark: Writing RDD Results to File System is Slow

I'm developing a Spark application with Scala. My application consists of only one operation that requires shuffling (namely cogroup). It runs flawlessly and at a reasonable time. The issue I'm facing is when I want to write the results back to the file system; for some reason, it takes longer than running the actual program. At first, I tried writing the results without re-partitioning or coalescing, and I realized that the number of generated files are huge, so I thought that was the issue. I tried re-partitioning (and coalescing) before writing, but the application took a long time performing these tasks. I know that re-partitioning (and coalescing) is costly, but is what I'm doing the right way? If it's not, could you please give me hints on what's the right approach.
My file system is Amazon S3.
My input data size is around 130GB.
My cluster contains a driver node and five slave nodes each has 16 cores and 64 GB of RAM.
I'm assigning 15 executors for my job, each has 5 cores and 19GB of RAM.
P.S. I tried using Dataframes, same issue.
Here is a sample of my code just in case:
val sc = spark.sparkContext
// loading the samples
val samplesRDD = sc
.filter(_.split(",").length > 7)
.filter(_._1.nonEmpty) // skips any un-parsable lines
// pick random samples
val samples1Ids = samplesRDD
.map(_._2._1) // map to id
.takeSample(withReplacement = false, 100, 0)
// broadcast it to the cluster's nodes
val samples1IdsBC = sc broadcast samples1Ids
val samples1RDD = samplesRDD
.filter(samples1IdsBC.value contains _._2._1)
val samples2RDD = samplesRDD
.filter(sample => !samples1IdsBC.value.contains(sample._2._1))
// compute
.flatMapValues { case (left, right) => => (sample1._1, right.filter(sample2 => isInRange(sample1._2, sample2._2)).map(_._1)))
.map {
case (timestamp, (sample1Id, sample2Ids)) =>
Here is the same code using Dataframes:
// loading the samples
val samplesDF = spark
.drop("_c1", "_c5", "_c6", "_c7", "_c8")
.toDF("id", "timestamp", "x", "y")
.withColumn("x", ($"x" / 100.0f).cast(sql.types.FloatType))
.withColumn("y", ($"y" / 100.0f).cast(sql.types.FloatType))
// pick random ids as samples 1
val samples1Ids = samplesDF
.select($"id") // map to the id
.takeSample(withReplacement = false, 1000)
.map(r => r.getAs[String]("id"))
// broadcast it to the executor
val samples1IdsBC = sc broadcast samples1Ids
// get samples 1 and 2
val samples1DF = samplesDF
.where($"id" isin (samples1IdsBC.value: _*))
val samples2DF = samplesDF
.where(!($"id" isin (samples1IdsBC.value: _*)))
.withColumn("combined", struct("id", "lng", "lat"))
.join(samples1DF, Seq("timestamp"), "rightouter")
.map {
case Row(timestamp: String, samples: mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema], sample1Id: String, sample1X: Float, sample1Y: Float) =>
val sample2Info = samples.filter {
case Row(_, sample2X: Float, sample2Y: Float) =>
Misc.isInRange((sample2X, sample2Y), (sample1X, sample1Y), 20)
case _ => false
}.map {
case Row(sample2Id: String, sample2X: Float, sample2Y: Float) =>
case _ => ""
(timestamp, sample1Id, sample1X, sample1Y, sample2Info)
case Row(timestamp: String, _, sample1Id: String, sample1X: Float, sample1Y: Float) => // no overlapping samples
(timestamp, sample1Id, sample1X, sample1Y, "")
case _ =>
("error", "", 0.0f, 0.0f, "")
.where($"_1" notEqual "error")
// .show(1000, truncate = false)
Issue here is that normally spark commit tasks, jobs by renaming files, and on S3 renames are really, really slow. The more data you write, the longer it takes at the end of the job. That what you are seeing.
Fix: switch to the S3A committers, which don't do any renames.
Some tuning options to massively increase the number of threads in IO, commits and connection pool size
fs.s3a.threads.max from 10 to something bigger
fs.s3a.committer.threads -number files committed by a POST in parallel; default is 8
fs.s3a.connection.maximum + try (fs.s3a.committer.threads + fs.s3a.threads.max + 10)
These are all fairly small as many jobs work with multiple buckets and if there were big numbers for each it'd be really expensive to create an s3a client...but if you have many thousands of files, probably worthwhile.

Counting records of my RDDs in a large Dstream

I am trying to work with a large RDD as read by a file DStream.
The code looks as follows:
val creatingFunc = { () =>
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.streaming.fileStream.minRememberDuration", "2000000h")
classOf[], classOf[GGSN]))
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// Create a StreamingContext
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(batchIntervalSeconds))
val appFile = httpFileLines
.map(x=> (x._1,x._2.toString()))
var count=0
appFile.foreachRDD(s => {
// s.collect() throw exception due to insufficient amount of emery
//s.count() throw exception due to insufficient amount of memory
s.foreach(x => count = count + 1)
newContextCreated = true
what I am trying to do is to get the count of my RDD..however since it is throws I need to do a foreach instead to avoid collecting data to memory..
I wanna to get the count then as the way in my code but it always gives 0..
Is there a way to do this?
There's no need to foreachRDD and call count. You can use the count method defined on DStream:
val appFile = httpFileLines
.map(x => (x._1, x._2.toString()))
.map(x => (x._1, x._2.split(",")))
val count = appFile.count()
If that still yields an insufficient amount of memory exception, you either need to be calculating smaller batches of data each time, or enlarge you worker nodes to handle the load.
Regarding your solution, you should avoid the collect and sum the count of each RDD of the DStream.
var count=0
appFile.foreachRDD { rdd => {
count = count + rdd.count()
But I found this solution very ugly (the use of a var in scala).
I prefer the following solution:
val count: Long = errorDStream.count().reduce(_+_)
Notice, that the count method return a DStream of Long and not a Long, this is why you need to use the reduce.

Large task size for simplest program

I am trying to run the simplest program with Spark
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
object LargeTaskTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("DataTest").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val dat = (1 to 10000000).toList
val data = sc.parallelize(dat).cache()
for(i <- 1 to 100){
println(data.reduce(_ + _))
I get the following error message, after each iteration :
WARN TaskSetManager: Stage 0 contains a task of very large size (9767
KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.
Increasing the data size increases said task size. This suggests to me that the driver is shipping the "dat" object to all executors, but I can't for the life of me see why, as the only operation on my RDD is reduce, which basically has no closure. Any ideas ?
Because you create the very large list locally first, the Spark parallelize method is trying to ship this list to the Spark workers as a single unit, as part of a task. Hence the warning message you receive. As an alternative, you could parallelize a much smaller list, then use flatMap to explode it into the larger list. this also has the benefit of creating the larger set of numbers in parallel. For example:
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
object LargeTaskTest extends App {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("DataTest").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val dat = (0 to 99).toList
val data = sc.parallelize(dat).cache().flatMap(i => (1 to 1000000).map(j => j * 100 + i))
println(data.count()) //100000000
println(data.reduce(_ + _))
Ultimately the local collection being parallelized has to be pushed to the executors. The parallelize method creates an instance of ParallelCollectionRDD:
def parallelize[T: ClassTag](
seq: Seq[T],
numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] = withScope {
new ParallelCollectionRDD[T](this, seq, numSlices, Map[Int, Seq[String]]())
ParallelCollectionRDD creates a number of partitions equal to numSlices:
override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
val slices = ParallelCollectionRDD.slice(data, numSlices).toArray => new ParallelCollectionPartition(id, i, slices(i))).toArray
numSlices defaults to sc.defaultParallelism which on my machine is 4. So even when split, each partition contains a very large list which needs to be pushed to an executor.
SparkContext.parallelize contains the note #note Parallelize acts lazily and ParallelCollectionRDD contains the comment;
// TODO: Right now, each split sends along its full data, even if
later down the RDD chain it gets // cached. It might be worthwhile
to write the data to a file in the DFS and read it in the split //
So it appears that the problem happens when you call reduce because this is the point that the partitions are sent to the executors, but the root cause is that you are calling parallelize on a very big list. Generating the large list within the executors is a better approach, IMHO.
Reduce function sends all the data to one single node. When you run sc.parallelize the data is distributed by default to 100 partitions. To make use of the already distributed data use something like this:> el%100 -> el).reduceByKey(_+_)
or you can do the reduce at partition level.
data.mapPartitions(p => Iterator(p.reduce(_ + _))).reduce(_ + _)
or just use sum :)

scala.MatchError: null on spark RDDs

I am relatively new to both spark and scala.
I was trying to implement collaborative filtering using scala on spark.
Below is the code
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
val data = sc.textFile("/user/amohammed/CB/input-cb.txt")
val distinctUsers = => x.split(",")(0)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val distinctKeywords = => x.split(",")(1)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val ratings =',') match {
case Array(user, item, rate) => Rating(user.toInt,item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
val keywords = distinctKeywords collect => {(x, => model.predict(x,y)))}).collect()
It throws a scala.MatchError: null
org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions.lookup(PairRDDFunctions.scala:571) at the last line
Thw code works fine if I collect the distinctUsers rdd into an array and execute the same code:
val users = distinctUsers collect => {(x, => model.predict(x, y)))})
Where am I getting it wrong when dealing with RDDs?
Spark Version : 1.0.0
Scala Version : 2.10.4
Going one call further back in the stack trace, line 43 of the MatrixFactorizationModel source says:
val userVector = new DoubleMatrix(userFeatures.lookup(user).head)
Note that the userFeatures field of model is itself another RDD; I believe it isn't getting serialized properly when the anonymous function block closes over model, and thus the lookup method on it is failing. I also tried placing both model and keywords into broadcast variables, but that didn't work either.
Instead of falling back to Scala collections and losing the benefits of Spark, it's probably better to stick with RDDs and take advantage of other ways of transforming them.
I'd start with this:
val ratings =',') match {
case Array(user, keyword, rate) => Rating(user.toInt, keyword.toInt, rate.toDouble)
// instead of parsing the original RDD's strings three separate times,
// you can map the "user" and "product" fields of the Rating case class
val distinctUsers =
val distinctKeywords =
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
Then, instead of calculating each prediction one by one, we can obtain the Cartesian product of all possible user-keyword pairs as an RDD and use the other predict method in MatrixFactorizationModel, which takes an RDD of such pairs as its argument.
val userKeywords = distinctUsers.cartesian(distinctKeywords)
val predictions = model.predict(userKeywords).map { case Rating(user, keyword, rate) =>
(user, Map(keyword -> rate))
}.reduceByKey { _ ++ _ }
Now predictions has an immutable map for each user that can be queried for the predicted rating of a particular keyword. If you specifically want arrays as in your original example, you can do:
val keywords = distinctKeywords.collect() // add .sorted if you want them in order
val predictionArrays = predictions.mapValues(
Caveat: I tested this with Spark 1.0.1 as it's what I had installed, but it should work with 1.0.0 as well.

working with two RDDs apache spark

I am using calliope i.e. spark plugin to connect with cassandra. I have created 2 RDDs which looks like
class A
val persistLevel =
val cas1 = CasBuilder.cql3.withColumnFamily("cassandra_keyspace", "cassandra_coulmn_family 1")
val sc1 = new SparkContext("local", "name it any thing ")
var rdd1 = sc.cql3Cassandra[SCALACLASS_1](cas1)
var rddResult1 = rdd1.persist(persistLevel)
class B
val cas2 = CasBuilder.cql3.withColumnFamily("cassandra_keyspace", "cassandra_coulmn_family 2")
var rdd2 = sc1.cql3Cassandra[SCALACLASS_2](cas2)
var rddResult2 = rdd2.persist(persistLevel)
somehow following code base which creates a new RDD using the other 2 is not working. Is it possible that we cannot iterate with 2 RDDs together?
Here is the code snippet which is not working -
case class Report(id: Long, anotherId: Long)
var reportRDD = rddResult2.flatMap(f => {
val buf = List[Report]()
**rddResult1.collect().toList**.foldLeft(buf)((k, v) => {
val buf1 = new ListBuffer[Report]
buf ++ v.INSTANCE_VAR_FROM_SCALACLASS_1.foldLeft(buf1)((ik, iv) => {
while if I replace the bold thing and initialize a val for it like -
val collection = rddResult1.collect().toList
var reportRDD = rddResult2.flatMap(f => {
val buf = List[Report]()
**collection**.foldLeft(buf)((k, v) => {
val buf1 = new ListBuffer[Report]
buf ++ v.INSTANCE_VAR_FROM_SCALACLASS_1.foldLeft(buf1)((ik, iv) => {
it works, is there any explaination?
You are mixing a transformation with an action. The closure of the rdd2.flatMap is executed on the workers, while rdd1.collect is an 'action' in Spark lingo and delivers data back to the driver. So, informally, you could say that the data is not there when you try to flatMap over it. (I don't know enough of the internals -yet- to pin-point the exact root-cause)
If you want to operate on both RDDs distributedly, you should join them using one of the join functions (join, leftOuterJoin, rightOuterJoin, cogroup).
val mappedRdd1 => (,x))
val mappedRdd2 => (x.customerId, x))
val joined = mappedRdd1.join(mappedRdd2)
joined.flatMap(...reporting logic..).collect
You can operate on RDDs in the application. But you cannot operate on RDDs in the executors (the worker nodes). The executors cannot give commands to drive the cluster. The code inside flatMap runs on the executors.
In the first case, you try to operate on an RDD in the executor. I reckon you would get a NotSerializableException as you cannot even send the RDD object to the executors. In the second case, you pull the RDD contents to the application, and then send this simple List to the executors. (Lambda captures are automatically serialized.)