How to exit a function scope from inner function using Swift? - swift

With return it is possible to exit the scope of the current function but is it also possible to exit the scope of the outer function that is calling the inner function?
func innerFunction() {
guard 1 == 2 else {
// exit scope of innerFunction and outerFunction
func outerFunction() {
print("should be unreachable")
There could be one approach using a return value of the inner function that we can check for:
func innerFunction() -> Bool {
guard 1 == 2 else {
return false
return true
func outerFunction() {
guard innerFunction() else {
print("should be unreachable")
The problem with this approach is that it can clutter your code pretty quickly if the functions become more complicated and you have to use them over and over again.
Consider applying this approach with XCTest. It would look like this:
func testFoobar() {
guard let unwrappedObject = helperFunction() else {
XCTFail("A failure message that can change with each helperFunction call")
print("should be unreachable when helperFunction already failed")
I'd like to have something similar to this:
func testFoobar() {
let unwrappedObject = helperFunction()
print("should be unreachable when helperFunction already failed")

This is basically what Swift's error handling does:
func outer() throws
try inner()
struct DoNotContinue : Error {}
func inner() throws
throw DoNotContinue()
do { try outer() }
catch _ { print("Skipped the unreachable") }
Note, of course, that the caller still has control over this: it could catch the thrown error itself instead of just exiting.
problem with this approach is that it can clutter your code
There's a much more serious problem with allowing callees to directly exit their callers, and that is that the flow of control very quickly becomes incomprehensible. Imagine that you have a couple of layers of this. Reading the top-level function, you no longer have any clear idea what can happen. You must yourself recurse into every callee's callee to make sure that the original code will continue on its course.


How to use a method with throws returning a value in promiseKit

I create a set of promises which relies on the results from a function that may throw an error. I can get this to work as shown in the code below, but I don't like the double catch blocks. I'd like to use the a single promiseKit catch block. Anyone have a better solution that works?
do {
let accounts = try Account.getAccounts()
let mailboxPromises = { self.fetchMailboxes($0) }
when(fulfilled: mailboxPromises).map { _ in
.catch { (error) in
} catch {
Maybe wrap Account.getAccounts() in a promise which you can then use in your promise chain?
func getAccounts() -> Promise<[Account]> {
return Promise {
do {
let accounts = try Account.getAccounts()
} catch {
Below info is from the documentation at so you should be able to use this pattern instead of your do/catch block.
Since promises handle thrown errors, you don't have to wrap calls to throwing functions in a do block unless you really want to handle the errors locally:
foo().then { baz in
}.then { result in
try doOtherThing()
}.catch { error in
// if doOtherThing() throws, we end up here

Convert recursive async function to promise

I have a recursive, async function that queries Google Drive for a file ID using the REST api and a completion handler:
func queryForFileId(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList,
handler: #escaping FileIdCompletionHandler) {
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
handler(nil, error)
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
self.queryForFileId(query: query, handler: handler)
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
handler(id, nil)
} else {
handler(nil, nil) // no file found
Here, query is set up to return the nextPageToken and files(id) fields, service is an instance of GTLRDriveService, and FileIdCompletionHandler is just a typealias:
typealias FileIdCompletionHandler = (String?, Error?) -> Void
I've read how to convert async functions into promises (as in this thread) but I don't see how that can be applied to a recursive, async function. I guess I can just wrap the entire method as a Promise:
private func fileIdPromise(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
queryForFileId(query: query) { id, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
However, I was hoping to something a little more direct:
private func queryForFileId2(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
} else {
fulfill(nil) // no file found
So: what would I do when I need to make another async call to executeQuery?
If you want to satisfy a recursive set of promises, at where your "WHAT DO I DO HERE?" line, you'd create a new promise.then {...}.else {...} pattern, calling fulfill in the then clause and reject in the else clause. Obviously, if no recursive call was needed, though, you'd just fulfill directly.
I don't know the Google API and you didn't share your code for satisfying a promise for a list of files, so I'll have to keep this answer a bit generic: Let's assume you had some retrieveTokens routine that returned a promise that is satisfied only when all of the promises for the all files was done. Let's imagine that the top level call was something like:
retrieveTokens(for: files).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
You'd then have a retrieveTokens that returns a promise that is satisfied only when then promises for the individual files were satisfied. If you were dealing with a simple array of File objects, you might do something like:
func retrieveTokens(for files: [File]) -> Promise<[Any]> {
var fileGenerator = files.makeIterator()
let generator = AnyIterator<Promise<Any>> {
guard let file = else { return nil }
return self.retrieveToken(for: file)
return when(fulfilled: generator, concurrently: 1)
(I know this isn't what yours looks like, but I need this framework to show my answer to your question below. But it’s useful to encapsulate this “return all promises at a given level” in a single function, as it allows you to keep the recursive code somewhat elegant, without repeating code.)
Then the routine that returns a promise for an individual file would see if a recursive set of promises needed to be returned, and put its fulfill inside the then clause of that new recursively created promise:
func retrieveToken(for file: File) -> Promise<Any> {
return Promise<Any> { fulfill, reject in
service.determineToken(for: file) { token, error in
// if any error, reject
guard let token = token, error == nil else {
reject(error ?? FileError.someError)
// if I don't have to make recursive call, `fulfill` immediately.
// in my example, I'm going to see if there are subfiles, and if not, `fulfill` immediately.
guard let subfiles = file.subfiles else {
// if I got here, there are subfiles and I'm going to start recursive set of promises
self.retrieveTokens(for: subfiles).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
Again, I know that the above isn't a direct answer to your question (as I'm not familiar with Google Drive API nor how you did your top level promise logic). So, in my example, I created model objects sufficient for the purposes of the demonstration.
But hopefully it's enough to illustrate the idea behind a recursive set of promises.

Swift: if a do return try fails does catch execute

I am working on a piece of code that is going to fetch an array of NSManagedObjects from CoreData. When using a do catch statement in my code it doesn't seem right to do it this way, but it is the simplest way I can write this line of code.
In any other scenario when you use the return statement you are jumping out of the current function you are in. And you can be assured that no other code in your function will execute past the return statement. I am wondering if the same applies to Swift's do catch paradigm.
class func getAll() -> [MMNotification] {
let context = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<MMNotification>(entityName: "MMNotification")
do {
return try context.fetch(fetchRequest)
catch {
// Will this 'catch' if the try fails,
// even if we said we are 'return'ing right before the 'try'?
return []
Here I am fetching a list of notifications stored in CoreData. In the do block you can see the line of code in question.
Will the catch block execute if the try fails after already stating that the function should return?
What you have should work as expected. Basically what happens is if a throw occurs at any time within a do, the catch is called and any code after the throw will not be executed.
Yes, the catch block will execute if the try in return try fails. The return will not happen.
Here's a little code to prove it to yourself. Paste it into a new playground to try it out.
import UIKit
let shouldFail = true
enum DemoError:Error {
case shouldFail
func failableGetter() throws -> String {
if shouldFail { throw DemoError.shouldFail }
return "Succeeded"
func fetchInfo() -> String {
do {
return try failableGetter()
} catch {
return "Failed"
print(fetchInfo()) // "Failed" or "Succeeded" depending on shouldFail
When shouldFail is true, the failableGetter() throws an error and the do-catch in fetchInfo() skips to the catch section before returning.
When shouldFail is false, the failableGetter() doesn't fail and fetchInfo() returns the result.
Adding to this answer. Scope matters a bit here. Code inside the do block code after a throw will NOT be executed. However, code further down outside of the scope of the do block will be executed. I made a simple playground you can run to see for yourself.
import Foundation
let error = NSError(domain: "", code: 123, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "My error"])
func functionThatAlwaysThrows() throws {
func myFunction() {
do {
try functionThatAlwaysThrows()
// This will never print
print("Continuing after throw inside do scope")
} catch let err {
print("Caught Error: \(err.localizedDescription)")
// This will always print
print("Continuing after throw outside do scope")
Caught Error: My error
Continuing after throw outside do scope
If you want more information on Error handling you can take a look at the docs

Asynchronous DispatchQueue in loop

So my goal here is to basically perform a query in a while loop and append results of the query to my array. When I run the code my "level" variable starts from zero and increments infinitely. I'm highly convinced that my problem is caused by fact that my code is running on 2 async queues but just can't figure out the exact cause.
func displayPathOf(argument: Argument, threadTableView: UITableView) {
var level = argument.level!-1
array.insert(argument, at: 0)
var stop = false .userInteractive).async {
repeat {
level += 1
let query = Argument.query()?.whereKey("level", equalTo: level).addDescendingOrder("reach")
query?.getFirstObjectInBackground(block: { (object, error) in
if object != nil {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
array.append(object as! Argument)
} else {
stop = true
} while stop == false
Your code boils down to:
do-in-background {
repeat {
level += 1
do-in-background { ... }
} while stop == false
do-in-background (i.e. both async and getFirstObjectInBackground) returns immediately, so from the point of view of this loop, it doesn't matter what's in the block. This is equivalent to a tight loop incrementing level as fast as it can.
It looks like you're trying to serialize your calls to getFirstObjectInBackground. You can do that one of two ways:
Have your completion block kick off the next search itself and remove the repeat loop.
Use a DispatchGroup to wait until the completion block is done.
In your case, I'd probably recommend the first. Get rid of stop and make a function something (vaguely) like:
func fetchObject(at level: Int) {
let query = Argument.query()?.whereKey("level", equalTo: level).addDescendingOrder("reach")
query?.getFirstObjectInBackground(block: { (object, error) in
if let object = object {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
array.append(object as! Argument)
// Schedule the next loop .userInteractive).async { fetchObject(level + 1) }
} else {

Using variable/constant outside of do{}catch{} - swift2

So on a button press I'm creating splitLat: [Double] from a throwing function called splitLatitude that takes currentLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D?. I then want to use splitLat as a Label (its going to be used for other things as well but this serves the example)
#IBAction func ButtonPress() {
let splitLat = try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
LatSplitLabel.text = "\(splitLat)"
this gets a error "Errors thrown from here are not handled"
I resolve this by putting it in a do catch block
let splitLat = try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
} catch {
print("error") //Example - Fix
but the when i try to set the label later on splitLat is an "unresolved identifier"
New to swift and programming in general, am i missing something basic/ do i have a mis understanding? is there a way i can use the constant from the do {} statement outside of the do statement. Tried return but that is reserved for functions.
Really appreciate any help
You have two options (I'll assume that splitLat is String type)
let splitLat = try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
//do rest of the code here
} catch {
print("error") //Example - Fix
second option, predeclare the variable
let splitLat : String? //you can late init let vars from swift 1.2
splitLat = try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
} catch {
print("error") //Example - Fix
//Here splitLat is recognized
Now, some explanation of your problem.
in Swift (and many other languages) variables are only defined inside the scope they are defined
scope is defined between these brackets {/* scope code */ }
var x : Int
//Here x is defined, it is inside the parent scope
var y : Int
//Here Y is not defined, it is outside it's scope
//here X is outside the scope, undefined
A 3rd option is to use a closure:
let splitLat:String = {
do {
return try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
catch {
print("error") //Example - Fix
return ""
LatSplitLabel.text = "\(splitLat)"
This is a scoping error if you want to succeed execution after the do/catch block. You must declare the variable outside of this do/catch scope in order to utilize it after the do/catch execution.
Try this:
var splitLat: <initialType> = <initialValue>
do {
let splitLat = try self.splitLatitude(self.currentLocation)
} catch {
Here is a concocted example that runs in a Swift 2.2 playground:
enum Errors: ErrorType {
case SomeBadError
func getResult(param: String) throws -> Bool {
if param == "" {
throw Errors.SomeBadError
return true
var result = false
do {
result = try getResult("it")
} catch {
print("Some error")