How to use variable vscode in Developer tools? - visual-studio-code

Is there any way to use variable vscode to get editor content just like Atom without writing Extension.
After getting editor content, I can do more things like:
Use Javascript to modify text literally
Custom format
vscode image
atom image

No. This is not supported.
You can use the extension API to extend VS Code. This API lets you get and modify editor contents


How to know what file I am currently in/or editting, in VSCode Extension?

I am trying to make a personal website where all of my things are in, but I can't figure out this one, I want to let the website know what file I am looking at in vs-code, It's the same as the Discord RichPrecence extensions, but when I try to read their codes, It's just all scrambled
The extension looks like this ^^^, I just want to know how they did the "Editing [file].js" and "Workspace: [name]"
The code of discord rich presence extension is open source so you can look it up yourself.
Alternatively you can read the vscode API docs, you are probably looking for something like activeTextEditor from which you can get TextDocument property which have a fileName string property.

VS Code: Deep Linking Extensions

I'm working on a VS code extension and would like to create a deep link which opens a file side-by-side with an extension. Let's take the JSON editor extension as an example. Is it possible to create a link which opens a JSON file side-by-side with the editor window?
I'm aware of the following deep link pattern:
Can I extend it somehow to open the JSON editor alongside the file?

Is it possible to write a binary file import extension for vs code?

I want to display some informations of a binary file in vs code.
Is it possible to write an extension for vs code, such that when selecting that file in the Explorer (or opening it directly) you see some text extracted from the binary file by that extension?
So the core functionality of that extension would be (simplified) a binary to text converter.
Any suggestions?
The VS Code team member has confirmed they do not have support for registering content providers for binary files in my issue.
I've inspected the workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument and window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor APIs, but neither seems to be called when opening binary files.
Is there a way to display fallback content using registerTextDocumentContentProvider (or otherwise) for binary files?
That's why these types all carry Text in their names, TextEditor, TextDocument, etc. They can only handle textual, not binary data ;-)
No explanation as to why this works for PDFs, probably special-cased.

vscode: Create rich content similar to what is in the Release Notes?

Visual Studio code has very nicely formatted release notes:
I'd like to create files that look this nice.
How is this done for VSCode? And, is it possible for me to generate a similar document (embedded images, formatting, hyperlinks) in VSCode? Or, do they use a 3rd party tool?
Yes, the release notes are just markdown converted to html that is rendered in a webview. You can use the built-in markdown preview to view markdown content in this way
If you are writing an extension that needs to show nicely formatted content like this, use the vscode.previewHtml command. This example extension provides an example of how to do this using TextDocumentContentProvider

What is the correct way to import/require "vscode" inside the developer tools inside VS Code? [duplicate]

Is there any way to use variable vscode to get editor content just like Atom without writing Extension.
After getting editor content, I can do more things like:
Use Javascript to modify text literally
Custom format
vscode image
atom image
No. This is not supported.
You can use the extension API to extend VS Code. This API lets you get and modify editor contents