Are two transformations on the same RDD executed in parallel in Apache Spark? - scala

Lets say we have the following Scala program:
val inputRDD = sc.textFile("log.txt")
val errorsRDD = inputRDD.filter(lambda x: "error" in x)
val warningsRDD = inputRDD.filter(lambda x: "warning" in x)
println("Errors: " + errorsRDD.count() + ", Warnings: " + warningsRDD.count())
We create a simple RDD, persist it, perform two transformations on the RDD and finally have an action which uses the RDDs.
When the print is called, the transformations are executed, each transformation is of course parallel depending on the cluster management.
My main question is: Are the two actions and transformations executed in parallel or sequence? Or does errorsRDD.count() first execute and then warningsRDD.count(), in sequence?
I'm also wondering if there is any point in using persist in this example.

All standard RDD methods are blocking (with exception to AsyncRDDActions) so actions will be evaluated sequentially. It is possible to execute multiple actions concurrently using non-blocking submission (threads, Futures) with correct configuration of in-application scheduler or explicitly limited resources for each action.
Regarding cache it is impossible to answer without knowing the context. Depending on the cluster configuration, storage, and data locality it might be cheaper to load data from disk again, especially when resources are limited, and subsequent actions might trigger cache cleaner.

This will execute errorsRDD.count() first then warningsRDD.count().
The point of using persist here is when the first count is executed, inputRDD will be in memory.
The second count, spark won't need to re-read "whole" content of file from storage again, so execution time of this count would be much faster than the first.


How to use SparkContext.submitJob to call REST API

Can someone please provide an example of submitJob method call
Found reference here: How to execute async operations (i.e. returning a Future) from map/filter/etc.?
I believe i can implement it for my use case
In my current Implementation I am using paritions to invoke parallel calls, but they are waiting for the response before invoking the next call
Dataframe.rdd.reparition(TPS allowed on API)
.map(row => {
val response = callApi(row)
But as there is latency at the API end, I am waiting 10 seconds for the response before parsing and then make the next call. I have a 100 TPS but current logic i see only 4-7 TPS
If someone has used SparkContext.submitJob , to make asynchronous calls please provide an example as I am new spark and scala
I want to invoke the calls without waiting for response, ensuring 100 TPS and then once I receive response I want to parse and create Dataframe on top of it.
I had previously tried collecting the rows and invoking API calls from master node, seems to be limited by hardware for creating large thread pool
submitJob[T, U, R](rdd: RDD[T], processPartition: (Iterator[T]) ⇒ U, partitions: Seq[Int], resultHandler: (Int, U) ⇒ Unit, resultFunc: ⇒ R): SimpleFutureAction[R]
Rdd - rdd out of my Dataframe
paritition - my rdd is already partitioned, do i provide range 0 to No.of.partitions in my rdd ?
processPartition - is it my callApi() ?
resultHandler - not sure what is to be done here
resultFunc - I believe this would be parsing my response
How to I create Dataframe after SimpleFutureAction
Can someone please assist
submitJob won't make your API calls automatically faster. It is part of the low-level implementation of Spark's parallel processing - Spark splits actions into jobs and then submits them to whatever cluster scheduler is in place. Calling submitJob is like starting a Java thread - the job will run asynchronously, but not faster than if you simply call the action on the dataframe/RDD.
IMHO your best option is to use mapPartitions which allows you to run a function within the context of each partition. You already have your data partitioned so to ensure maximum concurrency, just make sure you have enough Spark executors to actually have those partitions running simultaneously:
df.rdd.repartition(#concurrent API calls)
.mapPartitions(partition => { => {
val response = callApi(row)
.toDF("col1", "col2", ...)
mapPartitions expects a function that maps Iterator[T] (all data in a single partition) to Iterator[U] (transformed partition) and returns RDD[U]. Converting back to a dataframe is a matter of chaining a call to toDF() with the appropriate column names.
You may wish to implement some sort of per-thread rate limiting in callApi to make sure no single executor fires a large number of requests per second. Keep in mind that executors may run in both separate threads and/or separate JVMs.
Of course, just calling mapPartitions does nothing. You need to trigger an action on the resulting dataframe for the API calls to actually fire.

Lazy evaluation and deadlocks

Recently I decided to give a try and started to read book "Fast Data Processing Systems with SMACK stack" by Raul Estrada. After 2 first chapters I thought that it is not-so-bad compilation of "hello worlds" unless I've encountered that:
As we saw, lazy evaluation also prevents deadlocks and bottlenecks, because it prevents a
process waiting for the outcome of another process indefinitely.
I was struck with surprise and tried to find any argumentation for that claim that lazy evaluation prevents deadlock. That statement was in regard to Scala and Spark. Unfortunately I didn't find any arguments. As far as I know in order to avoid deadlock you have to ensure that at least one of those will never happen:
Mutual exclusion
Lock & wait
No preemption
Circular wait
How lazy evaluation can prevent any of them?
Lazy evaluation per se doesn't prevent deadlocks, it is however closely tied to another concept, which is computation graph. Since Spark describes computations as a lineage of dependencies, it can verify that the computation graph is acyclic (famous DAG), therefore there are no cases which might cause circular wait.
At the high level Spark enforces this by disallowing nested transformations and actions, which means, that there no hidden dependencies between stages.
The core data structure of Spark i.e RDD is immutable, as a String object in Java. Every time a transformation is applied on an existing RDD a new RDD gets created. This new RDD is represented as a vertex and the applied transformation is represented by a directed edge from the parent RDD to the new RDD. In Lazy Evaluation Spark core adds a new vertex to the DAG every time we apply a transformation on an existing RDD. Spark doesn't executes the transformations right away, an action call triggers the evaluation of RDDs, which is done by executing the DAG (lineage of that particular RDD, on which the action is called). Lazy evaluation makes it impossible to have directed cycles in the lineage graphs of RDDs. Hene possibility of Spark driver getting stuck in an infinite loop is zero. this is what lazy evaluation in Spark is.
Lazy evaluation implementation with DAGs adds benefits of query optimization and fault tolerance in Spark
Now, when it comes to the Deadlock prevention and preventing Mutual exclusion, Lock & wait, No preemption, Circular wait, Which is all about scheduling tasks and allocating resources properly. I think this is a concern of Spark execution environment. Spark Driver does the scheduling of executors processes as they execute the tasks in the worker nodes of the cluster manager.

Can we make the different transformation functions for the Spark Streaming running on different servers?

val words = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val pairs = => (word, 1))
For the above example, we know there are two transformation functions. Both of them must running at the same process\server, however I want to make the second transformation running on a different server from the first one to achieve scalability, is it possible?
To clear things up: a Spark transformation is not an actual execution. Transformations in Spark are lazy which means nothing gets executed until you call an action (e.g. save, collect). An action is a job in Spark.
So based on the above, you can control jobs but you cannot control transformations. A Spark's job will be distributed on multiple executors by splitting the processed data (RDD) among them. Each executor will apply the job (multiple transformations) on its split and then the results will be collected again. This will significantly reduce network usage.
If you can perform what your asking about, then the intermediate results (which you actually don't care about) should be transformed over the network which in turns will add a great network overhead.

Using Futures within Spark

A Spark job makes a remote web service for every element in an RDD. A simple implementation might look something like this:
def webServiceCall(url: String) =
rdd2 = => webServiceCall(x.field1))
(The above example has been kept simple and does not handle timeouts).
There is no interdependency between any of the results for different elements of the RDD.
Would the above be improved by using Futures to optimise performance by making parallel calls to the web service for each element of the RDD? Or does Spark itself have that level of optimization built in, so that it will run the operations on each element in the RDD in parallel?
If the above can be optimized by using Futures, does anyone have some code examples showing the correct way to use Futures within a function passed to a Spark RDD.
Or does Spark itself have that level of optimization built in, so that it will run the operations on each element in the RDD in parallel?
It doesn't. Spark parallelizes tasks at the partition level but by default every partition is processed sequentially in a single thread.
Would the above be improved by using Futures
It could be an improvement but is quite hard to do it right. In particular:
every Future has to be completed in the same stage before any reshuffle takes place.
given lazy nature of the Iterators used to expose partition data you cannot do it high level primitives like map (see for example Spark job with Async HTTP call).
you can build your custom logic using mapPartitions but then you have to deal with all the consequences of non-lazy partition evaluation.
I couldnt find an easy way to achieve this. But after several iteration of retries this is what I did and its working for a huge list of queries. Basically we used this to do a batch operation for a huge query into multiple sub queries.
// Break down your huge workload into smaller chunks, in this case huge query string is broken
// down to a small set of subqueries
// Here if needed to optimize further down, you can provide an optimal partition when parallelizing
val queries = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize[String](subQueryList.toSeq)
// Then map each one those to a Spark Task, in this case its a Future that returns a string
val tasks: RDD[Future[String]] = => {
val task = makeHttpCall(query) // Method returns http call response as a Future[String]
task.recover {
case ex => logger.error("recover: " + ex.printStackTrace()) }
task onFailure {
case t => logger.error("execution failed: " + t.getMessage) }
// Note:: Http call is still not invoked, you are including this as part of the lineage
// Then in each partition you combine all Futures (means there could be several tasks in each partition) and sequence it
// And Await for the result, in this way you making it to block untill all the future in that sequence is resolved
val contentRdd = tasks.mapPartitions[String] { f: Iterator[Future[String]] =>
val searchFuture: Future[Iterator[String]] = Future sequence f
Await.result(searchFuture, threadWaitTime.seconds)
// Note: At this point, you can do any transformations on this rdd and it will be appended to the lineage.
// When you perform any action on that Rdd, then at that point,
// those mapPartition process will be evaluated to find the tasks and the subqueries to perform a full parallel http requests and
// collect those data in a single rdd.
I'm reposting it from my original answer here

Spark + Scala transformations, immutability & memory consumption overheads

I have gone through some videos in Youtube regarding Spark architecture.
Even though Lazy evaluation, Resilience of data creation in case of failures, good functional programming concepts are reasons for success of Resilenace Distributed Datasets, one worrying factor is memory overhead due to multiple transformations resulting into memory overheads due data immutability.
If I understand the concept correctly, Every transformations is creating new data sets and hence the memory requirements will gone by those many times. If I use 10 transformations in my code, 10 sets of data sets will be created and my memory consumption will increase by 10 folds.
val textFile = sc.textFile("hdfs://...")
val counts = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
Above example has three transformations : flatMap, map and reduceByKey. Does it implies I need 3X memory of data for X size of data?
Is my understanding correct? Is caching RDD is only solution to address this issue?
Once I start caching, it may spill over to disk due to large size and performance would be impacted due to disk IO operations. In that case, performance of Hadoop and Spark are comparable?
From the answer and comments, I have understood lazy initialization and pipeline process. My assumption of 3 X memory where X is initial RDD size is not accurate.
But is it possible to cache 1 X RDD in memory and update it over the pipleline? How does cache () works?
First off, the lazy execution means that functional composition can occur:
scala> val rdd = sc.makeRDD(List("This is a test", "This is another test",
"And yet another test"), 1)
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[70] at makeRDD at <console>:27
scala> val counts = rdd.flatMap(line => {println(line);line.split(" ")}).
| map(word => {println(word);(word,1)}).
| reduceByKey((x,y) => {println(s"$x+$y");x+y}).
| collect
This is a test
This is another test
And yet another test
counts: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((And,1), (is,2), (another,2), (a,1), (This,2), (yet,1), (test,3))
First note that I force the parallelism down to 1 so that we can see how this looks on a single worker. Then I add a println to each of the transformations so that we can see how the workflow moves. You see that it processes the line, then it processes the output of that line, followed by the reduction. So, there are not separate states stored for each transformation as you suggested. Instead, each piece of data is looped through the entire transformation up until a shuffle is needed, as can be seen by the DAG visualization from the UI:
That is the win from the laziness. As to Spark v Hadoop, there is already a lot out there (just google it), but the gist is that Spark tends to utilize network bandwidth out of the box, giving it a boost right there. Then, there a number of performance improvements gained by laziness, especially if a schema is known and you can utilize the DataFrames API.
So, overall, Spark beats MR hands down in just about every regard.
The memory requirements of Spark not 10 times if you have 10 transformations in your Spark job. When you specify the steps of transformations in a job Spark builds a DAG which will allow it to execute all the steps in the jobs. After that it breaks the job down into stages. A stage is a sequence of transformations which Spark can execute on dataset without shuffling.
When an action is triggered on the RDD, Spark evaluates the DAG. It just applies all the transformations in a stage together until it hits the end of the stage, so it is unlikely for the memory pressure to be 10 time unless each transformation leads to a shuffle (in which case it is probably a badly written job).
I would recommend watching this talk and going through the slides.