Angular Datatable dtTrigger Issue in Angular 2 - angular-datatables

Hi everyone I am trying to implement this angular datatables package into my application.
I have the table inside of a component called datatable. This is how I call this component in my parent.
[cols] = "cols"
[data] = "data"></datatable>
In my controller this is how I pass the data into my component.
this.dataService.getData().subscribe((data) => { = data;
this.isLoaded = true;
The issue here is that I want to use dtTrigger to load only when my data has arrive like in the documentation here.
They have
on the table and call next;
when they get the data.
How am I suppose the achieve this with a datatable component rather than having it in my parent component.


Events provider is deprecating. Using Redux or Observables for state in ionic apps

I've been using events in my ionic application, where i subscribe in one page, and publish the event in the other page. Now I see a warning that Events are going to be changed with Observables and Redux state and effect.
I was using Events mainly to call for component function changes outside it, so I had a components for example:
Component1.ts'event:addValue1', (data: any) => {
this.valueName = 'VALUE1';
});'event:addValue2', (data: any) => {
this.valueName = 'VALUE2';
and than outside this component I was calling the publish methods from any page, like:
By this i was able to change the data (this.valueName) outside the Component1.ts from any other page, simply by publishing the desired event.
I know that this might not sound or be right approach, but It was the only way I was doing changes to my Component1.ts outside it from any page.
I have now changed this and just put separate functions and than i access them via ViewChild component name like
#ViewChild('component') component: any;
and additionally I send additional params via Angular NavigationExtras if i need to calculate and call some function from the Component1.ts, lets say if I navigate to some route.
Before this I was just calling the events.publish and I was able to make the changes to the Component1.ts on the fly.
Create event service.
In the EventService.ts:
export class EventService {
private dataObserved = new BehaviorSubject<any>('');
currentEvent = this.dataObserved.asObservable();
publish(param):void {;
For publishing the event from example page1:
constructor(public eventService:EventService){}
In page 2:
constructor(public eventService:EventService){
}else if('another:event'){
//get value or update view or trigger function or method...
// here you can get the value or do whatever you want

How can I update data within Detail table and don't loose range selection and filters?

I have latest enterprise React agGrid table with Master/Detail grid. My data is fetched on the client every 5 seconds and then put immutably to the redux store. React grid component is using deltaRowDataMode={true} props and deltaRowDataMode: true in Detail options.
My master grid performs normally as expected: if I have range selected, grid would keep selection after the data updates, so would filters and visibility menu would be still opened. But Detail grid behaves differently: on data refresh selections are being removed, visibility menu closes and grid jumps if filters were changed.
I've read in docs that when I open Detail grid it's being created from scratch, but in my case I don't close Detail. Anywhere I've tried keepDetailRows=true flag, which solved problems with jumping on update and selection loss, but Detail grid doesn't update data now.
It seems there are only two possible options according to the docs The first one is a detail table redraws everytime a data in a master row changes and the second one is a detail row doesn't changes at all if a flag suppressRefresh is enabled. Strange decision, awful beahviour...
Hello again. I found a coupe of solutions.
The first one is to use a detailCellRendererParams in table's options and set suppressRefresh to true. It gives an opportunity to use getDetailGridInfo to get detail-table's api.
While the detail-table's refreshing is disabled, using detailGridInfo allows to set a new data to a detail-table.
useEffect(() => {
const api = gridApiRef;
api && api.forEachNode(node => {
const { detailNode, expanded } = node;
if (detailNode && expanded) {
const detailGridInfo = api.getDetailGridInfo(;
const rowData =; // your nested data
if (detailGridInfo) {
}, [results]);
The second one is to use a custom cellRenderer, wicth is much more flexible and allows to use any content inside a cellRenderer.
In table's options set detailCellRenderer: 'yourCustomCellRendereForDetailTable.
In yourCustomCellRendereForDetailTable you can use
this.state = {
rowData: [],
Every cellRenderer has a refresh metod which can be used as follow.
refresh(params) {
const newData = [];
const oldData = this.state.rowData;
if (newData.length !== oldData.length) {
rowData: newData,
if (newData.length === oldData.length) {
if (newData.some((elem, index) => {
return !isEqual(elem, oldData[index]);
})) {
rowData: newData,
return true;
Using method refresh this way gives a fully customizable approach of using a detailCellRenderer.
Note. To get a better performance with using an immutable data like a redux it needs to set immutableData to true in both main and detail tables.

ag-grid - how to get parent node from child grid via context menu?

As an example, I have a Master\Detail grid.
Master\Detail defined as key-relation model and on getDetailRowData method parent node data exists in params
but how to get parent node data from child view?
Tried via context-menu:
On right click - getContextMenuItems got executed which has an input params
On this sample, child-grid doesn't have any row and node in context-params is null, it's ok,
but anyway it should be possible to retrieve the parent details at least via grid API, isn't it ?
Then I've tried to get parent via node:
but instead of detail_173 as you can see its ROOT_NODE_ID, and here is a confusion for me.
So question is that how to get parent node data (RecordID 173 just in case) through child-view context menu or any other possible way (without storing temp value, cuz multiple children's could be opened at the same time)
Yes, I've read this part Accessing Detail Grid API, and still unclear how to get parent-node via child-grid.
For React Hook users without access to lifecycle methods, use Ag-Grid Context to pass the parent node (or parent data) to the detail grid via detailGridOptions. No need to traverse the DOM or use a detailCellRenderer unless you want to :)
detailCellRendererParams: (masterGridParams) => ({
detailGridOptions: {
context: {
masterGrid: {
node: masterGridParams.node.parent,
onCellClicked: detailGridParams => {
Able to achieve it. Have a look at the plunk I've created: Get master record from child record - Editing Cells with Master / Detail
Right click on any child grid's cell, and check the console log. You'll be able to see parent record in the log for the child record on which you've click.
The implementation is somewhat tricky. We need to traverse the DOM inside our component code. Luckily ag-grid has provided us the access of it.
Get the child grid's wrapper HTML node from the params - Here in the code, I get it as the 6th element of the gridOptionsWrapper.layoutElements array.
Get it's 3rd level parent element - which is the actual row of the parent. Get it's row-id.
Use it to get the row of the parent grid using parent grid's gridApi.
getContextMenuItems: (params): void => {
var masterId = params.node.gridOptionsWrapper.layoutElements[6]
// get the parent's id
var id = masterId.replace( /^\D+/g, '');
var masterRecord = this.gridApi.getRowNode(id).data;
defaultColDef: { editable: true },
onFirstDataRendered(params) {
Note: Master grid's rowIds are defined with [getRowNodeId]="getRowNodeId" assuming that account is the primary key of the parent grid.
A very reliable solution is to create your own detailCellRenderer.
on the init method:
this.masterNode = params.node.parent;
when creating the detail grid:
detailGridOptions = {
onCellClicked: params => console.log(
Here is a plunker demonstrating this:
I struggled a lot in finding a solution to this problem without creating custom details renderer but I could not find any viable solution. So the real good solution is already answered. I am just trying to share another way to avoid creating custom renderer.
So What I did is that I changed the details data on the fly and added the field I required from the parent.
getDetailRowData: function (params: any) {
params?.data?.children?.forEach((child:any) => {
//You can assign any other parameter.
child.parentId= params?.data?.id;
When you expand the row to render details the method getDetailRowData gets called, so it takes in params as the current row for which we are expanding the details and the details table is set by invoking params.successCallback. So before setting the row data I am iterating and updating the parentId.

SRM UI Addon Enhancement

Could someone point to me what is wrong with my code. I have successfully added custom fields on the standard js file (SearchResult.view.js). I know that this is not the best practice on how to add custom fields. So I implemented a pre post method for adding custom fields.
Unfortunately when I moved my custom code block to the pre post method, instead of adding one 1 row (field) it adds multiple rows. I tried creating a counter but it doesn't work also
Below is my custom js code. Thanks in advance!
ADDCUSTOMFIELD1.prototype.CUSTOM_POST_EXIT = function(methodName,view,controller, methodSignaure) {
if (!sap.ui.getCore().byId("ni_home"))
else add_custom_item();
function add_custom_item(){
if (sap.ui.getCore().byId("subMatrix")){
// Supplier Name
matrixSubRow = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayoutRow();
control = new sap.ui.commons.Label({
text : Appcc.getText("SUPPLIER_TEXT") + ":"
});// control.addStyleClass("search_middle_spacing");
matrixCell = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayoutCell();
control = new sap.ui.commons.Label();
control.bindProperty("text", "vendor_name");
if (sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL()) {
Appcc.addStyleClass(control, 'search_middle_spacingNew', true);
} else
// control = new sap.ui.commons.Label();
// control.bindProperty("text", "itm_price");
// control.addStyleClass("search_middle_spacing");
// matrixCell.addContent(control);
Your custom code block adds multiple rows because the CUSTOM_POST_EXIT function is called for every event on a view. Multiple events on a single view are fired (beforerender, render, ondatamodelloaded, etc). The methodName argument is the name of the event. Try this
function ADDCUSTOMFIELD1() {};
ADDCUSTOMFIELD1.prototype.CUSTOM_POST_EXIT = function(methodName, view, controller, methodSignaure) {
var viewId = controller && controller.getView().getId();
console.log(viewId, methodName)
if (viewId === 'name_of_your_view' && methodName === 'onDataModelLoaded')
//implement your customization
You should see this function is being called for every view on your page an multiple times per view.
So you should check for which view and eventName the CUSTOM_POST_EXIT method is being called for and implement your customization only in 1 view/event combination.

In ember, how do I pass view data from a drag into a drop?

I'm using ember latest and jquery.ui's Draggable and Droppable. I am also using some mixins that a talented ember person created to make a Draggable and Droppable view in ember. Here's the fiddle:
I need to attach the view's content to the drag event so that I can access it in the drop event. With straight up jquery, I know you'd do $(..).draggable({ .. }).data("myData","some data here"); but I don't know how to reference the view's content in this ember implementation.
Here's a snippet from App.Draggable in the fiddle:
App.Draggable = JQ.Draggable.extend({
appendTo: 'body',
helper: function() {
$(this).data("myData","this is where actual data would go");
JQ.Draggable extends Ember.View. Inside the helper() function, 'this' refers to the actual DOM element, I don't know how to refer to the View's variables. I want to pass the view's content so that it can be retrieved here:
App.Droppable = JQ.Droppable.extend({
drop: function(event,ui) {
alert('Dropped! ' + $(ui.draggable).data("myData"));
The template for the draggable looks like this:
{{#view App.Draggable contentBinding="App.anObject"}}Drag me{{/view}}
and I would like to pass that content. Please have a look at the fiddle, the pertinent functions are defined at the bottom of the javascript.
answering my own question here.
i attached the data in the didInsertElement callback as follows:
App.DraggableDataView = App.Draggable.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
var element = this.get('element');