Batching of Dataset Spark scala - scala

I am trying to create batches of rows of Dataset in Spark.
For maintaining the number of records sent to service I want to batch the items so that i can maintain the rate at which the data will be sent.
case class Person(name:String, address: String)
case class PersonBatch(personBatch: List[Person])
For a given Dataset[Person] I want to create Dataset[PersonBatch]
For example if input Dataset[Person] has 100 records the output Dataset should be like Dataset[PersonBatch] where every PersonBatchshould be list of n records (Person).
I have tried this but it din't work.
object DataBatcher extends Logger {
var batchList: ListBuffer[PersonBatch] = ListBuffer[PersonBatch]()
var batchSize: Long = 500 //default batch size
def addToBatchList(batch: PersonBatch): Unit = {
batchList += batch
def clearBatchList(): Unit = {
def createBatches(ds: Dataset[Person]): Dataset[PersonBatch] = {
val dsCount = ds.count()"Count of dataset passed for creating batches : ${dsCount}")
val batchElement = ListBuffer[Person]()
val batch = PersonBatch(batchElement)
ds.foreach(x => {
batch.personBatch += x
if(batch.personBatch.length == batchSize) {
if(batch.personBatch.length > 0) {
I want to run this job on Hadoop cluster.
Can some help me with this ?

rdd.iterator has grouped function may be useful for you.
for example :
Sample code snippet which does batch insert with iter.grouped(batchsize) here its 1000 and Im trying to insert in to database
df.repartition(numofpartitionsyouwant) // numPartitions ~ number of simultaneous DB connections you can planning to give...
def insertToTable(sqlDatabaseConnectionString: String,
sqlTableName: String): Unit = {
val tableHeader: String = dataFrame.columns.mkString(",")
dataFrame.foreachPartition { partition =>
//NOTE : EACH PARTITION ONE CONNECTION (more better way is to use connection pools)
val sqlExecutorConnection: Connection =
//Batch size of 1000 is used since some databases cant use batch size more than 1000 for ex : Azure sql
partition.grouped(1000).foreach { group =>
val insertString: scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder =
new scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder()
group.foreach { record =>
insertString.append("('" + record.mkString(",") + "'),")
.executeUpdate(f"INSERT INTO [$sqlTableName] ($tableHeader) VALUES "
+ insertString.stripSuffix(","))
sqlExecutorConnection.close() // close the connection so that connections wont exhaust.

val tableHeader: String = dataFrame.columns.mkString(",")
dataFrame.foreachPartition((it: Iterator[Row]) => {
println("partition index: " )
val url = "jdbc:...+ "user=;password=;"
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
val stmt = conn.createStatement()
val batchSize = 10
var i =0
while (it.hasNext) {
val row =
import java.sql.SQLException
import java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
try {
stmt.addBatch(" UPDATE TABLE SET STATUS = 0 , " +
" DATE ='" + new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) +"'" +
" where id = " + row.getAs("IDNUM") )
i += 1
if ( i % batchSize == 0 ) {
} catch {
case e: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException =>
case e: SQLException =>
finally {
import java.util
val ret = stmt.executeBatch
System.out.println("Ret val: " + util.Arrays.toString(ret))
System.out.println("Update count: " + stmt.getUpdateCount)


How to push datastream to kafka topic by retaining the order using string method in Flink Kafka Problem

I am trying to create a JSON dataset every 500 ms and want to push it to the Kafka topic so that I can set up some windows in the downstream and perform computations. Below is my code:
package KafkaAsSource
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringSchema
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer.Semantic
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.{FlinkKafkaProducer}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internals.KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.{Optional, Properties}
object PushingDataToKafka {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val stream: DataStream[String] = env.fromElements(createData())
def getProperties(): Properties = {
val properties = new Properties()
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181")
return properties
def createData(): String = {
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 1000
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format( + "\"\n \n}"
return jsonData
def sendToTopic(): Properties = {
val producer = new FlinkKafkaProducer[String](
new KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper[String](new SimpleStringSchema())
return producer
It gives me below error:
type mismatch;
found : Any
required: org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction[String]
Modified Code:
object FlinkTest {
def main(ars: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
var stream = env.fromElements("")
//val stream: DataStream[String] = env.fromElements("hey mc", "1")
val myProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer[String](
"maddy", // target topic
new KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper[String](new SimpleStringSchema()), // serialization schema
getProperties(), // producer config
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 10
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format( + "\"\n \n}"
stream = env.fromElements(jsonData)
def getProperties(): Properties = {
val properties = new Properties()
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181")
return properties
def createData(): String = {
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 10
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format( + "\"\n \n}"
return jsonData
Modified Code gives me the data in the Kafka topic but it doesn't retain the order. What am I doing wrong here in the loops? Also, had to change the version of Flink to 1.12.2 from 1.13.5.
I was initially using Flink 1.13.5, Connectors and Scala of 2.11. What exactly I am missing over here?
A couple of things about this loop:
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData =
"{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\""
+ DateTimeFormatter
.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
.format( + "\"\n \n}"
stream = env.fromElements(jsonData)
The sleep is happening in the Flink client, and only affects how long it takes the client to assemble the job graph before submitting it to the cluster. It has no effect on how the job runs.
This loop is creating 10 separate pipelines that will run independently, in parallel, all producing to the same Kafka topic. Those pipelines are going to race against each other.
To get the behavior you're looking for (a global ordering across a single pipeline) you'll want to produce all of the events from a single source (in order, of course), and run the job with a parallelism of one. Something like this would do it:
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment, _}
object FlinkTest {
def main(ars: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val myProducer = ...
val jsonData = (i: Long) => ...
env.fromSequence(0, 9)
.map(i => jsonData(i))
You can leave maxParallelism at 256 (or at its default value of 128); it's not particularly relevant here. The maxParallelism is the number of hash buckets that keyBy will hash the keys into, and it defines an upper limit on the scalability of the job.

How to create a DataFrame using a string consisting of key-value pairs?

I'm getting logs from a firewall in CEF Format as a string which looks as:
ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DSE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0
How can I create a DataFrame from this kind of string where I'm getting key-value pairs separated by = ?
My objective is to infer schema from this string using the keys dynamically, i.e extract the keys from left side of the = operator and create a schema using them.
What I have been doing currently is pretty lame(IMHO) and not very dynamic in approach.(because the number of key-value pairs can change as per different type of logs)
val a: String = "ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DCE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0"
val ttype: String = "DCE"
type parseReturn = (String,String,List[String],Int)
def cefParser(a: String, ttype: String): parseReturn = {
val firstPart = a.split("\\|")
var pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
var listSize: Int = 0
if (firstPart.size == 8 && firstPart(4) == ttype) {
pD += firstPart(0)
pD += firstPart(1)
pD += firstPart(2)
pD += firstPart(3)
pD += firstPart(4)
pD += firstPart(5)
pD += firstPart(6)
val secondPart = parseSecondPart(firstPart(7), ttype)
pD ++= secondPart
listSize = pD.toList.length
(firstPart(2), ttype, pD.toList, listSize)
} else {
val temp: List[String] = List(a)
(firstPart(2), "IRRELEVANT", temp, temp.length)
The method parseSecondPart is:
def parseSecondPart(m:String, ttype:String): ListBuffer[String] = ttype match {
case auditActivity.ttype=>parseAuditEvent(m)
Another function call to just replace some text in the logs
def parseAuditEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val updated_msg = msg.replace("cat=", "metadata_event_type=")
.replace("destinationtranslatedaddress=", "event_user_ip=")
.replace("duser=", "event_user_id=")
.replace("deviceprocessname=", "event_service_name=")
.replace("cn3=", "metadata_offset=")
.replace("outcome=", "event_success=")
.replace("devicecustomdate1=", "event_utc_timestamp=")
.replace("rt=", "metadata_event_creation_time=")
Final function to get only the values:
def parseEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val newMsg = msg.replace("\\=", "$_equal_$")
val pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
val splitData = newMsg.split("=")
val mSize = splitData.size
for (i <- 1 until mSize) {
if(i < mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).split(" ")
val b = a.size-1
val c = a.slice(0,b).mkString(" ")
pD += c.replace("$_equal_$","=")
} else if(i == mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).replace("$_equal_$","=")
pD += a
} else {
The returns contains a ListBuffer[String]at 3rd position, using which I create a DataFrame as follows:
val df = ss.sqlContext
.createDataFrame(tempRDD.filter(x => x._1 != "IRRELEVANT")
.map(x => Row.fromSeq(x._3)), schema)
People of stackoverflow, i really need your help in improving my code, both for performance and approach.
Any kind of help and/or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks In Advance.

How to find the number of lines and different elements in a file and writing them on header, Scala

I have something like:
object Example_01_IO {
val s = Source.fromFile("example_01.txt")
val source = s.getLines()
val destination = new PrintWriter(new File("des_example_01.txt"))
var nrVariables: Int = 0
var nrLines: Int = 0
// here are the extracted lines from example_01 that fulfills some conditions.
val linesToWrite: Iterator[String] = ...
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//Here is the header that I want to write in a destination file
destination.write("des_example_01.txt \n")
destination.write("Nr. of Variables and Lines: " + nrVariables + " " + nrLines + "\n")
for(line <- linesToWrite) {
nrLines += 1
I need to have the values for nrVariables and nrLines to write in the header of the destination file (e.g., in the second row). Is there a possibility to calculate these two values before starting to write the other lines?
Any help or reference is really welcomed. Thank you.
Well, Source.fromFile can not be reused, the one below works fine:
package example
object Example_01_IO {
def s = Source.fromFile("/tmp/example_01.txt") // notice def everywhere, looks like Source.fromFile could not be reused :(
def source = s.getLines()
val destination = new PrintWriter(new File("/tmp/des_example_01.txt"))
var nrVariables: Int = 0
var nrLines: Int = 0
// here are the extracted lines from example_01 that fulfills some conditions.
def linesToWrite: Iterator[String] = source.filter { s => s.contains("a") }
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
linesToWrite.foreach { s =>
nrLines += 1
if (s contains "variable") {
nrVariables += 1
//Here is the header that I want to write in a destination file
destination.write("des_example_01.txt \n")
destination.write("Nr. of Variables and Lines: " + nrVariables + " " + nrLines + "\n")
for(line <- linesToWrite) {
/*nrLines += 1*/

Scala Tail Recursion java.lang.StackOverflowError

I am iteratively querying a mysql table called txqueue that is growing continuously.
Each successive query only considers rows that were inserted into the txqueue table after the query executed in the previous iteration.
To achieve this, each successive query selects rows from the table where the primary key (seqno field in my example below) exceeds the maximum seqno observed in the previous query.
Any newly inserted rows identified in this way are written into a csv file.
The intention is for this process to run indefinitely.
The tail recursive function below works OK, but after a while it runs into a java.lang.StackOverflowError. The results of each iterative query contains two to three rows and results are returned every second or so.
Any ideas on how to avoid the java.lang.StackOverflowError?
Is this actually something that can/should be achieved with streaming?
Many thanks for any suggestions.
Here's the code that works for a while:
object TXQImport {
val driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
val url = "jdbc:mysql://mysqlserveraddress/mysqldb"
val username = "username"
val password = "password"
var connection:Connection = null
def txImportLoop(startID : BigDecimal) : Unit = {
try {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)
val statement = connection.createStatement()
val newMaxID = statement.executeQuery("SELECT max(seqno) as maxid from txqueue")
val maxid = new Iterator[BigDecimal] {
def hasNext =
def next() = newMaxID.getBigDecimal(1)
val selectStatement = statement.executeQuery("SELECT seqno,someotherfield " +
" from txqueue where seqno >= " + startID + " and seqno < " + maxid)
if(startID != maxid) {
val ts = System.currentTimeMillis
val file = new"F:\\txqueue " + ts + ".txt")
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
// Iterate Over ResultSet
while ( {
bw.write(selectStatement.getString(1) + "," + selectStatement.getString(2))
catch {
case e => e.printStackTrace
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Your function is not tail-recursive (because of the catch in the end).
That's why you end up with stack overflow.
You should always annotate the functions you intend to be tail-recursive with #scala.annotation.tailrec - it will fail compilation in case tail recursion is impossible, so that you won't be surprised by it at run time.

scala priority queue not ordering properly?

I'm seeing some strange behavior with Scala's collection.mutable.PriorityQueue. I'm performing an external sort and testing it with 1M records. Each time I run the test and verify the results between 10-20 records are not sorted properly. I replace the scala PriorityQueue implementation with a java.util.PriorityQueue and it works 100% of the time. Any ideas?
Here's the code (sorry it's a bit long...). I test it using the tools gensort -a 1000000 and valsort from
def externalSort(inFileName: String, outFileName: String)
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
val MaxTempFiles = 1024
val TempBufferSize = 4096
val inFile = new
/** Partitions input file and sorts each partition */
def partitionAndSort()(implicit ord: Ordering[String]):
List[] = {
/** Gets block size to use */
def getBlockSize: Long = {
var blockSize = inFile.length / MaxTempFiles
val freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
if (blockSize < freeMem / 2)
blockSize = freeMem / 2
else if (blockSize >= freeMem)
System.err.println("Not enough free memory to use external sort.")
/** Sorts and writes data to temp files */
def writeSorted(buf: List[String]): = {
// Create new temp buffer
val tmp ="external", "sort")
// Sort buffer and write it out to tmp file
val out = new
try {
for (l <- buf.sorted) {
} finally {
val blockSize = getBlockSize
var tmpFiles = List[]()
var buf = List[String]()
var currentSize = 0
// Read input and divide into blocks
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile(inFile).getLines()) {
if (currentSize > blockSize) {
tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
buf = List[String]()
currentSize = 0
buf ::= line
currentSize += line.length() * 2 // 2 bytes per char
if (currentSize > 0) tmpFiles ::= writeSorted(buf)
/** Merges results of sorted partitions into one output file */
def mergeSortedFiles(fs: List[])
(implicit ord: Ordering[String]): Int = {
/** Temp file buffer for reading lines */
class TempFileBuffer(val file: {
private val in = new
new, TempBufferSize)
private var curLine: String = ""
readNextLine() // prep first value
def currentLine = curLine
def isEmpty = curLine == null
def readNextLine() {
if (curLine == null) return
try {
curLine = in.readLine()
} catch {
case _: => curLine = null
if (curLine == null) in.close()
override protected def finalize() {
try {
} finally {
val wrappedOrd = new Ordering[TempFileBuffer] {
def compare(o1: TempFileBuffer, o2: TempFileBuffer): Int = {, o2.currentLine)
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[TempFileBuffer](
// Init queue with item from each file
for (tmp <- fs) {
val buf = new TempFileBuffer(tmp)
if (!buf.isEmpty) pq += buf
var count = 0
val out = new
try {
// Read each value off of queue
while (pq.size > 0) {
val buf = pq.dequeue()
count += 1
if (buf.isEmpty) {
buf.file.delete() // don't need anymore
} else {
// re-add to priority queue so we can process next line
pq += buf
} finally {
My tests don't show any bugs in PriorityQueue.
import org.scalacheck._
import Prop._
object PriorityQueueProperties extends Properties("PriorityQueue") {
def listToPQ(l: List[String]): PriorityQueue[String] = {
val pq = new PriorityQueue[String]
l foreach (pq +=)
def pqToList(pq: PriorityQueue[String]): List[String] =
if (pq.isEmpty) Nil
else { val h = pq.dequeue; h :: pqToList(pq) }
property("Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order") =
forAll { (l: List[String]) => l.sorted == pqToList(listToPQ(l)).reverse }
property("Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting") =
forAll { (l: List[String], s: String) =>
(l.size > 0) ==>
((s :: l.sorted.init).sorted == {
val pq = listToPQ(l)
pq += s
scala> PriorityQueueProperties.check
+ PriorityQueue.Enqueued elements are dequeued in reverse order: OK, passed
100 tests.
+ PriorityQueue.Adding/removing elements doesn't break sorting: OK, passed
100 tests.
If you could somehow reduce the input enough to make a test case, it would help.
I ran it with five million inputs several times, output matched expected always. My guess from looking at your code is that your Ordering is the problem (i.e. it's giving inconsistent answers.)