Duplicate Virtual Object in Tango AR Unity - unity3d

Can someone tell me why this is happen? i follow the tutorial from Tango AR to place virtual object in Augmented Reality. After i place the object, the camera freeze and the kitten got duplicate when i move the smartphone. I'm using Unity 5.6.2 and for Lenovo for Tango.
Below are the sample image from my android device.

Change the camera clear flags from depth to solid color and it should be ok

Turn off shadows on your light. That way you can keep the clear flags set to depth.


Absence of texture on 3D model in AR application made with Unity 3D and Region Capture

I'm working on a little AR coloring book application using Unity and Vuforia. I did something similar a few years back, but now, with the new updates, they changed a lot of things (I'm using Unity 2017.3, Vuforia 7 and Texture Region Capture 2.0.6 available here https://github.com/maximrouf/RegionCapture).
When the Image Target is shown, a 3D model of that image appears and you should be able to color it. The problem is that on the 3D model I can see all the things captured by the camera, not only the texture, as shown in the image below.
Now, I don't know the reason for this, I tried looking at other tutorials, but even the scripts for this version of Region Capture differ. Below are some pictures containing the way I attached the cameras and the game object to the scripts..
Please help me find a solution.
I have faced the same problem today so I post here the solution hoping that this will help people who encounter the same problem.
To solve it, I had to link the Region Capture to my Image Target and resize it to match the Image Target's size:

Unity gear VR reticle pointer shows double when focusing on close objects

I'm developing a VR app in Unity for the Samsung Gear VR and I'm trying to implement a pointer so the user can interact with the objects in the scene. When you look at distant objects it looks fine, but when you focus on close objects (which is highly needed for the app mechanics) the pointer appears to be duplicated, so you need to center the desired object in the middle of the points :P
What I've tried
-Using the GvrReticlePointer that comes with the GoogleVR package for cardboard
-Creating my own pointer by adding a canvas to the main camera with an image in the center
-Changing some of the Camera settings like field of view, stereo separation, etc.
-Configure my phone via a QR code http://imgur.com/fVrNrQk
Steps to reproduce (With canvas added to camera)
1.- Create a simple scene with a few objects to look at in Unity
2.- Set build settings for android
3.- Configure player settings to enable "Virtiual Reality Supported"
4.- Add Oculus as Virtual Reality SDK
5.- Set package name and minimum API level
6.- Add a canvas to the camera
7.- Add an image to the canvas, a cross will do the job
I'm using Unity 5.6.0b10 since google cardboard's site recommends using this version for the GoogleVR package. And I'm using the Samsung Gear VR with a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge + phone.
Apparently this is a well documented issue called voluntary Diplopia, and it's a human bug not a software one (read here, Unity's documentation, section The Reticle Interaction in VR).
The problem is trying to put the reticle at a fixed point in the user interface, like traditional 3D games. When looking at closer objects in VR this is going to cause this seeing double problem.
The solution is to position the reticle at the point in the 3D space the user is looking at. If he's looking closer, the reticle is drawn closer. Of course now you also have to scale the reticle accordingly, so the users can see it the same size no matter where they're looking at.
Unity also provides some example scripts about this, you can find them in the assets store, is called VR Samples.
Now I have performance issues (I'm working on mobile platforms): sometimes, when you turn your head fast you can see the reticle where it was drawn before. But looks way better than the double reticle version.

Rotate the AR Object to always face the camera using kudan AR

I'm developing a game similar to Pokemon Go in Unity3D. Using Kudan AR SDK. My requirements are straightforward, the AR object must face the camera at all times. I am totally clueless on how to get this done with Kudan AR.
In other words, i wanna disable the gyroscope's rotation data from kudan.
This isn't really a KudanAR issue. Unity3D handles all of the rendering, so if you want your model to face in a different direction you will need to achieve this using Unity's APIs.
Kudan's Unity plugin is only responsible for the computer vision side of things, meaning that it takes care of the recognition and tracking.
The solution is the following in the scripts of your objects:
First declare:
public Transform player;
and link your Kudan Camera to the player in the inspector chase skript of your object:
And the importend line in the update method:
this.transform.LookAt (player);
Your object is now looking at you.
Hope this helps!

Vuforia not showing what the webcam sees in Unity while still capturing the marker

I am making a first-person game using Unity and Vuforia. What I'm trying to achieve is that the user can have a marker attached on an object that can be held in his hand (a bottle, a book, or toy). So when he plays the game, he can hold the object in his hand, have the object facing the webcam, and move or rotate the object to control the first person character in Unity, e.g., tilt the marker-attached bottle in physical world so the first person character moves forward in Unity's virtual world. ps. by virtual world I mean just a basic first-person character walking around in a room, not the kind of VR that involves Oculus Rift.
I just played around with Vuforia. The good thing is I can choose my own image as the marker (looks like not every marker-based Unity plug-in can do this). But with Vuforia, can I create a virtual environment that's not showing the webcam's view? I did a basic Vuforia + Unity tutorial that only shows what the webcam captures and overlays a virtual cube on the detected marker. Summary of what I need is: not showing the webcam's view but still have the webcam functioning that it can capture the marker and I can use its position/rotation. In a way you can say I am just using the marker+webcam combo as a sensor used to control my virtual world activity.
From what I get it appears you want to use your marker as a target object to control motion in AR..
You'll have to build the functionality in Unity only as to what you want it to do specifically according to your set gameplay..
For example if you want a virtual dog to follow a target object, one easy way to do it is to provide an offset between the marker and the game Object and play a walking/running animation.
So it will appear as if the object is always following the marker, whereas in reality it is playing same animation at a constant distance.
As far as importing the marker is concerned.. It is no different than what you must have done with your cube..
In your Vuforia account Dev Portal:
Download the Vuforia SDK and import in your Unity asset folder.
Go to Liscense Manager under Develop tab and add a Liscense Key.
Now go to the Target Manager and add your images in the Databse which you want as target. (make sure the image quality is good for it to work prperly)
Now download the database and import it in your Assets folder in Unity.
Now go to your Liscense Manager again and copy your Liscense key and Open Vuforia Configuration under Vuforia Behaviour (Script) when you click on AR Camera, you'll find a dialog box there, paste this key there.
Save the build and run your game in Unity and bring the marker in front of the Webcam and it should work properly.
Hope this helps.

Unity- Photosphere Photo Viewer for Google Cardboard

I am trying to build a Photosphere-like application with Unity3D and use it along with Google cardboard.
I need to load different panoramic view photos and be able to view them stereoscopically, by using the Cardboard goggles.
I am having problem to use the pano images and render it into stereoscopic view in Unity.
Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
Simplest solution that I can give to you:
A. Install your Unity Pro with Android Pro plugins, setup
Cardboard SDK For Unity, install Android Build tools and SDK.
B Setup Skybox
Get a stereoscopic panorama image (Might take a while to load the image as it is a high resolution image).
In Unity, import the image, change the Texture Type to Cubemap. Select the Mapping as Cylindrical (Lat and Long).
Create a Material, change the Shader to Skybox/Cubemap.
Assign the texture to the material.
In Unity 5 Pro topbar, select Window -> Ligthing, drag the material to the Skybox property. In this step you can do it programmatically. Combine these steps with the Cardboard assets and game objects. Voila, you've made a VR panorama stereoscopic Cardboard app! The whole setup is just take out your five minutes(excluding setup your tools :D).
If you're familiar with Unity, you know exactly what to do on my instructions. If you stuck at somewhere in my steps, feel free to ask me. Happy coding :)
Extra tips:
You can make the large textures files into Asset Bundles, act like a dynamic content which is stored in the server. Your app is just simply a small-size empty app. When app launches, request and download the asset bundles from server then manipulate the textures. :)
Super extra tip: Don't forget to generate asset bundles under Android Build Settings. If not, your textures will be corrupted when the bundle is downloaded to Android phones.
Make a sphere, write a shader so that it is not back culled and it can be seen from the inside. Use the pano image as a texture on the sphere. Place a VR camera rig in the center of the sphere. If you want true stereo, create two such spheres with separate textures for the left and right eye. Place the spheres at the lcoations of the cameras in the rig. Use layer culling so that each camera only sees the proper sphere.